changeset 27 f742655b05bf
parent 26 65a3ef1d5bd0
child 28 d38647835c2e
--- a/voipplugins/voipadapters/voipxmlprovisioning/voipxmlprocessor/src/voipxmlxdmhandler.cpp	Thu Aug 19 09:45:22 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  XDM handler for VoIP XML processor
-#include <e32cmn.h>
-#include <coecntrl.h>
-#include <XdmSettingsApi.h>
-#include <XdmSettingsCollection.h>
-#include <sysutil.h>
-#include <pathinfo.h>
-#include <authority16.h>
-#include <StringLoader.h>
-#include <escapeutils.h>
-#include "voipxmlutils.h"
-#include "voipxmlxdmhandler.h"
-#include "voipxmlprocessorlogger.h"
-#include "voipxmlprocessordefaults.h"
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVoipXmlXdmHandler::CVoipXmlXdmHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVoipXmlXdmHandler::NewL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVoipXmlXdmHandler* CVoipXmlXdmHandler::NewL()
-    {
-    CVoipXmlXdmHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CVoipXmlXdmHandler;
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVoipXmlXdmHandler::ConstructL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVoipXmlXdmHandler::ConstructL()
-    {
-    DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlXdmHandler::ConstructL begin" );
-    iProfile = new (ELeave) CXdmSettingsCollection();
-    iProfile->AppendL( KDefaultXdmAuthType, EXdmPropAuthType );
-    iProfile->AppendL( KDefaultXdmUri, EXdmPropUri );
-    DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlXdmHandler::ConstructL end" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVoipXmlXdmHandler::~CVoipXmlXdmHandler
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    delete iProfile;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets XDM setting.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVoipXmlXdmHandler::SetSetting( TInt aParam, const TDesC& aValue )
-    {
-    // Ignore too long descriptors.
-    if ( KMaxNodeValueLength < aValue.Length() )
-        {
-        return;
-        }
-    TRAP_IGNORE( SetSettingL( aParam, aValue ) );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Stores settings through XDM settings API.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVoipXmlXdmHandler::StoreSettings()
-    {
-    if ( !iSettingsSet )
-        {
-        // No settings to be stored => method not supported.
-        return KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    TRAPD( err, iProfileId = TXdmSettingsApi::CreateCollectionL( *iProfile ));
-    if ( KErrNone != err )
-        {
-        err = KErrCompletion;
-        }
-    return err;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns the profile ID if the profile saved in StoreSettings.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TUint32 CVoipXmlXdmHandler::SettingsId()
-    {
-    return iProfileId;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Sets XDM setting.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVoipXmlXdmHandler::SetSettingL( TInt aParam, const TDesC& aValue )
-    {
-    switch ( aParam )
-        {
-        case EName:
-            {
-            TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> name( KNullDesC );
-            name.Copy( aValue );
-            CreateProviderNameL( name );
-            iProfile->AppendL( name, EXdmPropName );
-            iSettingsSet = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        case EType:
-            {
-            // First remove default value.
-            iProfile->RemoveL( EXdmPropAuthType );
-            iProfile->AppendL( aValue, EXdmPropAuthType );
-            iSettingsSet = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        case EUri:
-            {
-            // First remove default value.
-            iProfile->RemoveL( EXdmPropUri );
-            iProfile->AppendL( aValue, EXdmPropUri );
-            iSettingsSet = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        case EUsername:
-            {
-            iProfile->AppendL( aValue, EXdmPropAuthName );
-            iSettingsSet = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        case EPassword:
-            {
-            iProfile->AppendL( aValue, EXdmPropAuthSecret );
-            iSettingsSet = ETrue;
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Checks for duplicate named XDM sets. Renames if same.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVoipXmlXdmHandler::CreateProviderNameL( TDes& aName )
-    {
-    DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlXdmHandler::CreateProviderNameL begin" );
-    const TInt maxModifyLength = 
-        KMaxNodeNameLength - KMaxProfileNameAppendLength;
-    RArray<TInt> settingIds;
-    CleanupClosePushL( settingIds ); // CS:1
-    // CS:2
-    CDesCArray* names = TXdmSettingsApi::CollectionNamesLC( settingIds );
-    HBufC* newName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxNodeNameLength ); // CS:3
-    newName->Des().Copy( aName.Left( maxModifyLength ) );
-    const TInt count( names->MdcaCount() );
-    TUint i( 1 ); // Add number to the name if name already in use.
-    // Go through each profile and see if the name of the new profile    
-    // matches one of the existing names. If it does change it and
-    // check the new name again.
-    for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
-        {
-        TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> loadedName;
-        loadedName.Copy( names->MdcaPoint( counter ));
-        if ( 0 == newName->Des().Compare( loadedName ) )
-            {
-            // If the name is changed we need to begin the comparison
-            // again from the first profile.
-            newName->Des().Copy( aName.Left( maxModifyLength ) );
-            newName->Des().Append( KOpenParenthesis() );
-            newName->Des().AppendNum( i );
-            newName->Des().Append( KClosedParenthesis() );  
-            counter = 0;
-            i++;
-            if ( KMaxProfileNames < i )
-                {
-                User::Leave( KErrBadName );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    aName.Copy( newName->Des() );
-    // newName, names, &settingIds
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &settingIds );
-    DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlXdmHandler::CreateProviderNameL end" );
-    }
-// End of file.