changeset 17 6d0b9f605b61
parent 2 7b872347d83b
--- a/voipplugins/accountcreationplugin/data/accountcreationplugin.rss	Tue Feb 02 00:05:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Recource file for Account Creation Plugin
-#include <eikon.rh>
-#include <avkon.rh>
-#include <avkon.rsg>
-#include <avkon.loc>
-#include <accountcreationplugin.loc>
-#include "accountcreationplugin.hrh"
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Signature.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    buf = r_acp_provider_list_title;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_name_in_customer_app
-// Account Creation Plugin name in customer application.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_name_in_customer_app 
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_plugin_name; 
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_list_title
-// Provider list view title.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_provider_list_title                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_catalog_view_title;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_search_for_wlan_text
-// Search for WLAN option in connection dialog.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_search_for_wlan_text                         
-  {
-  buf = qtn_voip_search_for_wlan;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_list_menubar
-// Provider list view menubar.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_acp_provider_list_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE 
-            { 
-            menu_pane = r_acp_provider_list_menu; 
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_list_menu
-// Provider list view options menu.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_acp_provider_list_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-          {
-          command = EAknSoftkeySelect;
-          txt = qtn_voip_option_service_details;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM
-          {
-          command = EAcpDownload;
-          txt = qtn_voip_option_service_download_service;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAcpRefresh;
-          txt = qtn_servtab_catalog_options_refresh;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAcpHelp;
-          txt = qtn_options_help;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeyExit; 
-          txt = qtn_options_exit; 
-          }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_softkeys_option_details_back
-// Softkeys (Option - Details - Exit)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CBA r_acp_softkeys_option_details_back
-    {
-    flags = 0;
-    buttons =
-        {
-        CBA_BUTTON 
-            {
-            id = EAknSoftkeyOptions; 
-            txt = text_softkey_option;
-            },
-        CBA_BUTTON 
-            {
-            id = EAknSoftkeyExit;
-            txt = text_softkey_exit;
-            },
-        CBA_BUTTON 
-            {
-            id = EAknSoftkeySelect; 
-            txt = qtn_msk_service_details; 
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_list_view
-// Provider list view.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_acp_provider_list_view 
-    {
-    menubar = r_acp_provider_list_menubar;  
-    cba = r_acp_softkeys_option_details_back;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_specific_menubar
-// Provider specific view menubar.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_acp_provider_specific_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE 
-            { 
-            menu_pane = r_acp_provider_specific_menu; 
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_specific_menu
-// Provider specific view options menu.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_acp_provider_specific_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {
-        MENU_ITEM
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeySelect; //EAcpDownload;
-          txt = text_softkey_details;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeyBack; 
-          txt = text_softkey_back; 
-          }
-        };
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_softkeys_get_back
-// Sotkeys (Get - Back)
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE CBA r_acp_softkeys_get_back
-    {
-    buttons =
-        {
-        CBA_BUTTON 
-          { 
-          id = EAcpDownload;
-          txt = qtn_servtab_cd_softkey_get;
-          },
-        CBA_BUTTON 
-          { 
-          id = EAknSoftkeyCancel; 
-          txt = text_softkey_cancel; 
-          },
-          CBA_BUTTON 
-          { 
-          id = EAcpDownload; 
-          txt = qgn_prop_msk_select; 
-          }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_specific_view
-// Provider specific view.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_acp_provider_specific_view
-    {
-    menubar = r_acp_provider_specific_menubar;   
-    cba = r_acp_softkeys_get_back;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_query_menubar
-// Query view menubar.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_acp_query_menubar
-    {
-    titles =
-        {
-        MENU_TITLE 
-            { 
-            menu_pane = r_acp_query_menu; 
-            }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_query_menu
-// Query view options menu.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_acp_query_menu
-    {
-    items =
-        {        
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeyOk; 
-          txt = text_softkey_ok;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeySelect; 
-          txt = text_softkey_details;
-          },
-        MENU_ITEM 
-          { 
-          command = EAknSoftkeyCancel; 
-          txt = text_softkey_cancel; 
-          }
-        };
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_query_view
-// Query view.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_acp_query_view
-    {
-    menubar = r_acp_query_menubar;   
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_provider_list_no_providers
-// Provider list view data when there are no providers in list.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_provider_list_no_providers                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_service_catalog_empty_text;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_wait_note_text
-// Text to be shown in global wait note.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_wait_note_text                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_updating_service_catalog;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_download_note_text
-// Text to be shown in global download wait note.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_download_note_text                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_acp_download_note_text;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_detail_name
-// Provider name to be shown in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_detail_name                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_detail_name;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_detail_type
-// Provider type to be shown in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_detail_type                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_detail_type;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_detail_description
-// Provider description to be shown in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_detail_description                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_detail_description;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_detail_size
-// Size to be shown in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_detail_size                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_detail_size;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_detail_vendor
-// Vendor to be shown in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_detail_vendor                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_detail_vendor;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_servtab_cd_value_undefined
-// Undefined provider values in details.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_servtab_cd_value_undefined                         
-  { 
-  buf = qtn_servtab_cd_value_undefined;
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_connection_query
-// Connection selection dialog.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE AVKON_LIST_QUERY r_acp_connection_query 
-    {
-    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
-    items = 
-        {
-            {
-            control = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_CONTROL
-                {
-                listtype = EAknCtSinglePopupMenuListBox;
-                listbox = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_LIST
-                    {
-                    flags = EAknListBoxSelectionList;
-                    };
-                heading = qtn_voip_select_connection_text;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }            
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_acp_connection_failed
-//    Error note text.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_connection_failed
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_creating_connection_failed_note;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_acp_download_failed
-//    Error note text.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_download_failed
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_downloading_service_failed_note;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//    r_type_text
-//    Resource for Type Edwin
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE EDWIN r_acp_type 
-    {
-    flags = EEikEdwinReadOnly;
-    width = 100;
-    lines = 8;
-    maxlength = 300;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_connection_conf_query
-// Text to be shown in connection confirmation query.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE DIALOG r_acp_connection_conf_query
-  { 
-    flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
-    buttons = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_YES_NO;
-    items =
-        {
-        DLG_LINE
-            {
-            type = EAknCtQuery;
-            id = EGeneralQuery;
-            control= AVKON_CONFIRMATION_QUERY 
-                { 
-                layout = EConfirmationLayout;
-                label = qtn_servtab_connection_conf_query;
-                };
-            }
-        };
-  }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_service_installed_note
-// Text to be shown after successful service installation.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_service_installed_note
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_installation_completed_note;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_service_installed_from_widget_note
-// Text to be shown after successful service installation when installation
-// was initiated from homescreen service widget.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_service_installed_from_widget_note
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_installation_completed_msg_query;
-    }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// r_acp_downloading_provider_text
-// Text to be shown while settings are being downloaded
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RESOURCE TBUF r_acp_downloading_provider_text
-    {
-    buf = qtn_servtab_downloading_settings_wait_note;
-    }
-// End of File