changeset 0 a4daefaec16c
child 11 bddb6d4447db
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a4daefaec16c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CCCHServiceHandler implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #include <cchclientserver.h>
    21 #include <spnotifychange.h>
    23 #include "cchservicehandler.h"
    24 #include "cchserverbase.h"
    25 #include "cchspshandler.h"
    26 #include "cchlogger.h"
    27 #include "cchpluginhandler.h"
    28 #include "cchuihandler.h"
    29 #include "cchconnmonhandler.h"
    30 #include "cchwlanextension.h"
    31 #include "cchcommdbwatcher.h"
    32 #include "cchcommdbwatcherobserver.h"
    35 // None
    38 // None
    40 // CONSTANTS
    42 const TInt KConnectionRecoveryMaxTries = 5;
    44 const TInt KCCHFirstRecovery    = 15000000;
    45 const TInt KCCHSecondRecovery   = 15000000;
    46 const TInt KCCHThirdRecovery    = 30000000;
    47 const TInt KCCHFourthRecovery   = 60000000;
    48 const TInt KCCHFifthRecovery    = 60000000;
    50 const TInt KCCHPluginUnloadTimeout = 5000000;
    51 // MACROS
    52 // None
    55 // None
    58 // None
    61 // None
    64 // None.
    66 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS =============================
    68 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
    70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    71 // CCCHServiceHandler::CCCHServiceHandler
    72 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 //
    75 CCCHServiceHandler::CCCHServiceHandler( CCCHServerBase& aServer ) :
    76     iServer( aServer ),
    77     iConnectionRecoveryTry( 0 ),
    78     iCancelNotify( ETrue ) 
    79     {
    80     // No implementation required
    81     }
    83 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CCCHServiceHandler::ConstructL
    85 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    86 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 //
    88 void CCCHServiceHandler::ConstructL()
    89     {
    90     iNotifier = CSPNotifyChange::NewL( *this );
    91     iCchUIHandler = CCchUIHandler::NewL( iServer, *this );
    92     iPhoneStartupMonitor = CCchPhoneStartupMonitor::NewL( *iCchUIHandler );
    93     iConnectionRecoveryTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CPeriodic::EPriorityStandard );
    94     iCommDbWatcher = CCCHCommDbWatcher::NewL( *this );
    95     iPluginUnloadTimer = CPeriodic::NewL( CPeriodic::EPriorityStandard );
    96     iRecoveryInterval.Append( KCCHFirstRecovery );
    97     iRecoveryInterval.Append( KCCHSecondRecovery );
    98     iRecoveryInterval.Append( KCCHThirdRecovery );
    99     iRecoveryInterval.Append( KCCHFourthRecovery );
   100     iRecoveryInterval.Append( KCCHFifthRecovery );
   101     iWlanExtension = CCchWlanExtension::NewL( );
   102     }
   104 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // CCCHServiceHandler::NewL
   106 // Two-phased constructor.
   107 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 CCCHServiceHandler* CCCHServiceHandler::NewL( CCCHServerBase& aServer )
   110     {
   111     CCCHServiceHandler* self = CCCHServiceHandler::NewLC( aServer );
   112     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   113     return self;
   114     }
   116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   117 // CCCHServiceHandler::NewLC
   118 // Two-phased constructor.
   119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 //
   121 CCCHServiceHandler* CCCHServiceHandler::NewLC( CCCHServerBase& aServer )
   122     {
   123     CCCHServiceHandler* self = new (ELeave) CCCHServiceHandler( aServer );
   124     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   125     self->ConstructL();
   126     return self;
   127     }
   129 // Destructor
   130 CCCHServiceHandler::~CCCHServiceHandler()
   131     {
   132     if ( iCchUIHandler )
   133         {
   134         iCchUIHandler->Destroy();
   135         }
   137     delete iPhoneStartupMonitor;
   138     delete iWlanExtension;
   139     delete iConnectionRecoveryTimer;
   140     delete iPluginUnloadTimer;
   141     delete iCommDbWatcher;
   143     if( iNotifier )
   144         {
   145         iNotifier->Cancel();
   146         delete iNotifier;
   147         iNotifier = NULL;    
   148         }
   150     iServiceIds.Close();
   151     iServer.PluginHandler().RemoveServiceNotifier( this );
   152     iServices.ResetAndDestroy();
   153     iServicesInRecovery.Close();
   154     iRecoveryInterval.Close();
   155     }
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 // CCCHServiceHandler::InitServiceHandlerL
   159 // (other items were commented in a header).
   160 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   161 //
   162 void CCCHServiceHandler::InitServiceHandlerL()
   163     {
   164     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::InitServiceHandlerL [0x%x]: IN",this );
   166     RArray<TUint> serviceIds;
   167     CleanupClosePushL( serviceIds );
   168     iServer.SPSHandler().GetServiceIdsL( serviceIds );
   169     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < serviceIds.Count(); i++ )
   170         {        
   171         if ( KErrNotFound == FindService( serviceIds[ i ] ) )
   172             {
   173             TCCHService service;
   174             TRAPD( error, iServer.SPSHandler().GetServiceInfoL( 
   175                 serviceIds[ i ], service ) );
   176             if ( KErrNone == error )
   177                 {
   178                 AddServiceL( service );    
   179                 }                    
   180             }
   181         }
   182     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &serviceIds );
   183     // Subscribe to service change notifies    
   184     EnableNotifyChange();
   186     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::InitServiceHandlerL: OUT" );
   187     }
   189 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   190 // CCCHServiceHandler::AddServiceL
   191 // (other items were commented in a header).
   192 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 void CCCHServiceHandler::AddServiceL( TCCHService& aService )
   195     {
   196     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::AddServiceL: IN" );
   198     CCCHServiceInfo* cchServiceInfo = CCCHServiceInfo::NewLC( iServer );
   199     cchServiceInfo->SetServiceId( aService.iServiceId );
   200     cchServiceInfo->SetName( aService.iServiceName );
   201     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::AddServiceL: adding service with %d subservices",aService.iSubservices.Count() );
   202     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < aService.iSubservices.Count(); i++ )
   203         {
   204         cchServiceInfo->AddSubserviceL( aService.iSubservices[ i ] );
   205         }
   207     CleanupStack::Pop( cchServiceInfo );
   208     iServices.Append( cchServiceInfo );
   210     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::AddServiceL: OUT" );
   211     }
   213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 // CCCHServiceHandler::UpdateL
   215 // (other items were commented in a header).
   216 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   217 //
   218 void CCCHServiceHandler::UpdateL( TBool aReadSettingTable )
   219     {
   220     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UpdateL: IN" );
   222     // Read settings from service table
   223     if ( aReadSettingTable )
   224         {
   225         RArray<TUint> serviceIds;
   226         CleanupClosePushL( serviceIds );
   228         TInt index( KErrNotFound );
   229         iServer.SPSHandler().GetServiceIdsL( serviceIds );
   231         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < serviceIds.Count(); i++ )
   232             {        
   233             index = FindService( serviceIds[ i ] );
   234             if ( KErrNotFound != index )
   235                 {
   236                 iServices[ index ]->UpdateL( ETrue );
   237                 }
   238             else
   239                 {
   240                 CCHLOGSTRING2
   241                     ( "CCCHSeviceHandler::UpdateL: \
   242                         New service found: ServiceId %d", serviceIds[ i ] );
   243                 TCCHService service;
   244                 TRAPD( error, iServer.SPSHandler().GetServiceInfoL( 
   245                     serviceIds[ i ], service ) );
   246                 if ( KErrNone == error )
   247                     {
   248                     AddServiceL( service );
   249                     }                
   250                 }
   251             }
   252         if ( serviceIds.Count() < iServices.Count() )
   253             {
   254             // Remove service's which does not exist anymore            
   255             for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
   256                 {            
   257                 if ( KErrNotFound == serviceIds.Find( 
   258                     iServices[ i ]->GetServiceId( ) ) )
   259                     {
   260                     CCHLOGSTRING2
   261                         ( "CCCHSeviceHandler::UpdateL: \
   262                         service removed: ServiceId %d", 
   263                         iServices[ i ]->GetServiceId() );
   264                     delete iServices[ i ];
   265                     iServices.Remove( i );
   266                     i--;
   267                     StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
   268                     }
   269                 }
   270             }
   271         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &serviceIds );
   272         }
   273     else
   274         {
   275         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
   276             {
   277             iServices[ i ]->UpdateL();
   278             }    
   279         }
   281     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UpdateL: OUT" );
   282     }
   284 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   285 // CCCHServiceHandler::IsStartupFlagSet
   286 // (other items were commented in a header).
   287 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   288 //
   289 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::IsStartupFlagSet() const
   290     {
   291     TBool ret( EFalse );
   293     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count() && !ret; i++ )
   294         {
   295         ret = iServices[ i ]->StartupFlagSet();
   296         }
   298     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsStartupFlagSet: %d", ret );
   299     return ret;
   300     }
   303 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   304 // CCCHServiceHandler::IsRecoveryNeeded
   305 // (other items were commented in a header).
   306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 //
   308 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::IsRecoveryNeeded( 
   309                                const TCCHSubserviceState aState, 
   310                                TInt aError )
   311     {
   312     TBool recover( EFalse );
   313     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsRecoveryNeeded: IN" );
   314     if( !iServer.FeatureManager().OfflineMode() &&
   315         ECCHConnecting == aState && ( 
   316         KCCHErrorNetworkLost == aError || 
   317         KCCHErrorServiceNotResponding == aError ) &&
   318         !iConnectionRecoveryTimer->IsActive() )
   319         {
   320         recover = ETrue;            
   321         }
   322     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsRecoveryNeeded: OUT, value=%d", recover );
   323     return recover;
   324     }
   326 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL
   328 // (other items were commented in a header).
   329 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   330 //
   331 void CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL( const TUint aServiceId,
   332                                         const TCCHSubserviceType aType,
   333                                         const TCCHSubserviceState aState,
   334                                         const TInt aError )
   335     {
   337     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: IN" );
   338     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: service id;        %d",aServiceId );
   339     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: service type;      %d",aType );
   340     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: service new state; %d",aState );
   341     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: service error;     %d",aError );
   342     TInt index( FindService( aServiceId ) );
   343     if ( KErrNotFound != index )
   344         {
   345         iServices[ index ]->SetErrorL( aType, aError );
   346         iServices[ index ]->SetStateL( aType, aState );
   347         //toggle voip indicator & emergency note if needed
   348         if( ECCHVoIPSub == aType )
   349             {
   350             iCchUIHandler->UpdateUI( );
   351             }
   353         // Check for possible first usage of GPRS (roaming cost warning)
   354         TServiceConnectionInfo serviceConnInfo( aServiceId, aType, 0, 0 );
   355         GetConnectionInfo( serviceConnInfo );
   357         if ( serviceConnInfo.iIapId && ECCHEnabled == aState )
   358             {
   359             if( !iCommDbWatcher->IsWlanApL( serviceConnInfo.iIapId ) )
   360                 {                
   361                 iCchUIHandler->CheckGprsFirstUsageL();
   362                 }
   363             }
   365         //unload useless plugins    
   366         if( ECCHDisabled == aState )
   367             {
   368             StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
   369             }
   370         //start fast recovery if not started
   371         else if( IsRecoveryNeeded( aState, aError ) )
   372             {
   373             CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL network lost, starting recovery" );
   374             iServicesInRecovery.Append( TServiceSelection( aServiceId, aType ) );
   375             StartConnectionRecoveryTimer( CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent );                
   376             }
   377         //stop fast recovery
   378         if( ECCHConnecting != aState && 
   379                 KErrNone == aError &&
   380                 0 < iServicesInRecovery.Count() )
   381             {
   382             CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL checking if recovery is still needed" );
   383             TInt idx = iServicesInRecovery.Find( TServiceSelection( aServiceId, aType ) );
   384             if( KErrNotFound != idx )
   385                 {
   386                 CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL this service has recovered, recovery still on..." );
   387                 iServicesInRecovery.Remove( idx );
   388                 }
   389             if( 0 == iServicesInRecovery.Count() )
   390                 {
   391                 CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChangedL all services recovered, stopping recovery" );
   392                 CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer();
   393                 }
   394             }
   396         if ( ECCHConnecting != aState || 
   397             ECCHConnecting == aState && KErrNone != aError )
   398             {
   399             // reset startup counter
   400             TBool startupFlag( EFalse );
   401             iServer.SPSHandler().LoadAtStartUpL( aServiceId, aType, startupFlag );
   402             if ( startupFlag )
   403                 {
   404                 iServer.ResetStartupCounterL();
   405                 }
   406             }
   407         }
   408     else
   409         {
   410         User::Leave( index );
   411         }
   412     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StateChanged: OUT" );
   414     }
   416 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   417 // CCCHServiceHandler::StartConnectionRecoveryTimer
   418 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   419 //
   420 void CCCHServiceHandler::StartConnectionRecoveryTimer( TInt (*aFunction)(TAny* aPtr) )
   421     {
   422     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::StartConnectionRecoveryTimer; IN", this );
   423     CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer();
   424     if( !iConnectionRecoveryTimer->IsActive() )
   425         {
   426         iConnectionRecoveryTry = 0;
   427         iConnectionRecoveryTimer->Start( iRecoveryInterval[ iConnectionRecoveryTry ] , 
   428                               0, 
   429                               TCallBack( aFunction, this ) );
   430         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StartConnectionRecoveryTimer; recovery timer started");
   432         }
   433     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StartConnectionRecoveryTimer; OUT");
   434     }
   436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 // CCCHServiceHandler::CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer
   438 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   439 //
   440 void CCCHServiceHandler::CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer()
   441     {
   442     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer; IN", this );
   444     if( iConnectionRecoveryTimer->IsActive() )
   445         {
   446         iConnectionRecoveryTimer->Cancel();
   447         }
   448     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer; OUT" );        
   449     }
   451 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   452 // CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent
   453 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   454 //
   455 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent( TAny* aSelf )
   456     {
   457     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent; IN" );
   458     CCCHServiceHandler* self = static_cast<CCCHServiceHandler*>( aSelf );
   459     self->HandleConnectionRecovery();
   460     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent; OUT" );
   461     return 0;
   462     }
   464 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery
   466 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 //
   468 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery()
   469     {
   470     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::HandleConnectionRecovery IN",
   471                    this );
   472     iConnectionRecoveryTry++;
   473     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery; recovery try:%d",iConnectionRecoveryTry );
   474     iServer.ConnMonHandler().ScanNetworks( ETrue );    
   475     CancelConnectionRecoveryTimer();
   477     if( KConnectionRecoveryMaxTries > iConnectionRecoveryTry )
   478         {
   479         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery; recovery continues" );
   480         iConnectionRecoveryTimer->Start( iRecoveryInterval[ iConnectionRecoveryTry ], 
   481                               0,
   482                               TCallBack( CCCHServiceHandler::ConnectionRecoveryEvent, this ) );
   483         }
   484     else
   485         {
   486         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery; max tries reached, recovery canceled" );
   487         }                   
   488     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleConnectionRecovery OUT" );
   489     }
   491 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 // CCCHServiceHandler::StartPluginUnloadTimer
   493 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   494 //
   495 void CCCHServiceHandler::StartPluginUnloadTimer( )
   496     {
   497     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::StartPluginUnloadTimer; IN", this );
   498     CancelPluginUnloadTimer();
   499     if( !iPluginUnloadTimer->IsActive() )
   500         {
   501         iPluginUnloadTimer->Start( KCCHPluginUnloadTimeout , 
   502                               0, 
   503                               TCallBack( CCCHServiceHandler::PluginUnloadEvent, this ) );
   504         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StartPluginUnloadTimer; plugin unload timer started");
   506         }
   507     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::StartPluginUnloadTimer; OUT");
   508     }
   510 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   511 // CCCHServiceHandler::CancelPluginUnloadTimer
   512 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   513 //
   514 void CCCHServiceHandler::CancelPluginUnloadTimer()
   515     {
   516     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::CancelPluginUnloadTimer; IN", this );
   518     if( iPluginUnloadTimer->IsActive() )
   519         {
   520         iPluginUnloadTimer->Cancel();
   521         }
   522     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::CancelPluginUnloadTimer; OUT" );        
   523     }
   525 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   526 // CCCHServiceHandler::PluginUnloadEvent
   527 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   528 //
   529 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::PluginUnloadEvent( TAny* aSelf )
   530     {
   531     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::PluginUnloadEvent; IN" );
   532     CCCHServiceHandler* self = static_cast<CCCHServiceHandler*>( aSelf );
   533     self->HandlePluginUnload();
   534     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::PluginUnloadEvent; OUT" );
   535     return 0;
   536     }
   538 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandlePluginUnload
   540 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   541 //
   542 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandlePluginUnload()
   543     {
   544     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler[0x%x]::HandlePluginUnload IN",
   545                    this );
   546     CancelPluginUnloadTimer();
   547     TRAP_IGNORE( UnloadDisabledPluginsL( ) );
   549     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandlePluginUnload OUT" );
   550     }
   552 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   553 // CCCHServiceHandler::Exists
   554 // (other items were commented in a header).
   555 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   556 //
   557 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::Exists( TCCHSubserviceType aType, 
   558                                   TCCHSubserviceState aState,
   559                                   TInt aError ) const
   560     {
   561     CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::Exists(%d,%d)",aType,aState );
   562     TBool bReturn( EFalse );
   563     for( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
   564         {
   565         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iServices[ i ]->SubserviceCount(); j++ )
   566             {
   567             TCCHSubserviceState state = ECCHUninitialized;
   568             TInt err = iServices[ i ]->GetStatus(iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ), state );
   569             if( err == KErrNone )
   570                 {
   571                 if( aType == iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ) && 
   572                     aState == state &&
   573                     aError == iServices[ i ]->GetError(iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ) ) )
   574                     {
   575                     bReturn = ETrue;
   576                     break;
   577                     }
   578                 }
   579             }
   580         }
   581     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::Exists returns: %d",bReturn );        
   582     return bReturn;
   583     }
   585 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   586 // CCCHServiceHandler::LoadPluginsL
   587 // (other items were commented in a header).
   588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 void CCCHServiceHandler::LoadPluginsL()
   591     {
   592     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::LoadPluginsL: IN" );
   594     // Get plugin uids to array;
   595     RArray<TUid> uids;
   596     CleanupClosePushL( uids );
   598     TUid pluginUid( KNullUid );
   600     for( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
   601         {     
   602         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iServices[ i ]->SubserviceCount(); j++ )
   603             {
   604             if ( iServices[ i ]->StartupFlagSet( j ) )
   605                 {
   606                 pluginUid = iServices[ i ]->GetUidL( j );
   608                 if ( KErrNotFound == uids.Find( pluginUid ) && 
   609                     KNullUid != pluginUid )
   610                     {
   611                     uids.Append( pluginUid );
   613                     TRAP_IGNORE( 
   614                         iServer.PluginHandler().LoadPluginsL( pluginUid ) );
   616                     // Set notifier to loaded Plug-ins                        
   617                     iServer.PluginHandler().SetServiceNotifier( this );                        
   618                     }
   619                 // Enable subservice
   620                 TServiceSelection selection;
   621                 selection.iServiceId = iServices[ i ]->GetServiceId();
   622                 selection.iType = iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j );
   623                 EnableService( selection, EFalse );
   624                 }           
   625             }
   626         }        
   627     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uids );    
   629     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::LoadPluginsL: OUT" );
   630     }
   632 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   633 // CCCHServiceHandler::UnloadPlugin
   634 // (other items were commented in a header).
   635 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   636 //
   637 void CCCHServiceHandler::UnloadDisabledPluginsL( )
   638     {
   639     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UnloadDisabledPluginsL: IN" );
   641     // Get plugin uids to array;
   642     RArray<TUid> uidsToBeUnloaded;
   643     RArray<TUid> uidsNotToBeUnloaded;
   644     CleanupClosePushL( uidsToBeUnloaded );
   645     CleanupClosePushL( uidsNotToBeUnloaded );
   648     // ...let's go through services & sub services
   649     for ( TInt ixSer=0; ixSer < iServices.Count(); ixSer++ )
   650         {
   651         for ( TInt ixSub=0; ixSub < iServices[ ixSer ]->SubserviceCount(); ixSub++ )
   652             {
   653             TUid pluginUid( KNullUid );
   654             TInt error( KErrNone );
   655             TRAP( error, pluginUid = iServices[ ixSer ]->GetUidL( ixSub ));
   656             // if subservice was found
   657             if( KErrNone == error )
   658                 {
   660                 TCCHSubserviceState state = ECCHUninitialized;
   662                 // subservice was found, so don't need to check return value
   663                 iServices[ ixSer ]->GetStatus(
   664                      iServices[ ixSer ]->GetSubserviceType( ixSub ), state );
   666                 // if non disabled subservice found, add it to non-unload arry                     
   667                 if( ECCHDisabled != state )
   668                     {
   669                     uidsNotToBeUnloaded.Append( pluginUid );
   670                     }
   672                 else
   673                     {
   674                     if( KErrNotFound == uidsToBeUnloaded.Find( pluginUid ) )
   675                         {
   676                         // the others go to unload array
   677                         uidsToBeUnloaded.Append( pluginUid );        
   678                         }
   679                     }
   680                 }
   681             }
   682         }
   683     iServer.PluginHandler().RemoveServiceNotifier( this );
   684     for( TInt i=0; i<uidsToBeUnloaded.Count(); i++ )
   685         {
   686         //unload plugin & set state if not found from non-unloadable array
   687         if( KErrNotFound == uidsNotToBeUnloaded.Find( uidsToBeUnloaded[i] ) )
   688             {
   689             CCHLOGSTRING2(
   690                 "CCCHServiceHandler::UnloadDisabledPluginsL; unloading plugin UID:0x%x",
   691                     uidsToBeUnloaded[i] );
   692             iServer.PluginHandler().UnloadPlugin( uidsToBeUnloaded[i] );
   693             }
   694         }
   695     iServer.PluginHandler().SetServiceNotifier( this );
   696     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uidsNotToBeUnloaded );   
   697     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &uidsToBeUnloaded );    
   698     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UnloadDisabledPluginsL: OUT" );
   699     }
   701 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   702 // CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService
   703 // (other items were commented in a header).
   704 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 //
   706 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService( 
   707     const TServiceSelection aServiceSelection, 
   708     const TBool aConnectivityCheck )
   709     {
   710     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: IN" );
   711     TInt error( ServiceExist( aServiceSelection ) );
   712     TBool connectionOk( EFalse );
   713     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
   714         {
   715         TInt index = error;
   716         TRAP( error, connectionOk = IsServiceConnectivityDefinedL( aServiceSelection ) );
   717         if( KErrNone == error )
   718             {
   719             if( connectionOk )
   720                 {
   721                 if( iCancelNotify )
   722                     {
   723                     DisableNotifyChange();
   724                     }
   726                 CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: service:%d, type:%d",
   727                         aServiceSelection.iServiceId, aServiceSelection.iType );
   729                 // If client wants to enable VoIP subservice and VoIP are not supported
   730                 // send KErrNotSupported notify to the client
   731                 if ( ( ECCHUnknown == aServiceSelection.iType ||
   732                        ECCHVoIPSub == aServiceSelection.iType ) &&
   733                        iServices[ index ]->SubserviceExist( ECCHVoIPSub ) &&
   734                        !iServer.FeatureManager().VoIPSupported() )
   735                     {
   736                     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: No support for VoIP" );
   737                     TRAP_IGNORE( iServices[ index ]->SetErrorL( ECCHVoIPSub, KErrNotSupported ) );
   738                     TRAP_IGNORE( iServices[ index ]->SetStateL( ECCHVoIPSub, ECCHDisabled ) );
   739                     // Enable one by one all subservices except VoIP
   740                     if ( ECCHUnknown == aServiceSelection.iType )
   741                         {
   742                         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices[ index ]->SubserviceCount(); i++ )
   743                             {
   744                             if ( ECCHVoIPSub != iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ) )
   745                                 {
   746                                 TRAP( error, iServices[ index ]->EnableL(
   747                                     iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ),
   748                                         aConnectivityCheck, this ) );
   749                                 }
   750                             }
   751                         }
   752                     }
   753                 else
   754                     {
   755                     TRAP( error, iServices[ index ]->EnableL( 
   756                         aServiceSelection.iType, aConnectivityCheck, this ) );
   757                     }
   758                 if( iCancelNotify )
   759                     {
   760                     EnableNotifyChange();
   761                     }
   762                 if( HasWlanIap( aServiceSelection ) && KErrNone == error )
   763                     {
   764                     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: Launching WLAN scan..." );
   765                     TRAP_IGNORE( iWlanExtension->EnableWlanScanL() );
   766                     }
   767                 // There could be new Plug-ins after EnableL, so we must set
   768                 // notifier to loaded Plug-ins
   769                 iServer.PluginHandler().SetServiceNotifier( this );
   770                 }
   771             else
   772                 {
   773                 error = KCCHErrorAccessPointNotDefined;
   774                 }
   775             CCHLOGSTRING2
   776                     ( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: error: %d", error );
   777             }
   778         }
   779     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::EnableService: OUT" );
   780     return error;
   781     }
   783 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   784 // CCCHServiceHandler::DisableService
   785 // (other items were commented in a header).
   786 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   787 //
   788 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::DisableService( 
   789     const TServiceSelection aServiceSelection )
   790     {
   791     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableService: IN" );
   792     TInt error( ServiceExist( aServiceSelection ) );
   794     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
   795         {
   796         TInt index( error );
   797         if( iCancelNotify )
   798             {
   799             DisableNotifyChange();
   800             }
   802         TRAP( error, iServices[ index ]->DisableL(
   803             aServiceSelection.iType ) );
   805         DisableWlanScan();
   806         if( iCancelNotify )
   807             {
   808             EnableNotifyChange();            
   809             }
   810             CCHLOGSTRING2
   811                 ( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableService: error: %d", error );
   812         }
   813     CCHLOGSTRING2(
   814         "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableService: return %d OUT", error );
   815     return error;
   816     }
   818 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   819 // CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan
   820 // (other items were commented in a header).
   821 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   822 //
   823 void CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan( )
   824     {
   825     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan: IN" );
   827     TBool disableWlanScan( ETrue );
   828     TCCHSubserviceState serviceState( ECCHUninitialized );
   829     TCCHSubserviceType serviceType( ECCHUnknown );
   830     TInt serviceId( 0 );
   832      // ...let's go through services & sub services
   833     for ( TInt ixSer = 0; ixSer < iServices.Count(); ixSer++ )
   834         {
   835         for ( TInt ixSub = 0; ixSub < iServices[ ixSer ]->SubserviceCount(); ixSub++ )
   836             {
   837             serviceType = iServices[ ixSer ]->GetSubserviceType( ixSub );
   838             TInt err = iServices[ ixSer ]->GetStatus( serviceType, serviceState );
   839             if( err == KErrNone )
   840                 {
   841                 // if found even one enabled/connecting service, do not deactivate scan
   842                 if( ECCHEnabled == serviceState || ECCHConnecting == serviceState )
   843                     {
   844                     serviceId =  iServices[ ixSer ]->GetServiceId();
   846                     TServiceConnectionInfo serviceConnInfo( serviceId, serviceType, 0, 0 );
   847                     GetConnectionInfo( serviceConnInfo );
   848                     // existing snap overrides iap
   849                     if( serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId != 0 )
   850                         {
   851                         TInt wlanIaps( 0 );
   852                         TInt allIaps( 0 );
   853                         TInt error( KErrNone );
   854                         TRAP( error, 
   855                             {
   856                             wlanIaps = iCommDbWatcher->GetIapCountFromSnap( serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, ETrue, ETrue );
   857                             allIaps = iCommDbWatcher->GetIapCountFromSnap( serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, EFalse );
   858                             } );
   860                         // in case of possibility -> WLAN ALR we need to keep the scan active
   861                         // in case of possibility -> do not disable wlan scan if there is only one iap 
   862                         // and the iap is wlan
   863                         if( KErrNone == error )
   864                             {
   865                             if( 1 <= allIaps && 0 < wlanIaps )
   866                                 {
   867                                 disableWlanScan = EFalse;
   868                                 break;
   869                                 }
   870                             }
   871                         }
   872                     else if( serviceConnInfo.iIapId != 0 )
   873                         {
   874                         TInt error( KErrNone );
   875                         TBool isWlanIap( EFalse );
   877                         TRAP( error, isWlanIap = iCommDbWatcher->IsWlanApL( serviceConnInfo.iIapId ) )
   878                         CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan: error: %d", error );
   880                         if( KErrNone == error)
   881                             {
   882                             //in case the iap is wlan type, scan is not deactivated
   883                             if( isWlanIap )
   884                                 {
   885                                 disableWlanScan = EFalse;
   886                                 break;
   887                                 }
   888                             }
   889                         }
   890                     }
   891                 }
   892             }
   893         if( !disableWlanScan )
   894             {
   895             break;
   896             }
   897         }            
   898     if( disableWlanScan )
   899         {
   900         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan disabling wlan scan..." );
   902         TRAP_IGNORE( iWlanExtension->DisableWlanScanL() ) ;
   903         }
   904     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::DisableWlanScan: OUT" );
   905     }
   907 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   908 // CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo
   909 // (other items were commented in a header).
   910 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   911 //
   912 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo( 
   913     const TServiceConnectionInfo aServiceConnInfo )
   914     {
   915     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: IN" );
   916     TInt error( KErrNotFound );
   917     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: serviceId %d",
   918         aServiceConnInfo.iServiceSelection.iServiceId );
   919     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: iType %d",
   920         aServiceConnInfo.iServiceSelection.iType );
   921     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: iSNAPId %d",
   922         aServiceConnInfo.iSNAPId );
   923     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: iIapId %d",
   924         aServiceConnInfo.iIapId );
   925     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: iReserved %d",
   926         aServiceConnInfo.iReserved );
   928     if ( KErrNotFound != 
   929         ( error = FindService( aServiceConnInfo.iServiceSelection.iServiceId ) ) )
   930         {
   931         TInt index( error );
   932         TRAP( error, iServices[ index ]->SetConnectionInfoL( 
   933             aServiceConnInfo ) );
   934         StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
   935         CCHLOGSTRING2
   936             ( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: error: %d", error );
   937         }
   938     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::SetConnectionInfo: OUT" );
   939     return error;
   940     }
   942 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   943 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetConnectionInfo
   944 // (other items were commented in a header).
   945 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   946 //
   947 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::GetConnectionInfo( 
   948     TServiceConnectionInfo& aServiceConnInfo )
   949     {
   950     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetConnectionInfo: IN" );
   951     TInt error( KErrNotFound );
   953     if ( KErrNotFound != 
   954         ( error = FindService( aServiceConnInfo.ServiceId() ) ) )
   955         {
   956         TInt index( error );
   957         TRAP( error, iServices[ index ]->GetConnectionInfoL( 
   958                 aServiceConnInfo ) );
   959         StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
   960         CCHLOGSTRING2
   961             ( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetConnectionInfo: error: %d", error );
   962         }
   963     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetConnectionInfo: OUT" );
   964     return error;
   965     }
   967 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   968 // CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIapL
   969 // (other items were commented in a header).
   970 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   971 //
   972 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap( 
   973     const TServiceSelection& aServiceSelection )
   974     {
   975     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap: IN" );
   976     TBool isWlanIap( EFalse );
   977     TServiceConnectionInfo serviceConnInfo(
   978             aServiceSelection.iServiceId, aServiceSelection.iType, 0, 0 );
   979     CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap: service:%d, type:%d",
   980             aServiceSelection.iServiceId, aServiceSelection.iType );
   982     TInt error = GetConnectionInfo( serviceConnInfo );
   984     if( KErrNone == error )
   985         {
   987         CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap: snap:%d, snap:%d",
   988                 serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, serviceConnInfo.iIapId );
   989         if( 0 != serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId )
   990             {
   991             CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIapL: SNAP in use" );
   992             TInt count( 0 );
   993             TRAP( error, count = iCommDbWatcher->GetIapCountFromSnap( serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, ETrue ));
   994             if( KErrNone == error && 0 < count )
   995                 {
   996                 isWlanIap = ETrue;
   997                 }
   998             }
   999         else if( 0 != serviceConnInfo.iIapId )
  1000             {
  1001             CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIapL: IAP in use" );
  1003             TRAP( error, isWlanIap = iCommDbWatcher->IsWlanApL( serviceConnInfo.iIapId ) );
  1004             CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap: error: %d", error );
  1005             }
  1008         }
  1009     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::UsesWlanIap: OUT, value=%d", isWlanIap );
  1010     return isWlanIap;
  1011     }
  1013 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1014 // CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined
  1015 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1016 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017 //
  1018 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefinedL( 
  1019     const TServiceSelection& aServiceSelection ) 
  1020     {
  1021     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: IN" );
  1022     TBool isOk( EFalse );
  1023     __ASSERT_DEBUG( aServiceSelection.iType != ECCHUnknown, User::Panic( KNullDesC, KErrGeneral ) );
  1024     TServiceConnectionInfo serviceConnInfo(
  1025             aServiceSelection.iServiceId, aServiceSelection.iType, 0, 0 );
  1026     CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: service:%d, type:%d",
  1027             aServiceSelection.iServiceId, aServiceSelection.iType );
  1029     TInt error = GetConnectionInfo( serviceConnInfo );
  1030     User::LeaveIfError( error );
  1032     CCHLOGSTRING3( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: snap:%d, snap:%d",
  1033             serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, serviceConnInfo.iIapId );
  1034     if( 0 != serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId )
  1035         {
  1036         TInt count( 0 );
  1037         count = iCommDbWatcher->GetIapCountFromSnap( serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId, EFalse, ETrue );
  1038         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: SNAP in use" );
  1039         if( KErrNone == error && 0 < count )
  1040             {
  1041             isOk = ETrue;
  1042             }
  1043         }
  1044     else if( 0 != serviceConnInfo.iIapId )
  1045         {
  1046         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: IAP in use" );
  1047         isOk = ETrue;
  1048         }
  1050     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsConnectionDefined: OUT, value=%d", isOk );
  1051     return isOk;
  1052     }
  1054 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1055 // CCCHServiceHandler::IsServiceConnectivityDefined
  1056 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1057 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1058 //
  1059 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::IsServiceConnectivityDefinedL( 
  1060     const TServiceSelection& aServiceSelection ) 
  1061     {
  1062     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsServiceConnectivityDefined: IN" );
  1064     TBool isOk( EFalse );
  1065     TInt error( KErrNone );
  1066     TInt index = FindService( aServiceSelection.iServiceId );
  1067     if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1068         {
  1069         if( ECCHUnknown == aServiceSelection.iType )
  1070             {
  1071             for( TInt i = 0; i < iServices[ index ]->SubserviceCount(); i++ )
  1072                 {
  1073                 TRAP( error, isOk = IsConnectionDefinedL( 
  1074                         TServiceSelection( aServiceSelection.iServiceId, 
  1075                         iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ) ) ) ) ;
  1076                 if( isOk )
  1077                     {
  1078                     error = KErrNone;
  1079                     break;
  1080                     }
  1081                 }
  1082             }
  1083         else
  1084             {
  1085             TRAP( error, isOk = IsConnectionDefinedL( aServiceSelection ) );
  1086             }    
  1087         }
  1088     CCHLOGSTRING3( 
  1089         "CCCHServiceHandler::IsServiceConnectivityDefined: OUT, value=%d, error=%d", isOk, error );
  1090     User::LeaveIfError( error );
  1091     return isOk;
  1092     }
  1095 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1096 // CCCHServiceHandler::HasWlanIap
  1097 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1098 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1099 //
  1100 TBool CCCHServiceHandler::HasWlanIap( 
  1101     const TServiceSelection& aServiceSelection )
  1102     {
  1103     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HasWlanIap: IN" );
  1105     TBool isWlanIap( EFalse );
  1106     TInt index = FindService( aServiceSelection.iServiceId );
  1107     if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1108         {
  1109         if( ECCHUnknown == aServiceSelection.iType )
  1110             {
  1111             for( TInt i = 0; i < iServices[ index ]->SubserviceCount(); i++ )
  1112                 {
  1113                 isWlanIap = UsesWlanIap( 
  1114                         TServiceSelection( aServiceSelection.iServiceId, 
  1115                         iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ) ) ) ;
  1116                 if( isWlanIap )
  1117                     {
  1118                     break;
  1119                     }
  1120                 }
  1121             }
  1122         else
  1123             {
  1124             isWlanIap = UsesWlanIap( aServiceSelection );
  1125             }    
  1126         StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
  1127         }
  1128     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::HasWlanIap: OUT, value=%d", isWlanIap );
  1129     return isWlanIap;
  1130     }
  1132 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1133 // CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCountL
  1134 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1135 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1136 //
  1137 void CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCountL( RMessage2 aMessage ) const
  1138     {
  1139     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCountL: IN" );
  1141     TPckgBuf<TUint32> pckgServiceCount;
  1142     aMessage.ReadL( 0, pckgServiceCount );
  1143     TCCHSubserviceType type( 
  1144         static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() ) );
  1146     if ( ECCHUnknown == type )
  1147         {
  1148         // Count of services
  1149         pckgServiceCount() = iServer.SPSHandler().GetServicesCountL();
  1150         // Service count back to the client
  1151         aMessage.WriteL( 0, pckgServiceCount );
  1152         }
  1153     else
  1154         {
  1155         // Count of services which contains subservices
  1156         pckgServiceCount() = ServiceCount( type );
  1157         // Service count back to the client
  1158         aMessage.WriteL( 0, pckgServiceCount );
  1159         }        
  1161     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCountL: OUT" );
  1162     }
  1164 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1165 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetServicesL
  1166 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1167 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1168 //
  1169 void CCCHServiceHandler::GetServicesL( RMessage2 aMessage ) const
  1170     {
  1171     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServicesL: IN" );
  1172     TInt count =  iServices.Count();
  1173     TInt index( KErrNotFound );
  1174     if ( count )
  1175         {
  1176         TUint32 serviceId = aMessage.Int0();
  1177         TCCHSubserviceType type ( ECCHUnknown );
  1178         type = static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() );
  1180         if ( KErrNotFound == aMessage.Int0() )
  1181             {
  1182             serviceId = KErrNone;
  1183             }
  1184         else if ( serviceId != KErrNone )
  1185             {
  1186             count = 1;
  1187             }
  1189         CArrayFixFlat<TCCHService>* serviceArray = 
  1190             new( ELeave )CArrayFixFlat<TCCHService>( count );
  1191         CleanupStack::PushL( serviceArray );
  1193         TCCHService service;
  1194         // Get all services
  1195         if ( KErrNone == serviceId )
  1196             {
  1197             if ( type == ECCHUnknown )
  1198                 {
  1199                 for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
  1200                     {
  1201                     iServices[ i ]->FillServiceInfo( service );
  1202                     serviceArray->AppendL( service );
  1203                     }    
  1204                 }
  1205             else
  1206                 {
  1207                 for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; i++ )
  1208                     {
  1209                     if ( iServices[ i ]->SubserviceExist( type ) )
  1210                         {
  1211                         iServices[ i ]->FillServiceInfo( service );
  1212                         serviceArray->AppendL( service );
  1213                         }                    
  1214                     }
  1215                 }
  1216             }
  1217         // Get specified service
  1218         else 
  1219             {
  1220             if ( type == ECCHUnknown )
  1221                 {
  1222                 index = FindService( serviceId );
  1223                 if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1224                     {
  1225                     iServices[ index ]->FillServiceInfo( service );
  1226                     serviceArray->AppendL( service );
  1227                     }
  1228                 }
  1229             else
  1230                 {
  1231                 TServiceSelection selection( serviceId, type ); 
  1232                 index = ServiceExist( selection );
  1233                 if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1234                     {
  1235                     iServices[ index ]->FillServiceInfo( service );
  1236                     serviceArray->AppendL( service );
  1237                     }
  1238                 }
  1239             }
  1241         TUint32 length = serviceArray->Count() * sizeof( TCCHService );
  1243         if ( length )
  1244             {
  1245             TPtrC8 servicePtr;
  1246             servicePtr.Set( 
  1247                 reinterpret_cast<TText8*>( &( *serviceArray )[ 0 ] ), 
  1248                     length );
  1249             aMessage.WriteL( 2, servicePtr );                     
  1250             }
  1251         else
  1252             {
  1253             User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  1254             }            
  1256         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serviceArray );
  1257         }
  1258     else
  1259         {
  1260         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  1261         }
  1262     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServicesL: OUT" );
  1263     }
  1265 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1266 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceState
  1267 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1268 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1269 //    
  1270 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceState( const RMessage2 aMessage )
  1271     {
  1272     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceStateL: IN" );
  1274     TUint32 serviceId( 0 );
  1275     TCCHSubserviceType type ( ECCHUnknown );
  1276     TPckgBuf<TCCHSubserviceState> status;
  1277     serviceId = aMessage.Int0();
  1278     type = static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() );
  1280     TInt error( FindService( serviceId ) );
  1281     TInt errorState = KErrNone;
  1283     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1284         {
  1285         TInt index( error );
  1286         TRAP( error, 
  1287             {
  1288             aMessage.ReadL( 2, status );
  1289             errorState = iServices[ index ]->GetStatus( type, status() );
  1290             if( errorState == KErrNone )
  1291                 {
  1292                 aMessage.WriteL( 2, status );
  1293                 }
  1294             } );
  1295         if( KErrNone == error )
  1296             {
  1297             if( errorState == KErrNone )
  1298                 {
  1299                 error = iServices[ index ]->GetError( type );
  1300                 }
  1301             else
  1302                 {
  1303                 error = errorState;
  1304                 }
  1305             }
  1306         StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
  1307         }
  1309     CCHLOGSTRING2( 
  1310         "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceStateL: return %d OUT", error );
  1311     return error;
  1312     }
  1314 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1315 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceState
  1316 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1317 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1318 //    
  1319 TCCHSubserviceState CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceState(
  1320         const TUint aServiceId )
  1321     {
  1322     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceState: IN" );
  1324     TCCHSubserviceState state( ECCHUninitialized );
  1325     TInt error( FindService( aServiceId ) );
  1327     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1328         {
  1329         state = iServices[ error ]->GetState();
  1330         }
  1332     CCHLOGSTRING2( 
  1333         "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceState: return %d OUT", state );
  1334     return state;
  1335     }
  1337 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1338 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceInfo
  1339 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1340 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1341 //    
  1342 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceInfo( const RMessage2 aMessage )
  1343     {
  1344     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceInfo: IN" );
  1345     TBuf<KCCHMaxProtocolNameLength> buffer;
  1347     TPckgBuf<TServiceConnectionInfo> serviceConnInfoPckg;
  1349     TInt error = KErrNone;
  1350     TRAP( error, 
  1351         { 
  1352         aMessage.ReadL( 0, serviceConnInfoPckg );
  1353         } );
  1355     if( error ) 
  1356         {
  1357         return error;
  1358         }
  1360     TServiceConnectionInfo conninfo;
  1362     conninfo.iServiceSelection.iServiceId = serviceConnInfoPckg().iServiceSelection.iServiceId;
  1363     conninfo.iServiceSelection.iType      = serviceConnInfoPckg().iServiceSelection.iType;
  1364     conninfo.iServiceSelection.iParameter = serviceConnInfoPckg().iServiceSelection.iParameter;
  1366     error = ServiceExist( conninfo.iServiceSelection );
  1368     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1369         {
  1370         TInt index( error );
  1372         if( conninfo.iServiceSelection.iParameter == ECchServiceInfo )
  1373             {
  1374             TRAP( error, 
  1375                 {
  1376                 iServices[ index ]->GetServiceInfoL( 
  1377                     buffer, conninfo.iServiceSelection.iType );
  1378                 aMessage.WriteL( 1, buffer );
  1379                 } );
  1380             }
  1381         StartPluginUnloadTimer( );
  1382         }
  1383     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::GetServiceInfo: return %d OUT", error );
  1384     return error;
  1385     }
  1387 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1388 // CCCHServiceHandler::ReserveService
  1389 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1390 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1391 //    
  1392 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::ReserveService( const RMessage2 aMessage ) 
  1393     {
  1394     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ReserveService: IN" );
  1396     TServiceSelection serviceSelection(aMessage.Int0(), 
  1397         static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() ) );
  1399     TInt error( ServiceExist( serviceSelection ) );
  1401     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1402         {
  1403         TInt index( error );
  1404         TRAP( error, 
  1405             {
  1406             iServices[ index ]->ReserveServiceL( 
  1407                 serviceSelection.iType );
  1408             } );
  1409         }
  1410     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::ReserveService: return %d OUT", error );
  1411     return error;
  1412     }
  1414 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1415 // CCCHServiceHandler::FreeService
  1416 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1417 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1418 //    
  1419 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::FreeService( const RMessage2& aMessage )
  1420     {
  1421     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::FreeService: IN" );
  1423     TServiceSelection serviceSelection(aMessage.Int0(), 
  1424         static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() ) );
  1426     TInt error( ServiceExist( serviceSelection ) );
  1428     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1429         {
  1430         TInt index( error );
  1431         TRAP( error, 
  1432             {
  1433             iServices[ index ]->FreeServiceL( 
  1434                 serviceSelection.iType );
  1435             } );
  1436         }
  1437     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::FreeService: return %d OUT", error );        
  1438     return error;
  1439     }
  1441 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1442 // CCCHServiceHandler::IsReserved
  1443 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1444 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1445 //
  1446 void CCCHServiceHandler::IsReserved( RMessage2 aMessage ) const
  1447     {
  1448     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsReserved: IN" );
  1451     TServiceSelection serviceSelection(aMessage.Int0(),
  1452         static_cast<TCCHSubserviceType>( aMessage.Int1() ) );
  1453     TInt error( KErrNone );
  1455     TPckgBuf<TBool> pckgIsReserved;
  1456     TRAP( error, aMessage.ReadL( 2, pckgIsReserved ) );
  1458     error = ServiceExist( serviceSelection );
  1460     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1461         {
  1462         TInt index( error );
  1463         TRAP( error, 
  1464             {
  1465             pckgIsReserved() = iServices[ index ]->IsReservedL( 
  1466                 serviceSelection.iType );
  1467             } );
  1468         }
  1471     if ( KErrNotFound != error )
  1472         {
  1473         // Service's reference count back to the client
  1474         TRAP( error, aMessage.WriteL( 2, pckgIsReserved ) );
  1475         }
  1478     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::IsReserved: OUT" );
  1479     }
  1481 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1482 // CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceExist
  1483 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1484 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1485 //
  1486 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceExist( TServiceSelection aSelection ) const
  1487     {
  1488     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceExist: IN" );
  1489     TBool exist( EFalse );
  1490     TInt index( FindService( aSelection.iServiceId ) );
  1492     if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1493         {
  1494         exist = iServices[ index ]->SubserviceExist( aSelection.iType );
  1495         }    
  1496     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceExist: OUT" );
  1497     return !exist ? KErrNotFound : index;
  1498     }
  1500 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1501 // CCCHServiceHandler::FindService
  1502 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1503 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1504 //
  1505 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::FindService( TUint32 aServiceId ) const
  1506     {
  1507     TBool exist( EFalse );
  1508     TInt index( KErrNotFound );
  1509     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::FindService: serviceId %d",
  1510         aServiceId );
  1511     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count() && !exist; i++ )
  1512         {
  1513         exist = iServices[ i ]->GetServiceId() == aServiceId;
  1514         index = i;
  1515         }
  1516     return !exist ? KErrNotFound : index;
  1517     }
  1518 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1519 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange
  1520 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1521 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1522 //
  1523 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange( TServiceId aServiceId )
  1524     {
  1525     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange: IN" );
  1526     TServiceSelection selection;
  1527     selection.iServiceId = aServiceId;
  1528     TInt index( ServiceExist( selection ) );
  1529     TRAPD( err, 
  1530         {
  1531         if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1532             {
  1533             iServices[ index ]->UpdateL( ETrue );
  1534             }
  1535         else
  1536             {
  1537             TCCHService service;
  1538             iServer.SPSHandler().GetServiceInfoL( aServiceId, service );
  1539             AddServiceL( service );
  1540             } 
  1541         } );
  1543     //Check if service is already marked as enabled, and enable it
  1544     if ( KErrNone == err )
  1545         {
  1546         index = ServiceExist( selection );
  1547         if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1548             {
  1549             CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange: service found" );
  1550             if( iServices[ index ]->StartupFlagSet() && 
  1551                 ECCHEnabled != iServices[ index ]->GetState() )
  1552                 {
  1553                 CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange: enabling..." );
  1554                 iCancelNotify = EFalse;
  1555                 EnableService( selection, EFalse );
  1556                 iCancelNotify = ETrue;
  1557                 }
  1558             }
  1559         }
  1561     // If service has removed, err must be other than none 
  1562     // and we have to update all services
  1563     if ( KErrNone != err )
  1564         {
  1565         TRAP_IGNORE( UpdateL( ETrue ) );
  1566         }
  1567     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleNotifyChange: OUT" );
  1568     }
  1570 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1571 // CCCHServiceHandler::EnableNotifyChange
  1572 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1573 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1574 //
  1575 void CCCHServiceHandler::EnableNotifyChange()
  1576     {
  1578     // Subscribe to service change notifies    
  1579     TRAP_IGNORE( iNotifier->NotifyChangeL( iServiceIds ) );
  1580     TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
  1581     }
  1582 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1583 // CCCHServiceHandler::DisableNotifyChange
  1584 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1585 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1586 //
  1587 void CCCHServiceHandler::DisableNotifyChange()
  1588     {
  1590     iNotifier->Cancel();
  1591     TRACE_EXIT_POINT;
  1592     }
  1593 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1594 // CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCount
  1595 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1596 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1597 //
  1598 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCount( const TCCHSubserviceType aType ) const
  1599     {
  1600     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCount: type: %d",aType );
  1602     TInt count( 0 );
  1604     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
  1605         {
  1606         if ( KErrNotFound != iServices[ i ]->FindSubservice( aType ) )
  1607             {
  1608             count++;    
  1609             }
  1610         }
  1612     CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCCHServiceHandler::ServiceCount: count: %d", count );
  1614     return count;
  1615     }
  1617 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1618 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandleError
  1619 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1620 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1621 //
  1622 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandleError( TInt /*aError*/ )
  1623     {
  1625     }
  1627 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1628 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandleWLANIapAdded
  1629 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1630 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1631 //
  1632 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandleWLANIapAdded( TInt aSNAPId )
  1633     {
  1634     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleWLANIapAdded: IN" );
  1635     TBool startScan( EFalse );
  1636     TCCHSubserviceState serviceState( ECCHUninitialized );
  1637     TCCHSubserviceType serviceType( ECCHUnknown );
  1639     // go through all services & subservices
  1640     for( TInt i = 0; i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
  1641         {
  1642         for ( TInt j = 0; j < iServices[ i ]->SubserviceCount(); j++ )
  1643             {
  1644             serviceType = iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j );
  1645             TInt error = iServices[ i ]->GetStatus( serviceType, serviceState );
  1647             if( KErrNone == error )
  1648                 {
  1649                 // if we have a connecting or enabled service 
  1650                 if( !iServer.FeatureManager().OfflineMode() &&
  1651                     ( ECCHConnecting == serviceState || ECCHEnabled == serviceState ) )
  1652                     {
  1653                     TUint serviceId = iServices[ i ]->GetServiceId();
  1654                     TServiceConnectionInfo serviceConnInfo( serviceId, serviceType, 0, 0 );
  1655                     GetConnectionInfo( serviceConnInfo );
  1657                     // with a snap with new wlan iap, we start wlan scan
  1658                     if( aSNAPId == serviceConnInfo.iSNAPId && 0 != aSNAPId )
  1659                         {
  1660                         startScan = ETrue;                    
  1661                         }
  1662                     }
  1663                 }
  1664             }
  1665         }
  1666     if( startScan )        
  1667         {
  1668         CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleWLANIapAdded; starting wlan scan" );
  1669         TRAP_IGNORE( iWlanExtension->ForceEnableWlanScanL() );
  1670         iServer.ConnMonHandler().ScanNetworks( ETrue );
  1671         }
  1672 	CCHLOGSTRING( "CCCHServiceHandler::HandleWLANIapAdded: OUT" );
  1673 	}
  1675 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1676 // CCCHServiceHandler::GetSubserviceTypesL
  1677 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1678 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1679 //
  1680 void CCCHServiceHandler::GetSubserviceTypesL( 
  1681     const TUint aServiceId, 
  1682     RArray<TCCHSubserviceType>& aSubserviceTypes ) const
  1683     {
  1684     TInt index( FindService( aServiceId ) );
  1685     if ( KErrNotFound != index )
  1686         {
  1687         aSubserviceTypes.Reset();
  1688         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices[ index ]->SubserviceCount(); i++ )
  1689             {
  1690             CCHLOGSTRING2( "    Service contains subservice: %d", 
  1691                 iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ) );
  1693             aSubserviceTypes.Append( 
  1694                     iServices[ index ]->GetSubserviceType( i ) );
  1695             }
  1696         }
  1697     else
  1698         {
  1699         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  1700         }
  1701     }
  1703 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1704 // CCCHServiceHandler::SetStartupFlag
  1705 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1706 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1707 //
  1708 TInt CCCHServiceHandler::SetStartupFlag(
  1709     TServiceSelection aSelection,
  1710     TBool aLoadAtStartUp ) const
  1711     {
  1712     TInt exist( FindService( aSelection.iServiceId ) );
  1713     if ( KErrNotFound != exist )
  1714         {
  1715         exist = iServices[ exist ]->SetStartupFlag( 
  1716             aSelection.iType, aLoadAtStartUp ); 
  1717         }
  1718     return exist;
  1719     }
  1721 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1722 // CCCHServiceHandler::HandleRestartL
  1723 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1724 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1725 //
  1726 void CCCHServiceHandler::HandleRestartL()
  1727     {
  1728     // In restart situation all services and subservices goes to 
  1729     // disabled state, after restart we will make reregistration 
  1730     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCHServiceHandler::HandleRestartL() IN" );
  1731     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < iServices.Count(); i++ )
  1732         {
  1733         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < iServices[ i ]->SubserviceCount(); j++ )
  1734             {
  1735             iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceL( 
  1736                 iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ) ).SetError( KErrCancel );
  1737             iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceL( 
  1738                 iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ) ).SetState( ECCHDisabled );
  1739             iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceL( 
  1740                 iServices[ i ]->GetSubserviceType( j ) ).StatusChanged();
  1741             }
  1742         }
  1743     CCHLOGSTRING( "CCHServiceHandler::HandleRestartL() OUT" );
  1744     }
  1746 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =======================
  1748 //  End of File