changeset 3 ee64f059b8e1
parent 2 2e1adbfc62af
child 4 3f2d53f144fe
child 5 0930554dc389
--- a/internetradio2.0/uiinc/irisdswrapper.h	Mon May 03 12:25:23 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Wrapper class for Isds functions
-#include <e32base.h>
-#include <BADESCA.H>
-#include "misdsresponseobserver.h"
-#include "isdsclientdll.h"
-#include <AknProgressDialog.h>
-const TInt KPresetsArrayMaxLength = 50;
-class CIRIsdsClient;
-class CIRBrowseCatagoryItems;
-class CIRBrowseChannelItems;
-class CIRSettings;
-class CIRFavoritesDb;
-class CIRIsdsPreset;
-class CIRDialogLauncher;
-class CAknWaitDialog;
-class MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver;
-class MSyncPresetObserver;
-class CIRIsdsWrapper:public CBase,public MIsdsResponseObserver,public MProgressDialogCallback
-	/* Function : NewL
-	 * function to return an instance of CIRIsdsWrapper
-	 * Two phase constructor
-     */
- 	static CIRIsdsWrapper* NewL(CIRSettings& aIRSettings,CIRFavoritesDb& aFavPresets);        
-    /**
-     * NewLC.
-     * Two-phased constructor.
-     * Create a CIRIsdsWrapper object, which will draw itself
-     * to aRect.
-     */
-    static CIRIsdsWrapper* NewLC(CIRSettings& aIRSettings,CIRFavoritesDb& aFavPresets);        
-    /**
-     * ~CIRIsdsWrapper
-     * Destructor.
-     */
-    ~CIRIsdsWrapper();
-   /**
-     * ConstructL
-     * 2nd phase constructor.
-     * Perform the second phase construction of a
-     * CIRSearchView object.
-     */
-    void ConstructL();
-	/**
-     * CIRSearchView.
-     * C++ default constructor.
-     */
-    CIRIsdsWrapper(CIRSettings& aIRSettings,CIRFavoritesDb& aFavPresets);  
-	/**
-	* IsdsSearchRequestL
-	* Issues a search request to the Isds Client
-	*/
-	void IsdsSearchRequestL(MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver,
-							const TDesC& aIsdsSearchString);
-	/**
-	* IsdsCategoryRequestL
-	* Issues a category request to the Isds Client
-	*/
-	void IsdsCategoryRequestL(MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver,
-							CIRIsdsClient::TIRIsdsclientInterfaceIDs aIDType);
-	/**
-	* IsdsChannelRequestL
-	* Issues a channel request to the Isds Client
-	*/
-	void IsdsChannelRequestL(MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver,TInt aIndex);
-	/**
-	* IsdsListenRequestL
-	* Issues a Listen request to the Isds Client
-	*/
-	void IsdsListenRequestL(MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver,
-					TInt aCurrentIndex,TBool aHistoryBool=EFalse);
-    /** 
-     * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsErrorL()
-	 * Used to Indiacte error in retrieving data from Isds
-	 * @param aErrCode- contains error code
-	 */
-    void IsdsErrorL(TInt aErrCode);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsCatogoryDataReceivedL()
-	 * Called when catogory information is recieved from ISDS
-	 * @param aParsedStructure - contains catogory info
-	 */
-	void IsdsCatogoryDataReceivedL(
-		CArrayPtrFlat<CIRBrowseCatagoryItems> & aParsedStructure) ;
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsChannelDataReceivedL()
-	 * Called when channel information is recieved from ISDS
-	 * @param aParsedStructure - contains Channel info
-	 */
-	void IsdsChannelDataReceivedL(
-		CArrayPtrFlat<CIRBrowseChannelItems> & aParsedStructure);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsPresetDataReceivedL()
-	 * Called when preset information is recieved from ISDS
-	 * @param aParsedStructure - contains Preset info
-	 */
-	void IsdsPresetDataReceivedL(
-		CArrayPtrFlat<CIRIsdsPreset> & aParsedStructure);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsIRIDRecieved()
-	 * Called to provide IRID
-	 * @param aIRID  - contains IRID recived from Isds
-	 */
-	void IsdsIRIDRecieved(const TDesC& /*aIRID*/);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsOtaInfoRecieved()
-	 * called back when OTA info is recieved and Ui needs to be intimated
-	 * @param CIROTAUpdate&,the ota information 
-	 */
-	void IsdsOtaInfoRecieved( CIROTAUpdate &/*aOtaData*/);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsPresetRemovedL()
-	 * called back when the preset that is synced was removed from isds
-	 * @param TInt,the preset id
-	 */
-	void IsdsPresetRemovedL(TInt /*aId*/);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsPresetChangedL()
-	 * called back when the preset that is synced has been changed in the isds
-	 * @param CIRIsdsPreset&,the new preset data
-	 */
-	void IsdsPresetChangedL(CIRIsdsPreset& /*aPreset*/);
-	/**
-	 * MIsdsResponseObserver::IsdsPresetNoChangeL()
-	 * called back when the preset that is synced has not been changed
-	 */
-	 void IsdsPresetNoChangeL();	
-	/**
-	 * IsdsPresetRequestL()
-	 * called by all the views to get preset data
-	 */
-	void IsdsPresetRequestL(MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver,TInt aIndex,
-				TInt aCommand,TInt aReqForLogo = ETrue,TInt aHistoryBool=EFalse);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::GetISDSInstance()
-	* Returns the ISDS Instance
-	*/
-	CIRIsdsClient* GetISDSInstance();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::IsdsCancelRequest()
-	* Cancels the Isds request made by UI
-	*/
-	void IsdsCancelRequest();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::GetDialogLauncherInstance()
-	* Returns the Dialog Launcher Instance
-	*/
-    CIRDialogLauncher* GetDialogLauncherInstance();
-    /**
-     * GetStationsData()
-     * returns the instance of iStationsData
-     */
-    CDesCArrayFlat* GetStationsData();
-    void CreateWaitDialogL();
-    	/**
-	* Called when the refresh dialog is dismissed.
-	* @param aButtonId The button that was used to dismiss the dialog.
-	*/
-	void DialogDismissedL( TInt aButtonId );
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::GetBannerUrl()
-	* Returns the BannerUrl
-	*/
-	HBufC* GetBannerUrl();
-	/**
-	* DestroyWaitDialogL()
-	* Destroys the Wait Dialog
-	*/
-	void DestroyWaitDialogL();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::SetCurrentPlayingIndex()
-	* Sets the Current Playing Index
-	*/
-	void SetCurrentPlayingIndex(TBool aCurrentPlayingIndex);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::GetCurrentPlayingIndex()
-	* Returns The current Playing Index
-	*/
-	TBool GetCurrentPlayingIndex();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::SetListenRequest()
-	* Sets The ListenRequest if Listen is Done
-	*/
-	void  SetListenRequest(TBool aListenRequest);
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::GetListenRequest()
-	* Returns the Listen Request Value
-	*/
-	TBool GetListenRequest();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::ActiveWaitDialog();
-	* Returns checks Whether tHe IsdS waitDialog is Active or Not
-	*/
-	TBool  ActiveWaitDialog();
-	/**
-	* CIRIsdsWrapper::SetSyncPresetObserver()
-	* Notifies the sync preset call back to the observer
-	* @param MSyncPresetObserver, observer for the synchronization
-	*/
-	void SetSyncPresetObserver(MSyncPresetObserver* aSyncPresetObserver);
-	void SetSyncPresetObserver(MSyncPresetObserver* aSyncPresetObserver,
-					MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver* aViewObserver);
-    TInt GetErrorCode();
-    /**
-    * CIRIsdsWrapper::SetSyncReqFromMainView()
-    * called before the syncrequest is made form MAINVIEW
-    * once the reponse receives saying "preset removed",
-    * error note "item no longer available" should not be displayed
-	* @param aValue, to know whether the syncrequest is made form mainview or not
-	*/
-	void SetSyncReqFromMainView(TBool aValue);
-public: 	//data
-	/**
-	* iStationsData
-	* Data for stationa data
-	*/
-	CDesCArrayFlat* iStationsData;
-	/**
-	* iCategoryData
-	* Data for category data
-	*/
-	CDesCArrayFlat* iCategoryData;
-	/**
-	* iCategoryData
-	* Array which contains the data for imgUrl of each channel
-	*/
-	CDesCArrayFlat* iChannelImgUrl;
-	/**
-	* iChannelID
-	* stores the channel id of currently playing channel
-	*/
-	TInt iChannelID;
-	/**
-	* iChannelIdArray
-	* for station id comparision
-	*/
-	RArray<TInt> iChannelIdArray;
-	/**
-	* iIRSettings
-	* Instance of CurrentOperationSettings
-	*/
-	CIRSettings& iIRSettings;
-	/**
-	* iISDSClient
-	*/
-	CIRIsdsClient* iISDSClient;
-	/**
-	* iViewObserver
-	* data of MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver class
-	*/
-	MViewsResponseAndErrorObserver *iViewObserver;	
-	/**
-	* iFavPresets
-	* Instance of favoritesDb class
-	*/
-	CIRFavoritesDb& iFavPresets;
-	/**
-	* iReqAddToFav
-	* Boolean value to determine whether add to favorites is requested
-	*/
-	TBool iReqAddToFav;
-	/**
-	* iReqForLogo
-	* Boolean value to determine whether logo is requested
-	*/
-	TBool iReqForLogo;
-	/**
-	* iSSearchRequest;
-	* Checks if the Isds request is for search
-	*/
-	TBool iSSearchRequest;
-	/**
-	* iError
-	* Checks if there is any Isds error.
-	*/
-	TBool iError;
-	TBool iConnTimeOut;
-	TBool iDialogDismissed;
-	/**
-	* iDiaologLauncher
-	* instance of CIRDiaologLauncher
-	*/
-	CIRDialogLauncher* iDiaologLauncher;
-	 /**
-	  * iBannerUrl
-	  * Banner Url of the Advertisement for Channels
-	  */
-	  HBufC* iBannerUrl;
-	  /**
-	  * iWaitDialogWhileSearch
-	  * Set When request For Search
-	  */
-	  TBool iWaitDialogWhileSearch;
-	 /**
-	 *iCurrentPlayingIndex
-	 * index of currently playing item
-	 */
-	 TInt iCurrentPlayingIndex;
-	  /**
-	  * iListenRequest
-	  * Set When request For Listen
-	  */
-	  TBool iListenRequest;
-	  TBool iHistoryBool ;
-	  /**
-	  * iSyncPresetObserver
-	  * observer for the prest synchronization
-	  */
-	  MSyncPresetObserver* iSyncPresetObserver;
-	  TBool iKNotFound;
-	  /**
-	  * iCliokThroughUrl
-	  * ClickThroughUrl of the Advertisement for Channels
-	  */
-	  HBufC* iClickThroughUrl;
-	 /**
-	  * iBannerUrl
-	  * Banner Url of the Advertisement for Channels
-	  */
-	  HBufC* iCatBannerUrl;
-	  /**
-	  * iCliokThroughUrl
-	  * ClickThroughUrl of the Advertisement for Channels
-	  */
-	  HBufC* iCatClickThroughUrl;
-    /**
-	* iWaitDialog
-	* calls the waitdialog owned by
-	* CAknWaitDialog
-	*/   
-	CAknWaitDialog* iIsdsWaitDialog;
-	TBool iCatBannerTag;
-	TBool iChannelBannerTag;
-	/**
-	* iSyncReqFromMainView
-	* used to know whether the sync request is made from mainview or not
-	*/
-	TBool iSyncReqFromMainView;
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