changeset 11 f683e24efca3
child 12 608f67c22514
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/qtinternetradio/irhswidgetplugin/src/irhswidget.cpp	Wed Jun 23 18:04:00 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Internet Radio home screen widget
+// System includes
+#include <HbLabel>
+#include <HbDocumentLoader>
+#include <HbFrameDrawer>
+#include <HbFrameItem>
+#include <HbIconAnimationManager>
+#include <HbIconAnimationDefinition>
+#include <HbColorScheme>
+#include <HbStyleLoader>
+#include <QGraphicsLinearLayout>
+#include <QSettings>
+#include <QPixmap>
+// User includes
+#include "irhswidget.h"
+#include "irserviceclient.h"
+// Defines
+static const QString KIrHsWidgetDocml  = ":/resource/irhswidget.docml";
+static const QString KIrHsWidget       = "irhswidget";
+static const QString KLogoLabel        = "logoLabel";
+static const QString KGoToIrLabel      = "goToIrLabel";
+static const QString KControlLabel     = "controlLabel";
+static const QString KFirstRowLabel    = "firstRowLabel";
+static const QString KSecondRowLabel   = "secondRowLabel";
+static const QString KInfoControlArea  = "info_control_area";
+static const QString KCentrolArea      = "infoLayout";
+static const QString KDefaultStationLogo = "qtg_large_internet_radio";
+static const QString KPlayButtonIcon     = "qtg_mono_play";
+static const QString KStopButtonIcon     = "qtg_mono_stop";
+static const QString KFrameGraphicsName  = "qtg_fr_hswidget_normal";
+static const QString KStationNameColor   = "qtc_hs_list_item_title";
+static const QString KMetaDataColor      = "qtc_hs_list_item_content";
+static const QString KLoadingAnimationPrefix  = "qtg_anim_loading_";
+static const QString KLoadingIconName = "LoadingAnimation";
+const int KIrHsWidgetLogoSize = 50; // hs widget logo size
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// Constructor
+IrHsWidget::IrHsWidget(QGraphicsItem* aParent, Qt::WindowFlags aFlags)
+    : HbWidget(aParent, aFlags),
+      mLogoLabel(NULL),
+      mControlLabel(NULL),
+      mGoToIrLabel(NULL),
+      mStationNameLabel(NULL),
+      mMetadataLabel(NULL),
+      mInfoControlArea(NULL),
+      mCentralArea(NULL),
+      mServiceClient(NULL),
+      mIrState(IrAppState::Unknown),
+      mIrHsWidgetState(EUnknown)
+    setupUi();
+    initHomeSreenWidget();
+    mServiceClient = new IrServiceClient(this);
+    setupConnection();
+// Destructor
+// Initializes the widget.
+// called by kqti fw when widget is added to home screen
+void IrHsWidget::onInitialize()
+    mServiceClient->startMonitoringIrState();    
+// Uninitializes the widget.
+// called by kqti fw when widget is removed from home screen
+void IrHsWidget::onUninitialize()
+// Called when widget is shown in the home screen
+void IrHsWidget::onShow()
+// Called when widget is hidden from the home screen
+void IrHsWidget::onHide()
+void IrHsWidget::setupUi()
+    HbDocumentLoader *uiLoader = new HbDocumentLoader();
+    uiLoader->reset();
+    bool loaded = false;
+    uiLoader->load(KIrHsWidgetDocml, &loaded);
+    if (loaded)
+    {
+        HbWidget *irHsWidget = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KIrHsWidget));
+        HbFrameDrawer *irHsWidgetDrawer = new HbFrameDrawer(KFrameGraphicsName, HbFrameDrawer::NinePieces);
+        HbFrameItem   *irHsWidgetBgItem = new HbFrameItem(irHsWidgetDrawer, irHsWidget);
+        irHsWidgetBgItem->setPreferredSize(irHsWidget->preferredSize());
+        QGraphicsLinearLayout *irHsWidgetLayout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical, this);
+        irHsWidgetLayout->addItem(irHsWidget);
+        setLayout(irHsWidgetLayout);
+        mGoToIrLabel      = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KGoToIrLabel));
+        mLogoLabel        = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KLogoLabel));
+        mControlLabel     = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KControlLabel));
+        mInfoControlArea  = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KInfoControlArea));
+        mCentralArea      = qobject_cast<HbWidget *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KCentrolArea));
+        // make system's hs backgourd item under logo
+        irHsWidgetBgItem->stackBefore(mLogoLabel);
+        // set font for station name line
+        mStationNameLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KFirstRowLabel));
+        mStationNameLabel->setTextColor(HbColorScheme::color(KStationNameColor));
+        // set font for meta data line
+        mMetadataLabel = qobject_cast<HbLabel *>(uiLoader->findWidget(KSecondRowLabel));
+        mMetadataLabel->setTextColor(HbColorScheme::color(KMetaDataColor));
+        // Create animation.
+        HbIconAnimationManager *animationManager = HbIconAnimationManager::global();
+        HbIconAnimationDefinition animationDefinition;
+        HbIconAnimationDefinition::AnimationFrame animationFrame;
+        QList<HbIconAnimationDefinition::AnimationFrame> animationFrameList;
+        QString animationFrameIconName;
+        for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
+        {
+            animationFrame.duration = 100;
+            animationFrameIconName.clear();
+            animationFrameIconName.append(KLoadingAnimationPrefix);
+            animationFrameIconName.append(animationFrameIconName.number(i));
+            animationFrame.iconName = animationFrameIconName;
+            animationFrameList.append(animationFrame);
+        }
+        animationDefinition.setPlayMode(HbIconAnimationDefinition::Loop);
+        animationDefinition.setFrameList(animationFrameList);
+        animationManager->addDefinition(KLoadingIconName, animationDefinition);
+        // Construct an icon using the animation definition.
+        mLoadingIcon.setIconName(KLoadingIconName);        
+        // install event filter to widget
+        mGoToIrLabel->installEventFilter(this);
+        mControlLabel->installEventFilter(this);
+        mLogoLabel->installEventFilter(this);
+        mCentralArea->installEventFilter(this);
+    }
+    delete uiLoader;
+void IrHsWidget::initHomeSreenWidget()
+    if (mServiceClient->isStationPlayed())
+    {
+        loadStoppedLayout();
+        QString stationName;
+        if (mServiceClient->loadStationName(stationName))
+        {
+            mStationNameLabel->setPlainText(stationName);
+        }
+        if (mServiceClient->loadStationLogoFlag())
+        {
+            loadStationLogo();
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        loadInitLayout();
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::setupConnection()
+    // signal - slot for service event
+    QObject::connect(mServiceClient, SIGNAL(stationNameUpdated(QString)),
+        this, SLOT(handleStationNameUpdated(QString)));
+    QObject::connect(mServiceClient, SIGNAL(stationLogoUpdated(bool)),
+        this, SLOT(handleStationLogoUpdated(bool)));
+    QObject::connect(mServiceClient, SIGNAL(metaDataUpdated(QString)),
+        this, SLOT(handleMetaDataUpdated(QString)));
+    QObject::connect(mServiceClient, SIGNAL(irStateChanged(IrAppState::Type)),
+        this, SLOT(handleIrStateUpdated(IrAppState::Type)));
+    QObject::connect(mServiceClient, SIGNAL(controlFailed()),
+        this, SLOT(handleControlFailed()));    
+bool IrHsWidget::eventFilter(QObject *aObject, QEvent *aEvent)
+    bool eventWasConsumed = false;
+    QString objectName     = aObject->objectName();
+    QEvent::Type eventType = aEvent->type();
+    if (KGoToIrLabel == objectName)
+    {
+        if (QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress == eventType)
+        {
+            eventWasConsumed = true;
+            handleGoToIrAreaAction();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (KLogoLabel == objectName)
+    {
+        if (QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress == eventType)
+        {
+            eventWasConsumed = true;
+            handleLogoAreaAction();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (KControlLabel == objectName)
+    {
+        if (QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress == eventType)
+        {
+            eventWasConsumed = true;
+            handleControlAreaAction();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (KCentrolArea == objectName)
+    {
+        if (QEvent::GraphicsSceneMousePress == eventType)
+        {
+            eventWasConsumed = true;
+            handleCentralAreaAction();
+        }
+    }
+    return eventWasConsumed;
+// ================ handle user press event ===============
+void IrHsWidget::handleLogoAreaAction()
+    switch (mIrState)
+    {
+        case IrAppState::NoRunInit:
+        case IrAppState::NoRunStopped:
+            mServiceClient->launchIrNormally();
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::RunningInit:
+        case IrAppState::RunningStopped:
+        case IrAppState::Playing:
+        case IrAppState::Loading:
+            mServiceClient->bringIrForeground();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::handleControlAreaAction()
+    switch (mIrState)
+    {
+        case IrAppState::NoRunStopped:          
+            mServiceClient->launchIrNowPlaying();
+            loadLoadingLayout();              
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::RunningStopped:
+            mServiceClient->startPlaying();
+            loadLoadingLayout();         
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::Playing:
+            mServiceClient->stopPlaying();
+            loadStoppedLayout();          
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::Loading: 
+            mServiceClient->cancelLoading();
+            loadStoppedLayout();                     
+            break;       
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::handleGoToIrAreaAction()
+    handleLogoAreaAction();
+void IrHsWidget::handleCentralAreaAction()
+    handleLogoAreaAction();
+void IrHsWidget::handleControlFailed()
+    switch (mIrHsWidgetState)
+    {
+        case EInit:     // LAF == [logo][go to interneat radio]
+            loadInitLayout();
+            break;
+        case EPlaying:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Play]
+            loadPlayingLayout();
+            break;
+        case EStopped:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Stop]
+            loadStoppedLayout();
+            break;
+        case ELoading:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Loading]
+            loadLoadingLayout();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }    
+// ======== for service notification ========
+void IrHsWidget::handleStationNameUpdated(const QString &aStationName)
+    if (mStationNameLabel->plainText() != aStationName)
+    {
+        mStationNameLabel->setPlainText(aStationName);
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::handleStationLogoUpdated(bool aLogoAvailable)
+    if (aLogoAvailable)
+    {
+        loadStationLogo();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        mLogoLabel->setIcon(KDefaultStationLogo);
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::handleMetaDataUpdated(const QString &aMetaData)
+    if (mMetadataLabel->plainText() != aMetaData)
+    {
+        mMetadataLabel->setPlainText(aMetaData);
+    }    
+void IrHsWidget::handleIrStateUpdated(IrAppState::Type aNewState)
+    if (aNewState == mIrState)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    mIrState = aNewState;
+    switch (mIrState)
+    {
+        case IrAppState::NoRunInit:
+        case IrAppState::RunningInit:   // LAF == [logo][go to interneat radio]
+            handleHsWidgetStateChange(EInit);
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::NoRunStopped:
+        case IrAppState::RunningStopped: // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Play]
+            handleHsWidgetStateChange(EStopped);
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::Playing:        // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Stop]
+            handleHsWidgetStateChange(EPlaying);
+            break;
+        case IrAppState::Loading:        // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Loading]
+            handleHsWidgetStateChange(ELoading);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+void IrHsWidget::handleHsWidgetStateChange(IrHsWidgetState aNewState)
+    if (aNewState == mIrHsWidgetState)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    mIrHsWidgetState = aNewState;
+    switch (mIrHsWidgetState)
+    {
+        case EInit:     // LAF == [logo][go to interneat radio]
+            loadInitLayout();
+            break;
+        case EPlaying:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Play]
+            loadPlayingLayout();
+            break;
+        case EStopped:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Stop]
+            loadStoppedLayout();
+            break;
+        case ELoading:  // LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Loading]
+            loadLoadingLayout();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+// LAF == [logo][go to interneat radio]
+void IrHsWidget::loadInitLayout()
+    mInfoControlArea->hide();
+    mGoToIrLabel->show();
+// LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Play]
+void IrHsWidget::loadStoppedLayout()
+    mGoToIrLabel->hide();
+    mInfoControlArea->show();
+    mMetadataLabel->setPlainText(QString(""));
+    mControlLabel->setIcon(KPlayButtonIcon);
+// LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Stop]
+void IrHsWidget::loadPlayingLayout()
+    mGoToIrLabel->hide();
+    mInfoControlArea->show();
+    mControlLabel->setIcon(KStopButtonIcon);      
+// LAF == [logo][StationInfo][Loading]
+void IrHsWidget::loadLoadingLayout()
+    mGoToIrLabel->hide();
+    mInfoControlArea->show();
+    mMetadataLabel->setPlainText(QString(""));
+    mControlLabel->setIcon(mLoadingIcon);   
+void IrHsWidget::loadStationLogo()
+    QSettings settings(KIrSettingOrganization, KIrSettingApplicaton);
+    if (settings.value(KIrSettingStationLogo).canConvert<QPixmap>())
+    {
+        QPixmap logoPixmap = settings.value(KIrSettingStationLogo).value<QPixmap>();
+        QPixmap newLogoPixmap = 
+             logoPixmap.scaled(QSize(KIrHsWidgetLogoSize,KIrHsWidgetLogoSize),Qt::KeepAspectRatio);
+        QIcon logoQIcon(newLogoPixmap);
+        HbIcon logoHbIcon(logoQIcon);            
+        mLogoLabel->setIcon(logoHbIcon);
+    }  