--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sipvoipprovider/svptransfer/src/svptransferstatecontext.cpp Wed Sep 01 12:29:57 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1475 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Transfer state context class for state machine
+#include <mcetransactiondatacontainer.h> // TMceTransactionDataContainer
+#include <mceoutrefer.h> // CMceRefer, CMceOutRefer
+#include <mceoutevent.h> // CMceEvent
+#include <escapeutils.h>
+#include <mcesession.h>
+#include <crcseprofileentry.h>
+#include <crcseprofileregistry.h>
+#include "svpsessionbase.h"
+#include "svptransferstatecontext.h"
+#include "svptransferstatebase.h"
+#include "svptransferidlestate.h"
+#include "svptransferpendingstate.h"
+#include "svptransferacceptedstate.h"
+#include "svptransferterminatingstate.h"
+#include "svptransferterminatedstate.h"
+#include "svptransferobserver.h"
+#include "svplogger.h"
+#include "svpuriparser.h"
+#include "svpconsts.h"
+#include "svpholdcontext.h"
+#include "svpholdcontroller.h"
+#include "svpcleanupresetanddestroy.h"
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CMceSession* aMceSession,
+ CSVPSessionBase* aSVPSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer,
+ MSVPTransferObserver& aObserver ) :
+ iMceSession( aMceSession ),
+ iSVPSession( aSVPSession ),
+ iTargetSession( NULL ),
+ iContainer( aContainer ),
+ iTransferObserver( aObserver ),
+ iStates( NULL ),
+ iCurrentState( NULL ),
+ iMceRefer( NULL ),
+ iMceEvent( NULL ),
+ iAttended( EFalse ),
+ iIncomingReferTo ( NULL ),
+ iIncomingReferredBy ( NULL ),
+ iIncomingReplaces (NULL)
+ {
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ConstructL()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ConstructL In" )
+ // Create the transfer states in the state array.
+ InitializeStateArrayL();
+ // Initialize idle state to current state. Note, that it is not
+ // applied yet.
+ SetCurrentStateL( KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ConstructL Out" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSVPTransferStateContext* CSVPTransferStateContext::NewL(
+ CMceSession* aMceSession,
+ CSVPSessionBase* aSVPSession,
+ TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer,
+ MSVPTransferObserver& aObserver )
+ {
+ CSVPTransferStateContext* self = new ( ELeave ) CSVPTransferStateContext(
+ aMceSession,
+ aSVPSession,
+ aContainer,
+ aObserver );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::~CSVPTransferStateContext
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::~CSVPTransferStateContext In" )
+ if ( iStates )
+ {
+ iStates->ResetAndDestroy();
+ iStates->Close();
+ delete iStates;
+ }
+ delete iMceEvent;
+ delete iMceRefer;
+ delete iIncomingReferTo;
+ delete iIncomingReferredBy;
+ delete iIncomingReplaces;
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::~CSVPTransferStateContext Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetCurrentStateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetCurrentStateL(
+ TSVPTransferStateIndex aStateIndex )
+ {
+ // Check, if the transition is valid
+ if ( !IsStateTransitionAccepted( aStateIndex ) )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetCurrentStateL: STATE ERROR stateindex: %i", aStateIndex )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferStateError );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCurrentState = ( *iStates )[ aStateIndex ];
+ iCurrentState->Enter( *this );
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CurrentState
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSVPTransferStateIndex CSVPTransferStateContext::CurrentState() const
+ {
+ return iStates->Find( iCurrentState );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ApplyCurrentStateL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ApplyCurrentStateL()
+ {
+ iCurrentState->ApplyL( *this );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::TransferObserver
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MSVPTransferObserver& CSVPTransferStateContext::TransferObserver()
+ {
+ return iTransferObserver;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceSessionObject
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceSessionObject( CMceSession* aSession )
+ {
+ iMceSession = aSession;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::MceSessionObject
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMceSession* CSVPTransferStateContext::MceSessionObject()
+ {
+ return iMceSession;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceRefer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceRefer( CMceRefer* aRefer )
+ {
+ if ( iMceRefer != aRefer )
+ {
+ delete iMceRefer;
+ iMceRefer = aRefer;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::MceRefer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMceRefer* CSVPTransferStateContext::MceRefer()
+ {
+ return iMceRefer;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetAttended
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetAttended( const TBool aAttended )
+ {
+ iAttended = aAttended;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IsAttended
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSVPTransferStateContext::IsAttended()
+ {
+ return iAttended;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckIsSessionRemoteHold
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckIsSessionRemoteHold()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckIsSessionRemoteHold In" )
+ TBool ret = EFalse;
+ if ( iSVPSession->HasHoldController() &&
+ MCCPCallObserver::ECCPStateDisconnecting != iSVPSession->State() )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1("CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckIsSessionRemoteHold, Check hold state" )
+ if ( ESVPOnHold == iSVPSession->HoldController().HoldState() &&
+ ESVPRemoteHold == iSVPSession->HoldController().HoldRequest() )
+ {
+ // Session is remote holded -> Snom/EyeBeam as unattended transferer case.
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext:CheckIsSessionRemoteHold, transferer is Snom, EyeBeam or similar" )
+ ret = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ SVPDEBUG2("CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckIsSessionRemoteHold Out return: %d",ret )
+ return ret;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL(
+ CDesC8Array* aUserAgentHeaders, TInt aSecureStatus )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL In" )
+ if ( aUserAgentHeaders )
+ {
+ if ( iIncomingReplaces && IsAttended() )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL: Add replaces header" )
+ // fetch "replaces:" string
+ HBufC* replacesStringHeap16 = IncomingReplaces().AllocLC(); // CS: 1
+ // Copy incoming replaces to 8-bit buffer
+ HBufC8* replacesStringHeap8 =
+ HBufC8::NewLC( replacesStringHeap16->Length() +
+ KSVPReplacesColonTxt().Length() ); // CS: 2
+ replacesStringHeap8->Des().Copy( *replacesStringHeap16 );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( replacesStringHeap8 ); // ReAlloc possible
+ // add replaces header
+ replacesStringHeap8->Des().Insert( 0, KSVPReplacesColonTxt );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( replacesStringHeap8 ); // ReAlloc possible
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL - length: %d", replacesStringHeap8->Length() )
+ // Finally add collected Replaces string to header
+ aUserAgentHeaders->AppendL( *replacesStringHeap8 );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replacesStringHeap8 ); // CS: 1
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( replacesStringHeap16 ); // CS: 0
+ }
+ if ( iIncomingReferredBy )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL: Add referredBy header" )
+ TBuf8<KSVPTempStringlength> referredByString;
+ referredByString.Append( KSVPReferredBy );
+ // add IncomingReferredBy
+ referredByString.Append( IncomingReferredBy() );
+ // Finally add collected Referred-By string to header
+ aUserAgentHeaders->AppendL( referredByString );
+ }
+ }
+ // Update transfer target address according preferred securesetting.
+ UpdateTransferTargetL( aSecureStatus );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferDataL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IsIncoming
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSVPTransferStateContext::IsIncoming()
+ {
+ return ( NULL != iIncomingReferTo );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL( const TDesC8& aReferTo )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1("CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL In" )
+ ResetIncomingReferTo();
+ // modify aReferTo
+ HBufC8* referTo = CompleteReferToL( aReferTo );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( referTo );
+ // at this point referto must contains legal sip uri
+ RemoveExtraParameters( referTo );
+ // Check length - moSession construct limitation
+ // sip: or sips: prefix will be added later, so 95 is maximum
+ if ( referTo->Length() < ( KSVPMaxUriLength - KSVPSipPrefixLength ) )
+ {
+ // Copy and convert the "refer to" -parameter.
+ iIncomingReferTo = HBufC::NewL( referTo->Length() );
+ TPtr temp = iIncomingReferTo->Des();
+ temp.Copy( *referTo );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL: referTo too long, Leave" )
+ User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( referTo );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL lenght: %d",
+ iIncomingReferTo->Length())
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferToL Out" )
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPSessionBase::SetIncomingReferredByL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferredByL( const TDesC8& aReferredBy )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferredByL In" )
+ ResetIncomingReferredBy();
+ // modify aReferredBy
+ HBufC8* referredBy = CompleteReferredByL( aReferredBy );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( referredBy );
+ // Copy and convert the "Referred By" -parameter.
+ iIncomingReferredBy = HBufC::NewL( referredBy->Length() );
+ TPtr temp = iIncomingReferredBy->Des();
+ temp.Copy( *referredBy );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( referredBy );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferredByL lenght: %d",
+ iIncomingReferredBy->Length() )
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReferredByL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReplacesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReplacesL( const TDesC8& aString )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1("CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReplacesL In" )
+ ResetIncomingReplaces();
+ // modify Replaces
+ HBufC8* string = CompleteReplacesL( aString );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( string );
+ // Copy and convert the "Replaces" -parameter.
+ iIncomingReplaces = HBufC::NewL( string->Length() );
+ TPtr temp = iIncomingReplaces->Des();
+ temp.Copy( *string );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReplacesL lenght: %d",
+ iIncomingReplaces->Length() )
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetIncomingReplacesL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReplacesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReplacesL( const TDesC8& aString )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReplacesL In" )
+ // Copy the parameter to a new buffer.
+ HBufC8* string = aString.AllocLC();
+ // If "?Replaces=" found attended transfer case
+ TInt position = CheckReplacesTxt( *string );
+ SVPDEBUG2( " CheckReplacesTxt returns = %d", position );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ TakeReplacesTxt( string, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // string, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( string );
+ }
+ // Check "?X-Sipx-Authidentity=" and remove text after it if exists
+ position = CheckAuthidentity( *string );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // "?X-Sipx-Authidentity=" found
+ CutStringFromPosition( string, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // string, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( string );
+ }
+ // Check ">" and remove text after it if exists
+ position = CheckRightBracket( *string );
+ SVPDEBUG2(" CheckRightBracket returns = %d" , position )
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // ">" found
+ CutStringFromPosition( string, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // string, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( string );
+ }
+ HBufC8* temp = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *string );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( string );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReplacesL Out" )
+ return temp;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL( const TDesC8& aUri )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL In" )
+ // Copy the parameter to a new buffer.
+ HBufC8* uri = aUri.AllocLC();
+ // Check "<" and remove it and text before it if exists
+ TInt position = CheckLeftBracket( *uri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ RemoveLeftBracket( uri, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // uri, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
+ }
+ // Check ";user=phone" and remove if exists
+ position = CheckUserEqualsPhone( *uri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // ";user=phone" found
+ RemoveUserEqualsPhone( uri, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // uri, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
+ }
+ // Check ">" and remove text after it if exists
+ position = CheckRightBracket( *uri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // ">" found
+ CutStringFromPosition( uri, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // uri, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
+ }
+ // Check "KSVPQuesReplacesTxt" and remove text after it if exists
+ // If it is found -> attended transfer case
+ position = CheckReplacesTxt( *uri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // Found -> attended case.
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL ?Replaces= found -> attended transfer" )
+ SetAttended( ETrue );
+ SetIncomingReplacesL( aUri );
+ CutStringFromPosition( uri, position );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Not found -> unattended case.
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL ?Replaces= not found -> unattended transfer" )
+ SetAttended( EFalse );
+ }
+ // Check "?X-Sipx-Authidentity=" and remove text after it if exists
+ position = CheckAuthidentity( *uri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // "?X-Sipx-Authidentity=" found
+ CutStringFromPosition( uri, position );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // uri, ReAlloc possible
+ CleanupStack::PushL( uri );
+ }
+ // Check "sip:" and remove it if exists
+ if ( KErrNone == uri->Find( KSVPSipPrefix ) )
+ {
+ // sip: is in the beginning of the string
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL remove sip:" )
+ uri->Des().Delete( 0, KSVPSipPrefixLength );
+ }
+ // Check "sips:" and remove it if exists
+ if ( KErrNone == uri->Find( KSVPSipsPrefix ) )
+ {
+ // sips: is in the beginning of the string
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL remove sips:" )
+ uri->Des().Delete( 0, KSVPSipsPrefixLength );
+ }
+ // Check ":" and remove text after it if exists,
+ // some server might add this after transfer target address
+ position = uri->Find( KSVPCln );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // ":" found
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL remove text after %d ", position )
+ uri->Des().Delete( position, uri->Length() - position );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // uri, ReAlloc possible
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferToL Out" )
+ return uri;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferredByL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+HBufC8* CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferredByL(
+ const TDesC8& aReferredBy )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferredByL In" )
+ // Copy the parameter to a new buffer.
+ HBufC8* referredBy = aReferredBy.AllocLC();
+ // Check "Referred-By:" and remove it
+ TInt position = CheckReferredByTxt( *referredBy );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != position )
+ {
+ // "Referred-By:" found.
+ RemoveReferredByTxt( referredBy, position );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // referredBy, ReAlloc possible
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CompleteReferredByL Out" )
+ return referredBy;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckUserEqualsPhone
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckUserEqualsPhone( const TDesC8& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckUserEqualsPhone" )
+ return ( aUri.FindF( KSVPUserEqualsPhone ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveUserEqualsPhone
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveUserEqualsPhone(
+ HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveUserEqualsPhone posit = %d", aPosition )
+ aUri->Des().Delete( aPosition, KSVPUserEqualsPhoneLenght );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveExtraParameters
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveExtraParameters( HBufC8*& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveExtraParameters In" )
+ // remove all extra parameters from given address
+ TInt index = aUri->Locate( KSVPSemiColonMark );
+ TInt bracketLocation = KErrNotFound;
+ SVPDEBUG3( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveExtraParameters index = %d, length = %d",
+ index, aUri->Length() )
+ if ( KErrNotFound != index )
+ {
+ // Delete ";" and text after it
+ aUri->Des().Delete( index, aUri->Length() );
+ }
+ // Check "<" and remove it and text before it if exists
+ bracketLocation = CheckLeftBracket( *aUri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != bracketLocation )
+ {
+ RemoveLeftBracket( aUri, bracketLocation );
+ }
+ // Check ">" and remove text after it if exists
+ bracketLocation = CheckRightBracket( *aUri );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != bracketLocation )
+ {
+ CutStringFromPosition( aUri, bracketLocation );
+ }
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveExtraParameters Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReplacesTxt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReplacesTxt( const TDesC8& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReplacesTxt" )
+ return ( aUri.FindF( KSVPQuesReplacesTxt ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CutStringFromPosition
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::CutStringFromPosition(
+ HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CutStringFromPosition posit = %d", aPosition )
+ aUri->Des().Delete( aPosition, aUri->Length() - aPosition );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReferredByTxt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReferredByTxt(
+ const TDesC8& aReferredBy ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckReferredByTxt" )
+ return ( aReferredBy.FindF( KSVPReferredBy ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveReferredByTxt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveReferredByTxt(
+ HBufC8*& aReferredBy, TInt aPosition ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveReferredByTxt posit = %d", aPosition )
+ aReferredBy->Des().Delete( aPosition, KSVPReferredByLength + 1 );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::TakeReplacesTxt
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::TakeReplacesTxt(
+ HBufC8*& aString, TInt aPosition ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::TakeReplacesTxt posit = %d", aPosition )
+ aString->Des().Delete( 0, aPosition + KSVPQuesReplacesTxtLength );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckLeftBracket
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckLeftBracket( const TDesC8& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckLeftBracket" )
+ // Return position of "<" or KErrNotFound
+ return ( aUri.Find( KSVPLeftBracketMark ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveLeftBracket
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveLeftBracket(
+ HBufC8*& aUri, TInt aPosition ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::RemoveLeftBracket posit = %d", aPosition )
+ aUri->Des().Delete( 0, aPosition + KSVPSingleBracketLength );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckRightBracket
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckRightBracket( const TDesC8& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckRightBracket" )
+ return ( aUri.Find( KSVPRightBracketMark ) );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity( const TDesC8& aUri ) const
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity" )
+ TInt returnValue = aUri.Find( KSVPAuthidentity );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity return: %d", returnValue )
+ if ( returnValue == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ returnValue = aUri.Find( KSVPAuthidentity2 );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity second return: %d", returnValue )
+ }
+ if ( returnValue == KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ returnValue = aUri.Find( KSVPAuthidentity3 );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CheckAuthidentity third return: %d", returnValue )
+ }
+ return returnValue;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferTo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferTo()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferTo" )
+ return *iIncomingReferTo;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL( TInt aSecureStatus )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL In" )
+ if ( iIncomingReferTo )
+ {
+ if ( KSVPStatusNonSecure == aSecureStatus )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL add SIP uri" )
+ // Check "sips:" and remove it if exists
+ if ( KErrNone == iIncomingReferTo->Des().FindF( KSVPSipsPrefix2 ) )
+ {
+ // sips: is in the beginning of the string, position 0
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL remove sips:" )
+ iIncomingReferTo->Des().Delete( 0, KSVPSipsPrefixLength );
+ }
+ // Add "sip:" prefix in the beginning of the string, if it's missing.
+ if ( KErrNotFound == iIncomingReferTo->Des().FindF( KSVPSipPrefix2 ) )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL add sip:" )
+ iIncomingReferTo = iIncomingReferTo->ReAllocL(
+ iIncomingReferTo->Length() + KSVPSipPrefixLength );
+ iIncomingReferTo->Des().Insert( 0, KSVPSipPrefix2 );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL add SIPS" )
+ // Check "sip:" and remove it if exists
+ if ( KErrNone == iIncomingReferTo->Des().FindF( KSVPSipPrefix2 ) )
+ {
+ // sip: is in the beginning of the string
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL remove sip:" )
+ iIncomingReferTo->Des().Delete( 0, KSVPSipPrefixLength );
+ }
+ // Add "sips:" prefix in the beginning of the string, if it's missing.
+ if ( KErrNotFound == iIncomingReferTo->Des().FindF( KSVPSipsPrefix2 ) )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL add sips:" )
+ iIncomingReferTo = iIncomingReferTo->ReAllocL(
+ iIncomingReferTo->Length() + KSVPSipsPrefixLength );
+ iIncomingReferTo->Des().Insert( 0, KSVPSipsPrefix2 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL IncomingReferTo Not OK" )
+ }
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::UpdateTransferTargetL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferTo
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferTo()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferTo" )
+ if ( iIncomingReferTo )
+ {
+ delete iIncomingReferTo;
+ iIncomingReferTo = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferredBy
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferredBy()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReferredBy" )
+ if ( iIncomingReferredBy )
+ {
+ delete iIncomingReferredBy;
+ iIncomingReferredBy = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferredBy
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferredBy()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReferredBy" )
+ return *iIncomingReferredBy;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReplaces
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReplaces()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IncomingReplaces" )
+ return *iIncomingReplaces;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReplaces
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReplaces()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ResetIncomingReplaces" )
+ if ( iIncomingReplaces )
+ {
+ delete iIncomingReplaces;
+ iIncomingReplaces = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferParmsL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferParmsL(
+ CSVPSessionBase* aTargetSession, const TDesC& aTarget,
+ const TBool aAttendedTransfer )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferParmsL In" )
+ // No target session as default.
+ iTargetSession = NULL;
+ // Delete possible old refer
+ delete iMceRefer;
+ iMceRefer = NULL;
+ // Set attended/unattended transfer
+ SetAttended( aAttendedTransfer );
+ // Create mce out refer using given target parameter or call
+ if ( aTarget.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ CreateMceOutReferL( aTarget );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CreateMceOutReferL( aTargetSession );
+ }
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetTransferParmsL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL( const TDesC& aTarget )
+ {
+ // Create mce out refer using target string (unattended).
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) In" )
+ // Copy 'refer to' argument
+ HBufC8* target = HBufC8::NewLC( aTarget.Length() );
+ target->Des().Copy( aTarget );
+ // Parse target with uri parser, use session recipient as domain source
+ CSVPUriParser* uriParser = CSVPUriParser::NewLC();
+ HBufC8* referto = NULL;
+ RPointerArray< CRCSEProfileEntry > entryArray;
+ CleanupResetAndDestroy< RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry> >::PushL( entryArray );
+ CRCSEProfileRegistry* reg = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC();
+ // Get VoIP profile by service id
+ reg->FindByServiceIdL( iSVPSession->Parameters().ServiceId(), entryArray );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( entryArray.Count(), User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ CRCSEProfileEntry* entry = entryArray[0];
+ uriParser->SetUserEqualsPhoneRequiredL(
+ CRCSEProfileEntry::EOn == entry->iUserPhoneUriParameter );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( reg );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &entryArray );
+ HBufC8* recipient = NULL;
+ const CMceSession& session = iSVPSession->Session();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &session, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ TBool isCLIROn = iSVPSession->IsCLIROnL();
+ if ( ( iSVPSession->IsMobileOriginated() && !isCLIROn )
+ || ( !iSVPSession->IsMobileOriginated() && isCLIROn ) )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget), orig" )
+ const TDesC8& orig = session.Originator();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &orig, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ recipient = HBufC8::NewLC( orig.Length() );
+ recipient->Des().Copy( orig );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget), recip" )
+ const TDesC8& recip = session.Recipient();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &recip, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ recipient = HBufC8::NewLC( recip.Length() );
+ recipient->Des().Copy( recip );
+ }
+ // remove all extra parameters from recipient address
+ RemoveExtraParameters( recipient );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) recipient->Length() = %d",
+ recipient->Length() )
+ if ( iSVPSession->SecureMandatory() || iSVPSession->SecurePreferred() )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) SIPS URI..." )
+ referto = uriParser->CompleteSecureSipUriL( *target, *recipient );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) SIP URI..." )
+ referto = uriParser->CompleteSipUriL( *target, *recipient );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PushL( referto );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) 1 referto->Length() = %d",
+ referto->Length() )
+ // remove all extra parameters from referto
+ RemoveExtraParameters( referto );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) 2 referto->Length() = %d",
+ referto->Length() )
+ // Create the refer
+ delete iMceRefer;
+ iMceRefer = NULL;
+ iMceRefer = CMceOutRefer::NewL( *iMceSession, *referto, CMceRefer::ENoSuppression );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( referto );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( recipient );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( uriParser );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( target );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTarget) Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL( CSVPSessionBase* aTargetSession )
+ {
+ // Create mce out refer using session (attended).
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) In" )
+ // Store target session
+ iTargetSession = aTargetSession;
+ // Construct the refer-to string
+ HBufC8* referto = HBufC8::NewLC( KSVPTempStringlength );
+ TPtr8 refptr = referto->Des();
+ if ( iTargetSession )
+ {
+ // Set refer-to for the attended transfer using the target session,
+ // that can not be the same as the owner session of the
+ // transfer controller.
+ if ( iSVPSession != iTargetSession )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) TargetSession = 0x%x", &iTargetSession )
+ HBufC8* recipient = NULL;
+ const CMceSession& session = iTargetSession->Session();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &session, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ if ( iTargetSession->IsMobileOriginated() )
+ {
+ const TDesC8& recip = session.Recipient();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &recip, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ recipient = HBufC8::NewLC( recip.Length() );
+ recipient->Des().Copy( recip );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const TDesC8& orig = session.Originator();
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( &orig, User::Leave( KErrArgument ) );
+ recipient = HBufC8::NewLC( orig.Length() );
+ recipient->Des().Copy( orig );
+ }
+ // remove all extra parameters from recipient address
+ RemoveExtraParameters( recipient );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) recipient->Length() = %d",
+ recipient->Length() )
+ // Set the refer-to address (recipient)
+ refptr.Append( recipient->Des() );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( recipient );
+ // Gather up the rest of the refer-to data (replaces etc.)
+ // from the target session (sessionbase) member variables.
+ TBuf8<KSVPTempStringlength> tmp( KNullDesC8 );
+ tmp.Append( KSVPQuesReplacesTxt ); // Set CallId
+ if ( iTargetSession->CallId() )
+ {
+ // Set "replaces" callid string starting from next char
+ // the of KSVPCallId_replaces -text
+ TDesC8* callid = iTargetSession->CallId();
+ TInt index = callid->Find( KSVPCallId_replaces );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != index )
+ {
+ // Check and encode the possible @ char of the callid
+ // to "%40" format. This kind of callid e.g. in Cisco 7960.
+ TInt index2 = callid->Find( KSVPAt );
+ if ( KErrNotFound != index2 )
+ {
+ HBufC8* tmpCallId = HBufC8::NewLC( callid->Length() );
+ tmpCallId->Des().Append( callid->Mid( index +
+ KSVPCallId_replaces().Length() ) );
+ CSVPUriParser::EscapeEncodeSipUriL( tmpCallId,
+ EscapeUtils::EEscapeUrlEncoded );
+ tmp.Append( *tmpCallId );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // tmpCallId, ReAlloc possible
+ delete tmpCallId;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Normal copy from the correct position
+ tmp.Append( callid->Mid( index +
+ KSVPCallId_replaces().Length() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) error - missing CallId %i", KSVPErrTransferReferTo )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferReferTo );
+ }
+ // To-header
+ if ( iTargetSession->ToHeader() )
+ {
+ tmp.Append( KSVPTo_tag );
+ // Set "to" tag string starting from next char
+ // of the KSVPTo_tag_replaces -text
+ TDesC8* toHdr = iTargetSession->ToHeader();
+ TInt index = toHdr->Find( KSVP_tag );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) toHdr index = %d", index )
+ if ( KErrNotFound != index )
+ {
+ tmp.Append( toHdr->Mid( index + KSVPTagLength ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) error - missing ToHeader %i", KSVPErrTransferReferTo )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferReferTo );
+ }
+ // From-header
+ if ( iTargetSession->FromHeader() )
+ {
+ tmp.Append( KSVPFrom_tag );
+ // Set "from" tag string starting from next char of
+ // the KSVPTo_tag_replaces -text
+ TDesC8* fromHdr = iTargetSession->FromHeader();
+ TInt index = fromHdr->Find( KSVP_tag );
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) fromHdr index = %d", index )
+ if ( KErrNotFound != index )
+ {
+ tmp.Append( fromHdr->Mid( index + KSVPTagLength ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) error - missing FromHeader %i", KSVPErrTransferReferTo )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferReferTo );
+ }
+ refptr.Append( tmp );
+ } // if ( iSVPSession != iTargetSession )
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) error - the same target session %i", KSVPErrTransferReferTo )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferReferTo );
+ }
+ // Create the refer
+ iMceRefer = CMceOutRefer::NewL( *iMceSession,
+ *referto, CMceRefer::ENoSuppression );
+ } // if (iTargetSession)
+ else
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) error - no target session %i", KSVPErrTransferReferTo )
+ User::Leave( KSVPErrTransferReferTo );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( referto );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::CreateMceOutReferL(aTargetSession) Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::ExecuteReferL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::ExecuteReferL()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ExecuteReferL In" )
+ delete iMceEvent;
+ iMceEvent = NULL;
+ // Create headers for refer call.
+ CDesC8Array* headers = SetupHeadersL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( headers );
+ // Refer with headers, passes ownership.
+ iMceEvent = static_cast< CMceOutRefer* >(MceRefer())->ReferL( headers );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( headers );
+ // Execution of the refer. Pass ownership of the arguments. Generates
+ // event to the MMceReferObserver. New MceOutEvent is created and events
+ // of that then through MMceEventObserver interface.
+ iSVPSession->StartTimerL( KSVPReferExpirationTime,
+ KSVPReferTimerExpired );// Start refer timer
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::ExecuteReferL Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceEvent
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceEvent( CMceEvent* aEvent )
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceEvent In" )
+ if ( iMceEvent != aEvent )
+ {
+ delete iMceEvent;
+ iMceEvent = aEvent;
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceEvent Updated" )
+ }
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetMceEvent Out" )
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::MceEvent
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMceEvent* CSVPTransferStateContext::MceEvent()
+ {
+ return iMceEvent;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::StopReferTimer
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::StopReferTimer()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::StopReferTimer" )
+ iSVPSession->StopTimer( KSVPReferTimerExpired );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CDesC8Array* CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL()
+ {
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL In" )
+ CDesC8ArrayFlat* headers = new( ELeave ) CDesC8ArrayFlat(
+ KSVPHeaderArrayGranularity );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( headers );
+ // Set "referred by" value - that is this end of the session.
+ TBuf8<KSVPTempStringlength> tempRefBy;
+ tempRefBy.Append( KSVPReferredBy );
+ if ( iSVPSession->IsMobileOriginated() )
+ {
+ TDesC8* fromHdr = iSVPSession->FromHeader();
+ if ( fromHdr )
+ {
+ TInt indexLeft = fromHdr->Find( KSVPLeftBracketMark );
+ TInt indexRight = fromHdr->Find( KSVPRightBracketMark );
+ SVPDEBUG3( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL: indexLeft = %d, indexRight = %d", indexLeft, indexRight );
+ tempRefBy.Append( fromHdr->Mid( indexLeft,
+ indexRight - indexLeft + KSVPSingleBracketLength ) );
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TDesC8* toHdr = iSVPSession->ToHeader();
+ if ( toHdr )
+ {
+ TInt indexLeft = toHdr->Find( KSVPLeftBracketMark );
+ TInt indexRight = toHdr->Find( KSVPRightBracketMark );
+ SVPDEBUG3( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL: indexLeft = %d, indexRight = %d", indexLeft, indexRight )
+ tempRefBy.Append( toHdr->Mid( indexLeft,
+ indexRight - indexLeft + KSVPSingleBracketLength ) );
+ }
+ }
+ headers->AppendL( tempRefBy );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( headers );
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::SetupHeadersL Out" )
+ return headers;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::InitializeStateArrayL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSVPTransferStateContext::InitializeStateArrayL()
+ {
+ // Create the array of the transfer states.
+ iStates = new ( ELeave ) RPointerArray<CSVPTransferStateBase>
+ ( KSVPTransferStateArraySize );
+ // Transfer state classes are created here:
+ // Idle state
+ CSVPTransferStateBase* state = CSVPTransferIdleState::NewLC();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iStates->Insert(
+ state, KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( state );
+ // Pending state
+ state = CSVPTransferPendingState::NewLC();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iStates->Insert(
+ state, KSVPTransferPendingStateIndex ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( state );
+ // Accepted state
+ state = CSVPTransferAcceptedState::NewLC();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iStates->Insert(
+ state, KSVPTransferAcceptedStateIndex ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( state );
+ // Terminating state
+ state = CSVPTransferTerminatingState::NewLC();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iStates->Insert(
+ state, KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( state );
+ // Terminated state
+ state = CSVPTransferTerminatedState::NewLC();
+ User::LeaveIfError( iStates->Insert(
+ state, KSVPTransferTerminatedStateIndex ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( state );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSVPTransferStateContext::IsStateTransitionAccepted
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSVPTransferStateContext::IsStateTransitionAccepted(
+ const TSVPTransferStateIndex aNewState )
+ {
+ TSVPTransferStateIndex current = CurrentState();
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IsStateTransitionAccepted: current = %d", current )
+ SVPDEBUG2( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IsStateTransitionAccepted: newstate = %d", aNewState )
+ switch( current )
+ {
+ case KErrNotFound:
+ {
+ // Only idle state can be the first one.
+ if ( KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex == aNewState )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ case KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex:
+ {
+ if ( KSVPTransferPendingStateIndex == aNewState ||
+ KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex == aNewState )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ case KSVPTransferPendingStateIndex:
+ {
+ if ( KSVPTransferAcceptedStateIndex == aNewState ||
+ KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex == aNewState )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ case KSVPTransferAcceptedStateIndex:
+ {
+ // If in accepted state, new transition is valid (return true).
+ // No transition actually occurs because
+ // state "changes" from accepted to accepted.
+ // This ignores sequent icoming NOTIFY's after REFER has been sent.
+ if ( KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex == aNewState ||
+ KSVPTransferAcceptedStateIndex == aNewState)
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ case KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex:
+ {
+ // From terminating state, transition to terminated is accepted.
+ if ( KSVPTransferTerminatingStateIndex == aNewState ||
+ KSVPTransferTerminatedStateIndex == aNewState )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ case KSVPTransferTerminatedStateIndex:
+ {
+ // From terminated state, transition to idle is accepted.
+ if ( KSVPTransferIdleStateIndex == aNewState )
+ {
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Should not come here, since all the states are handled
+ SVPDEBUG1( "CSVPTransferStateContext::IsStateTransitionAccepted - Error" )
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // No breaks in switch case due returns.
+ }
+ }