author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 09:40:26 +0300
changeset 14 896e9dbc5f19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201031 Kit: 201033

* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:


#include <rconnmon.h>

#include "irnetworkcontrollerobserver.h"

class MIRNetworkController;
class CIRNetworkController;

NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CIRNetworkObserver ): public CActive , 
                                         public MConnectionMonitorObserver

     *Creates an Instance of CIRNetworkObserver
     *@return CIRNetworkObserver*
    IMPORT_C static CIRNetworkObserver* NewL( CIRNetworkController* aNetworkController );

     *  Default Destructor

     *  Initializes the Connection monitor
    void InitializeNetworkObserver();

     *  Set the observer used to communicate with the IRNetworkController
    void SetObserver( MIRNetworkController* aObserver );
     * Sets network monitoring observer to decide whether network monitoring is 
     * required.
    void SetNetworkMonitoring( TBool aValue );


     *  Default Constructor
    CIRNetworkObserver(CIRNetworkController *aNetworkController);

     *  Creates an Instance of CIRNetworkObserver
     *  @return CIRNetworkObserver*
    static CIRNetworkObserver* NewLC( CIRNetworkController* aNetworkController );

     *  Second Phase construction.
    void ConstructL();

//  Derived from CActive

     * Derived from CActive
     * The function is called by the active scheduler when a request 
     * completion event occurs,
    virtual void RunL();

     *  Cancels the pending requests on the CIRNetworkObserver Active object
    virtual void DoCancel();

     *  Handles a leave occurring in the request completion event handler RunL()
    virtual TInt RunError( int aError );

     *    Derived from MConnectionMonitorObserver

     *  Derived from MConnectionMonitorObserver
     *  Implements the EventL method which is called when there is a network event
     *  @param aConnMonEvent Indicates the type of event occurred
    void  EventL( const CConnMonEventBase &aConnMonEvent );

     *  Identifies the type of connection we have used to get connected to network
    void IdentifyConnection();

     * Utility function used just to keep RunL() small
    void IRNetworkObserverRunL();

     * Extracts the IAP Id of the access point
    void GetAPId();

public: // Public Data Members

     * Stores the type of connection that is currently open
    TIRConnectionType iIRConnectionType;

     * Stores the IAP ID of the connection
    TUint iIAPId;

    TBool iIsIAPIdAvailable;


     *IR Connection monitor states ( indicates the different 
     *possible states the state machine can be in )
    enum TIRObserverState

     * Used to monitor the network
    RConnectionMonitor iIRConnectionMonitor;

     * Stores the currently open connection Id
    TUint iConnectionId;

     * Stores the currently open Sub connection Id
    TUint iSubConnectionCount;

     * Stores the count of currently open sub connections
    TUint iConnectionCount;

     * Stores the state of the observer
    TIRObserverState iObserverState;

     * Stores the type of connection open
    TInt iConnectionType;

     * Pointer to the network controller object
    MIRNetworkController* iMonitorObserver;

     * Boolean indicates if monitoring option is requested by the creator
     * of the CIRNetworkController instance
    TBool iMonitoringRequired;

    CIRNetworkController *iNetworkController;