changeset 14 896e9dbc5f19
parent 12 608f67c22514
child 15 065198191975
--- a/internetradio2.0/isdsclientinc/isdsclientdll.h	Tue Jul 06 14:07:20 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  ?Description
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include "ircacheobserver.h"
-#include "irdataproviderobserver.h"
-#include "irlanguagemapper.h"
-#include "irparserobserver.h"
-class CIRCacheMgmt;
-class CIRDataProvider;
-class CIRHttpRequestData;
-class CIRIsdsPreset;
-class CIRReportGenerator;
-class CIRSettings;
-class CIRXMLContentHandler;
-class MIsdsResponseObserver;
- * This class is the one which acts as a interface between UI and network
- * component which interacts with the isds server.It provides the data to 
- * be diplayed to the UI either from cache or fetches it from the ISDS 
- * server.
- * 
- *
- * @code
- *	creates the instance of isdsclient 
- * iISDSClient = CIRIsdsClient::NewL(*this , iIRSettings->GetISDSBaseUrlL());
- * iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(EGenre); //requests for genre data
- * //requests for selected channel
- * iISDSClient->IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(iIndex, CIRIsdsClient::EChannels);
- * //cancels any previous requests
- * iISDSClient->IRISDSCancelRequest();
- * //gets irid
- * iISDSClient->IRGetIRIDL();
- * iISDSClient->GetOtaStatusL(forceUpdate);//gets ota update status
- * iISDSClient->IRISDSSearchL(aIsdsSearchString);
- * iISDSClient->IRISDSPostL(pathtopost);
- * SyncPresetL(iUi->iFavPresets->iFavPresetList->At(aUrlIndex)->GetId(),
- * iUi->iFavPresets->iFavPresetList->At(aUrlIndex)->GetLastModifiedTime());
- * iISDSClient->ReleaseResources();
- * @endcode
- *
- */
-NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CIRIsdsClient ): public CBase ,
-	public MIRDataProviderObserver,
-	public MIRParserObserver,
-	public MIRCacheObserver
-	{
-public://public data
- * These Enums correspond to a particular UI event which 
- * requires request to be made to isds.
- */
-	enum TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs
-	    {
-	    EGenre,
-	    ELanguages,
-	    ECountries,
-	    Ehotpicks
-	    };
-	enum TIRIsdsClientInterfaces
-	   {
-	   ECatagory,
-       EChannels,
-       EPresets,
-       EOtaInfo
-       };   
-*type of data recieved from ISDS   
-	 enum TDataRecieved
-		{
-		ECategoryInfoRecieved,
-		EChannelListRecieved,
-		EPresetDataRecieved,
-		EOtaInfoRecieved,
-		EIridRecieved,
-		ESessionLogRecieved
-		};
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsClient::NewL(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver)
-	* Used by UI to create instance of CIRIsdsClient.
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C static CIRIsdsClient* NewL(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver,
-		const TDesC& aISDSBaseUrl);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsClient::NewLC(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver)
-	* Creates instance of CIRIsdsClient.
-	*/
-	static CIRIsdsClient* NewLC(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver,
-		const TDesC& aISDSBaseUrl);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsClient::~CIRIsdsClient()
-	* Destructor
-	*/
-	~CIRIsdsClient();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsClient::ConstructL()	
-	* Symbian two phased constructor
-	*/
-	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aISDSBaseUrl);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsClient::CIRIsdsClient(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver)	
-	* Default constructor
-	*/
-	 CIRIsdsClient(MIsdsResponseObserver& aobserver);   
-	/**
-	* void CIRIsdsClientInteface(TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs aISDSClientRequest)
-	* Called by UI to make request to ISDS for catogories
-	* @param :ENUM value depending on catogory which user wants to explore
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C TBool IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(
-		TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs aISDSClientRequest);
-	IMPORT_C TBool IRIsdsIsCategoryCachedL(
-	             TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs aISDSClientRequest);
-	/**
-	* void CIRIsdsClientInteface(TUint aSelectedOption,TIRIsdsClientInterfaces aChoice)
-	* This API is used by the UI to make request for isds listed channels
-	* @param : aSelectedOption-returns the index of the option selected by the user
-	* @param : aChoice-ENUM value specifies what data is expected preset or channel data
-	*/
-	 IMPORT_C TBool IRIsdsClientIntefaceL(TUint aSelectedOption,
-	 	TIRIsdsClientInterfaces aChoice,TInt aHistoryBool=EFalse);
-	 IMPORT_C TBool IRIsdsIsChannelCachedL(TUint aSelectedOption);
-	/**
-	* void CIRISDSCancelRequest()
-	* This API is used by the UI to cancel a request made.
-	*/	
-	IMPORT_C void IRISDSCancelRequest();
-	/**
-	* void CIRGetIRID()
-	* This API is used to get IR ID from isds server 
-	* isds if it doesnt have one
-	*/
-	/**
-	* void GetOtaStatusL()
-	* This API is used to get the OTA status from the server
-	* @param TBool,if ETrue the call is from UI and a call back has to be made to ui
-	* TBool contains the source of update (cache/isds)upon return.Used by Ui to load the
-	* loading screen based on this value.
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C void GetOtaStatusL(TBool& aDataFrom);	 
-	/**
-	* void CIRISDSSearch(TDesC& aSearchString)
-	* This API is used by the UI to search channels from isds
-	* @param : aSearchString-search string entered by user
-	*/	
-	IMPORT_C void IRISDSSearchL(const TDesC& aSearchString);
-	/**
-	* void IRISDSPostL(TFileName &aFileName)
-	*function used to post the sesson logs
-	*@param sesson log file name
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C void IRISDSPostL(TFileName &aFileName);
-	IMPORT_C CIRDataProvider* GetDataProvider();
-	/*
-	* void IRISDSMultiSearch()
-	* function used to search the stations by multi conditions
-    * @param 
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C void IRISDSMultiSearchL(const TDesC& aGenreID, const TDesC& aCountryID, const TDesC& aLanguageID, const TDesC& aSearchText);
-	/**
-	* void RHttpGeneralError(TInt aErrorCode)
-	* It is a call back function called by the data provider 
-	* to return error code in case of some error.
-	*@param error code
-	*/
-	void IRHttpGeneralError(TInt aErrCode);
-	/**
-	* void IRHttpDataReceived(TDesC& aXmlPath)
-	* It is a call back function called by the data provider 
-	* once it recieves the XML data
-	*/
-	void IRHttpDataReceived(const TDesC& aXmlPath,const CIRHttpResponseData& aResponseHeaders);
-	/**
-	* void IRHttpContentNotChanged()	
-	* this is call back funtion called by Dataprovider in case 
-	* HTTP content isnt changed by ISDS 
-	*/	    
-	void IRHttpResponseCodeReceived( TInt aResponseCode,
-		CIRHttpResponseData& aResponseHeaders );
-	/**
-	* void ParseError()
-	* Call back funtion called by XML parser in case of parsing error
-	*/
-	void ParseError( TInt aErrorCode );
-	/**
-	* void ParsedStructureL(TInt aChoice)
-	* Call back funtion called by XML parser after parsing is over
-	* @param : aChoice -specifies the type of data recieved from ISDS
-	*/    
-	void ParsedStructureL(TInt aChoice);
-	/**
-	* void CacheError()
-	* Called from cachemgmt in case of an error
-	*/   
-    void CacheError();
-	/**
-	* void CacheError()
-	* Called from cachemgmt in case of cache failure
-	*/ 
-    void CacheFailed();
-	/**
-	* void CacheError()
-	* Called from cachemgmt in case cache is invalid
-	*/ 
-    void CacheInvalid();
-	/**
-	* void CacheError()
-	* Called from cachemgmt data retrival is successful
-	*@param aChoice,it gives the data type of the cache
-	*/ 
-    void CachedStructureL(TInt aChoice);
-	/**
-	*void CIRIsdsClient::SyncPresetL()
-	*Used to syncronize presets
-	*@param TInt,TDesC, the preset id and the last modified tag for the preset          
-	*/
-    IMPORT_C TInt SyncPresetL(TInt aPresetId,const TDesC&aIfModifiedSince);
-	/**
-	*void CIRIsdsClient::ConvertToTimeDate()
-	*Used to convert the date-time stamp to Symbian DateTime format
-	*@param TDesC&,TDateTime& the time stamp and the DateTime ref to 
-	*hold the new data
-	*/
-    void ConvertToTimeDate(const TDesC& aTime,TDateTime& aDateTime) const;
-    /**
-    *ReleaseResources()
-    *relese the resources held by isds client
-    */
-	 IMPORT_C void ReleaseResources();
-	/**
-	*CIRIsdsClient::GetMultiplePresetsL()
-	*for multiple selected presets to be saved 
-	*@param RArray&,TBool,the array of preset ids to be saved,return value
-	*/
-    IMPORT_C void GetMultiplePresetsL(const RArray<TInt>& aIndexArray,
-    	TBool& aDataFrom);
-    /**
-	*CIRIsdsClient::PurgeOtaInfoL
-	*delete all the data cached wrt OTA
-	*reset the flags
-	*function called when the ota info available earlier is no longer valid
-	*/
-	IMPORT_C void PurgeOtaInfoL();
-	/**
-	*void IRHttpIssueRequestL(CIRHttpRequestData &);
-	*for making http request to Data Provider with Request object
-	*@param aRequestObject :The request object which has URL and other details
-	*/
-    void IRHttpIssueRequestL(CIRHttpRequestData &aRequestObject);
-	/**
-	* void EncodeUrlL( TDes &aQuery )
-	* Encode the url using EEscapeUrlEncoded mode, This is used in session log
-	* @param url to be encoded
-	*/
-	void EncodeUrlL( TDes& aQuery );
-	//Session log
-    TBuf<256> iBrowseUrl;
-    TInt iChannId;	 
-	//XML parser instance
-	CIRXMLContentHandler* iXmlReader;
-	//ISDS observer reference
-	MIsdsResponseObserver& iIsdsResponseObserver;
-	//DataProvider instance
-	CIRDataProvider *iDataProvider;
-	//cache mgmt
-	CIRCacheMgmt *iCache;
-	CIRSettings *iSettings;
-	CArrayPtrFlat<CIRIsdsPreset>* iSendPreset;
-	// used to store the isds base URL
-	HBufC* iISDSBaseUrl;
-	//contains catogory base URL
-	TBuf<256> iCatgoryURL;
-	//contains search base URL
-	TBuf<256>  iSearchURL;	 
-	//contains irid base URL
-	TBuf<256>  iGetIridUrl;
-	TBuf<128>	iGetOtaStatus;
-	TBool iSyncRequest;//1 if the preset data request is a sync request,0 if general request
-	TInt iPresetToBeSynced;//keeps the presetid for which the sync request has been sent
-	TBool iDataFrom;//data from isds =1,isds =0
-	TBool iCatDataFrom;//0 if isds,1 for cache
-	TBool iChannelDataFrom;//0 if isds,1 for cache
-	TBuf <256> iCachePath;
-	TBool iOtaReqFrom;//0 internal 1from UI
-	//session log
-	CIRReportGenerator* iBrowseReport;
-	//conditionalGet
-	TBool iConditonalGet;
-	TTime iLastModifiedTime;
-	TInt  iRequestType;
-	TBool iForceGet;
-	TBool iOnceForTheUsageSession;
-	TBool iPostResponsePending;
-	TBufC8<KIRLanguageCodeLength> iShortLanguageCode;
-	/**
-    * boolean for to track whether the cache request has made or not
-    */
-	TBool   iCacheReqMade;
-	TBool   iIRIDPending;
-	TBool   iReqPending;
-	TBool   iReqFromGetIRIDFunc;
-	TBool   iReqFromSync;
-	/**
-	* to store further pending request objects 
-	*/
-	CIRHttpRequestData* iTempRequestObject;