changeset 0 09774dfdd46b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/internetradio2.0/activeidlethemes/themes/ActiveIdle/activeidle.xml	Mon Apr 19 14:01:53 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,2902 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE xmluiml SYSTEM "ActiveIdle.dtd">
+<xmluiml xmlns="" version="1.0">
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+  <!--Application events -->
+  <actions>
+    <action>
+      <trigger name="startup"/>
+      <trigger name="uidefinitionmodificationend"/>
+      <event name="READY"/>
+    </action>
+    <action>
+      <trigger name="shutdown"/>
+      <event name="DOWN"/>
+    </action>
+    <action>
+      <trigger name="uidefinitionmodificationstart"/>
+      <event name="NEW_UI"/>
+    </action>
+    <action>
+      <trigger name="screendevicechange"/>
+      <event name="LAYOUT"/>
+    </action>
+  </actions>
+  <!-- Views -->
+  <views>
+    <!--###########################
+        #####   AI plug-ins   #####
+        ###########################-->
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="Shortcut" value="0x102750FA" load_ordinal="1"/>
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="Organizer" value="0x102750FE" load_ordinal="2"/>
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="MusicPlayer" value="0x10207B73" load_ordinal="3"/>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="Profile" value="0x10275101" load_ordinal="5"/>
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="SAT" value="0x102078EB" load_ordinal="6"/>
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="VisualRadio" value="0x10208A89" load_ordinal="7"/>
+    <property class="ContentSource" name="InetRadio" value="0x2000B4A7" load_ordinal="8"/>
+    <!--###################################
+        ###  Plug-in specific settings  ###
+        ###################################-->
+    <!--###################################
+        ###  Shortcut plug-in settings   ##
+        ###################################-->
+    <!-- Always visible shortcuts -->
+    <!-- Shortcut #1, Messaging -->
+    <!-- NOTE: these indexes start from 1 -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000001" value="localapp:0x100058C5"/>
+    <!-- Shortcut #2, Phonebook -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000002" value="localapp:0x101F4CCE"/>
+    <!-- Shortcut #3, Clock -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000003" value="localapp:0x10005903"/>
+    <!-- Shortcut #4, Media Gallery 2 -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000004" value="localapp:0x101F8599"/>
+    <!-- Shortcut #5, Browser -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000005" value="localapp:0x10008D39"/>
+    <!-- Shortcut #6, Change theme -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x00000006" value="localapp:0x10005A32?view=0x102750A7"/>
+    <!-- NOTE! Shortcut settings are used also in Personalization UI (see settings below). -->
+    <!-- Optionally visible shortcuts -->
+    <!-- Soft key #1, Applications -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x01000100" value="localapp:0x101F4CD2"/>
+    <!-- Soft key #2, Contacts -->
+    <property class="Settings/Shortcut" name="0x01000101" value="localapp:0x101F4CCE"/>
+    <!--###################################
+        ###  Organizer plug-in settings  ##
+        ###################################-->
+    <!--  Item count and size settings -->
+    <!--        Total line count  -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x01" value="6"/>
+    <!--        Timed item line count -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x02" value="2"/>
+    <!--        Non Timed item line count -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x03" value="1"/>
+    <!--        Line count reserved for non timed items -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x04" value="2"/>
+        <!-- Publish end time for upcoming timed items -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x05" value="0"/>
+        <!-- Use alternate publishing for upcoming and ongoing items -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x06" value="0"/>
+        <!-- Open event to viewer 0 / editor 1 -->
+    <property class="Settings/Organizer" name="0x07" value="0"/>
+    <!-- Main view -->
+    <view id="ActiveIdleView">
+      <actions>
+        <action id="KeyEnd">
+          <trigger name="keyevent">
+            <property name="scancode" value="197"/>
+            <property name="eventtype" value="1"/>
+          </trigger>
+          <event name="system/setfocus">
+            <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+          </event>
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="block"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="none"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="none"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="none"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="none"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+          <event name="system/set">
+            <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+            <property name="name" value="display"/>
+            <property name="value" value="none"/>
+            <property name="type" value="string"/>
+          </event>
+        </action>
+      </actions>
+      <!--################################
+        ####    Plug-in icon bar    ####
+        ################################-->
+      <box id="pluginIconArea" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+        <!-- Shortcut plug-in
+          ##################-->
+        <image id="shortcutPluginIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 6186)" class="pluginAreaIcon" focusable="true" stylusstates="2">
+          <actions>
+            <!-- Get focus -> Hide SAT & NT, show plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="1"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Arrow left -> Hide plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="down"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="2"/>
+              </trigger>              
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            </action>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            <!-- Click Select key or tap icon -->
+            <!--action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="ui/focusgained(shortcutPluginContainer,SATAndNewstickerBox)"/>
+            </action-->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger class="western" name="up"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="down"/> 
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginAnimationFixButton"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutButton1"/>         
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Select text to MSK label -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </image>
+        <!-- Organizer plug-in
+           #################-->
+        <image id="organizerPluginIcon" path="SKIN(270501046 268458241)" class="pluginAreaIcon" focusable="true" stylusstates="2">
+          <actions>
+            <!-- Show plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="1"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Hide plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="2"/>
+              </trigger>                            
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>    
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            </action>
+            <!-- Move focus to plug-in content -->
+            <!--action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="ui/focusgained(organizerPluginContainer,SATAndNewstickerBox)"/>
+            </action-->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger class="western" name="up"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="down"/> 
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Select text to MSK label -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </image>
+        <!-- Music player plug-in
+           ####################-->
+        <image id="musicPlayerPluginIcon" path="SKIN(270501046 270561987)" class="pluginAreaIcon" focusable="true" stylusstates="2">
+          <actions>
+            <!-- Show plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="1"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Hide plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="2"/>
+              </trigger>                            
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>      
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            </action>
+            <!-- Move focus to plug-in content -->
+            <!--action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="ui/focusgained(playerPluginContainer,SATAndNewstickerBox)"/>
+            </action-->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger class="western" name="up"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="down"/> 
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="playerTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Select text to MSK label -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </image>
+        <!-- Visual/Internet Radio plug-in
+           ####################-->
+        <image id="radioPluginIcon" path="iractiveidle.mif#0" class="pluginAreaIcon" focusable="true" stylusstates="2">
+          <actions>
+            <!-- Show plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="1"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Hide plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="2"/>
+              </trigger>                            
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>      
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            </action>
+            <!-- Move focus to plug-in content -->
+            <!--action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="ui/focusgained(playerPluginContainer,SATAndNewstickerBox)"/>
+            </action-->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger class="western" name="up"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="down"/> 
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="radioTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Select text to MSK label -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </image>
+        <!-- Personalization plug-in
+             ####################### -->
+        <image id="personalizationPluginIcon" path="SKIN(270501046 268458546)" class="pluginAreaIcon" focusable="true" stylusstates="2">
+          <actions>
+            <!-- Show plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="1"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <!-- Hide plug-in content -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="stylusstate" value="2"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            </action>
+            <!-- Move focus to plug-in content -->
+            <!--action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="ui/focusgained(personalizationPluginContainer,SATAndNewstickerBox)"/>
+            </action-->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <trigger class="western" name="up"/>
+              <trigger class="arabic" name="down"/> 
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+            <!-- Select text to MSK label -->
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </image>
+      </box>
+      <!-- Container area for the plugin content for the following plugins:
+            Shortcuts, Organizer, Player, Personalization -->
+      <box id="pluginContainerArea" focusable="false">
+        <!--#################################
+          #####    Shortcut plugin    #####
+          #################################-->
+        <box id="shortcutPluginContainer" class="pluginContainer" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+          <!-- fake button to go around a bug in the animation system. Button is hidden. -->
+          <button id="shortcutPluginAnimationFixButton" class="fakeButton" focusable="true" />
+          <!-- Plugin title -->
+            <text id="shortcutTitleText" class="titleText" focusable="true">&qtn_ai_shorts_title;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/ShowSettings"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+        </text>
+          <!-- Shortcut items -->
+          <!-- Shortcuts are not locked. I.e. they are dynamically published by the shortcut plug-in. -->
+          <!-- #1 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton1" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+            <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000001"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000001)"/>
+                <!-- Messaging -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #2 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton2" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+            <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000002"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000002)"/>
+                <!-- Contacts -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #3 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton3" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000003"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000003)"/>
+                <!-- Clock -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #4 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton4" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+            <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000004"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000004)"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+      </text>
+          <!-- #5 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton5" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+            <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000005"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000005)"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+      </text>
+          <!-- #6 -->
+          <text id="shortcutButton6" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+            <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x00000006"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x00000006)"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="shortcutPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- UI resources -->
+          <desc id="Shortcut/EmptyCaption">&shortcut_EmptyCaption;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/BackCaption">&text_softkey_back;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewMessageCaption">&qtn_set_idle_skey_new_msg;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewEmailCaption">&qtn_set_idle_skeys_email_editor;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewSyncMLMailCaption">&qtn_apps_syncml_mail_gs;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewPostcardCaption">&qtn_apps_mmspostcard_gs;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewAudioMsgCaption">&qtn_apps_audio_msg_gs;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/SelectMsgTypeCaption">&qtn_set_idle_skey_select_msg_type;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/ChangeThemeCaption">&qtn_apps_idle_skin_gs;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewMessageShortCaption">&qtn_idle_skey_new_msg;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewEmailShortCaption">&qtn_apps_email_skey;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewSyncMLMailShortCaption">&qtn_apps_syncml_mail_skey;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewPostcardShortCaption">&qtn_apps_mmspostcard_skey;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/NewAudioMsgShortCaption">&qtn_apps_audio_msg_skey;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/SelectMsgTypeShortCaption">&qtn_set_idle_skey_select_msg_type;</desc>
+          <desc id="Shortcut/ChangeThemeShortCaption">&qtn_apps_idle_skin_skey;</desc>
+        </box>
+        <!--###############################
+          ####   Organizer plugin    ####
+          ###############################-->
+        <box id="organizerPluginContainer" class="pluginContainer" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+          <!-- there is a fake button in the shortcut plugin area. It is
+          used to go around a bug in the animation system. It reserves a little space,
+          so this is to fix that space in this plugin -->
+          <button id="organizeFakeButton" class="fakeButton" focusable="true" />
+          <!-- Organizer title -->
+            <text id="organizerTitle" class="titleText" focusable="true">&qtn_ai_cal_title;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(0)"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #1 -->
+          <button id="eventButton1" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(1)"/>
+              </action>
+          <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+          <!-- all the other elements are done using text elements -->
+          <!-- organiser item is done using 1-2 texts and 1 image element-->
+          <!-- so it needs to be done using buttons and these triggers -->
+           <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText1_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText1_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText1_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText1_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>               
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon1" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x01"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText1_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x01"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton1" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton1" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton1" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton1" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText1_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x01"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText1_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText1_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton1" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton1" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- #2 -->
+          <button id="eventButton2" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(2)"/>
+              </action>
+           <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+           <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText2_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText2_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText2_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText2_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>             
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon2" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <!--  path="qgn_indi_cdr_birthday.svg" -->
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x02"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText2_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x02"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton2" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton2" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText2_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x02"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText2_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText2_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton2" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton2" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- #3 -->
+          <button id="eventButton3" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(3)"/>
+              </action>
+          <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+         <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText3_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText3_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText3_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText3_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>           
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon3" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <!--  path="qgn_indi_cdr_todo.svg" -->
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x03"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText3_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x03"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton3" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton3" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton3" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton3" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText3_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x03"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText3_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText3_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton3" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton3" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- #4 -->
+          <button id="eventButton4" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(4)"/>
+              </action>
+         <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+          <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText4_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText4_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText4_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText4_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>               
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/>  <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon4" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x04"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText4_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x04"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton4" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton4" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton4" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton4" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText4_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x04"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText4_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText4_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton4" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton4" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- #5 -->
+          <button id="eventButton5" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(5)"/>
+              </action>
+          <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+          <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText5_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText5_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText5_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText5_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>              
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/>  <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon5" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x05"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText5_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x05"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton5" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton5" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton5" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton5" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText5_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x05"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText5_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText5_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton5" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton5" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- #6 -->
+          <button id="eventButton6" class="organizerButton" focusable="true">
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Organizer/ItemSelected(6)"/>
+              </action>
+          <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+           <action>
+          <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText6_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+           <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText6_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+        </action>
+        <action>
+          <trigger name="losefocus" />
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText6_1"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+             <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="Organizer/eventText6_2"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+            <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>      
+        </action>              
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/>  <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="organizerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+            <image id="Organizer/eventIcon6" class="eventIcon" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/EventIcon" name="ordinal" value="0x06"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText6_1" class="eventText1" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event1stLine" name="ordinal" value="0x06"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton6" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton6" value="nav-index: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton6" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton6" value="nav-index: auto;"/>
+            </text>
+            <text id="Organizer/eventText6_2" class="eventText2" focusable="false">
+              <property class="Organizer/Event2ndLine" name="ordinal" value="0x06"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the second event row -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="Organizer/eventText6_2" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="Organizer/eventText6_2" value="display: block;"/>
+              <!-- emptyContent/nonEmptyContent policies defined for the calendar event box -->
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="eventButton6" value="height: 13.3%;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="eventButton6" value="height: 27.22%;"/>
+            </text>
+          </button>
+          <!-- UI resources -->
+          <desc id="Organizer/NoEventsForToday">&qtn_ai_cale_no_event_today_short;</desc>
+          <desc id="Organizer/NoMoreEventsForToday">&qtn_ai_cale_no_more_ev_td_short;</desc>
+        </box>
+        <!--##############################
+          ####    Player plugin     ####
+          ##############################-->
+        <box id="playerPluginContainer" class="pluginContainer" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+          <!-- there is a fake button in the shortcut plugin area. It is
+          used to go around a bug in the animation system. It reserves a little space,
+          so this is to fix that space in this plugin -->
+<!--<button id="playerFakeButton" class="fakeButton" focusable="true" />-->
+            <text id="playerTitle" class="titleText" focusable="true">&qtn_ai_player_title;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="MusicPlayer/Library"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="right"/>
+                <trigger name="left"/>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="playerPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <box id="playerInActive" focusable="false">
+            <text id="musicPlayerInActive" focusable="false">
+              &qtn_ai_player_no_tracks;
+            </text>
+          </box>
+          <box id="volumeIndicator" focusable="true">
+        <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="musicPlayerVolumeDownIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 6419 19)" focusable="false" />
+        <!-- Highlighted version -->            
+            <image id="musicPlayerVolumeDownIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 6419 9)" focusable="false">
+              <!-- TODO: Check if image can contain actions -->
+              <actions>
+                <action>
+                  <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                  <trigger name="activate"/>
+                  <event name="MusicPlayer/VolDec"/>
+                  <event name="system/setfocus">
+                    <property name="id" value="volumeIndicator"/>
+                  </event>
+                </action>
+              </actions>
+            </image>
+            <!-- NOTE! Either speaker icon or muted speaker icon is visible, not both. See policy in volume control below. -->
+            <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="musicPlayerSpeakerIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 4332 19)" focusable="false"/>
+            <image id="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 4334 19)" focusable="false"/>
+        <!-- Highlighted version -->
+           <image id="musicPlayerSpeakerIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 4332 9)" focusable="false"/>
+           <image id="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 4334 9)" focusable="false"/>
+      <volumecontrol id="musicPlayerVolumeIcon" focusable="false">
+        <actions>
+         <action>
+           <trigger name="stylus"/>
+           <trigger name="stylus">
+             <property name="clicked" value="down"/>
+           </trigger>                  
+           <trigger name="stylus">
+             <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+           </trigger>                  
+           <event name="MusicPlayer/VolSet(slider::volume)"/>
+           <event name="system/setfocus">
+           <property name="id" value="volumeIndicator"/>
+           </event>
+         </action>
+        </actions>
+        <slider id="volslider">
+          <property class="MusicPlayer/Volume"/>
+          <!-- Normal versions of the icons -->
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIcon" value="if !(MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9, MusicPlayer/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeDownIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9, MusicPlayer/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeDownIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/> 
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeUpIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0, MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeUpIcon" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol10) display:none"/>
+          <!-- Highlighted versions of the icons -->              
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" value="if !(MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9, MusicPlayer/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerSpeakerIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeDownIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9, MusicPlayer/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeDownIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0) display:none"/>              
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeUpIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol0, MusicPlayer/Vol1, MusicPlayer/Vol2, MusicPlayer/Vol3, MusicPlayer/Vol4, MusicPlayer/Vol5, MusicPlayer/Vol6, MusicPlayer/Vol7, MusicPlayer/Vol8, MusicPlayer/Vol9 ) display:block"/>
+          <property class="policy/Resource" name="musicPlayerVolumeUpIconHighlight" value="if (MusicPlayer/Vol10) display:none"/>
+        </slider>
+       </volumecontrol>
+        <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="musicPlayerVolumeUpIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 6421 19)" focusable="false" />
+          <!-- Highlighted version -->       
+            <image id="musicPlayerVolumeUpIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 6421 9)" focusable="false">
+             <!-- TODO: Check if image can contain actions -->
+              <actions>
+                <action>
+                  <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                  <trigger name="activate"/>
+                  <event name="MusicPlayer/VolInc"/>
+                  <event name="system/setfocus">
+                    <property name="id" value="volumeIndicator"/>
+                  </event>
+                </action>
+              </actions>
+            </image>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="left"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="playerTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="up"/>
+                <event name="MusicPlayer/VolInc">
+                </event>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="down"/>
+                <event name="MusicPlayer/VolDec">
+                </event>
+              </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="playerTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value=""/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeDownIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeDownIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- speaker icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- volume up icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeUpIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeUpIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeDownIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeDownIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- speaker icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerSpeakerMutedIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- volume up icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeUpIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="musicPlayerVolumeUpIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+            </action>           
+          </actions>
+          </box>
+          <box id="infoArea" focusable="false">
+            <box id="trackAndArtist" focusable="false">
+              <box id="trackLine" focusable="false">
+                <text id="trackLine1" class="playerTextLine" focusable="false">
+                  <property class="MusicPlayer/Title"/>
+                </text>
+              </box>            
+              <box id="artistLine" focusable="false">
+                <text id="artistLine1" class="playerTextLine" focusable="false">
+                  <property class="MusicPlayer/Artist"/>
+                </text>
+              </box>
+            </box>
+            <box id="durationLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="time" focusable="false">
+                <property class="MusicPlayer/Duration"/>
+              </text>
+              <image id="statusIcon" class="playerStatusIcon" focusable="true">
+                <property class="MusicPlayer/Status"/>
+                <property class="policy/Content" name="volumeIndicator" value="display: block;"/>
+                <property class="policy/Content" name="infoArea" value="display: block;"/>
+                <property class="policy/Content" name="playerInActive" value="display: none;"/>
+                <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="playerInActive" value="display: block;"/>
+                <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="volumeIndicator" value="display: none;"/>
+                <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="infoArea" value="display: none;"/>
+              </image>
+            </box>
+          </box>
+          <!-- Image resources -->
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/PauseIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 5182)"/>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/PlayIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 5184)"/>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol0">0</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol1">1</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol2">2</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol3">3</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol4">4</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol5">5</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol6">6</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol7">7</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol8">8</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol9">9</desc>
+          <desc id="MusicPlayer/Vol10">10</desc>
+        </box>
+        <!--##############################
+          #### Visual/Internet Radio plugin ####
+          ##############################-->
+        <box id="radioPluginContainer" class="pluginContainer" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+          <button id="radioTitle" class="radioTitleButton" focusable="true">
+            <image id="invisibleTitleStatus" class="invisibleRadioTitleIcon" focusable="false">
+              <property class="VisualRadio/AppIcon" name="priority" value="0"/>
+              <property class="InetRadio/AppIcon" name="priority" value="1"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="radioTitleString" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioTitleString" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying, VisualRadio/VRInactive, InetRadio/IRPlaying, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="visualRadioTitleString" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="visualRadioTitleString" value="if (InetRadio/IRPlaying, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="visualRadioTitleString" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying, VisualRadio/VRInactive) display:block"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="inetRadioTitleString" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="inetRadioTitleString" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying, VisualRadio/VRInactive) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="inetRadioTitleString" value="if (InetRadio/IRPlaying, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:block"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="radioVolumeIndicator" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeIndicator" value="if (VisualRadio/VRInactive, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeIndicator" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying, InetRadio/IRPlaying) display:block"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="radioInactive" value="display: block;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioInactive" value="if (VisualRadio/VRInactive, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:block"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioInactive" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying, InetRadio/IRPlaying) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="visualRadioInfoArea" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="visualRadioInfoArea" value="if (VisualRadio/VRInactive, InetRadio/IRPlaying, InetRadio/IRStopped) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="visualRadioInfoArea" value="if (VisualRadio/VRPlaying) display:block"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="inetRadioInfoArea" value="display: none;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="inetRadioInfoArea" value="if (InetRadio/IRStopped, VisualRadio/VRPlaying, VisualRadio/VRInactive) display:none"/>
+              <property class="policy/Resource" name="inetRadioInfoArea" value="if (InetRadio/IRPlaying) display:block"/>
+            </image>
+            <text id="radioTitleString" class="radioTitleText" focusable="false">&qtn_vr_ai_radiolauncher;</text>
+            <text id="visualRadioTitleString" class="radioTitleText" focusable="false">&qtn_vr_ai_vradio_title;</text>
+            <text id="inetRadioTitleString" class="radioTitleText" focusable="false">&qtn_ir_ai_irapp_title;</text>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="gainfocus" />
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="visualRadioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="inetRadioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 9)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="losefocus" />
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="visualRadioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="inetRadioTitleString"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="color"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="SKIN(268458534 13056 19)"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="VisualRadio/LaunchRadio"/>
+				<event name="InetRadio/LaunchRadio"/>
+                <!-- Always let Visual Radio plug-in handle the launch event. It will start Radio Launcher. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="right"/>
+                <trigger name="left"/>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </button>
+          <box id="radioInactive" focusable="false">
+            <text id="radioInactiveText" focusable="false">&qtn_vr_ai_radio_not_active;</text>
+          </box>
+          <box id="radioVolumeIndicator" focusable="true">
+        <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="radioVolumeDownIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 6419 19)" focusable="false"/>
+        <!-- Highlighted version -->            
+            <image id="radioVolumeDownIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 6419 9)" focusable="false">
+              <!-- TODO: Check if image can contain actions -->
+              <actions>
+                <action>
+                  <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                  <trigger name="activate"/>
+                  <event name="VisualRadio/VolDec"/>
+                  <event name="InetRadio/VolDec"/>
+                  <event name="system/setfocus">
+                    <property name="id" value="radioVolumeIndicator"/>
+                  </event>
+                </action>
+              </actions>
+            </image>
+            <!-- NOTE! Either speaker icon or muted speaker icon is visible, not both. See policy in volume control below. -->
+            <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="radioSpeakerIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 4332 19)" focusable="false"/>
+            <image id="radioSpeakerMutedIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 4334 19)" focusable="false"/>
+            <!-- Highlighted version -->
+            <image id="radioSpeakerIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 4332 9)" focusable="false"/>
+            <image id="radioSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 4334 9)" focusable="false"/>
+            <volumecontrol id="radioVolumeIcon" focusable="false">
+              <actions>
+                <action>
+                  <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                  <trigger name="stylus">
+                    <property name="clicked" value="down"/>
+                  </trigger>                  
+                  <trigger name="stylus">
+                    <property name="doubleclicked" value="up"/>
+                  </trigger>                  
+                  <event name="VisualRadio/VolSet(radioSlider::volume)"/>
+                  <event name="InetRadio/VolSet(radioSlider::volume)"/>
+                  <event name="system/setfocus">
+                    <property name="id" value="radioVolumeIndicator"/>
+                  </event>
+                </action>
+              </actions>
+              <slider id="radioSlider">
+                <property class="VisualRadio/Volume" name="priority" value="0"/>
+                <property class="InetRadio/Volume" name="priority" value="1"/>
+                <!-- Normal versions of the icons -->
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerMutedIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerMutedIcon" value="if !(VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeDownIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeDownIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeUpIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeUpIcon" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol10) display:none"/>
+                <!-- Highlighted versions of the icons -->              
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerMutedIconHighlight" value="if !(VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioSpeakerIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeDownIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol10 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeDownIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol0) display:none"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeUpIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol0, VisualRadio/Vol1, VisualRadio/Vol2, VisualRadio/Vol3, VisualRadio/Vol4, VisualRadio/Vol5, VisualRadio/Vol6, VisualRadio/Vol7, VisualRadio/Vol8, VisualRadio/Vol9, InetRadio/Vol0, InetRadio/Vol1, InetRadio/Vol2, InetRadio/Vol3, InetRadio/Vol4, InetRadio/Vol5, InetRadio/Vol6, InetRadio/Vol7, InetRadio/Vol8, InetRadio/Vol9 ) display:block"/>
+                <property class="policy/Resource" name="radioVolumeUpIconHighlight" value="if (VisualRadio/Vol10, InetRadio/Vol10) display:none"/>
+              </slider>
+            </volumecontrol>
+            <!-- normal version -->
+            <image id="radioVolumeUpIcon" path="SKIN(270501603 6421 19)" focusable="false"/>
+            <!-- Highlighted version -->       
+            <image id="radioVolumeUpIconHighlight" path="SKIN(270501603 6421 9)" focusable="false">
+             <!-- TODO: Check if image can contain actions -->
+              <actions>
+                <action>
+                  <trigger name="stylus"/>
+                  <trigger name="activate"/>
+                  <event name="VisualRadio/VolInc"/>
+                  <event name="InetRadio/VolInc"/>
+                  <event name="system/setfocus">
+                    <property name="id" value="radioVolumeIndicator"/>
+                  </event>
+                </action>
+              </actions>
+            </image>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="left"/>
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioTitle"/>
+                </event>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="up"/>
+                <event name="VisualRadio/VolInc"/>
+                <event name="InetRadio/VolInc"/>
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="down"/>
+                <event name="VisualRadio/VolDec"/>
+                <event name="InetRadio/VolDec"/>
+              </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losevisualisation"/>
+              <event name="system/setfocus">
+                <property name="id" value="radioTitle"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value=""/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeDownIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeDownIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- speaker icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerMutedIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerMutedIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- volume up icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeUpIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeUpIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeDownIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeDownIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- speaker icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerMutedIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioSpeakerMutedIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+          <!-- volume up icons -->
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeUpIcon"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="visible"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="radioVolumeUpIconHighlight"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="visibility"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="hidden"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+               </event>
+            </action>           
+          </actions>
+          </box>
+          <box id="visualRadioInfoArea" focusable="false">
+            <box id="visualRadioNameLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="visualRadioNumberTextLine" class="visualRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                 <property class="VisualRadio/Number"/>
+              </text>
+              <text id="visualRadioNameTextLine" class="visualRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="VisualRadio/Name"/>
+              </text>
+            </box>
+            <box id="visualRadioLocationLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="visualRadioLocationTextLine" class="visualRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="VisualRadio/Location"/>
+              </text>
+            </box>
+            <box id="visualRadioFrequencyLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="visualRadioFrequencyTextLine" class="visualRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="VisualRadio/Frequency"/>
+              </text>
+            </box>
+          </box>
+          <box id="inetRadioInfoArea" focusable="false">
+            <box id="inetRadioPresetLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="inetRadioPresetTextLine" class="inetRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="InetRadio/Preset"/> 
+              </text> 
+            </box>
+            <box id="inetRadioArtistLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="inetRadioArtistTextLine" class="inetRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="InetRadio/Artist"/>
+              </text>
+            </box>
+            <box id="inetRadioTrackLine" focusable="false">
+              <text id="inetRadioTrackTextLine" class="inetRadioTextLine" focusable="false">
+                <property class="InetRadio/Track"/>
+              </text>
+            </box>
+          </box>
+          <!-- Image resources -->
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol0">0</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol1">1</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol2">2</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol3">3</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol4">4</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol5">5</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol6">6</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol7">7</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol8">8</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol9">9</desc>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/Vol10">10</desc>
+          <!-- The following icons are not displayed, they just indicate which layout to use -->
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/VRPlaying" path="SKIN(270501603 5184)"/>
+          <desc id="VisualRadio/VRInactive" path="SKIN(270501603 5182)"/>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol0">0</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol1">1</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol2">2</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol3">3</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol4">4</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol5">5</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol6">6</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol7">7</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol8">8</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol9">9</desc>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/Vol10">10</desc>
+          <!-- The following icons are not displayed, they just indicate which layout to use -->
+          <desc id="InetRadio/IRPlaying" path="SKIN(270501603 5184)"/>
+          <desc id="InetRadio/IRStopped" path="SKIN(270501603 5182)"/>
+        </box>
+        <!--########################################
+            #####    Personalization plugin    #####
+            ########################################-->
+        <box id="personalizationPluginContainer" class="pluginContainer" focusable="false" backgroundmask="qsn_fr_popup_sub_mask_icon.svg">
+          <!-- there is a fake button in the shortcut plugin area. It is
+          used to go around a bug in the animation system. It reserves a little space,
+          so this is to fix that space in this plugin -->
+          <button id="personalizationFakeButton"  class="fakeButton" focusable="true" />
+          <!-- Plugin title -->
+            <text id="personalizationPluginTitle" class="titleText" focusable="true">&qtn_ai_pers_title;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x100058EC?view=0x10207252)"/><!-- GS app, prsln plugin -->
+              </action>
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #1 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton1" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+           <property class="Profile/SwapProfileName"/>
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <event name="Profile/SwapProfile(1)"/>
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="gainfocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_select;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="losefocus"/>
+              <event name ="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="MSK"/>
+                <property name="name" value="label"/>
+                <property name="value" value="&qtn_msk_open;"/>
+                <property name="type" value="attribute"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #2 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton2" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          &qtn_ai_pers_all_profiles;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <!-- TODO: Open profile application main view -->
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x100058F8)"/> <!-- Profileapp uid -->
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #3 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton3" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          &qtn_ai_pers_change_theme;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <!-- Opens the main view of Personalization application -->
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x10005A32?view=0x102750AA)"/>
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #4 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton4" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          &qtn_ai_pers_change_wallpaper;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <!-- Opens Wallpaper changing state in Personalization application -->
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x10005A32?view=3)"/>
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->                          
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #5 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton5" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          &qtn_apps_sd_list;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <!-- Open speed dial application shortcut -->
+                <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x1000590A)"/>
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+          <!-- #6 -->
+          <text id="personalizationButton6" class="genericButtonText" focusable="true">
+          &qtn_ai_pers_change_sc;
+            <actions>
+              <action>
+                <trigger name="stylus">
+                  <property name="eventtype" value="up" />
+                </trigger>                              
+                <trigger name="activate"/>
+                <!-- Open shortcuts view in general settings -->
+                <event name="Shortcut/ShowSettings"/>
+              </action>
+        <!-- for setting the correct colour group for texts -->
+              <action>
+                <trigger class="western" name="down"/>
+                <trigger class="arabic" name="up"/> 
+                <!-- joystick left -->
+                <event name="system/setfocus">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginIcon"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="personalizationPluginContainer"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="none"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+                <event name="system/set">
+                  <property name="id" value="SATAndNewstickerBox"/>
+                  <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                  <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                  <property name="type" value="string"/>
+                </event>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+              </action>
+            </actions>
+          </text>
+        </box>
+      </box>  <!-- end of pluginContainerArea -->
+      <!--############################
+         #####   SAT plugin     #####
+        ############################-->
+      <box id="SATAndNewstickerBox" focusable="false">
+        <box id="SATPluginContainer" focusable="false">
+          <text id="SatIdleModeText" class="satText" focusable="false">
+            <property class="SAT/SatIdleModeText"/>
+            <!--  emptyContent/Content policies defined for the SAT plug-in box -->
+            <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="SATPluginContainer" value="display: none;"/>
+            <property class="policy/Content" name="SATPluginContainer" value="display: block;"/>
+            <property class="policy/Content" name="SatIdleModeIcon" value="display: block;"/>
+          </text>
+          <image id="SatIdleModeIcon" class="satIcon" focusable="false">
+            <property class="SAT/SatIdleModeIcon"/>
+<!--            <property class="policy/Content" name="SatIdleModeText" value="margin-right: 5.5u;"/>
+            <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="SatIdleModeText" value="margin-right: 1.0u;"/>
+-->           <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="SatIdleModeIcon" value="width: 0u"/>
+              <property class="policy/emptyContent" name="SatIdleModeIcon" value="height: 0u;"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="SatIdleModeIcon" value="width: 3.5u"/>
+              <property class="policy/Content" name="SatIdleModeIcon" value="height: 3.5u;"/>
+          </image>
+        </box>
+<!-- Block with flag '__NEWSTICKER' skipped. -->
+      </box>
+      <!--#################################################
+          ####     Menubar with soft key shortcuts     ####
+          #################################################-->
+      <menubar>
+        <menuitem id="SK1" label="">
+          <!-- ordinal value is the same as in the default settings -->
+          <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutShortCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x01000100"/>
+          <actions>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="stylus"/>
+              <trigger name="activate"/>
+              <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x01000100)"/>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </menuitem>
+        <menuitem id="SK2" label="">
+          <property class="Shortcut/ShortcutShortCaption" name="ordinal" value="0x01000101"/>
+          <actions>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="stylus"/>
+              <!-- if using both activate and hold for same SK active trigger need to be specified like this (2 = keyup) otherwise hold will not work -->
+              <trigger name="activate"><property name="eventtype" value="2"/></trigger>
+              <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByIndex(0x01000101)"/>
+            </action>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="hold"/>
+              <event name="Shortcut/LaunchByValue(localapp:0x10281867)"/>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </menuitem>
+        <menuitem id="MSK" label="&qtn_msk_select;">
+          <actions>
+            <action>
+              <trigger name="stylus">
+                <property name="clicked" value="down"/>
+              </trigger>
+              <event name="system/set">
+                <property name="id" value="msk_text"/>
+                <property name="name" value="display"/>
+                <property name="value" value="block"/>
+                <property name="type" value="string"/>
+              </event>
+            </action>
+          </actions>
+        </menuitem>       
+      </menubar>
+    </view>
+  </views>