--- a/convergedconnectionhandler/cchserver/src/cchnotehandler.cpp Thu Aug 19 09:45:22 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: CCh note handler.
-#include "cchnotehandler.h"
-#include "cchprivatecrkeys.h"
-#include "cchserverbase.h"
-#include "cchfeaturemanager.h"
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <cch.rsg>
-#include <AknGlobalNote.h>
-#include <AknGlobalMsgQuery.h>
-#include "cchsecondarydisplayapi.h"
-#include <aknSDData.h>
-#include <barsread.h>
-#include <bautils.h>
-#include "cchlogger.h"
-_LIT( KCchResourceDir, "\\resource\\apps\\" );
-_LIT( KCchResourceFileName, "cch.r*" );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::CCchNoteHandler
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCchNoteHandler::CCchNoteHandler( CCCHServerBase& aServer )
- : CActive ( EPriorityHigh ),
- iServer( aServer ),
- iCoverDisplaySupported( aServer.FeatureManager().CoverDisplaySupported() )
- {
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CCchNoteHandler* CCchNoteHandler::NewL( CCCHServerBase& aServer )
- {
- CCchNoteHandler* self =
- new (ELeave) CCchNoteHandler( aServer );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::ConstructL()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCchNoteHandler::ConstructL()
- {
- iGlobalMsgQuery = CAknGlobalMsgQuery::NewL();
- iCchCenRep = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCch );
- User::LeaveIfError( iFsSession.Connect() );
- iResourceFile = ScanFileL( TFileName( KCchResourceFileName ),
- TFileName( KCchResourceDir ) );
- User::LeaveIfNull( iResourceFile );
- CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
- }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::~CCchNoteHandler()
-// Destructor
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- {
- Cancel();
- iMsgQueryInfoArray.Close();
- iFsSession.Close();
- delete iResourceFile;
- delete iCchCenRep;
- delete iGlobalMsgQuery;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::RunL
-// From CActive, handles note/query dismissal.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCchNoteHandler::RunL()
- {
- TInt status = iStatus.Int();
- CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCchNoteHandler::RunL iResourceId: %d", iResourceId );
- // update central repository
- switch ( iResourceId )
- {
- {
- if ( status == EAknSoftkeyYes || status == EAknSoftkeyOk )
- {
- iCchCenRep->Set(
- KCCHVoIPEmergencyWarningShown,
- ECCHVoIPEmergencyWarningAlreadyShown );
- }
- if( iDie )
- {
- delete this;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- // now we are show this emergency note -> we can show
- // another if needed
- iServer.SetVoIPEmergencyNoteShown( EFalse );
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if ( status == EAknSoftkeyYes || status == EAknSoftkeyOk )
- {
- iCchCenRep->Set(
- KCCHVoIPShowEmergencyWarningOnOff,
- ECCHVoIPEmergencyWarningOnOffDoNotShowWarning );
- }
- if( iDie )
- {
- delete this;
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- // now we are show this emergency note -> we can show
- // another if needed
- iServer.SetVoIPEmergencyNoteShown( EFalse );
- }
- break;
- }
- {
- if ( status == EAknSoftkeyYes || status == EAknSoftkeyOk )
- {
- // Set gprs roaming cost warning note as shown to cenrep
- iCchCenRep->Set(
- KCCHGprsRoamingCostWarningShown,
- ECCHGprsRoamingCostWarningAlreadyShown );
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // delete self
- if( iResourceId != R_QTN_VOIP_EM_CALL_ERROR_NOTE_NO_CS && iDie )
- {
- delete this;
- return;
- }
- // peek one message from query array
- if( iMsgQueryInfoArray.Count() > 0 )
- {
- TGlobalMsgQueryInfo msgQueryInfo = iMsgQueryInfoArray[0];
- DoLaunchGlobalNoteL( msgQueryInfo.iResourceId,
- msgQueryInfo.iSoftkeyId,
- msgQueryInfo.iSecondaryDisplayIndex );
- iMsgQueryInfoArray.Remove( 0 );
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::CanBeDestroyed
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CCchNoteHandler::CanBeDestroyed()
- {
- if( IsActive() )
- {
- iDie = ETrue;
- return EFalse;
- }
- else
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::DoCancel
-// From CActive, cancels current operation.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCchNoteHandler::DoCancel()
- {
- iGlobalMsgQuery->CancelMsgQuery();
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::RunError
-// From CActive, handles exceptions in RunL.
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CCchNoteHandler::RunError( TInt /*aError*/ )
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL( const TInt aResourceId,
- const TInt aSoftKeyConfig,
- const TInt aSecondaryDisplayIndex )
- {
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL: IN" );
- // Check there is global message query is shown at the moment
- if ( IsActive() )
- {
- TBool alreadyAdded( EFalse );
- for ( TInt i( 0 ) ; i < iMsgQueryInfoArray.Count() ; i++ )
- {
- if ( iMsgQueryInfoArray[ i ].iResourceId == aResourceId )
- {
- alreadyAdded = ETrue;
- }
- }
- // Add to array only if note with same resource is not
- // already in array
- if ( !alreadyAdded && ( iResourceId != aResourceId ) )
- {
- // add the message query info to array
- TGlobalMsgQueryInfo msgQueryInfo;
- msgQueryInfo.iResourceId = aResourceId;
- msgQueryInfo.iSoftkeyId = aSoftKeyConfig;
- msgQueryInfo.iSecondaryDisplayIndex = aSecondaryDisplayIndex;
- iMsgQueryInfoArray.AppendL( msgQueryInfo );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DoLaunchGlobalNoteL( aResourceId, aSoftKeyConfig, aSecondaryDisplayIndex );
- }
- if( aResourceId == R_QTN_VOIP_EM_CALL_ERROR_NOTE_NO_CS )
- {
- TGlobalMsgQueryInfo msgQueryInfo;
- msgQueryInfo.iResourceId = R_QTN_VOIP_DO_NOT_SHOW_WARNING;
- msgQueryInfo.iSoftkeyId = R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL;
- msgQueryInfo.iSecondaryDisplayIndex =
- SecondaryDisplay::ECmdShowDoNotShowVoipEmergencyCallWarningQuery;
- iMsgQueryInfoArray.AppendL( msgQueryInfo );
- }
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL: OUT" );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::DoLaunchGlobalNoteL
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CCchNoteHandler::DoLaunchGlobalNoteL( const TInt aResourceId,
- const TInt aSoftKeyConfig,
- const TInt aSecondaryDisplayIndex )
- {
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL: IN" );
- iResourceId = aResourceId;
- HBufC* textBuffer = LoadResourceL( aResourceId );
- CleanupStack::PushL( textBuffer );
- // Set secondary display data if necessary
- if ( iCoverDisplaySupported )
- {
- CAknSDData* sd = CAknSDData::NewL(
- SecondaryDisplay::KCatCch,
- aSecondaryDisplayIndex,
- KNullDesC8);
- iGlobalMsgQuery->SetSecondaryDisplayData(sd);
- }
- iGlobalMsgQuery->ShowMsgQueryL(
- iStatus,
- textBuffer->Des(),
- aSoftKeyConfig,
- KNullDesC,
- KNullDesC );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( textBuffer );
- SetActive();
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::LaunchGlobalNoteL: OUT" );
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::LoadResourceL
-// Loads the localized text resource from resource file
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CCchNoteHandler::LoadResourceL( TInt aResourceID )
- {
- RResourceFile resourceFile;
- CleanupClosePushL( resourceFile );
- resourceFile.OpenL( iFsSession, *iResourceFile );
- resourceFile.ConfirmSignatureL( 0 );
- HBufC8* readBuffer=resourceFile.AllocReadLC(
- aResourceID );
- const TPtrC16 ptrReadBuffer(
- (TText16*) readBuffer->Ptr(),(readBuffer->Length()+1) >> 1 );
- HBufC* textBuffer=HBufC16::NewL( ptrReadBuffer.Length() );
- *textBuffer=ptrReadBuffer;
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( readBuffer );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &resourceFile );
- return textBuffer;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::ScanFileC
-// Finds out the correct path for a file
-// (other items were commented in a header).
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-HBufC* CCchNoteHandler::ScanFileL( const TDesC& aFileName,
- const TDesC& aFilePath )
- {
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::ScanFileL: IN" );
- TFindFile search( iFsSession);
- CDir* dirlist;
- HBufC* fullName = NULL;
- TFileName filename(aFileName);
- TInt err = search.FindWildByDir( filename, aFilePath, dirlist );
- if (err == KErrNone)
- {
- CCHLOGSTRING( "CCchNoteHandler::ScanFileL: dir found" );
- if ( dirlist && 0 < dirlist->Count() )
- {
- TParse fullentry;
- fullentry.Set( (*dirlist)[0].iName, &search.File(), NULL );
- TFileName nearestFile( fullentry.FullName() );
- BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile( iFsSession, nearestFile );
- fullName = HBufC::NewL( nearestFile.Length() );
- fullName->Des().Copy( nearestFile );
- }
- delete dirlist;
- }
- CCHLOGSTRING2( "CCchNoteHandler::ScanFileL: OUT value=%s",fullName );
- return fullName;
- }
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CCchNoteHandler::CchCenRep
-// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CRepository* CCchNoteHandler::CchCenRep()
- {
- return iCchCenRep;
- }
-// End of File