changeset 0 09774dfdd46b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/internetradio2.0/resources/internetradioterms.loc	Mon Apr 19 14:01:53 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Localization of terms and conditions for project InternetRadio
+*                This cannot be implemented by normal localization  process, so 
+*                this file MUST NOT be delivered for localization team!
+#ifdef LANGUAGE_01
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_01.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memory full. Close some applications and try again."
+#elif LANGUAGE_02
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_02.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Mémoire pleine. Fermez certaines applications puis réessayez."
+#elif LANGUAGE_03
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_03.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Speicher voll. Programme schlie­ßen und Versuch wiederholen."
+#elif LANGUAGE_04
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_04.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "La memoria está llena. Cierre algunas aplicaciones e inténtelo de nuevo."
+#elif LANGUAGE_05
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_05.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memoria piena. Chiudere alcune applicazioni e riprovare."
+#elif LANGUAGE_06
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_06.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Minnet fullt. Stäng några program och försök igen."
+#elif LANGUAGE_07
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_07.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Hukommelsen er fuld. Luk nogle programmer, og prøv igen."
+#elif LANGUAGE_08
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_08.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Minne fullt. Lukk noen programmer og prøv igjen."
+#elif LANGUAGE_09
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_09.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Muisti täynnä. Sulje sovelluksia ja yritä uudelleen."
+#elif LANGUAGE_10
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_10.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memory full. Close some applications and try again."
+#elif LANGUAGE_13
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_13.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memória cheia. Fechar algumas aplicações e tentar de novo."
+#elif LANGUAGE_14
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_14.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Hafıza dolu. Bazı uygulamaları kapatın ve yeniden deneyin."
+#elif LANGUAGE_15
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_15.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Minni fullt. Loka einhverjum forritum og reyna aftur."
+#elif LANGUAGE_16
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_16.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Память запол-\nнена. Закройте другие приложения\nи повторите."
+#elif LANGUAGE_17
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_17.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "A memória megtelt. Zárjon be néhány alkalmazást, és próbálja újra."
+#elif LANGUAGE_18
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_18.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Geheugen vol. Sluit enkele toe-\npassingen en probeer 't opnieuw."
+#elif LANGUAGE_25
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_25.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Paměť je plná. Ukončete některé aplikace a opakujte akci."
+#elif LANGUAGE_26
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_26.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Pamäť plná. Zatvorte nejaké aplikácie a skúste znova."
+#elif LANGUAGE_27
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_27.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Brak pamięci. Zamknij niektóre aplikacje i ponów próbę."
+#elif LANGUAGE_28
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_28.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Pomnilnik poln. Zaprite nekaj aplikacij in poskusite znova."
+#elif LANGUAGE_29
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_29.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "記憶體已滿。\n請關閉部份\n應用程式,\n再試一次。"
+#elif LANGUAGE_30
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_30.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "記憶已滿。\n請關閉一些應用\n程式後重試。"
+#elif LANGUAGE_31
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_31.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "内存不足。请\n关闭一些应用\n程序后再试。"
+#elif LANGUAGE_32
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_32.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "メモリがいっぱいで\nす。アプリケーションをいくつか終了してやり直してください。"
+#elif LANGUAGE_33
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_33.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "หน่วย​ความ​จำ​เต็ม ปิด​บาง​แอป​พลิเคชั่น​และ​ลอง​อีก​ครั้ง"
+#elif LANGUAGE_37
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_37.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "الذاكرة ممتلئة. اغلق بعض التطبيقات وحاول ثانية."
+#elif LANGUAGE_39
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_39.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memorya puno. Isara ang ibang aplikasyon at sumubok uli."
+#elif LANGUAGE_42
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_42.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Паметта е пълна. Затворете някои приложения и опитайте отново."
+#elif LANGUAGE_44
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_44.html"
+#elif LANGUAGE_45
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_45.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memorija puna. Zatvorite neke programe i pokušajte ponovo."
+#elif LANGUAGE_49
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_49.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Mälu on täis. Sulge mõned rakendused ja proovi uuesti."
+#elif LANGUAGE_50
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_50.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "حافظه پر است. تعدادی از برنامه ها را ببندید و مجدداً امتحان كنید."
+#elif LANGUAGE_51
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_51.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Mémoire pleine. Fermez certaines applications puis réessayez."
+#elif LANGUAGE_54
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_54.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Μνήμη πλήρης. Κλείστε κάποιες εφαρμογές και ξαναδοκιμάστε."
+#elif LANGUAGE_57
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_57.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "הזיכרון מלא. סגרו מספר יישומים ונסו שוב."
+#elif LANGUAGE_58
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_58.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "स्मृति पूर्ण। कुछ अनुप्रयोगों को बंद करें तथा पुनः प्रयास करें।"
+#elif LANGUAGE_59
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_59.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memori penuh. Tutup sebagian aplikasi dan coba lagi."
+#elif LANGUAGE_67
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_67.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Atmiņa ir pilna. Aizveriet dažas programmas un mēģiniet vēlreiz."
+#elif LANGUAGE_68
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_68.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Visa atmintis už-\nimta. Uždarykite kai kurias programas ir kartokite veiksmą."
+#elif LANGUAGE_70
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_70.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memori penuh. Tutup beberapa aplikasi dan cuba semula."
+#elif LANGUAGE_76
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_76.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memória cheia. Feche alguns aplicativos e tente outra vez."
+#elif LANGUAGE_78
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_78.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memorie plină. Închideţi unele aplicaţii şi încercaţi din nou."
+#elif LANGUAGE_79
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_79.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Memorija puna. Zatvoriti neke aplikacije i pokušati ponovo."
+#elif LANGUAGE_83
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_83.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "La memoria está llena. Cierre algunas aplicaciones e inténtelo de nuevo."
+#elif LANGUAGE_93
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_93.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Пам'ять повна. Закрийте деякі програми та спробуйте ще раз."
+#elif LANGUAGE_94
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_94.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "حافظہ بھر گیا ہے۔ کچھ اضافی پروگرام بند کرکے دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔"
+#elif LANGUAGE_96
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_96.html"
+#define qtn_memlo_ram_out_of_mem "Bộ nhớ đầy. Đóng một số ứng dụng và thử lại."
+#elif LANGUAGE_401
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_401.html"
+#elif LANGUAGE_402
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_402.html"
+#define ir_terms_file "terms_01.html"
+// End of File