changeset 17 6d0b9f605b61
parent 2 7b872347d83b
--- a/callcontinuity/nsmldmvccadapter/src/nsmldmvccadapter.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:05:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1478 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   Implementation file for nsmldmvccadapter
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <escapeutils.h>
-#include <spentry.h>
-#include <spproperty.h>
-#include <nsmldmuri.h>
-#include <crcseprofileentry.h>
-#include <crcseprofileregistry.h>
-#include "nsmldmvccadapter.h"
-#include "vccspsettings.h"
-#include "vccmiscutils.h"
-#include "rubydebug.h"
-const TInt KNSmlDMVCC_DefaultResultSize = 255;
-/** VCC DDF keywords */
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DDFVersion,               "1.0" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_Node,                     "VCC001" );
-_LIT( KNSmlDMVCC_ServiceName,               "VCC" );
-/** VCC */ 
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_Name,                     "Name" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI,                      "VDI" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN,                      "VDN" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain,          "Preferred Domain" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT,              "Immediate DT" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM,                 "DT CS-to-IM CN direction" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs,                 "DT IM CN-to-CS direction" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls,       "DT in held_waiting calls" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold, 			"WLAN HO Treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis,			"WLAN HO Hysteresis" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow, 	"WLAN Hysteresis Timer Low" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh, 	"WLAN Hysteresis Timer High" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold, 			"CS HO Treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis, 			"CS HO Hysteresis" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow,		"CS Hysteresis Timer Low" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh, 	"CS Hysteresis Timer High" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceId, 			"VoIP" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated,"DT Allowed When CS Originated" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_NodeExp,                  "Main node for VCC settings" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_NameExp,                  "Name for the Communication Continuity settings" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VDIExp,                   "VCC Transfer URI " );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VDNExp,                   "VCC Transfer Number" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomainExp,       "Preferred domain for UE originated calls/sessions" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDTExp,           "Initiate a VCC DT immediately when domain available or not" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIMExp,              "DT from CS domain to PS is restricted or not" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCsExp,              "DT from PS domain to CS is restricted or not" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCallsExp,    "DT restricted during active and a held/waiting call/session" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTresholdExp, 		"Handover signal strength treshold value for WLAN" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresisExp,		"Handover hysteresis value for WLAN" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLowExp,"Handover hysteresis timer value for WLAN used below treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHighExp, 	"Handover hysteresis timer value for WLAN used above treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTresholdExp, 			"Handover signal strength treshold value for CS" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresisExp, 		"Handover hysteresis value for CS" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLowExp,	"Handover hysteresis timer value for CS used below treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHighExp, "Handover hysteresis timer value for CS used above treshold" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceIdExp, 		"VoIP Service Id to be associated with VCC" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmToConRef, 				"ToConRef" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef, 				"ConRef" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmToConRefExp, 			"Refers to a collection of connectivity definitions" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRefExp,		 		"Indicates the linkage to connectivity parameters" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipLinkPrefix, 			"./VoIP");
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipId,					"VoIPId");
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoip,					"VoIP");
-_LIT( KVccServiceName,               		"VCC" );
-/** Others */
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain,                 "text/plain" );
-_LIT8( KNSmlDMVCCSeparator,                 "/" );
-_LIT( KNSmlDMVCCValueNullDesc,              "" );
-_LIT( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero,                 "0" );
-const TInt KNSmlDMVCCSeparatorChar            = '/';
-const TInt KNSmlDMVCCDefaultResultSize        = 64;
-const TInt KNSmlDMVCCMaxResultLength          = 256;
-const TInt  KNSmlDMVCCMaxUriLength            = 100;
-// ======== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ========
-// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++ Constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CNSmlDmVCCAdapter( TAny* aEcomArguments )
-: CSmlDmAdapter( aEcomArguments )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CNSmlDmVCCAdapter" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Second phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ConstructL()
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ConstructL" );
-    iVCCSettings = CVccSPSettings::NewL();
-    iVCCSettings->SetServiceNameL( KNSmlDMVCC_ServiceName );
-    iVCCSettings->ReadSettingsL( KVccServiceName );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Two-phased constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDmVCCAdapter* CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewL( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewL" );
-    CNSmlDmVCCAdapter* self = CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewLC( aDmCallback );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Two-phased constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CNSmlDmVCCAdapter* CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewLC( MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewLC --Start" );
-    CNSmlDmVCCAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CNSmlDmVCCAdapter( aDmCallback );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::NewLC --End" );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::~CNSmlDmVCCAdapter() - ENTER" );
-    delete iVCCSettings;
-    delete iTempBuf;
-    RUBY_DEBUG0( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::~CNSmlDmVCCAdapter() - EXIT" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aVersion )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DDFVersionL" );
-    aVersion.InsertL( 0,KNSmlDMVCC_DDFVersion );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DDFStructureL" );
-    TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGet;
-    accessTypesGet.SetGet();
-    TSmlDmAccessTypes accessTypesGetReplace;
-    accessTypesGetReplace.SetGet();
-    accessTypesGetReplace.SetReplace();
-    // Main node
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccNode = aDDF.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_Node );
-    vccNode.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGet );
-    vccNode.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOneOrMore );
-    vccNode.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccNode.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode );
-    vccNode.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_NodeExp );
-    // Name leaf -read only
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccName = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_Name );    
-    vccName.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGet );
-    vccName.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EZeroOrMore );
-    vccName.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccName.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccName.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccName.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_NameExp );
-    // VDI leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccVDI = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI );    
-    vccVDI.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccVDI.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccVDI.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccVDI.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccVDI.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_VDIExp );
-    // VDN leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccVDN = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN );
-    vccVDN.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccVDN.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccVDN.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccVDN.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccVDN.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_VDNExp );
-    // Preferred domain leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccPD = 
-                          vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain );
-    vccPD.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccPD.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccPD.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccPD.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccPD.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccPD.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomainExp );
-    // Immediate DT leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccIDT = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT );
-    vccIDT.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccIDT.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccIDT.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccIDT.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccIDT.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccIDT.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDTExp );
-    // CS to PS leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccDTCS = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM );
-    vccDTCS.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccDTCS.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccDTCS.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccDTCS.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccDTCS.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccDTCS.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIMExp );
-    // PS to CS leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccDTIM = vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs );
-    vccDTIM.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccDTIM.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccDTIM.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccDTIM.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccDTIM.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccDTIM.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCsExp );
-    // DT restricted while held or waiting calls leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccDTHeld = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls );
-    vccDTHeld.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccDTHeld.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccDTHeld.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccDTHeld.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccDTHeld.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccDTHeld.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCallsExp );
-    // DT Allowed when CS Originated Call
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig = 
-               vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccDTAllowedWhenCsOrig.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated );
-    // WLAN HO treshold leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccWLANHotreshold = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccWLANHotreshold.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTresholdExp );
-    // WLAN HO hysteresis leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccWLANHoHysteresis = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresis.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresisExp );
-    // WLAN HO hysteresis timer low leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLowExp );
-    // WLAN HO hysteresis timer high leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccWLANHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHighExp );
-    // CS HO treshold leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccCSHotreshold = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold );
-    vccCSHotreshold.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccCSHotreshold.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccCSHotreshold.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccCSHotreshold.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccCSHotreshold.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccCSHotreshold.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTresholdExp );
-    // CS HO hysteresis leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccCSHoHysteresis = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccCSHoHysteresis.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresisExp );
-    // CS HO hysteresis timer low leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerLow.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLowExp );
-    // CS HO hysteresis timer high leaf
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh = 
-                       vccNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EPermanent );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.AddDFTypeMimeTypeL( KNSmlDMVCCTextPlain );
-    vccCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHighExp );
-    // ./VCC001/ToConRef/
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& toConRefNode = vccNode.AddChildObjectL(KNSmlDMVCC_DmToConRef);
-    toConRefNode.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGet );
-    toConRefNode.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    toConRefNode.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic );
-    toConRefNode.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode );
-    toConRefNode.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DmToConRefExp );
-    // ./VCC001/ToConRef/VoIP
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& voipNode = toConRefNode.AddChildObjectL( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceId );
-    voipNode.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGet );
-    voipNode.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    voipNode.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic );
-    voipNode.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::ENode );
-    voipNode.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceIdExp );
-    // ./VCC001/ToConRef/VoIP/ConRef
-    MSmlDmDDFObject& conRefVoipNode = voipNode.AddChildObjectL(KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef);
-    conRefVoipNode.SetAccessTypesL( accessTypesGetReplace );
-    conRefVoipNode.SetOccurenceL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EOne );
-    conRefVoipNode.SetScopeL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EDynamic );
-    conRefVoipNode.SetDFFormatL( MSmlDmDDFObject::EChr );
-    conRefVoipNode.SetDescriptionL( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRefExp );
-    // !NOTE! Ext node not inserted yet
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//  Note: HBufC* buf points to member iTempBuf that is deleted every time 
-//  ConvertToUnicodeL is called and in class' destructor.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, const TDesC8& aObject, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aType*/, TInt aStatusRef )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL" );
-  	RUBY_DEBUG0( "ReadSPSettings" );
-  	iVCCSettings->ReadSettingsL( KVccServiceName );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
-    HBufC* buf = ConvertToUnicodeL( aObject );
-    // Find the last leaf in URI
-    TPtrC8 uriSeg( LastURISeg( aURI ) );
-    if ( KNSmlDMVCC_Name() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        // Don't do anything at the moment
-        //iVCCSettings->SetNameL( aObject );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        if ( KErrNone != iVCCSettings->SetVdiL( buf->Des() ) )
-            {
-            retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        if ( !( iVCCSettings->SetVdnL( buf->Des() ) ) )
-            {
-            retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-            case 2:
-            case 3:
-                iVCCSettings->SetPreferredDomainL( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-          }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-                iVCCSettings->SetImmediateDtL( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-                iVCCSettings->SetDtCsToPsAllowedL( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-                iVCCSettings->SetDtPsToCsAllowedL( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-                iVCCSettings->SetDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        TInt value = iVCCSettings->ConvertToIntL( buf->Des() );
-        switch ( value )
-            {
-            case 0:
-            case 1:
-                iVCCSettings->SetDtHeldWaitingCallsAllowedL( buf->Des() );
-                break;
-            default:
-                retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoTresholdL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerLowL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerHighL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoTresholdL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerLowL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerHighL( buf->Des() );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        retValue = UpdateVoipConRefL(aURI, aObject);
-        }
-    else
-        { // No recognized leaf object found
-        retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-        }
-    if ( CSmlDmAdapter::EOk == retValue )
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0( "StoreSPSettings" );
-        // Set operation successfull, store changes into SP Settings table
-        iVCCSettings->StoreL();
-        }
-    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue ); 
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
-                  RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/, const TDesC8& /*aType*/,
-                  TInt aStatusRef )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateLeafObjectL -stream" );
-    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EOk );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
-                                       const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, 
-                                       TInt aStatusRef )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::DeleteObjectL" );
-   	iVCCSettings->ReadSettingsL( KVccServiceName );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
-    TPtrC8 uriSeg( LastURISeg( aURI ) );
-    if ( KNSmlDMVCC_Name() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        // Don't do anything at the moment
-        //iVCCSettings->SetNameL( KNSmlDMVCCValueNullDesc );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetVdiL( KNSmlDMVCCValueNullDesc );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetVdnL( KNSmlDMVCCValueNullDesc );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetPreferredDomainL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetImmediateDtL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsToPsAllowedL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtPsToCsAllowedL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtHeldWaitingCallsAllowedL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-     else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoTresholdL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerLowL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerHighL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoTresholdL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerLowL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerHighL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetVoipServiceIdL( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated() == uriSeg )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->SetDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated( KNSmlDMVCCValueZero );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-        }
-    if ( CSmlDmAdapter::EOk == retValue )
-        {
-        iVCCSettings->StoreL();
-        }
-    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, retValue ); 
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
-             const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, const TDesC8& aType, 
-             TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchLeafObjectL" );
-    CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMVCCDefaultResultSize );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( result );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = FetchObjectL( aURI, *result );
-    if ( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
-        {
-        Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *result, aType );
-        }
-    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
-               const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aType*/, 
-               TInt /*aResultsRef*/, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchLeafObjectSizeL" );
-  // Not supported 
-  Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
-                                       const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/,
-              const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& /*aPreviousURISegmentList*/,
-              TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ChildURIListL" );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
-    CBufBase *currentURISegmentList = CBufFlat::NewL( KNSmlDMVCCDefaultResultSize );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( currentURISegmentList );
-    TBuf8<KNSmlDMVCCMaxUriLength> mappingInfo( KNullDesC8 );
-    TBuf8<KNSmlDMVCCMaxUriLength> uri = aURI;
-    TBuf8<KSmlMaxURISegLen> segmentName;
-     if ( KNSmlDMVCC_Node() == LastURISeg( aURI ) )
-        {
-        // Name
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_Name );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // VDI
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // VDN
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // Preferred domain
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // Immediate dt
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // DT CS to PS
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // DT PS to CS
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // DT Held waiting calls
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // Wlan Ho Treshold
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // Wlan Ho Hysteresis
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // Wlan Ho Hysteresis Timer Low
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // Wlan Ho Hysteresis Timer High
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // CS Ho Treshold
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // CS Ho Hysteresis
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // CS Ho Hysteresis Timer Low
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-         // CS Ho Hysteresis Timer High
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        // DT Allowed When CS Originated
-        segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            segmentName );
-        currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), 
-            KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-    	status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
-        }
-    else if( KNSmlDMVCC_DmToConRef() == LastURISeg( aURI ) )    // ./VCC001/ToConRef
-      		{
-        	segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceId );
-        	currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), segmentName );
-        	currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-			status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
-	       	}
-    else if( KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceId() == LastURISeg( aURI ) )         // ./VCC001/ToConRef/VoIP
-        	{
-        	segmentName.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef );
-        	currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), segmentName );
-        	currentURISegmentList->InsertL( currentURISegmentList->Size(), KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-    		status = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk;
-        	}
-    Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, status );
-    Callback().SetResultsL( aResultsRef, *currentURISegmentList, KNullDesC8 );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( currentURISegmentList ); 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
-           const TDesC8& /*aParentLUID*/, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::AddNodeObjectL" );
-  // Not supported 
-  Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EOk );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aArgument*/, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aType*/, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ExecuteCommandL" );
-  // Not supported 
-  Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError ); 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aURI*/, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aLUID*/, RWriteStream*& /*aStream*/, 
-            const TDesC8& /*aType*/, TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ExecuteCommandL -stream" );
-  // Not supported 
-  Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError );
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& /*aTargetURI*/, 
-           const TDesC8& /*aTargetLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aSourceURI*/, 
-           const TDesC8& /*aSourceLUID*/, const TDesC8& /*aType*/, 
-           TInt aStatusRef )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CopyCommandL" );
-  // Not supported 
-  Callback().SetStatusL( aStatusRef, CSmlDmAdapter::EError ); 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StartAtomicL()
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StartAtomicL()" );
-  // Not supported 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CommitAtomicL()
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CommitAtomicL()" );
-  // Not supported 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::RollbackAtomicL()" );
-  // Not supported 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StreamingSupport( TInt& /*aItemSize*/ )
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StreamingSupport" );
-  return EFalse;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StreamCommittedL()
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::StreamCommittedL" );
-  // Not supported 
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()
-  {
-  RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::CompleteOutstandingCmdsL()" );
-  iVCCSettings->StoreL();
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns only the last uri segment.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-const TPtrC8 CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::LastURISeg( const TDesC8& aURI )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::LastURISeg" );
-    TInt offset = aURI.LocateReverse( KNSmlDMVCCSeparatorChar  );
-    RUBY_DEBUG1( " - offset == %d", offset );    
-    TInt i;
-    for ( i=aURI.Length()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
-        {
-        if ( aURI[i]=='/' )
-            {
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    if ( i==0 )
-        {
-        return aURI;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return aURI.Mid( i + 1 );
-        }    
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI, 
-                                                   CBufBase& aResult )
-  {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchObjectL" );
-    TInt composeResult = ETrue; 
-    iVCCSettings->ReadSettingsL( KVccServiceName );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EOk; 
-    TInt err( KErrNone );
-    TPtrC8 lastUriSeg = LastURISeg( aURI );
-    CSPEntry* entry = CSPEntry::NewLC();
-    iVCCSettings->FindServiceEntryL( KNSmlDMVCC_ServiceName, *entry );
-    if ( entry->PropertyCount() > 0 )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Service Entry found" );
-      TServiceId serviceId = entry->GetServiceId();   
-      CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
-    if ( KNSmlDMVCC_Name() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Name" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, ESubPropertyVccName, 
-                               *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDI() == lastUriSeg )
-          {
-          RUBY_DEBUG0( "- VDI" );
-          err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, ESubPropertyVccVDI, 
-                                   *property );
-          }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_VDN() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- VDN" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, ESubPropertyVccVDN, 
-                               *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_PreferredDomain() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Preferred Domain" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                               ESubPropertyVccPreferredDomain, 
-                               *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_ImmediateDT() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Immediate DT" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                               ESubPropertyVccImmediateDomainTransfer, 
-                               *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTCsToIM() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- CS to PS" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                               ESubPropertyVccDtCstoPsAllowed, 
-                               *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTIMToCs() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- PS to CS" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                                     ESubPropertyVccDtPstoCsAllowed, 
-                                     *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DTHeldWaitingCalls() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Held waiting calls" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtHeldWaitingCallsAllowed, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOTreshold() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- WlanHOTreshold" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtWLANHoTriggerLevel, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHOHysteresis() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- WlanHOHysteresis" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtWLANHoHysteresis, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerLow() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- _WlanHysteresisTimerLow" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtWLANHoHysteresisTimerLow, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_WlanHysteresisTimerHigh() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- WlanHysteresisTimerHigh" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOTreshold() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- CSHOTreshold" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtCSHoTriggerLevel, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHOHysteresis() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- CSHOHysteresis" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtCSHoHysteresis, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerLow() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- CSHysteresisTimerLow" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtCSHoHysteresisTimerLow, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_CSHysteresisTimerHigh() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- CSHysteresisTimerHigh" );
-      err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtCSHoHysteresisTimerHigh, 
-                             *property );
-      }
-    else if( KNSmlDMVCC_DmConRef() == lastUriSeg )
-      {
-      TPtrC8 conRefUri = NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg(aURI);
-      TPtrC8 lastConRefSeg = NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg(conRefUri);
-      composeResult = EFalse;  
-      if(KNSmlDMVCC_VoipServiceId() == lastConRefSeg )
-            {
-            // Voip ConRef
-            retValue= FetchVoipConRefL(aURI, aResult);
-            }
-      else
-            {
-             retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
-            } 
-      }
-    else if ( KNSmlDMVCC_DtAllowedWhenCsOriginated() == lastUriSeg )
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0( "- DT allowed when CS originated" );
-        err = iVCCSettings->FindPropertyL( serviceId, 
-                             ESubPropertyVccDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated,
-                             *property );
-        }
-    else
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Invalid object" );
-      retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EInvalidObject;
-      }
-    if ( KErrNone == err && composeResult )
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Result handling STARTt" );
-      // Get result from property
-      TBuf<KNSmlDMVCCMaxResultLength> buf;
-      err = property->GetValue( buf );
-      // Insert result into result buffer
-      TBuf8<KNSmlDMVCCMaxResultLength> buf8;
-      buf8.Append( buf );
-      aResult.InsertL( 0, buf8 );
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Result handling STOP" );
-      }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property );
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      RUBY_DEBUG0( "- Service not found" );
-      // Service not found
-      retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
-      }
-  if ( KErrNone != err )
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG1( "- Other error occurred [%d]", err );
-    // Other error occurred
-    retValue = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
-    }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
-    return retValue;
-  }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ConvertToUnicodeL( const TDesC8& aSource )
-    {
-    if ( iTempBuf )
-        {
-        delete iTempBuf;
-        iTempBuf = NULL;
-        }
-    HBufC* temp = EscapeUtils::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8L( aSource );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( temp );
-    iTempBuf = temp->AllocL();
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( temp );
-    //return static_cast<const TDesC&>(*iTempPtr);
-    return iTempBuf;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchVoipConRefL( const TDesC8& /*aUri*/,
-                                                              CBufBase& aObject )
-	{
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::FetchVoipConRefL" );
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError status( CSmlDmAdapter::EOk );
-    iVCCSettings->ReadSettingsL( KVccServiceName );
-    // Fetch correct id here
-    RUBY_DEBUG1( "ServiceId=%d", iVCCSettings->VoipServiceId() );
-    CRCSEProfileRegistry* cRCSEProfileRegistry = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC();   // CS: 1
-    RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry> foundEntries;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( ResetAndDestroyEntries, &foundEntries ) ); // CS: 2
-    cRCSEProfileRegistry->FindByServiceIdL( (TUint32)iVCCSettings->VoipServiceId(),
-                                           foundEntries );
-    RUBY_DEBUG1( "ProfileCount=%d", foundEntries.Count() );
-    if ( foundEntries.Count() > 0 )
-    	{
-    	RUBY_DEBUG1( "VoipId=%d", foundEntries[0]->iId );
-    	TInt voipId = foundEntries[0]->iId;
-    	CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL( 1 );
-    	CleanupStack::PushL( result );                      // CS: 3
-    	// Request all VoIP identifiers 
-    	Callback().FetchLinkL( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipLinkPrefix, *result, status );
-    	if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
-        	{
-        	TInt resultSize( result->Size() );
-        	HBufC8* linkList = HBufC8::NewLC( resultSize ); // CS: 4
-        	TPtr8 linkListPtr( linkList->Des() );
-        	TInt numOfUriSegs( KErrNone );
-        	if( resultSize > 0 )
-            	{
-            	linkListPtr.Copy( result->Ptr(0) );
-            	RemoveLastSeparator( linkListPtr );
-            	numOfUriSegs = NSmlDmURI::NumOfURISegs( linkListPtr );
-            	}
-    		// Find correct VoIP profile
-    		while( numOfUriSegs )
-        		{
-        		TBuf8<KNSmlDMVCC_DefaultResultSize> object; 
-        		// Build URI: ./VoIP/<X>/VoIPId
-        		object.Copy( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipLinkPrefix );
-        		object.Append( KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        		object.Append( NSmlDmURI::LastURISeg( linkListPtr ) );
-        		object.Append( KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        		object.Append( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipId );
-        		// Fetch VoIPId from URI
-        		result->Reset();
-        		Callback().FetchLinkL( object, *result, status );
-        		if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
-            		{
-            		// Check if VoIPId match
-            		TLex8 lex( result->Ptr( 0 ) );
-    				TInt voipIdFromVoipAdapter( KErrNotFound );
-    				lex.Val( voipIdFromVoipAdapter );
-            		if( voipId == voipIdFromVoipAdapter )
-                		{
-                		aObject.InsertL( 0, NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( object ) );
-                		break;
-                		}
-            		}
-        		// VoIPId did not match --> continue
-        		linkListPtr.Copy( NSmlDmURI::RemoveLastSeg( linkListPtr ) );
-        		--numOfUriSegs;
-        		}
-            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( linkList );        // CS: 3
-        	} 
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( result );              // CS: 2
-    	}
-	else
-    	{
-    	RUBY_DEBUG0("Profiles not found");
-    	status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
-    	}	
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();							// CS: 1
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cRCSEProfileRegistry ); 	// CS: 0
-    return status;
-	}
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateVoipConRefL
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CSmlDmAdapter::TError CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateVoipConRefL(const TDesC8& /*aUri*/, 
-                                                         const TDesC8& aObject)
-    {
-    RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK("CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::UpdateVoipConRefL");
-    CSmlDmAdapter::TError status( CSmlDmAdapter::EOk );
-    CBufBase* result = CBufFlat::NewL(1);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(result);			// CS: 1
-    // Request all voip settings identifiers 
-    Callback().FetchLinkL(KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoip, *result, status);
-    if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0("Voip profiles found");
-        // Fetch VoIP profile id
-        TBuf8<KNSmlDMVCC_DefaultResultSize> object;
-        object.Copy( aObject );
-        object.Append( KNSmlDMVCCSeparator );
-        object.Append( KNSmlDMVCC_DmVoipId );
-        result->Reset();
-        Callback().FetchLinkL( object, *result, status );
-        if( status == CSmlDmAdapter::EOk )
-            {
-         	RUBY_DEBUG0("Voip Link fetched ok");
-            // Convert VoipId to ServiceID
-           	CRCSEProfileRegistry* cRCSEProfileRegistry = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC(); // CS: 2
-    		TInt voipProfileId;
-       		TLex8 temp( result->Ptr( 0 ) );
-        	TInt res = temp.Val(voipProfileId) ;
-    		RUBY_DEBUG1( "VoipId=%d", voipProfileId );
-    		if (res == KErrNone )
-    			{
-    			CRCSEProfileEntry* foundEntry = CRCSEProfileEntry::NewLC();		// CS: 3 
-    			TRAP( res, cRCSEProfileRegistry->FindL( voipProfileId, *foundEntry ) );
-    			RUBY_DEBUG1( "ServiceId=%d", foundEntry->iServiceProviderId );
-                if (res==KErrNone)
-                	{
-                	// And save
-    				iVCCSettings->SetVoipServiceIdL(foundEntry->iServiceProviderId);
-    			   	}
-    			else
-    				{
-    				RUBY_DEBUG0("Service id not found");
-        			status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
-                    }
-            	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( foundEntry );						// CS: 2
-    		   	}
-            else
-                {
-                RUBY_DEBUG0("Voip id fetch failed");
-                status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
-                }
-    		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cRCSEProfileRegistry );				// CS: 1
-            }
-        else
-            {
-        	RUBY_DEBUG0("Voip link not found");
-            status = CSmlDmAdapter::EError;
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        RUBY_DEBUG0("Voip profiles not found");
-        status = CSmlDmAdapter::ENotFound;
-        }
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(result);										// CS: 0
-    return status;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::RemoveLastSeparator
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::RemoveLastSeparator( TPtr8& aURI )
-    {
-    if( aURI.Length() > 0 )
-    	{
-    	TChar separator( '/' );
-    	TInt lastchar( aURI.Length() - 1 );
-    	// Check if last character is separator.
-    	if( aURI[lastchar] == separator )
-    		{
-    		// Delete separator.
-    		aURI.Delete( lastchar, 1 );
-    		}
-    	}
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ResetAndDestroyEntries
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CNSmlDmVCCAdapter::ResetAndDestroyEntries( TAny* anArray )
-	{
-    RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry>* array = 
-        reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry>*>( anArray );
-    if (array)
-        {
-        array->ResetAndDestroy();
-        array->Close();
-        }
-	}
-//  End of File  