--- a/voipplugins/accountcreationplugin/src/accountcreationplugin.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:05:57 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,396 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Source file for CAccountCreationPlugin
- *
-#include <eikenv.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include <pathinfo.h>
-#include <SWInstApi.h>
-#include <SWInstDefs.h>
-#include <aknViewAppUi.h>
-#include <AknQueryDialog.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <accountcreationplugin.rsg>
-#include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
-#include "accountcreationplugin.h"
-#include "accountcreationpluginlogger.h"
-#include "acpproviderlistview.h"
-#include "accountcreationpluginconstants.h"
-#include "accountcreationplugin.hrh"
-const TUid KAIAppUid = { 0x102750F0 }; // active idle application uid
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::CAccountCreationPlugin
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::ConstructL()
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::ConstructL begin" );
- // Load resource file to the memory.
- // This when going to ROM (PhoneMemoryRootPath is used only for testing).
- TFileName resourceFile =
- TParsePtrC( PathInfo::RomRootPath() ).Drive();
- resourceFile.Append( KDC_RESOURCE_FILES_DIR );
- resourceFile.Append( KResourceFilename );
- BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession(),
- resourceFile );
- iResourceOffset = CCoeEnv::Static()->AddResourceFileL( resourceFile );
- // Create handle to AIW Service Handler.
- iServiceHandler = CAiwServiceHandler::NewL();
- iEikEnv = CEikonEnv::Static();
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::ConstructL end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::NewL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CAccountCreationPlugin* CAccountCreationPlugin::NewL()
- {
- CAccountCreationPlugin* self = new ( ELeave ) CAccountCreationPlugin;
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::~CAccountCreationPlugin
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::~CAccountCreationPlugin begin" );
- delete iServiceHandler;
- if ( iResourceOffset )
- {
- CCoeEnv::Static()->DeleteResourceFile( iResourceOffset );
- }
- iEikEnv = NULL;
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::~CAccountCreationPlugin end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::SendInitializedCallbackL
-// Sends AIW service command when plugin initialization is completed.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::SendInitializedCallbackL() const
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendInitializedCallbackL begin" );
- MAiwNotifyCallback* callback =
- const_cast<MAiwNotifyCallback*>( iNotifyCallback );
- // Uid of ACP.
- TAiwVariant variant( KAccountCreationPluginUid );
- TAiwGenericParam genericParamUid( EGenericParamError, variant );
- CAiwGenericParamList& paramList = iServiceHandler->InParamListL();
- paramList.AppendL( genericParamUid );
- variant.Reset();
- // Localized name of ACP.
- HBufC* localizedName = StringLoader::LoadLC( R_ACP_NAME_IN_CUSTOMER_APP );
- variant.Set( localizedName->Des() );
- TAiwGenericParam genericParamName( EGenericParamError, variant );
- paramList.AppendL( genericParamName );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( localizedName );
- variant.Reset();
- // Place of ACP in customer application.
- TInt32 placing( 0 );
- variant.Set( placing );
- TAiwGenericParam genericParamPlace( EGenericParamError, variant );
- paramList.AppendL( genericParamPlace );
- // Send callback to the customer application.
- CAiwGenericParamList* nullList = NULL;
- callback->HandleNotifyL(
- KAiwCmdCSCUiExtensionPlugins,
- KAiwEventStarted,
- *nullList,
- paramList );
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendInitializedCallbackL end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::SendCompletedCallbackL
-// Sends AIW service command when plugin is stopped its work.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::SendCompletedCallbackL() const
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendCompletedCallbackL begin" );
- MAiwNotifyCallback* callback =
- const_cast<MAiwNotifyCallback*>( iNotifyCallback );
- // Uid of ACP.
- TAiwVariant variant( KAccountCreationPluginUid );
- TAiwGenericParam genericParamUid( EGenericParamError, variant );
- CAiwGenericParamList& paramList = iServiceHandler->InParamListL();
- paramList.AppendL( genericParamUid );
- // Send callback to the customer application.
- CAiwGenericParamList* nullList = NULL;
- callback->HandleNotifyL(
- KAiwCmdCSCUiExtensionPlugins,
- KAiwEventStopped,
- *nullList,
- paramList );
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendCompletedCallbackL end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::SendErrorCallbackL
-// Sends AIW service command when plugin error is reached.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::SendErrorCallbackL() const
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendErrorCallbackL begin" );
- MAiwNotifyCallback* callback =
- const_cast<MAiwNotifyCallback*>( iNotifyCallback );
- // UID of ACP.
- TAiwVariant variant( KAccountCreationPluginUid );
- TAiwGenericParam genericParamUid( EGenericParamError, variant );
- CAiwGenericParamList& paramList = iServiceHandler->InParamListL();
- paramList.AppendL( genericParamUid );
- // Send callback to the customer application.
- CAiwGenericParamList* nullList = NULL;
- callback->HandleNotifyL(
- KAiwCmdCSCUiExtensionPlugins,
- KAiwEventError,
- *nullList,
- paramList );
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::SendErrorCallbackL end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::CompareUids
-// Compares AIW service command connected uid to our plugin uid.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CAccountCreationPlugin::CompareUids(
- const CAiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList ) const
- {
- TInt index = 0;
- TBool commandForUs( EFalse );
- if ( 0 < aOutParamList.Count() )
- {
- // Take out the first parameter which is uid of the target plugin.
- const TAiwGenericParam* genericParam = NULL;
- genericParam = aOutParamList.FindFirst( index,
- EGenericParamError,
- EVariantTypeTUid );
- if ( genericParam )
- {
- if ( KAccountCreationPluginUid == genericParam->Value().AsTUid() )
- {
- commandForUs = ETrue; // Request is for us.
- }
- }
- }
- ACPLOG2( "CAccountCreationPlugin::CompareUids: forUs=%d", commandForUs );
- return commandForUs;
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::LaunchPluginUiL
-// Launches ACP UI.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::LaunchPluginUiL()
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::LaunchPluginUiL begin" );
- CAknViewAppUi* ui =
- static_cast<CAknViewAppUi*> ( static_cast<CAknAppUi*>
- ( iEikEnv->EikAppUi() ) );
- // Create provider list view and activate it.
- if ( NULL == iProviderListView )
- {
- iProviderListView = CAcpProviderListView::NewL( *this,
- iLaunchedFromAI,
- *iEikEnv );
- ui->AddViewL( iProviderListView ); // Ownership is transferred.
- }
- if ( iLaunchedFromAI )
- {
- TVwsViewId tvwsViewId( KAIAppUid, TUid::Uid( 1 ) );
- ui->ActivateViewL( tvwsViewId );
- }
- iProviderListView->DownloadProviderListL();
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::LaunchPluginUiL end" );
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::HandleServiceCmdL
-// From class CAiwServiceIfBase.
-// Handles AIW service events from customer application.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::HandleServiceCmdL(
- const TInt& /*aCmdId*/,
- const CAiwGenericParamList& /*aInParamList*/,
- CAiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList,
- TUint aCmdOptions,
- const MAiwNotifyCallback* aCallback )
- {
- "CAccountCreationPlugin::HandleServiceCmdL: cmd=%d", aCmdOptions );
- if ( aCallback )
- {
- iNotifyCallback = aCallback;
- }
- if ( aCmdOptions == ELaunchedFromAI )
- {
- iLaunchedFromAI = ETrue;
- aCmdOptions = EExecute;
- }
- switch ( aCmdOptions )
- {
- case EInitialize: // Initialization.
- {
- SendInitializedCallbackL();
- break;
- }
- case EExecute: // Execution.
- {
- // Check that service event is meant to us and launch plugin.
- if ( CompareUids( aOutParamList ) )
- {
- LaunchPluginUiL();
- }
- break;
- }
- default: // Not supported.
- {
- User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::InitialiseL
-// From class MAccountCreationPluginObserver.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::InitialiseL(
- MAiwNotifyCallback& /*aFrameworkCallback*/,
- const RCriteriaArray& /*aInterest*/ )
- {
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifyAiwEventL
-// From class MAccountCreationPluginObserver.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifyAiwEventL( TInt aError )
- {
- ACPLOG2( "CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifyAiwEventL: error=%d", aError );
- // In case of error, send error callback to customer application.
- if ( aError )
- {
- SendErrorCallbackL();
- }
- // If successful event retrieved, send completed callback to customer.
- else
- {
- SendCompletedCallbackL();
- }
- }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded
-// From class MAccountCreationPluginObserver.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded( TDesC& aFileName )
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded IN" );
- // Create the installer.
- SwiUI::RSWInstLauncher launcher;
- SwiUI::TInstallOptions options;
- SwiUI::TInstallOptionsPckg optionsPckg;
- // Set necessary options.
- options.iUpgrade = SwiUI::EPolicyNotAllowed;
- options.iOCSP = SwiUI::EPolicyNotAllowed;
- options.iUntrusted = SwiUI::EPolicyNotAllowed;
- options.iCapabilities = SwiUI::EPolicyNotAllowed;
- optionsPckg = options;
- TInt err = launcher.Connect();
- // Check whether connected or not.
- if ( err == KErrNone )
- {
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded INSTALL 1" );
- // Launch the installer and install requested file on phone.
- launcher.Install( aFileName, optionsPckg );
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded INSTALL 2" );
- }
- TRAP_IGNORE( SendCompletedCallbackL() );
- launcher.Close();
- ACPLOG( "CAccountCreationPlugin::NotifySISDownloaded OUT" );
- }
-// End of file.