changeset 0 a4daefaec16c
child 11 bddb6d4447db
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:a4daefaec16c
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <sipprofileregistryobserver.h>
    23 #include <sipconnectionobserver.h>
    24 #include <sipobserver.h>
    25 #include <sipprofilealrobserver.h>
    27 #include "scpsipconnectionobserver.h"
    28 #include "scpalrobserver.h"
    29 #include "scpdefs.h"
    30 #include "scpsipconnection.h"
    31 #include "scpalrobserver.h"
    33 class CSIP;
    34 class CSIPProfileRegistry;
    35 class CSIPManagedProfileRegistry;
    36 class CSIPManagedProfile;
    37 class CSipProfileAlrController;
    38 class CScpSipConnection;
    39 class MIpVmbxObserver;
    40 class CIpVmbxInterface;
    42 /**
    43  *  Register/unregister protocol profiles.
    44  *
    45  *  @lib sipconnectionprovider.dll
    46  *  @since Series 60 3.2
    47  */
    48 class CScpProfileHandler : public CBase,
    49                            public MSIPProfileRegistryObserver,
    50                            public MSIPObserver,
    51                            public MSipProfileAlrObserver,
    52                            public MScpSipConnectionObserver
    53     {
    54 public:
    56     /**
    57      * Enumeration for ALR events.
    58      */
    59     enum TAlrEvent
    60         {
    61         EScpAlrAllowMigration,
    62         EScpAlrDisallowMigration,
    63         EScpAlrRefresh
    64         };
    66 public:  // Constructors and destructor
    68     /**
    69      * Two-phased constructor.
    70      */
    71     static CScpProfileHandler* NewL();
    73     /**
    74      * Destructor.
    75      */
    76     virtual ~CScpProfileHandler();
    78 public: 
    80     /**
    81      * Adds Sip profile observer.
    82      * @param aObserver SIP profile observer.
    83      */
    84     void AddObserverL( MScpSipConnectionObserver& aObserver );   
    86     /**
    87      * Remove observer from the array.
    88      * @param aObserver SIP profile observer.
    89      * @return KErrNone If succeed.
    90      */
    91     TInt RemoveObserver( MScpSipConnectionObserver& aObserver );   
    93     /**
    94      * Get current state of scp connection having given sip profile id
    95      * @param aProfileId SIP profile id.
    96      * @param aState Current state.
    97      * @return KErrNone if succeed.
    98      */
    99     TInt GetCurrentState( TUint32 aProfileId, 
   100         CScpSipConnection::TConnectionState& aState,
   101         TInt& aError ) const;    
   103     /**
   104      * Register profile to SIP.
   105      * @param aProfileId SIP Profile id to register.
   106      * @return Symbian error codes.
   107      */
   108     void RegisterProfileL( TUint32 aProfileId );
   110     /**
   111      * UnRegister profile to SIP.
   112      * @param aProfileId SIP Profile id to unregister.
   113      * @return Symbian error codes.
   114      */
   115     TInt UnregisterProfile( TUint32 aProfileId );
   117      /**
   118      * Cancels any ongoing registration
   119      * @param aProfileId SIP Profile id to unregister.
   120      * @return Symbian error codes.
   121      */
   122     TInt CancelRegistration( TUint32 aProfileId );
   124     /**
   125      * Return existence info of profile id.
   126      * @param aProfileId Protocol profile id.
   127      * @return ETrue if profile exist.
   128      */
   129     TBool ProfileExists( TUint32 aProfileId ) const;  
   131     /**
   132      * Uses SIP ALR controller for ALR events.
   133      * @param aProfileId  Profile id.
   134      * @param aEvent      New ALR event.
   135      * @param aIapId      IAP id.
   136      */
   137     void DoAlrEventL( TUint32 aProfileId,                      
   138                       TAlrEvent aEvent,
   139                       TUint32 aIapId = NULL );
   141     /**
   142      * Checks if sip connection for give profile id exists
   143      * @param aProfileId Profile id.
   144      * @return ETrue if exists
   145      */
   146     TBool SipConnectionExists( TUint32 aProfileId ) const;
   148     /**
   149      * Gets a asip connection for given profile id
   150      * @param aProfileId Profile id.
   151      * @return Sip connection. Ownership is not transferred.
   152      */
   153     CScpSipConnection* GetSipConnection( TUint32 aProfileId ) const;
   155     /**
   156      * Creates a sip connection for given profile id
   157      * @param aProfileId Profile id.
   158      * @return Sip connection. Ownership is transferred.
   159      */
   160     CScpSipConnection* CreateSipConnectionL( TUint32 aProfileId ) const;  
   162     /**
   163      * Sets a sip profile reserved state
   164      * @param aProfileId Sip profile id
   165      * @param aReserved Reserved
   166      */
   167     void SetSipProfileReserved( TUint32 aProfileId, TBool aReserved );
   169     /**
   170      * Return VMBX service provider interface
   171      * @param aObserver VMBX service provider observer
   172      * @return Interface
   173      */
   174     CIpVmbxInterface& VmbxInterfaceL( MIpVmbxObserver& aObserver );
   176     /**
   177      * Delete VMBX service provider interface, there is no other way to remove 
   178      * MIpVmbxObserver. Observer has to remove when deleting vmbx subservice.
   179      */
   180     void DeleteVmbxInterface();
   182     /**
   183      * Checks if a sip profile requires update
   184      * @param aProfileId SIP profile ID
   185      * @param aTerminalType indicates is terminal type defined
   186      * @param aWlanMac indicates is wlan mac defined
   187      * @param aStringLength length of free string
   188      */    
   189     void UpdateSipProfileL( TUint32 aProfileId, TBool aTerminalType,
   190         TBool aWlanMac, TInt astringLength );
   192     /**
   193      * Set username and/or passowrd.
   194      * @param aProfileId Profile id to use.
   195      * @param aUsername to set
   196      * @param aSetUsername If true, set username.
   197      * @param aPassword Password to set.
   198      * @param aSetPassword If true, set password.
   199      * @@return none 
   200      * @leave KErrArgument if passed values are incorrect, or other 
   201      * symbian error code. 
   202      */
   203     void SetUsernameAndPasswordL( TUint32 aProfileId,
   204                                   const TDesC8& aUsername,
   205                                   TBool aSetUsername,
   206                                   const TDesC8& aPassword,
   207                                   TBool aSetPassword );
   209 #ifdef _DEBUG
   210     void GetDebugInfo( TDes& aInfo ) const;
   211 #endif                                          
   214 private: // Functions from base classes
   216     /**
   217      * From MSIPObserver
   218      * A SIP request has been received from the network.        
   219      * @pre aTransaction != 0
   220      * @param aIapId The IapId from which the SIP request was received.
   221      * @param aTransaction contains local address, remote address of a SIP
   222      *        message, as well as optional SIP message method, headers and
   223      *        body. The ownership is transferred.
   224      */
   225     void IncomingRequest( TUint32 aIapId, CSIPServerTransaction* aTransaction );
   227     /**
   228      * From MSIPObserver
   229      * The received SIP request time-outed and it is invalid i.e. cannot be used
   230      * anymore.
   231      * This will be called if the user fails to create a SIP connection
   232      * and does not send an appropriate SIP response.
   233      * @param aTransaction The time-outed transaction.
   234      */
   235     void TimedOut( CSIPServerTransaction& aTransaction );
   238     /** 
   239      * From MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
   240      * An event related to SIP Profile has accorred
   241      * @param aProfileId a profile Id
   242      * @param aEvent an occurred event
   243      */
   244     void ProfileRegistryEventOccurred( TUint32 aProfileId,
   245                                        MSIPProfileRegistryObserver::TEvent aEvent );
   247     /**
   248      * From MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
   249      * An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile
   250      * Event is send to those observers, who have the
   251      * corresponding profile instantiated.
   252      * @param aProfileId the id of failed profile 
   253      * @param aError an occurred error
   254      */
   255     void ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred( TUint32 aProfileId,
   256                                        TInt aError );
   258     /**
   259      * ALR related event occurred. See MSipProfileAlrObserver.
   260      * @param aEvent the event that occurred
   261      * @param aProfileId identifies the SIP profile related to the event
   262      * @param aSnapId the SNAP related to the event
   263      * @param aIapId the IAP related to the event
   264      */
   265     void AlrEvent( MSipProfileAlrObserver::TEvent aEvent,
   266                    TUint32 aProfileId,
   267                    TUint32 aSnapId,
   268                    TUint32 aIapId );
   270     /**
   271      * ALR related error occurred. See MSipProfileAlrObserver.
   272      * @param aError the error that occurred
   273      * @param aProfileId identifies the SIP profile related to the error
   274      * @param aSnapId the SNAP related to the event
   275      * @param aIapId the IAP related to the error
   276      */
   277     void AlrError( TInt aError,
   278                    TUint32 aProfileId,
   279                    TUint32 aSnapId,
   280                    TUint32 aIapId );
   282     /**
   283      * Sip profile state changed
   284      * @param aProfileId Profile id.
   285      * @param aSipEvent A new event of profile.
   286      */  
   287     void HandleSipConnectionEvent( TUint32 aProfileId,
   288                                    TScpConnectionEvent aSipEvent );
   290 private:
   292     /**
   293      * C++ default constructor.
   294      */
   295     CScpProfileHandler();
   297     /**
   298      * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   299      */
   300     void ConstructL();
   302     /**
   303      * Removes a sip connection from iSipConnections
   304      * @param aProfilId Sip profile id
   305      * @return Symbian error codes
   306      */
   307     TInt RemoveSipConnection( TUint32 aProfileId );
   309     /**
   310      * Checks if sip profile is reserved by some service
   311      * @param aProfileId Sip profile id
   312      * @return ETrue if reserved
   313      */
   314     TBool IsSipProfileReserved( TUint32 aProfileId ) const;
   316 private:
   318     /**
   319      * SIP instance. Own.
   320      */
   321     CSIP* iSip;
   323     /**
   324      * SIP profile registry. Own.
   325      */
   326     CSIPProfileRegistry* iProfileRegistry;
   328     /**
   329      * SIP managed profile registry. Own.
   330      */
   331     CSIPManagedProfileRegistry* iManagedProfileRegistry;
   333     /**
   334      * SIP ALR controller. Own.
   335      */
   336     CSipProfileAlrController* iAlrController;
   338     /**
   339      * Sip connections.
   340      */
   341     RPointerArray< CScpSipConnection > iSipConnections;
   343     /**
   344      * SIP profile observers.
   345      */
   346     RPointerArray< MScpSipConnectionObserver > iObservers;
   348     /**
   349      * VMBx service provider interface. Created once, when needed.
   350      */
   351     CIpVmbxInterface* iVmbxInterface;
   353 // This need to be cleaned to separate macro/header
   354 #ifdef _DEBUG
   355     friend class T_CScpServiceManager;
   356     friend class T_CScpProfileHandler;
   357     friend class T_CScpSipHelper;
   358     friend class T_CScpVmbxHandler;
   359     friend class T_CScpVoipHandler;
   360     friend class T_CScpPresenceHandler;
   361     friend class T_CScpSettingHandler;
   362     friend class T_CScpImHandler;
   363 #endif
   364     };
   366 #endif      // CSCPPPROFILEHANDLER_H   
   368 // End of File