changeset 0 09774dfdd46b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/internetradio2.0/cenrep/	Mon Apr 19 14:01:53 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Run with -h to get help
+use strict;
+use lib   ".";
+use Win32::OLE qw(in with);
+use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel';
+use Cwd;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use excel_support;  # Own perl module that contains the reading of memory-sheets
+use cenrep_keys;  # Own perl module that contains the reading of memory-sheets
+# Function that gets a dir as parameter and reads the list of excel files from the
+# given directory.
+# Params: a directory name
+# Return value: a reference to a list of filenames.
+sub getExcelFilesFromDir
+    my $dir = shift;
+    # the given dir should be relative to the dir, where the script is executed.
+    if($dir !~ /^[\\\/]/ && $dir !~ /^[A-Za-z]:/)
+    {
+	$dir =  cwd . "\\$dir"; 
+    }
+    my @files;
+    @files = <$dir\\*.xls >;
+    return \@files;
+# Function that reads the file names from the given file.
+# THe information is read from Column A and 1st empty row indicates
+# end of input.
+# Params: fileNameRead, refToExcelApp
+sub getExcelFilesFromFile
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $refToExcel = shift;
+    my @fileList;
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+    # Open the file and get the worksheet
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+    my $refToWb =  openWorkbook( $file,$refToExcel);
+    my $refToWorkSheet = getWorkSheet( $refToWb,"Info");
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    # Read the needed rows from the row, until empty row found
+    #------------------------------------------------------------
+    my $row;
+    for( $row = 1;; $row++ ) 
+    {	         
+	my $fileName = $$refToWorkSheet->Cells( $row, 1  )->{ 'Value' };
+	if(!defined($fileName) || $fileName =~ /^\s*$/)
+	{
+	    last;
+	}
+	push(@fileList,$fileName);
+    }
+    return \@fileList;
+# Main function, 
+sub main
+    my $refToExcelFiles = shift;
+    my $refToExcel = shift;
+    my $ignoreWarnings = shift;
+    my %reshHash;
+    my $refToWorkSheet;
+    my $errorsFound = 0;
+    # Loop through each found excel sheet. This will open one file after each other
+    # and parse information into the hashes defined above.
+    foreach my $file ( @{$refToExcelFiles} ) 
+    {
+	$file =~ /[\\\/]([a-zA-Z0-9\-_\.\s\&]+\.xls)/;
+	print "\n--------------------------------------------\nReading: $1\n";
+	my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($file,qr{\.xls});
+	checkCentrepKeySheetName("$name$suffix");
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+	# Open the file
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+	my $refToWb = openWorkbook( $file,$refToExcel);
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+	# Read the information from the worksheets
+	# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+	for( my $i = 0; $i < $$refToWb->Worksheets->Count; $i++)
+	{
+	    my $workSheet = $$refToWb->WorkSheets($i + 1);
+	    $refToWorkSheet = getWorkSheet( $refToWb,$workSheet->Name);
+	    if(checkCentrepKeyInfo( $refToWorkSheet,$ignoreWarnings))
+	    {
+		$errorsFound = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+	# "delete" the workbooks, this closes the excel application	    
+	$$refToWb->Close(0);
+	undef $$refToWb;
+	undef $refToWb;
+    }
+    return $errorsFound;
+# Shows help.
+# Params: -
+# Return: -
+sub usage
+    print "\n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "This script reads all the cenrep keys sheets from the given\n";
+    print "directory and makes a syntax check for them.\n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "Usage:\n";
+    print "  $0 [-h|-help] (-d <cenrepSheetDir> | -f <excelSheetName>) \n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "Options:\n";
+    print "  -h                  : Show this help\n";
+    print "  -help               : Show this help\n";
+    print "  -d <sheetDir>       : relative path from the dir where this script is run\n";
+    print "                        to the directory where the cenrep-sheets exist.\n";
+    print "  -e <excelSheetName> : name of the sheet, that specifies the read excel sheet names in the column A.\n";
+    print "                        No empty rows allowed, reading is stopped, when the 1st empty row is found.\n";	
+    print "                        The sheet name defining the files inside Workbook has to be \"Info\".\n";	
+    print "                        Also no header expected for the column (reading starts from row 1)\n";
+    print "  -w                  : Ignores warning messages\n";
+    print "  -h                  : Show this help\n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "You have specify either -d or -e, but not both at the same time.\n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "Example usage:\n";
+    print "    perl $0  -d cenrep\n"; 
+    print "\n";
+    print "Known issues:\n";
+    print "   - The script will give an error, if directory names in the path contain spaces\n";
+    print "\n";
+    print "\n";
+    exit(0);
+# Parses the command line parameters from ARGV
+# Params: -
+# Return: -		    
+sub parseCmdLine
+    my $dir = "";
+    my $file = "";
+    my $sheetFile = "";
+    my $ignoreWarnings = 0;
+    if( ! GetOptions('d:s'      => \$dir,
+		     's:s'      => \$sheetFile,
+		     'f:s'      => \$file,
+		     'h'        => \&usage,
+		     'w'        => \$ignoreWarnings,
+		     'help'     => \&usage,
+		     '<>'       => \&usage))
+    {
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    if($dir ne "" and $file ne "" )
+    {
+	print "\nError: The file and directory arguments can't be specified at the same time.\n";
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    elsif($dir eq "" and $file eq "" )
+    {
+	usage;
+	print "\n\nError: You have to specify either the  -d or -f argument.\n";
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    return ($dir,$file,$sheetFile,$ignoreWarnings);
+# Actual program
+my $sheetDir;
+my $file;
+my $sheetFile;
+my $ignoreWarnings;
+($sheetDir,$file,$sheetFile,$ignoreWarnings) = parseCmdLine;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+# Get excel application
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------  
+my $refToExcel = getExcelApp();
+# There are 2 options how the user can give the if-sheet names handled:
+# 1) He gives the directory where all files are located
+# 2) He gives an excel sheet, which contains all the files in column A.
+my $refToExcelFilesList;
+if($sheetFile !~ /^\s*$/)
+    my @list;
+    push(@list,$sheetFile);
+    $refToExcelFilesList =  \@list;
+if($sheetDir !~ /^\s*$/)
+    # Read the filenames from the directory given
+    $refToExcelFilesList = getExcelFilesFromDir $sheetDir;
+    # Read the filenames from the excel file given
+     $refToExcelFilesList = getExcelFilesFromFile $file, $refToExcel;
+# The main function that parses the information
+my $errors = main $refToExcelFilesList,$refToExcel,$ignoreWarnings;
+# quit excel and "delete" the instances.
+exit $errors;