changeset 0 a4daefaec16c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a4daefaec16c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Transfer state context class for state machine logic
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <badesca.h>                // CDesC8ArrayFlat
    24 #include "svputdefs.h"
    26 class CSVPController;
    27 class CSVPSessionBase;
    28 class CSVPTransferStateBase;        // iCurrentState
    29 class MSVPTransferObserver;         // iTransferObserver    
    30 class CMceSession;
    31 class TMceTransactionDataContainer; // iContainer
    32 class CMceRefer;                    // iMceRefer
    33 class CMceEvent;                    // iMceEvent
    35 typedef TInt TSVPTransferStateIndex;
    37 const TInt KSVPTransferStateArraySize = 5;
    38 const TInt KSVPHeaderArrayGranularity = 2;
    40 // State indices.
    41 const TSVPTransferStateIndex KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex         = 0;
    42 const TSVPTransferStateIndex KSVPTransferPendingStateIndex      = 1;
    43 const TSVPTransferStateIndex KSVPTransferAcceptedStateIndex     = 2;
    44 const TSVPTransferStateIndex KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex  = 3;
    45 const TSVPTransferStateIndex KSVPTransferTerminatedStateIndex   = 4;
    47 // Error codes
    48 const TInt KSVPErrTransferErrorBase = -2300;
    49 const TInt KSVPErrTransferStateError = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 1;
    50 const TInt KSVPErrTransferInProgress = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 2;
    51 const TInt KSVPErrTransferReferCreate = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 3;
    52 const TInt KSVPErrTransferApplyState = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 4;
    53 const TInt KSVPErrTransferReferStatusCodeNotHandled = 
    54                                         KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 5;
    55 const TInt KSVPErrTransferParamRefer = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 6;
    56 const TInt KSVPErrTransferReferTo = KSVPErrTransferErrorBase - 7;
    60 /**
    61  *  Transfer state contexts.
    62  *
    63  *
    64  *  @lib svp.dll
    65  *  @since S60 3.2
    66  */
    67 class CSVPTransferStateContext : public CBase
    68     {
    70 public:
    72     /**
    73      * Two-phased constructor.
    74      */
    75     static CSVPTransferStateContext* NewL( 
    76                                 CMceSession* aMceSession,
    77                                 CSVPSessionBase* aSVPSession,
    78                                 TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer, 
    79                                 MSVPTransferObserver& aObserver );
    81     /**
    82      * Destructor.
    83      */
    84     virtual ~CSVPTransferStateContext();
    86     /**
    87      * Sets the current state for the context.
    88      * @since S60 3.2
    89      * @param aNewState New current state
    90      * @return Leaves with Error code if state transition is not
    91      *          acceptable.
    92      */
    93     void SetCurrentStateL( TSVPTransferStateIndex aNewState );
    95     /**
    96      * Returns the current state of the context
    97      * @since S60 3.2
    98      * @return TSVPTransferStateIndex Index to the current state.
    99      */
   100     TSVPTransferStateIndex CurrentState() const;
   102     /**
   103      * Applies the current state of the contex. This causes a
   104      * state transition to next state of the state machine. The 
   105      * current state sets the next state. Leaves on error
   106      * @since S60 3.2
   107      */
   108     void ApplyCurrentStateL();
   110     /**
   111      * Returns reference to the transfer observer.
   112      * @since S60 3.2
   113      * @return Reference to the transfer observer
   114      */    
   115     MSVPTransferObserver& TransferObserver();
   117     /**
   118     * Sets the reference to the sip (mce) session object
   119     * @param aSession The session object
   120     * @return None
   121     */
   122     void SetMceSessionObject( CMceSession* aSession );
   124     /**
   125     * Returns the sip (mce) session object.
   126     * @since S60 3.2
   127     * @return The sip (mce) session object
   128     */
   129     CMceSession* MceSessionObject();
   131     /**
   132      * Sets the MCE refer object.
   133      * @since Series 60 3.2
   134      * @param aRefer New received refer
   135      */
   136     void SetMceRefer( CMceRefer* aRefer );
   138     /**
   139      * Returns pointer to the MCE refer object.
   140      * @since S60 3.2
   141      * @return Pointer to the MCE refer object
   142      */
   143     CMceRefer* MceRefer();
   145     /**
   146      * Check if attended or unattended transfer.
   147      * @since S60 3.2
   148      * @return Boolean true (=attended) or false
   149      */
   150     TBool IsAttended();
   152     /**
   153      * Check if session is on remote hold. If yes, this is Snom or EyeBeam
   154      * as unattended transferer case and we send OK notify
   155      * to proceed unattended transfer.
   156      * @since S60 3.2
   157      * @return TBool true if session is remote hold
   158      */
   159     TBool CheckIsSessionRemoteHold();
   161     /**
   162     * Set transfer data. Add Replaces and Referred-By headers.
   163     * Update transfer target url to sips: if secure status 1 or 2,
   164     * otherwise url updated to sip:
   165     * @since S60 3.2
   166     * @param aUserAgentHeaders On completion contains collected transfer headers.
   167     * @param aSecureStatus secure status
   168     */
   169     void SetTransferDataL( CDesC8Array* aUserAgentHeaders, TInt aSecureStatus );
   171     /**
   172      * Set attended/unattended.
   173      * @since S60 3.2
   174      * @param aAttended boolean true (=attended) or false
   175      */
   176     void SetAttended( const TBool aAttended );
   178     /**
   179      * Check if incoming transfer.
   180      * @since S60 3.2
   181      * @return Boolean true (=incoming) or false
   182      */
   183     TBool IsIncoming();
   185     /**
   186      * Set incoming "refer to" -string.
   187      * @since S60 3.2
   188      * @param aReferTo Reference to the string
   189      */    
   190     void SetIncomingReferToL( const TDesC8& aReferTo );
   192 	/**
   193 	* Sets the Referred-By data
   194 	* @since S60 3.2
   195 	* @param aReferredBy reference to the Referred-By data to store
   196 	*/
   197     void SetIncomingReferredByL( const TDesC8& aReferredBy );
   199     /**
   200      * Return incoming "Referred By" -string.
   201      * @since S60 3.2
   202      * @return Reference to the string
   203      */    
   204     const TDesC& IncomingReferredBy();
   206     /**
   207      * Return incoming "refer to" -string.
   208      * @since S60 3.2
   209      * @return Reference to the string
   210      */    
   211     const TDesC& IncomingReferTo();
   213     /**
   214      * Reset/clear incoming "refer to" -string.
   215      * @since S60 3.2
   216      */    
   217     void ResetIncomingReferTo();       
   219     /**
   220      * Reset/clear incoming "Referred-By" -string.
   221      * @since S60 3.2
   222      */    
   223     void ResetIncomingReferredBy();       
   225     /**
   226      * Set incoming "Replaces" -string.
   227      * @since S60 3.2
   228      * @param aString Reference to the string
   229      */    
   230     void SetIncomingReplacesL( const TDesC8& aString );
   232     /**
   233      * Return incoming "Replaces" -string.
   234      * @since S60 3.2
   235      * @return Reference to the string
   236      */    
   237     const TDesC& IncomingReplaces();
   239     /**
   240      * Reset/clear incoming "Replaces" -string.
   241      * @since S60 3.2
   242      */    
   243     void ResetIncomingReplaces();       
   245     /**
   246      * Store the parameters for the mce out refer.
   247      * @since S60 3.2
   248      * @param aTargetSession target receiver of the transferred call, 
   249      * null if address is given. 
   250      * @param aTarget transfer target address, KNullDesC if call is given.
   251      * @param aAttendedTransfer boolean true if attended transfer.
   252      */
   253     void SetTransferParmsL( CSVPSessionBase* aTargetSession, 
   254                             const TDesC& aTarget,
   255                             const TBool aAttendedTransfer );
   257     /**
   258      * Execute the refer, creates mce out event.
   259      * @since S60 3.2
   260      * @return KErrNone if ok, SVP transfer error on failure
   261      */
   262     void ExecuteReferL();
   264     /**
   265      * Sets the MCE event object.
   266      * @since Series 60 3.2
   267      * @param aEvent New received event
   268      */
   269     void SetMceEvent( CMceEvent* aEvent );
   271     /**
   272      * Returns pointer to the MCE event object.
   273      * @since S60 3.2
   274      * @return Pointer to the MCE event object
   275      */
   276     CMceEvent* MceEvent();   
   278     /**
   279      * Stop the refer timer.
   280      * @since Series 60 3.2
   281      */
   282     void StopReferTimer();
   285 protected:  // New functions
   287     /**
   288      * Creates the states belonging to this context
   289      * @since S60 3.2
   290      */
   291     void InitializeStateArrayL();
   293     /**
   294      * Check if state transition to a new state is acceptable.
   295      * @since S60 3.2
   296      * @param aStateIndex New state to enter
   297      * @return Boolean value, is the transition valid.
   298      */
   299     TBool IsStateTransitionAccepted( 
   300                             const TSVPTransferStateIndex aStateIndex );
   302     /**
   303      * C++ default constructor.
   304      */
   305     CSVPTransferStateContext( CMceSession* aMceSession,
   306                               CSVPSessionBase* aSVPSession,                              
   307                               TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer, 
   308                               MSVPTransferObserver& aObserver );
   310     /**
   311      * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private. 
   312      * Now it is protected.
   313      */ 
   314     void ConstructL();
   317 private: // New Functions
   319     /**
   320      * Set up headers for refer call.
   321      * @since S60 3.2
   322      * @return Pointer to the new created headers data     
   323      */
   324     CDesC8Array* SetupHeadersL();
   326     /**
   327      * Create mce out refer using target address.
   328      * @since S60 3.2
   329      * @param aTarget Address of the target. 
   330      */
   331     void CreateMceOutReferL( const TDesC& aTarget );
   333     /**
   334      * Create mce out refer using session.
   335      * @since S60 3.2
   336      * @param aTargetSession Pointer to the target session.      
   337      */
   338     void CreateMceOutReferL( CSVPSessionBase* aTargetSession );
   340     /**
   341     * Method for completing referTo
   342     * @since Series 60 3.2
   343     * @param aReferTo referto
   344     * @return HBufC8* constructed aReferTo
   345     */
   346     HBufC8* CompleteReferToL( const TDesC8& aReferTo );
   348     /**
   349     * Method for completing referred by
   350     * @since Series 60 3.2
   351     * @param aReferredBy Referred By
   352     * @return HBufC8* constructed aReferredBy
   353     */
   354     HBufC8* CompleteReferredByL( const TDesC8& aReferredBy );
   356     /**
   357     * Method for completing Replaces
   358     * @since Series 60 3.2
   359     * @param aString Replaces string
   360     * @return HBufC8* constructed Replaces string
   361     */
   362     HBufC8* CompleteReplacesL( const TDesC8& aString );
   364     /**
   365     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has
   366     * the "<" character.
   367     * @since S60 3.2
   368     * @param aUri The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   369     * @return TInt, position of the character,
   370     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   371     */
   372     TInt CheckLeftBracket( const TDesC8& aUri ) const;
   374     /**
   375     * Removes the "<" character and all characters 
   376     * before the position from the URI given as parameter.
   377     * @since S60 3.2
   378     * @param aUri The URI to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   379     * @param aPosition, position of string.
   380     * @return None
   381     */
   382     void RemoveLeftBracket( HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const;
   384     /**
   385     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has
   386     * the ">" character.
   387     * @since S60 3.2
   388     * @param aUri The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   389     * @return TInt, position of the character,
   390     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   391     */
   392     TInt CheckRightBracket( const TDesC8& aUri ) const;
   394     /**
   395     * Removes the all characters from the URI after the position.
   396     * @since S60 3.2
   397     * @param aUri, the URI to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   398     * @param aPosition, position where removing starts.
   399     * @return None
   400     */
   401     void CutStringFromPosition( HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const;
   403     /**
   404     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has
   405     * the "?X-Sipx-Authidentity=" string.
   406     * Some server might add that to Refer-To header.
   407     * @since S60 3.2
   408     * @param aUri The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   409     * @return TInt, position of the character,
   410     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   411     */
   412     TInt CheckAuthidentity( const TDesC8& aUri ) const;
   414     /**
   415     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has the "?Replaces=" text.
   416     * @since S60 3.2
   417     * @param aUri The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   418     * @return TInt, position of the chareacter,
   419     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   420     */
   421     TInt CheckReplacesTxt( const TDesC8& aUri ) const;
   423     /**
   424     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has the "Referred-By:" text.
   425     * @since S60 3.2
   426     * @param aReferredBy The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   427     * @return TInt, position of the chareacter,
   428     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   429     */
   430     TInt CheckReferredByTxt( const TDesC8& aReferredBy ) const;
   432     /**
   433     * Removes the "Referred-By:" text
   434     * @since S60 3.2
   435     * @param aReferredBy The text to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   436     * @param aPosition, position of string.
   437     * @return None
   438     */
   439     void RemoveReferredByTxt( HBufC8*& aReferredBy, TInt aPosition ) const;
   441     /**
   442     * Take the "?Replaces=" text and text after it.
   443     * @since S60 3.2
   444     * @param aUri The URI to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   445     * @param aPosition, position of string.
   446     * @return None
   447     */
   448     void TakeReplacesTxt( HBufC8*& aString, TInt aPosition ) const;
   450     /**
   451     * Checks, if the URI given as parameter has
   452     * the ";user=phone" text.
   453     * @since S60 3.2
   454     * @param aUri The URI to be checked, non-modifiable descriptor.
   455     * @return TInt, position of the chareacter,
   456     *         KErrNotFound, if not found.
   457     */
   458     TInt CheckUserEqualsPhone( const TDesC8& aUri ) const;
   460     /**
   461     * Removes the ";user=phone" text and text after it.
   462     * @since S60 3.2
   463     * @param aUri The URI to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   464     * @param aPosition, position of string.
   465     * @return None
   466     */
   467     void RemoveUserEqualsPhone( HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const;
   469     /**
   470     * Removes all extra parameters from given address
   471     * @since S60 3.2
   472     * @param aUri The URI to be altered, modifiable descriptor.
   473     * @return None
   474     */
   475     void RemoveExtraParameters( HBufC8*& aUri ) const;
   477     /**
   478      * Update transfer target url to sips: if secure status 1 or 2.
   479      * Otherwise url updated to sip:
   480      * @since S60 3.2
   481      * @param aSecureStatus secure status
   482      */    
   483     void UpdateTransferTargetL( TInt aSecureStatus );
   485 private: // data
   487     /**
   488      * Pointer to the mce session object.
   489      * Not own.
   490      */    
   491     CMceSession* iMceSession;
   493     /**
   494      * Pointer to the SVP session object.
   495      * Not own.
   496      */    
   497     CSVPSessionBase* iSVPSession;
   499     /**
   500      * Pointer to the target of attended transfer.
   501      * Not own.
   502      */    
   503     CSVPSessionBase* iTargetSession;
   505     /**
   506      * Data container for mce session.
   507      */
   508     TMceTransactionDataContainer& iContainer;
   510     /**
   511      * Reference to the transfer observer.
   512      */    
   513     MSVPTransferObserver& iTransferObserver;     
   515     /**
   516      * Transfer state array.
   517      * Own.
   518      */
   519     RPointerArray< CSVPTransferStateBase >* iStates;
   521     /**
   522      * State object pointer to indicate current state.
   523      */
   524     CSVPTransferStateBase* iCurrentState;
   526     /**
   527      * Mce refer, either in (MT) or out (MO) type.
   528      * Own. 
   529      */
   530     CMceRefer* iMceRefer;   
   532     /**
   533      * Mce event, either in (MT) or out (MO) type.
   534      * Own. 
   535      */
   536     CMceEvent* iMceEvent;
   538     /**
   539      * Attended (consultative) / unattended (blind) transfer.
   540      */
   541     TBool iAttended;      
   543     /**
   544      * Incoming "refer to" parameter string
   545      * Indicates also the incoming refer handling.
   546      */    
   547     HBufC* iIncomingReferTo;
   549     /**
   550      * Incoming "Referred By" parameter string
   551      */    
   552     HBufC* iIncomingReferredBy;
   554     /**
   555      * Incoming "Replaces" parameter string
   556      */    
   557     HBufC* iIncomingReplaces;
   559 private:
   561     // For testing
   562     SVP_UT_DEFS
   564     };