changeset 28 d38647835c2e
parent 0 a4daefaec16c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/richcallsettingsengine/rcse2/inc/rcseconstants.h	Wed Sep 01 12:29:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Constants
+const TInt KDesLength256 = 256;    //KMaxProviderNameLength;
+const TInt KDesLength128 = 128;
+const TInt KDesLength64  = 64;
+const TInt KDesLength15  = 15;
+// Timeout in microseconds for waiting a semaphore
+const TInt KRCSETimeOut = 5000000;  
+// Identifies entry row in settings table
+_LIT( KVoIPEntry, "VoIPEntry" );
+_LIT( KCodecEntry, "CodecEntry" );
+// Space character
+_LIT( KSpace, " " );
+// Profile specific settings names.
+_LIT( KProtocolIds,                 "PRID"        );
+_LIT( KSiqnalingQOS,                "SQOS"        );
+_LIT( KSettingsName,                "SN"          );
+_LIT( KAutoComplete,                "AC"          );
+_LIT( KEndMediaPort,                "EMP"         );
+_LIT( KHoldRingBack,                "HRB"         );
+_LIT( KInbandDtmf,                  "IDTMF"       );
+_LIT( KMediaQOS,                    "MQOS"        );
+_LIT( KOutbandDtmf,                 "ODTMF"       );
+_LIT( KPreferredCodecs,             "PC"          );
+_LIT( KProfileId,                   "PI"          );
+_LIT( KProviderName,                "PN"          );
+_LIT( KRedundancy,                  "R"           );
+_LIT( KStartMediaPort,              "SMP"         );
+_LIT( KCFNoAnswer,                  "CFNA"        );
+_LIT( KCFBusy,                      "CFB"         );
+_LIT( KCFUnconditional,             "CFU"         );
+_LIT( KSecureCallPreference,        "SCP"         );
+_LIT( KVoIPProfileLock,             "VPL"         );
+_LIT( KAdhocAllowed,                "AHA"         );
+_LIT( KSIPServerType,               "SST"         );
+_LIT( KSBCType,                     "SBCT"        );
+_LIT( KSTUNServerType,              "STUNST"      );
+_LIT( KWLANAPType,                  "WLANAPT"     );
+_LIT( KPSTNGatewayType,             "PSTNGT"      );
+_LIT( KSecurityGatewayType,         "SGT"         );
+_LIT( KRTCP,                        "RTCP"        );
+_LIT( KSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType,      "UATT"        );
+_LIT( KSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC,      "UAWMAC"      );
+_LIT( KSIPVoIPUAHeaderString,       "UAHS"        );
+_LIT( KProfileLockedToIAP,          "PLTI"        );
+_LIT( KVoIPPluginUID,               "VUID"        );
+_LIT( KAllowVoIPoverWCDMA,          "AWCDMA"      );
+_LIT( KAllowVoIPoverBT,             "ABT"         );
+_LIT( KMeanCountOfVoIPDigits,       "MCVP"        );
+_LIT( KIgnoreAddrDomainPart,        "IADR"        );
+_LIT( KHandoverDialect,             "HD"    );
+_LIT( KPSTelephonyHOPreference,     "PSHOP" );
+_LIT( KHOThresholdValueLL,          "HOLL"  );
+_LIT( KHOThresholdValueHL,          "HOHL"  );
+_LIT( KNumberOfMeasurementsAbove,   "NMA"   );
+_LIT( KNumberOfMeasurementsBelow,   "NMB"   );
+_LIT( KSmartScannInterParaHigh,     "SSPH"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannInterParaMedium,   "SSPM"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannInterParaLow,      "SSPL"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannInterParaStatic,   "SSPS"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannDurationHighMode,      "SSHG"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannDurationMediumMode,    "SSMM"  );
+_LIT( KSmartScannDurationLowMode,       "SSLM"  );
+_LIT( KHandoffNumber,                   "HON"   );
+_LIT( KHandbackNumber,                  "HBN"   );
+_LIT( KHysterisisTimer,                 "HT"    );
+_LIT( KHandOffProcessTimer,             "HOPT"  );
+_LIT( KDisconnectProcessTimer,          "DPT"   );
+_LIT( KHandoffPrefix,                   "HOP"   );
+_LIT( KHandbackPrefix,                  "HBP"   );
+_LIT( KHandoverTones,                   "HTO"   );
+_LIT( KSupportSMSoverWLAN,              "SSW"   );
+_LIT( KServiceProviderId,                "SPID"  );
+_LIT( KUserPhoneUriParam,                "UPP"   );
+_LIT( KSIPConnTestAddress,               "CTEST" );
+_LIT( KNATSettingsStorageId,             "NSID"  );
+_LIT( KSIPMinSE,                         "MINSE" );
+_LIT( KSIPSessionExpires,                "SESEX" );
+_LIT( KNATProtocol,                      "NAT"   );
+_LIT( KNewServiceTable,                  "NEWST" );
+_LIT( KSNAPId,                           "SNAP"  );
+// SCCP settings names.
+_LIT( KSCCPSettingId,               "SSI"         );
+_LIT( KSCCPProfileName,             "SNAME"       );
+_LIT( KVOIPLogin,                   "VPL"         );
+_LIT( KAccessPoint,                 "AP"          );
+_LIT( KCallManagerAdd0,             "CMA0"        );
+_LIT( KCallManagerAdd1,             "CMA1"        );
+_LIT( KCallManagerAdd2,             "CMA2"        );
+_LIT( KCallManagerAdd3,             "CMA3"        );
+_LIT( KCallManagerAdd4,             "CMA4"        );
+_LIT( KStackVersion,                "SPS"         );
+_LIT( KDHCPTFTPEnabled,             "DCTT"        );
+_LIT( KTFTPServerAddress,           "TTSA"        );
+_LIT( KPhoneNumber,                 "SPN"         );
+_LIT( KSCCPCertificates,            "SSF"         );
+_LIT( KMusicServerAdd,              "MS"          );
+_LIT( KCFUncondAdd,                 "CFUA"        );
+_LIT( KSCCPVmbx,                    "SVMBX"       );
+_LIT( KSCCPIntCallPrefix,           "SICP"        );
+// SIP Profile settings names.
+_LIT( KVOIPSIPProfileSpecificId,    "VSPSI"       );
+_LIT( KSIPProfileId2,               "SPI"         );
+_LIT( KConferencingFactoryURI,      "CFURI"       );
+_LIT( KMusicServerURI,              "MSURI"       );
+_LIT( KIPVoiceMailBoxURI,           "IVMB"        );
+_LIT( KCFNoAnsURI,                  "CFNAU"       );
+_LIT( KCFBusyURI,                   "CFBURI"      );
+_LIT( KCFUncondURI,                 "CFUURI"      );
+// Audio Codec settings names.
+_LIT( KAudioCodecId,                "ACI"         );
+_LIT( KMediaTypeName,               "MTN"         );
+_LIT( KMediaSubTypeName,            "MSTN"        );
+_LIT( KJitterBufferSize,            "JBS"         );
+_LIT( KOctetAlign,                  "OA"          );
+_LIT( KModeSet,                     "ME"          );
+_LIT( KModeChangePeriod,            "MCP"         );
+_LIT( KModeChangeNeighbor,          "MCN"         );
+_LIT( KPtime,                       "PT"          );
+_LIT( KMaxptime,                    "MPT"         );
+_LIT( KCrc,                         "CRC"         );
+_LIT( KRobustSorting,               "RS"          );
+_LIT( KInterLeaving,                "IL"          );
+_LIT( KChannels,                    "CH"          );
+_LIT( KVAD,                         "VAD"         );
+_LIT( KDTX,                         "DTX"         );
+_LIT( KSamplingRate,                "SR"          );
+_LIT( KAnnexb,                      "AB"          );
+_LIT( KModeChangeCapability,        "MCC"         );
+_LIT( KMaxRed,                      "MR"          );
+// Constants for supporting restore from db
+// Security uid, which identifies the security policy file used for this
+// database.
+_LIT( KDatabaseUID, "SECURE[10202869]" );
+// Profile table name in db.
+_LIT( KProfileTableName, "profile" );
+// Audio Codec table name in Audio db.
+_LIT( KAudioCodecTableName, "audiocodec" );
+// SCCP table name in SCCP db.
+_LIT( KSCCPSettingTableName, "sccpsetting" );
+// SIP Profile table name in SIP db.
+_LIT( KSIPTableName, "sipprofiles" );
+//  SQL statement formats
+_LIT( KSQLSelectAllStatement, "SELECT * FROM %S" );
+#endif      // RCSECONSTANTS   
+// End of File