changeset 14 896e9dbc5f19
parent 12 608f67c22514
child 15 065198191975
--- a/internetradio2.0/uicontrolssrc/irstationlogocontrol.cpp	Tue Jul 06 14:07:20 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Control for single station logo
-#include <alf/alfcommand.h>
-#include <alf/alfcontrolgroup.h>
-#include <alf/alfdecklayout.h>
-#include <alf/alfenv.h>
-#include <alf/alfimagevisual.h>
-#include <alf/alftexture.h>
-#include <alf/alftexturemanager.h>
-#include <alf/alftimedvalue.h>
-#include "irdebug.h"
-#include "irimageconverter.h"
-#include "irstationlogocontrolobserver.h"
-#include "irstationlogocontrol.h"
-#include "irstationlogodata.h"
-// Time in milliseconds to spend animating the displays moving in and out of the screen
-const TInt KVRLogoFadeTime = 400;
-const TInt KTwo=-2;
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Default constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CIRStationLogoControl::CIRStationLogoControl() : iCurrentId( KErrNotFound ),iError(KErrNone)
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Second phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::ConstructL( CAlfEnv& aAlfEnv, TInt aControlGroupId, 
-										CAlfLayout* aParentLayout )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::ConstructL()");
-    CAlfControl::ConstructL( aAlfEnv );
-    iDeck = CAlfDeckLayout::AddNewL( *this, aParentLayout );
-	iFadeOut=EFalse;
-    iCurrentImageConverter = CIRImageConverter::NewL();
-    iCurrentImageConverter->SetObserver( this );
-	iVisualSize = DisplayArea().Size();
-    CAlfControlGroup& group = Env().ControlGroup( aControlGroupId );
-    group.AppendL( this ); // Transfers ownership
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Two-phased constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CIRStationLogoControl* CIRStationLogoControl::NewL( CAlfEnv& aAlfEnv, 
-                                                    TInt aControlGroupId, 
-                                                    CAlfLayout* aParentLayout )
-    {
-    CIRStationLogoControl* self = new( ELeave ) CIRStationLogoControl;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL( aAlfEnv, aControlGroupId, aParentLayout );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    iLogoControlObserver = NULL;
-    delete iCurrentImageConverter;
-    for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iLogoData.Count() ; i++ )
-    {
-    Env().CancelCustomCommands( iLogoData[i] );
-    }
-    iLogoData.ResetAndDestroy();
-    iLogoData.Close();
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Prepares the graphics for the logo that is to be displayed
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::PrepareLogoL( TInt aId )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG2(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::PrepareLogoL(aId=%d)", aId);
-    CIRStationLogoData* logoData = LogoDataForId( aId );
-    if( logoData && !logoData->Texture() )
-        {
-        StartConversionL( *logoData );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Switches the logo that is to be displayed
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CIRStationLogoControl::SwitchToLogoL( TInt aId )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG2(" CIRStationLogoControl::SwitchToLogoL(aId=%d)", aId);
-    // No need to fade out or load new logo.
-    if ( aId != KErrNotFound )
-        {
-        PrepareLogoL( aId );
-        }
-    CIRStationLogoData* previousLogoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-    CIRStationLogoData* newData = LogoDataForId( aId );
-    // No need to fade out or load new logo.
-    if ( aId == iCurrentId && previousLogoData && previousLogoData->Visual() )
-        {
-        return ETrue;
-        }
-    // To Do 
-    // Fade the current logo out.Handled in View
-    /*if ( previousLogoData && previousLogoData->Visual() )
-        {
-        // Station logo.
-        FadeOutCurrentLogo( *previousLogoData->Visual() );
-        }*/
-		if(iError!=KErrNone)
-		{
-		return EFalse;
-		}
-    TBool logoAdded = EFalse;
-    iCurrentId = aId;
-    if( newData )
-        {
-        Env().CancelCustomCommands( newData, 
-        		CIRStationLogoData::EIRCustomEventLogoFadeOutComplete );
-        if( !newData->Visual() )
-            {
-            iDelayedFadeIn = EIRLogoNoDelay;
-            CAlfImageVisual* visual = NULL;
-            if( !newData->Visual() )
-                {
-                visual = CAlfImageVisual::AddNewL( *this, iDeck );
-                visual->SetOpacity( TAlfTimedValue( 0.0f ) );
-                visual->SetScaleMode( CAlfImageVisual::EScaleFitInside );
-                newData->SetVisual( visual );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                visual = newData->Visual();
-                }
-            if( newData->Texture() )
-                {
-                visual->SetImage( TAlfImage( *newData->Texture() ) );
-                    FadeInStationLogoL( *visual );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if( newData != previousLogoData )
-                    {
-                    iDelayedFadeIn = EIRDelayedTextureImage;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    visual->SetOpacity( TAlfTimedValue( 1.0f ) );
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        logoAdded = ETrue;
-        }
-    return logoAdded;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setter for logo data
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogosL( const RArray<TInt>& aIdArray , const CPtrC8Array& aRawData )
-	{
-	IRLOG_DEBUG2(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogosL() -- %d items", aRawData.Count());
-	iFadeOut=EFalse;
-	iError=KErrNone;
-	DestroyPreviousLogosL(aIdArray, aRawData);
-	iRet=0;
-	iLogoDisplay=EFalse;
-	}
-void CIRStationLogoControl::UpdateLogoL( TInt aId, const TDesC8& aRawData )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG2(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::UpdateLogoL(aId=%d)", aId);
-    TBool idFound = EFalse;
-    for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iLogoData.Count() ; i++ )
-        {
-        if( aId == iLogoData[i]->Id() )
-            {
-            // Update existing logo
-            if( aRawData == KNullDesC8 )
-                {
-                delete iLogoData[i];
-                iLogoData.Remove( i );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                iLogoData[i]->SetRawData( aRawData );
-                }
-            idFound = ETrue;
-            i = iLogoData.Count();
-            }
-        }
-    if( !idFound && aRawData != KNullDesC8 )
-        {
-        CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aId, aRawData );
-        iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-        CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-        }
-    CIRStationLogoData* logoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-    if( logoData && logoData->Id() == aId )
-        {
-        StartConversionL( *logoData );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setter for logo fade style.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogoFadeStyle( TIRFadeStyle aFadeStyle )
-    {
-    iFadeStyle = aFadeStyle;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class CAlfControl.
-// VisualLayoutUpdated
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::VisualLayoutUpdated( CAlfVisual& /*aVisual*/ )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" CIRStationLogoControl::VisualLayoutUpdated()");
-        // Start the converter for current logo for animation purposes
-        CIRStationLogoData* logoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-        if( logoData )
-            {
-            TRAP_IGNORE( StartConversionL( *logoData ) )
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogoControlObserver
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogoControlObserver( MIRLogoControlObserver& aObserver )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" CIRStationLogoControl::SetLogoControlObserver()");
-    iLogoControlObserver = &aObserver;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// From class MVRImageConverterObserver.
-// HandleImageConversionEventL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::HandleImageConversionEventL( MIRImageConverterObserver::
-														TIRImageConversionEvent /*aEvent*/, 
-                                                         TInt aId, 
-                                                         TInt aError )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG3(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::HandleImageConversionEventL(aId=%d, aError=%d)", aId, aError);
-    iError=aError;
-    if( aError == KErrNone )
-        {
-        CFbsBitmap* bitmap = NULL;
-        CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
-        iCurrentImageConverter->TransferBitmapOwnership( bitmap, mask );
-        CIRStationLogoData* convertedLogoData = LogoDataForId( aId );
-        if( convertedLogoData )
-            {
-            convertedLogoData->UpdateTextureL( bitmap, mask ); // transfers ownership
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            delete bitmap;
-            delete mask ;
-            }
-        CIRStationLogoData* currentLogoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-        if( currentLogoData && currentLogoData->Visual() && currentLogoData == convertedLogoData )
-            {
-             // Logo is ready for display, check that everything is OK before displaying the logo.
-            iLogoControlObserver->LogoReadyForDisplayL();
-            // Display the logo.
-            currentLogoData->Visual()->SetImage( TAlfImage( *currentLogoData->Texture() ) );
-            if( iDelayedFadeIn == EIRDelayedTextureImage )
-                {
-                FadeInStationLogoL( *currentLogoData->Visual() );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        iLogoControlObserver->LogoConversionFailedL();
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Maps the logo ID to station logo data
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CIRStationLogoData* CIRStationLogoControl::LogoDataForId( TInt aId )
-    {
-    CIRStationLogoData* logo = NULL;
-    for( TInt i = 0 ; i < iLogoData.Count() ; i++ )
-        {
-        if( iLogoData[i]->Id() == aId )
-            {
-            logo = iLogoData[i];
-            i = iLogoData.Count();
-            }
-        }
-    return logo;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Starts the conversion for hte current logo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::StartConversionL( CIRStationLogoData& aLogoData )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::StartConversionL()");
-    if( iVisualSize.iWidth && iVisualSize.iHeight )
-        {
-        iCurrentImageConverter->SetDataL( aLogoData.RawData() );
-        if(iError==KErrNone)
-	        {
-	        iCurrentImageConverter->StartL( iVisualSize, aLogoData.Id() );
-	        }
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Fades the station logo in.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::FadeInStationLogoL( CAlfVisual& aVisual )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::FadeInCurrent()");
-    iDelayedFadeIn = EIRLogoNoDelay;
-    // Get start point and fade time.
-    TAlfTimedPoint point = FadeInStartPoint( aVisual );
-    TInt fadeTime = point.iX.TimeToTargetinMilliSeconds();
-    // Fade the logo in.
-    TAlfTimedValue opacity( 0.0f );
-    opacity.SetStyle( EAlfTimedValueStyleDecelerate );
-    opacity.SetTarget( 1.0f, fadeTime );
-    aVisual.SetFlag( EAlfVisualFlagManualPosition );
-    aVisual.SetPos( point );
-    aVisual.SetOpacity( opacity );
-	return;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Fades the current logo out. If logo is not the default logo, deletes it's
-// data after the fading (ansynchronously).
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::FadeOutCurrentLogo( CAlfVisual& aVisual )
-    {
-    IRLOG_DEBUG(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::FadeOutCurrentLogo");
-    CIRStationLogoData* logoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-    // Get target point.
-    TAlfTimedPoint point = FadeOutTargetPoint( aVisual );
-    TInt fadeTime = point.iX.TimeToTargetinMilliSeconds();
-    // Fade the logo out.
-    TAlfTimedValue opacity( aVisual.Opacity().ValueNow() );
-    opacity.SetStyle( EAlfTimedValueStyleAccelerate );
-    opacity.SetTarget( 0.0f, fadeTime );
-    aVisual.SetFlag( EAlfVisualFlagManualPosition );
-    aVisual.SetPos( point );
-    aVisual.SetOpacity( opacity );
-    if( logoData ) 
-        {
-        // This is not default logo, send event to destroy logo data.
-        IRLOG_DEBUG2(" *** S60VisualRadio -- CIRStationLogoControl::FadeOutAndDeleteCurrent() -- sending custom event to delete logo data: 0x%x", logoData);
-        Env().Send( TAlfCustomEventCommand( CIRStationLogoData::EIRCustomEventLogoFadeOutComplete, 
-                                            logoData, 
-                                            NULL), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns fades out target point.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TAlfTimedPoint CIRStationLogoControl::FadeOutTargetPoint( CAlfVisual& aVisual ) const
-    {
-    TAlfTimedPoint point( 0.0f, 0.0f );
-    point.SetStyle( EAlfTimedValueStyleDecelerate );
-    TAlfRealPoint size = aVisual.Size().ValueNow();
-    TAlfRealPoint pos = aVisual.Pos().ValueNow();
-    point = TAlfTimedPoint( pos.iX, pos.iY );
-    TAlfRealPoint target = aVisual.Pos().Target();
-    switch ( iFadeStyle )
-        {
-        case EIRFadeUnknown:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX, target.iY ), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeLeftToRight:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX + size.iX, target.iY ), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeRightToLeft:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX - size.iX, target.iY ), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeTopToBottom:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX, target.iY + size.iY ), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeBottomToTop:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX, target.iY - size.iY ), KVRLogoFadeTime );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeNoFade:
-            point.SetTarget( TAlfRealPoint( target.iX, target.iY ), 0 );
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    return point;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns fade in start point.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TAlfTimedPoint CIRStationLogoControl::FadeInStartPoint( CAlfVisual& aVisual ) const
-    {
-    TAlfTimedPoint point( 0.0f, 0.0f );
-    point.SetStyle( EAlfTimedValueStyleDecelerate );
-    TAlfRealPoint size = aVisual.Size().ValueNow();
-    TAlfRealPoint pos = aVisual.Pos().ValueNow();
-    point = TAlfTimedPoint( pos.iX, pos.iY, KVRLogoFadeTime );
-    switch ( iFadeStyle )
-        {
-        case EIRFadeUnknown:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeLeftToRight:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX - size.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeRightToLeft:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX + size.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeTopToBottom:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY - size.iY );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeBottomToTop:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY + size.iY );
-            break;
-        case EIRFadeNoFade:
-            point.iX.SetValueNow( pos.iX );
-            point.iY.SetValueNow( pos.iY );
-            point.SetTarget( pos, 0 );
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    return point;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets the default image to the current visual
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::DestroyPreviousLogosL( const RArray<TInt>& aIdArray , 
-										const CPtrC8Array& aRawData )
-	{
-	for(TInt value=0;value<iLogoData.Count();value++)
-	{
-	TInt Value=iLogoData[value]->Id();	
-	}
-	if(iCount==0)
-			{
-			iCurrentId=KTwo;
-			iCount++;
-			iLogoData.ResetAndDestroy();
-			for( TInt i = 0 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-	else if(iCount==1)
-		{
-		if(aRawData.Count()==1)
-			{
-			iCurrentId=KTwo;
-			TInt i=0;
-			delete iLogoData[i];
-			iLogoData.Remove( i);
-			for( TInt i = 0 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}	
-				}
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			for( TInt i = 1 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		iCount++;		
-		}
-	else if(iCount>1)
-		{
-		if(aRawData.Count()==1)
-			{
-			iLogoData.ResetAndDestroy();
-			iLogoDisplay=ETrue;
-			for( TInt i = 0 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		else if(aRawData.Count()==2 && iLogoData.Count()==1)
-			{
-			for( TInt i = 1 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		else if(iLogoData.Count()==1&&!iLogoDisplay)
-			{
-			for( TInt i = 1 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-					iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-					CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-					}
-				}
-			iLogoDisplay=ETrue;
-			}
-		else if(!iLogoDisplay)
-			{
-			for(TInt j = 0;j<aRawData.Count();j++)
-				{
-				if(aIdArray.Count())
-					{
-					CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[j], aRawData[j] );
-					for(TInt i = 0;i<iLogoData.Count();i++)
-						{
-						if(!(data->Id()==iLogoData[i]->Id())&&(!iRet))
-							{
-							if(i==1)
-								{
-								DefaultlogoHandlingL(aIdArray, aRawData);
-								}
-							else
-								{
-								delete iLogoData[i];
-								iLogoData.Remove( i);
-								for( TInt i = 1 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-									{
-									if(aIdArray.Count())
-										{
-										CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::
-											NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-										iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-										CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-										}
-									}
-								iRet++;
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets the default image to the current visual
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::DefaultlogoHandlingL( const RArray<TInt>& aIdArray , 
-								const CPtrC8Array& aRawData )
-	{
-	  for(TInt j = 0;j<aRawData.Count();j++)
-	  {
-	  	TInt i=0;
-	  	delete iLogoData[i];
-		iLogoData.Remove( i);
-		for( TInt i = 1 ; i < aRawData.Count() ; i++ )
-			{
-			if(aIdArray.Count())
-			{
-			CIRStationLogoData* data = CIRStationLogoData::NewLC( aIdArray[i], aRawData[i] );
-			iLogoData.AppendL( data );
-			CleanupStack::Pop( data );
-			}
-			}
-	  }
-	}
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets the default image to the current visual
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CIRStationLogoControl::FadeOutLogo(TInt /*aId*/)
-	{
-	CIRStationLogoData* previousLogoData = LogoDataForId( iCurrentId );
-	// Fade the current logo out.
-    if ( previousLogoData && previousLogoData->Visual() )
-        {
-        // Station logo.
-        iFadeOut=ETrue;
-        FadeOutCurrentLogo( *previousLogoData->Visual() );
-        }
-	 iCurrentId=KTwo;
-	}