changeset 17 6d0b9f605b61
parent 2 7b872347d83b
--- a/callcontinuity/vcc/inc/cvccdirector.h	Tue Feb 02 00:05:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:   Voice Call Continuity proxy
-#include <cconvergedcallprovider.h>
-#include <mccpobserver.h>
-#include <mccpcsobserver.h>  // MCCPCSObserver
-#include <mspnotifychangeobserver.h>
-#include <mccpcall.h>
-#include <cccpcallparameters.h>
-#include "mvccengpspropertylistenerobserver.h"
-#include "ccpdefs.h"
-//state machine, in order to maintain only one instance
-#include "tvccstateinit.h"
-#include "tvccstatecalling.h"
-#include "tvccstatereleasing.h"
-#include "tvccstatefailing.h"
-class CVccPerformer;
-class CVccHoTrigger;
-class CVccEngPsPropertyListener;
-class CVccEngPsProperty;
-class CSPNotifyChange;
-class CVccConferenceCall;
-class CVccDtmfProvider;
-/**  Service Provider Name */
-_LIT( KCSPName,"VCC" );
-/**  VCC implementation UID */
-const TInt KVCCImplementationUidInt = 0x2000CFAA;
-* Implementation uid of VCC Plugin.
-const TUid KVCCImplementationUid = { KVCCImplementationUidInt };
- *  
- *
- * Proxies all calls to the relevant call providers
- * and keeps the house hold.
- *
- *  @lib svp.dll
- *  @since S60 3.2 
- */
-class CVccDirector : public CConvergedCallProvider,
-                     public MCCPCSObserver,
-                     public MVccEngPsPropertyListenerObserver,
-                     public MSPNotifyChangeObserver
-    {
-    /**
-    * Two-phased constructor.
-    */
-    static CVccDirector* NewL();
-    /**
-    * Destructor.
-    */
-    ~CVccDirector();
-    /**
-    * Gets the instance of the MCCPMonitor
-    * @return Reference to MCCPMonitor
-    */
-    const MCCPCSObserver* CPPObserver() const;
-// from base class CConvergedCallProvider 
-   	/**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Initializes plug-in. All required parameters must be passed
-    * with this function in order to use services.
-    * Simplifies pluging construct removing need to pass parameters
-    * to ECom interface
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aMonitor CCP observer
-    * @param aSsObserver SS observer
-    */
-    void InitializeL( const MCCPObserver& aMonitor,
-                      const MCCPSsObserver& aSsObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Creates a new session and checks secure status from profile.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aParameters Call parameters, SVP uses Service ID parameter
-    * @param aRecipient Recipients address/number
-    * @param aObserver Observer
-    * @return Reference to created MCCPCall object.
-    */
-    MCCPCall* NewCallL( const CCCPCallParameters& aParameters,
-					    const TDesC& aRecipient,
-					    const MCCPCallObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Returns Uid of plug-in which is on use.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @return Uid of plug-in
-    */                        
-    const TUid& Uid() const;
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Creates a new Emergency call and add user-agent header.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aServiceId Service ID, obsolete!
-    * @param aAddress Emergency number
-    * @param aObserver Observer
-    * @return MCCPEmergencyCall
-    */
-    MCCPEmergencyCall* NewEmergencyCallL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
-                                          const TDesC&  aAddress,
-                                          const MCCPCallObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Creates a new conference session.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aObserver Observer
-    * @return MCCPConferenceCall
-    */
-    MCCPConferenceCall* NewConferenceL( const TUint32 aServiceId,
-                              const MCCPConferenceCallObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Releases call
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aCall Call to be removed
-    * @return Symbian error code
-    */
-    TInt ReleaseCall( MCCPCall& aCall );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Releases emergency call
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aCall Call to be removed
-    * @return Symbian error code
-    */
-    TInt ReleaseEmergencyCall( MCCPEmergencyCall& aCall );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Releases conference call
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aCall Call to be removed
-    * @return Symbian error code
-    */
-    TInt ReleaseConferenceCall( MCCPConferenceCall& aCall );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Get Plug-In capabilities
-    * 
-    * @since Series 60 v3.2
-    * @return TUint32 On return contains the capability flags of plug-In
-    */
-    TUint32 Caps() const;
-	/**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-	* Get DTMF provider
-    * 
-	* @since Series 60 v3.2
-	* @param aObserver CCP Dtmf observer for informing events
-	* @return Pointer to MCCPDTMFProvider if succesfull,
-    * NULL if not available
-	*/
-	MCCPDTMFProvider* DTMFProviderL( const MCCPDTMFObserver& aObserver );
-	/**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-	* Get extension provider
-    * 
-	* @since Series 60 v3.2
-    * @param aObserver observer for extension(custom) events
-	* @return Pointer to MCCPExtensionProvider if succesfull,
-    * NULL if not available
-	*/
-	MCCPExtensionProvider* ExtensionProviderL(
-            const MCCPExtensionObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Add an observer for DTMF related events.
-    * Plug-in dependent feature if duplicates or more than one observers 
-    * are allowed or not. Currently CCE will set only one observer.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param aObserver Observer
-    * @return none
-    * @leave system error if observer adding fails
-    */
-    void AddObserverL( const MCCPDTMFObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * From CConvergedCallProvider
-    * Remove an observer.
-    * 
-    * @since S60 v3.2
-    * @param none
-    * @param aObserver Observer
-    * @return KErrNone if removed succesfully. KErrNotFound if observer
-    * was not found.
-    * Any other system error depending on the error.
-    */
-    TInt RemoveObserver( const MCCPDTMFObserver& aObserver );
-    /**
-    * @see CConvergedCallProvider::GetLifeTime
-    */ 
-    TBool GetLifeTime( TDes8& aLifeTimeInfo );
-    /**
-    * @see CConvergedCallProvider::GetCSInfo
-    */ 
-    TBool GetCSInfo( CSInfo& aCSInfo );
-// from base class MCCPCSObserver
-// from base class MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-    /**
-     * From MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-     * 
-     * @see MCCPObserver::ErrorOccurred
-     */
-    void ErrorOccurred( TCCPError aError );
-    /** From MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-    * 
-    * @see MCCPObserver::IncomingCall
-    */
-    void IncomingCall( MCCPCall* aCall, MCCPCall& aTempCall );
-    /**
-     * From MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-     * 
-     * 
-     * @see MCCPObserver::IncomingCall
-     */
-    void IncomingCall( MCCPCall* aCall );
-    /**
-     * The actual implementation for IncomingCall.
-     */
-    void IncomingCallL( MCCPCall* aCall );
-    /**
-     * From MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-     * 
-     * @see MCCPObserver::CallCreated
-     */
-    void CallCreated( MCCPCall* aCall,
-            MCCPCall* aOriginator,
-            TBool aAttented );
-    /**
-     * From MCCPCSObserver
-     * see MCCPCSObserver::PluginInitiatedCSMoCallCreated
-     */
-     //void PluginInitiatedCSMoCallCreated( MCCPCall* aCall ) const;
-     void MoCallCreated( MCCPCall& aCall );
-     /**
-      * Notify of conference call that is not requested.
-      * @since S60 3.2
-      * @param aConferenceCall Created conference
-      * @return none
-      */
-     void ConferenceCallCreated( MCCPConferenceCall& aConferenceCall );
-    /**
-     * From MCCPObserver (inhereded by MCCPCSObserver)
-     *
-     * @see MCCPObserver::DataPortName
-     */
-    void DataPortName( TName& aPortName );
-// from base class MVccEngPsPropertyListenerObserver
-    /**
-     * From MVccEngPsPropertyListenerObserver
-     * Observer interface. Called when a P&S property value 
-     * has been updated.
-     * 
-     * @since S60 v3.2
-     * @param aCategoryId The category uid of the property
-     * @param akeyId The key uid of the property
-     * @param aValue Current value of the property.
-     */ 
-    void PropertyChangedL(
-            const TUid aCategoryId,
-            const TUint aKeyId,
-            const TInt aValue );
-//from base class MSPNotifyChangeObserver
-    /**
-     * From MSPNotifyChangeObserver.
-     * Handle notify change event from the service provider table observer.
-     * 
-     * @param aServiceId the service ID of added/changed/deleted service
-     * ( only notification about the changes to VCC service are revceived) 
-     */
-    void HandleNotifyChange( TServiceId aServiceId );
-    /**
-     * From MSPNotifyChangeObserver.
-     * Handle error notification received from the service provider table 
-     * observer.
-     * 
-     * @param aError error code
-     * @since S60 3.2
-     */
-    void HandleError( TInt aError );
-    /**
-     * Gets the call type of the currently active call from the performer array.
-     * 
-     * @return Call type of the currently active call, KErrNotFound if no active call
-     * @since S60 3.2
-     */    
-    TInt CurrentCallTypeForDTMF();
-    /**
-     * Gets the call type of the currently active call and returns it's provider.
-     * 
-     * @return CConvergedCallProvider of the active call
-     * @since S60 5.0
-     */   
-    CConvergedCallProvider* GetProvider();
-    /**
-    * C++ default constructor.
-    */
-    CVccDirector();
-    /**
-    * Symbian second-phase constructor
-    */    
-    void ConstructL();
-	/**
-	* for destroying an array
-	*/    
-    static void PointerArrayCleanup( TAny* aArray );
-    /**
- 	* Creates call provider array 
- 	*/    
-    void FillCallProviderArrayL();
-    /**
-  	* Checks if given plugin is used by VCC 
-	* 
-	* @aparam aPluginId	call provider plugin id
-	* @return ETrue if plugin is used by VCC
-  	*/    
-    TBool IsVccOwnedPlugin( TInt aPluginId );
-    /**
-   	* Tries to initialize all call provider plugins VCC uses.  
- 	* 
- 	* @param aMonitor CCP observer
-    * @param aSsObserver SS observer
- 	* @return ETrue if all plugins were initialized
-   	*/  
-    TBool Initialize( const MCCPObserver& aMonitor,
-            const MCCPSsObserver& aSsObserver );
-    /**
-    * Tries to initialize the given call provider plugin. 
-    * Leaves if initialization fails.
-  	* 
-  	* @param aMonitor CCP observer
-    * @param aSsObserver SS observer
-    * @param aPlugin	call provider plugin
-    */  
-    void InitializeL( const MCCPObserver& aMonitor,
-            const MCCPSsObserver& aSsObserver, 
-            CConvergedCallProvider& aPlugin );
-    /**
-     *  for checking state of calls and making handover
-     */
-    void SwitchL( const TInt aValue );
-    /**
-     *  Checks are converged call provider plugins initialized
-    */
-    TBool IsPluginInitialized();
-    /*
-     * Starts notifications from service provider table observer.
-     * Is notified about VCC service settings changes. 
-     */
-    void StartSpNotifierL();
-    /*
-     * Stops notifications from service provider table observer. 
-     */
-    void StopSpNotifierL();
-    /*
-     * Triesto initialize call provider plugins used by VCC that
-     * were not initialized .
-     * 
-     * */
-    void RetryInitialization();
-    /*
-     * The leaving-part implementation on ConferenceCallCreated.
-     * @since S60 3.2
-     * @param aConferenceCall Created conference
-     */
-    void CreateConferenceL( MCCPConferenceCall& aConferenceCall );
-    /*
-     * Check if Voip was enabled/disabled and load/destroy it
-     * @since S60 3.2
-     * @param aConferenceCall Created conference
-     */
-    void CheckVoipEnabledL( TServiceId aServiceId );
-private: // data
-    /**
-     * Implementation UID
-     */
-    TUid iImplementationUid;
-    /**
-     * Array of Call providers
-     * Own.
-     */    
-    RPointerArray <CConvergedCallProvider> iProviders;
-    /*
-     * VCC needs to handle both cs and ps calls.
-     * MCCPCSObserver can do both
-     * Not own.
-     */ 
-    MCCPCSObserver* iCCPObserver;
-    /*
-     *  Supplementary service observer.
-     * Not own.
-     */
-    MCCPSsObserver* iCCPSsObserver;
-     /*
-     * Handle to handover trigger.
-     * Own.
-     */
-    CVccHoTrigger* iHoTrigger;
-    /**
-     * Array of Performers
-     * Own.
-     */   
-   	RPointerArray<CVccPerformer> iPerfArray;
-    /*
-     * Handle to Conference call object.
-     * Own.
-     */
-    CVccConferenceCall* iConference;
-    /*
-     * Listener for the hand-over commands
-     * Own.
-     */
-   	CVccEngPsPropertyListener* iPropListener; 
-   	//VCC state machine implementation
-   	TVccStateInit iStateInit;
-	TVccStateCalling iStateCalling;
-	TVccStateReleasing iStateReleasing;
-	TVccStateFailing iStateFailing;
-	/**
-     * Used for checking in ReleaseCall, that was this ReleaseCall due to
-     * multicall handover situation
-     */ 
-	TInt iHoKeyValue;
-	/**
-     * Notifies service provider setting change
-     * Own
-     */
-    CSPNotifyChange* iSpNotifier;
-    /*
-     * Array of initialized plugins
-     * Own.
-     */    
-    RArray<TInt> iInitialisedPlugins;
-    /**
-     * Proxy object for DTMF providers
-     * Own.
-     */
-    CVccDtmfProvider* iDtmfProvider;
-    TBool iSvpLoaded;
-	friend class T_CVccDirector;
-    friend class T_CVccDTMFProvider;
-	};