changeset 0 a4daefaec16c
child 2 7b872347d83b
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a4daefaec16c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   Implementation of the handover trigger
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    22 #include <vccsubscribekeys.h>
    23 #include "vccuipsproperty.h"
    24 #include "vcchotrigger.h"
    25 #include "vccsignallevelhandler.h"
    26 #include "vccwlansignallevelhandler.h"
    27 #include "vccgsmsignallevelhandler.h"
    28 #include "rubydebug.h"
    29 #include "vcchopolicyreader.h"
    30 #include "vcccchmonitor.h"
    31 #include "vccengpsproperty.h"
    32 #include "cvccperformer.h"
    34 // Min. signal strength.
    35 static const TInt32 KStrengthMin = 110;
    37 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 // Symbian constructor
    41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 EXPORT_C CVccHoTrigger* CVccHoTrigger::NewL()
    44     {
    45     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CVccHoTrigger::NewL" );
    47     CVccHoTrigger* self = new ( ELeave ) CVccHoTrigger();
    49     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    51     self->ConstructL();
    53     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    55     return self;
    56     }
    58 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 // Destructor
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 //
    62 CVccHoTrigger::~CVccHoTrigger()
    63     {
    64     RUBY_DEBUG0( "CVccHoTrigger::~CVccHoTrigger() - ENTER" );
    66     delete iProperty;
    67     delete iWlanSignalLevelHandler;
    68     delete iGsmSignalLevelHandler;
    69     delete iHoPolicyReader;
    70     delete iCchMonitor;
    71     delete iEngPsProperty;
    73     RUBY_DEBUG0( "CVccHoTrigger::~CVccHoTrigger() - EXIT" );
    74     }
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 // CVccHoTrigger::CVccHoTrigger()
    78 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 CVccHoTrigger::CVccHoTrigger() :         //: CActive( EPriorityStandard )
    82     iGsmClass( ESignalClassUndefined ),
    83     iWlanClass( ESignalClassUndefined ),
    84     iManualHoDone( EFalse ),
    85     iHoNotAllowed( EFalse ),
    86     iHoAllowedIfCsOriginated( ETrue )
    87     {
    88     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::CVccHoTrigger" );
    89     }
    90 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    91 // 2nd phase constructor
    92 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 //
    94 void CVccHoTrigger::ConstructL()
    95     {
    96     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CVccHoTrigger::ConstructL" );
    98     iProperty = CVccUiPsProperty::NewL();
    99     iHoPolicyReader = CVccHoPolicyReader::NewL();
   100     iHoPolicyReader->ReadSettingsL();
   102     iEngPsProperty = CVccEngPsProperty::NewL();
   103     iPolicy = iHoPolicyReader->HoPolicy();
   104     TSignalLevelParams gsm = iHoPolicyReader->CsSignalLevelParams();
   105     TSignalLevelParams wlan = iHoPolicyReader->PsSignalLevelParams();
   108     iWlanSignalLevelHandler =
   109         CVccWlanSignalLevelHandler::NewL( *this, wlan, *iEngPsProperty );
   112     iGsmSignalLevelHandler =
   113         CVccGsmSignalLevelHandler::NewL( *this, gsm );
   115     iHoAllowedIfCsOriginated = iPolicy.DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated();
   116     // Previous signal level class must be undefined
   117     iPreviousGsmClass = ESignalClassUndefined;
   118     iPreviousWlanClass = ESignalClassUndefined;
   119     // In the beginning the VoIP service is not available.
   120     // This will be changed when the cch monitor calls us
   121     // when the service is available.
   122     iCchServiceStatus = EServiceUnavailable;
   124     // CS network has signal level zero if the service is not
   125     // available.
   126     iCsSignalLevel = KStrengthMin;
   128     // We are not stared yet.
   129     iStarted = EFalse;
   131     // Update P&S keys to tell if we can do ho or not.    
   132     UpdatePsKeysL();
   133     // Create the CCH monitor. We are the observer to be
   134     // notified when the status changes.
   135     iCchMonitor = CVccCchMonitor::NewL( *this );
   136     }
   138 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // Stop monitoring
   140 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 //
   142 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::Stop()
   143     {
   144     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::Stop" );
   145     Stop( *iWhoStartedMe );
   146     }
   148 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   149 // Stop monitoring
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 //
   152 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::Stop( CVccPerformer& aStopper )
   153     {
   154     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::Stop" );
   155     // If someone else that the one who started us tries
   156     // to stop us, we do not allow it.
   157     // There may be several performers that are in differnet state
   158     // and in those state they do not need trigger and thus try
   159     // to stop us.
   160     if ( iWhoStartedMe == &aStopper )
   161         {
   162         iWhoStartedMe = NULL;
   163         iStarted = EFalse;
   164         TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePsKeysL() );
   165         TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccNoRequestOngoing ) );
   166         iWlanSignalLevelHandler->Stop();
   167         iGsmSignalLevelHandler->Stop();
   169         iGsmClass = ESignalClassUndefined;
   170         iWlanClass = ESignalClassUndefined;        
   172         // Reset CS signal strength to min
   173         iCsSignalLevel = KStrengthMin;
   175         // Disable (do not send notifications).
   176         // The service is not actually disabled.
   177         // It will be disabled (if needed) when the monitor
   178         // is deleted.
   179         iCchMonitor->DisableService();
   180         RUBY_DEBUG0( " -Trigger stopped");
   181         }
   182     }
   184 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   185 // Start monitoring
   186 // We must not leave.
   187 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 //
   189 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::Start( CVccPerformer& aWhoStartedMe, 
   190                                     TBool aCsOriginated )
   191     {
   192     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::Start" );
   193     if( iHoAllowedIfCsOriginated == EFalse && aCsOriginated )
   194         {
   195         RUBY_DEBUG0( "HO not allowed for CS originated calls" );
   197         Stop();
   198         return;
   199         }
   200     //anyone can start, but only the last one who started can stop the trigger
   201     iWhoStartedMe = &aWhoStartedMe;
   202     if( !iStarted )
   203         {
   205         // Previous signal level class must be undefined
   206         iPreviousGsmClass = ESignalClassUndefined;
   207         iPreviousWlanClass = ESignalClassUndefined;
   209         // read signal high/low levels, timers etc.
   210         TRAPD( err, iHoPolicyReader->ReadSettingsL() );
   211         RUBY_DEBUG1( "reading ho settings, err = %d", err );
   213         if ( !err )
   214         	{
   215 		    TSignalLevelParams gsm = iHoPolicyReader->CsSignalLevelParams();
   216 		    TSignalLevelParams wlan = iHoPolicyReader->PsSignalLevelParams();
   217 		    iPolicy = iHoPolicyReader->HoPolicy();
   219 		    iWlanSignalLevelHandler->SetParams( wlan );
   220 		    iGsmSignalLevelHandler->SetParams( gsm );
   222 		    TRAPD( err_wlan, iWlanSignalLevelHandler->StartL() );
   223 		    RUBY_DEBUG1( "starting wlan signal level handler, err = %d", err_wlan );
   224 		    TRAPD( err_gsm, iGsmSignalLevelHandler->StartL() );
   225 		    RUBY_DEBUG1( "starting gsm signal level handler, err = %d", err_gsm );
   227 		    if ( !err_wlan && !err_gsm )
   228 		    	{		    
   229 			    // Enable the VoIP service to be able to do VoIP calls.
   230 			    TRAPD( err_cch, iCchMonitor->EnableServiceL() );
   231 			    RUBY_DEBUG1( "enabling service, err = %d", err_cch );
   233 			    if ( !err_cch )
   234 			    	{
   235 			    	// Everything was started ok
   236 			    	iStarted = ETrue;
   237 			    	}
   238 		    	}
   239 		    else
   240 		    	{
   241 		    	// Stop the handlers just in case either one was started
   242 		    	iWlanSignalLevelHandler->Stop();
   243 		    	iGsmSignalLevelHandler->Stop();
   244 		    	}
   245         	}
   247         TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePsKeysL() );
   248         }
   249     }
   251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 // Set the domain type of the current call
   253 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 //
   255 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::SetCurrentDomainType( TCallDomainType aDomainType )
   256     {
   257     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::SetCurrentDomainType" );
   258     iDomainType = aDomainType;
   259     }
   261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // Set the preferred domain type
   263 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 //
   265 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::SetPreferredDomainType( 
   266                                         TVccHoPolicyPreferredDomain aDomainType )
   267     {
   268     RUBY_DEBUG1( "CVccHoTrigger::SetPreferredDomainType(%d)", aDomainType );
   269     iPolicy.SetPreferredDomain( aDomainType );
   270     }
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // Set Immediate Domain Transfer on/off
   274 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 //
   276 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::SetImmediateDomainTransfer( TBool aImmediateDT )
   277     {
   278     RUBY_DEBUG1( "CVccHoTrigger::SetImmediateDomainTransfer(%d)", aImmediateDT );
   279     iPolicy.SetDoImmediateHo(  aImmediateDT );
   280     }
   282 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   283 // Handles wlan signal change notifications
   284 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 //
   286 void CVccHoTrigger::WlanSignalChanged(
   287         TInt32 /*aSignalStrength*/,
   288         TSignalStrengthClass aClass )
   289     {
   290     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::WlanSignalChanged" );
   292     //Store signal strength class to that we know later what is the strength
   293     iWlanClass = aClass;
   295     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iWlanClass=%x ", iWlanClass );
   296     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iDomainType=%x ", iDomainType );
   297     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iGsmClass=%x ", iGsmClass );
   298     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -DoImmediateHO=%x ", iPolicy.DoImmediateHo() );
   299     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -PreferredDomain=%x ", iPolicy.PreferredDomain() );
   300     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iGsmClass=%x ", iGsmClass );
   301     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls=%x ", iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() );
   302     RUBY_DEBUG0( "0 = GOOD, 1 = WEAK, 2 = UNDEFINED" );
   304     // If the previous class is the same as the new one
   305     // - do nothing.
   307     if ( iPreviousWlanClass == iWlanClass )
   308         {
   309         RUBY_DEBUG0( "No change in WLAN signal class -> return" );
   311         return;
   312         }
   313     else
   314         {
   315         iPreviousWlanClass = iWlanClass;
   316         }
   318     TriggerHo();
   319      }
   321 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 // Handles GSM singnal change notifications
   323 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 //
   325 void CVccHoTrigger::GsmSignalChanged(
   326         TInt32 aSignalStrength,
   327         TSignalStrengthClass aClass )
   328     {
   329     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "VccHoTrigger::GsmSignalChanged" );
   330     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iCsSignalLevel=%d ", aSignalStrength );
   332     //Store signal strength class to that we know later what is the strength
   333     iGsmClass = aClass;
   335     // Save the signal strength as "status".
   336     // Zero (0) means that the service is not available.
   337     iCsSignalLevel = aSignalStrength;
   339     // Update P&S keys to tell if we can do ho or not.
   340     // If the signal level has gone to zero, we are unable to
   341     // do hondover.
   343     TVccHoStatus hoStatus( EVccHoStateUnknown );
   344     iEngPsProperty->GetCurrentHoStatus( hoStatus );
   346     if( hoStatus != EVccCsToPsHoStarted || hoStatus != EVccCsToPsHoInprogress )
   347         {
   348         RUBY_DEBUG0( "CS to PS HO in progress, not updating keys" );
   349         TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePsKeysL() );
   350         }
   352     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iWlanClass=%x ", iWlanClass );
   353     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iDomainType=%x ", iDomainType );
   354     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iGsmClass=%x ", iGsmClass );
   355     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -DoImmediateHO=%x ", iPolicy.DoImmediateHo() );
   356     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -PreferredDomain=%x ", iPolicy.PreferredDomain() );
   357     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls=%x ", iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() );  
   358     RUBY_DEBUG0( "0 = GOOD, 1 = WEAK, 2 = UNDEFINED" );
   360     // If the previous class is the same as the new one
   361     // - do nothing.
   363     if ( iPreviousGsmClass == iGsmClass )
   364         {
   365         RUBY_DEBUG0( "No change in GSM signal class -> return" );
   367         return;
   368         }
   369     else
   370         {
   371         iPreviousGsmClass = iGsmClass;
   372         }
   374     TriggerHo();
   375     }
   377 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   378 // Handles CCH monitor notifications
   379 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   380 //
   381 void CVccHoTrigger::CchServiceStatusChanged( TServiceStatus aStatus )
   382     {
   383     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "VccHoTrigger::CchServiceStateChanged" );
   384     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -Service status = %d", aStatus );
   386     // Save the status
   387     iCchServiceStatus = aStatus;
   389     TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePsKeysL() );
   390     TriggerHo();
   391     }
   393 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 // Check if the CS or PS services are available or not
   395 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 //
   397 TBool CVccHoTrigger::ServicesAvailable()
   398     {
   399     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::AreServicesAvailable" );
   401     TBool retVal( ETrue );
   403     // If PS service (VoIP service) is unavailable or
   404     // the CS service == 0 (i.e. signal level),
   405     // we cannot do handover.
   407     if ( iCchServiceStatus == EServiceUnavailable || 
   408                     iCsSignalLevel == KStrengthMin )
   409         {
   410         RUBY_DEBUG0( " -VoIP/CS service(s) not available" );
   411         retVal = EFalse;
   412         }
   414     return retVal;
   415     }
   417 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   418 // Update (write) service status state to P&S.
   419 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 //
   421 void CVccHoTrigger::UpdatePsKeysL()
   422     {
   423     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::UpdatePsKeysL" );
   425     // If we are started and both services are available,
   426     // handover can be done.
   427     // Services available in CS means that we have
   428     // signal strength != KStrengthMin (which is 110, returned
   429     // from the CS signal level monitor).
   431     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iStarted = %d", iStarted );
   432     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -iHoNotAllowed = %d", iHoNotAllowed );
   433     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -Service status = %d (0=unavailable, 1=available)", iCchServiceStatus );
   434     RUBY_DEBUG1( " -CS signal min level = 110, current level = %d", iCsSignalLevel );
   436     if ( iStarted &&
   437             ( iCchServiceStatus == EServiceAvailable ) && 
   438             ( iCsSignalLevel != KStrengthMin ) &&
   439             ( !iHoNotAllowed ) )
   440         {
   441         RUBY_DEBUG0( " -We are started and both services are available" );
   442         // Check HO direction restrictions
   443         if ( ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & ECsToPsAllowed ) && 
   444                 ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & EPsToCsAllowed ) )
   445             {
   446             if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   447                 {
   448                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -Services available and ho allowed to both \
   449                              directions, also in multicall" );
   450                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccHoStateIdle, KErrNone );
   451                 }
   452             else
   453                 {
   454                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -Services available and ho allowed to both \
   455                              directions but not in multicall" );
   456                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccHoStateIdleIfSingleCall, KErrNone );
   457                 }
   458             }
   459         else if ( !( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & ECsToPsAllowed  ) &&
   460                 ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & EPsToCsAllowed ) )
   461             {
   462             if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   463                 {
   464                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -HO allowed only to CS" );
   465                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccCsToPsNotAllowed, KErrNone );
   466                 }
   467             else
   468                 {
   469                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -HO allowed only to CS, in single call situation" );
   470                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccHoAllowedToCsIfSingleCall, KErrNone );
   471                 }
   472             }
   473         else if ( !( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & EPsToCsAllowed ) &&  
   474                     ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & ECsToPsAllowed ) )
   475             {
   476             if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   477                 {
   478                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -HO allowed only to PS" );
   479                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccPsToCsNotAllowed, KErrNone );
   480                 }
   481             else
   482                 {
   483                 RUBY_DEBUG0( " -HO allowed only to PS, in single call situation" );
   484                 iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccHoAllowedToPsIfSingleCall, KErrNone );
   485                 }
   486             }
   487         }
   488     else
   489         {
   490         RUBY_DEBUG0( " -We are stopped or services are unavailable:" );
   491         iEngPsProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccHoUnavailable, KErrNotReady );        
   492         }
   493     }
   495 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 // If manual HO is done, no automatic should be made.
   497 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 //
   499 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::ManualHoCallStarted()
   500     {
   501     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::ManualHoCallStarted" );
   502     iManualHoDone = ETrue;
   503     }
   505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   506 // After manual HO call has been released automatic HOs can be made again.
   507 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 //
   509 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::ManualHoCallReleased()
   510     {
   511     RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::ManualHoCallReleased" );
   512     iManualHoDone = EFalse;
   513     }
   515 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   516 // During conference HO is not allowed
   517 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   518 //
   519 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::HoNotAllowedL()
   520 	{
   521 	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::HoNotAllowedL" );
   522 	iHoNotAllowed = ETrue;
   523 	UpdatePsKeysL();
   524 	}
   526 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   527 // After conference HO is allowed again
   528 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   529 //
   530 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::HoAllowed()
   531 	{
   532 	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::HoAllowed" );
   533 	iHoNotAllowed = EFalse;
   534 	TRAP_IGNORE( UpdatePsKeysL() );
   535 	}
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 // Read settings
   539 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   540 //
   541 EXPORT_C void CVccHoTrigger::ReadHoAllowedWhenCsOriginatedSettingL()
   542     {
   543     iHoPolicyReader->ReadSettingsL();
   544     iPolicy = iHoPolicyReader->HoPolicy();
   545     iHoAllowedIfCsOriginated = iPolicy.DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated();
   546     }
   548 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 // Initiate the actual ho when its ok
   550 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   551 //
   552 void CVccHoTrigger::TriggerHo()
   553 	{
   554 	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::TriggerHo" );
   555 	//Check if manual ho is already made during this call and the 
   556 	//service availability.
   557 	if( iManualHoDone || !ServicesAvailable() || iHoNotAllowed )
   558 		{
   559 		return;
   560 		}
   562 	//If immediate ho is "ON" do it first and then return.
   563 	if( iPolicy.DoImmediateHo() )
   564 		{
   565 		if ( DoImmediateHo() )
   566 		    {
   567 		    RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::TriggerHo - immediate HO was initiated" );
   568 		    return;
   569 		    }
   570 		RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::TriggerHo - no immediate HO" );
   571 		}
   573 	if ( iWlanClass == ESignalClassWeak &&
   574 	     iGsmClass == ESignalClassNormal && 
   575 	     ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & EPsToCsAllowed  ))
   576 	    {
   577 	    RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::WlanSignalChanged - NotifySubscriberL" );
   579 	    // First empty the key, so that director 
   580 	    // gets notified about all changes
   582 	    TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccNoRequestOngoing ) );
   583 	    // Check whether HO is allowed in multicall situation
   584 	    if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   585 	        {
   586 	        TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   587 	                    EVccAutomaticStartPsToCsHoRequest ) );
   588 	        }
   589 	    else
   590 	        {
   591 	        TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   592 	                    EVccAutomaticStartPsToCsHoRequestIfSingleCall ) );
   593 	        }
   595 	    }        
   597 	else if ( iGsmClass == ESignalClassWeak &&
   598             iWlanClass == ESignalClassNormal &&
   599             ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & ECsToPsAllowed ))
   600         {
   601         RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::GsmSignalChanged - NotifySubscriberL" );
   603         // First empty the key, so that director 
   604         // gets notified about all changes
   606         TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccNoRequestOngoing ) );
   607         // Check whether HO is allowed in multicall situation
   608         if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   609             {
   610             TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   611                         EVccAutomaticStartCsToPsHoRequest ) );
   612             }
   613         else
   614             {
   615             TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   616                         EVccAutomaticStartCsToPsHoRequestIfSingleCall ) );
   617             }
   618         }
   619     }
   621 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   622 // Initiate immediate ho
   623 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   624 //
   625 TBool CVccHoTrigger::DoImmediateHo()
   626 	{
   627 	RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CVccHoTrigger::DoImmediateHo" );
   628 	TBool ret( EFalse );
   629 	if( ( iPolicy.PreferredDomain() == ECsPreferred ) &&
   630 	    iGsmClass ==  ESignalClassNormal &&
   631         ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & EPsToCsAllowed ) )  
   632 		{
   633 		// Current call is PS, CS signal is ok, preferred domain is CS
   634         // and immediate HO is requested -> HANDOVER to CS
   636         RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::GsmSignalChanged - NotifySubscriberL ->\
   637                       IMMEDIATE HO to CS" );
   639         // First empty the key, so that director gets
   640         // notified about all changes
   642         TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccNoRequestOngoing ) );
   644         // Check whether HO is allowed in multicall situation
   645         if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   646             {
   647             TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   648                         EVccAutomaticStartPsToCsHoRequest ) );
   649             ret = ETrue;
   650             }
   651         else
   652             {
   653             TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   654                         EVccAutomaticStartPsToCsHoRequestIfSingleCall ) );
   655             ret = ETrue;
   656             }
   657 		}
   659 	else if ( (iPolicy.PreferredDomain() == EPsPreferred)  &&
   660 	      iWlanClass == ESignalClassNormal &&
   661 	      ( iPolicy.AllowedDirection() & ECsToPsAllowed  ) )
   662         {
   663         // Current call is CS, PS signal is ok, preferred domain is PS and 
   664 	    // immediate HO is requested -> HANDOVER to PS
   666         RUBY_DEBUG0( "VccHoTrigger::WlanSignalChanged - NotifySubscriberL ->\
   667                       IMMEDIATE HO to PS" );
   669 	    // First empty the key, so that director gets 
   670 	    // notified about all changes
   672 	    TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL( EVccNoRequestOngoing ) );
   674         // Check whether HO is allowed in multicall situation
   675 	    if( iPolicy.DoHoInHeldWaitingCalls() )
   676             {
   677 	        TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   678 	                    EVccAutomaticStartCsToPsHoRequest ) );
   679 	        ret = ETrue;
   680 	        }
   681 	    else
   682 	        {
   683 	        TRAP_IGNORE( iProperty->NotifySubscriberL(
   684 	                       EVccAutomaticStartCsToPsHoRequestIfSingleCall ) );
   685 	        ret = ETrue;
   686 	        }
   687         }
   688 	return ret;
   689 	}