* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Logs Call details in case of Do Not Disturb
#include "svpsslogcall.h"
#include "svpconsts.h"
#include "svplogger.h"
#include <utf.h>
#include <cntitem.h>
#include <CPbkContactEngine.h>
#include <CPbkContactIter.h>
#include <CPbkContactItem.h>
#include <CPbkFieldInfo.h>
#include <AknNotifyStd.h>
#include <AknSoftNotifier.h>
#include <LogsDomainCRKeys.h>
#include <RPbkViewResourceFile.h>
#include <coemain.h>
_LIT( KLogSubject, "0" );
_LIT8( KLogTagVOIP, "VOIP" );
_LIT8( KLogTagURL, "URL" );
_LIT8( KLogTagMA, "MA" );
_LIT8( KLogFieldDelimiter, "\t" );
_LIT8( KLogValueDelimiter, "=" );
const TInt KLogEventTempBufSize = 300;
const TInt KMaxAddressLength = 256;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::SVPSSLogCall
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSVPSSLogCall::CSVPSSLogCall() : CActive(0)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::ConstructL
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::ConstructL()
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::ConstructL, Enter");
User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
iLogEvent = CLogEvent::NewL();
iLogClient = CLogClient::NewL( iFs );
iLogsSession = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidLogs );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::ConstructL, Exit");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::NewL
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSVPSSLogCall* CSVPSSLogCall::NewL()
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::NewL, Enter");
CSVPSSLogCall* self = new( ELeave ) CSVPSSLogCall;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::NewL, Exit");
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::~CSVPSSLogCall
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::~CSVPSSLogCall, Enter");
delete iLogsSession;
delete iLogClient;
delete iLogEvent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::Reset
// REsets iLogEvent
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::Reset()
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::Reset, Enter");
iLogEvent->SetId( KLogNullId );
iLogEvent->SetEventType( KNullUid );
iLogEvent->SetRemoteParty( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetDirection( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetTime( Time::NullTTime() );
iLogEvent->SetDurationType( KLogNullDurationType );
iLogEvent->SetDuration( KLogNullDuration );
iLogEvent->SetStatus( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetSubject( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetNumber( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetContact( KNullContactId );
iLogEvent->SetLink( KLogNullLink );
iLogEvent->SetDescription( KNullDesC );
iLogEvent->SetFlags( KLogNullFlags );
TRAP_IGNORE( iLogEvent->SetDataL( KNullDesC8 ) );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::Reset, Exit");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::FindContactIdL
// Finds contact if from phonebook if one exists
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL( const TDesC& aSipUri )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL, Enter");
HBufC* title ( NULL );
TBool manyCompleteMatches( EFalse );
TContactItemId compId( NULL );
CPbkContactEngine* contacts = CPbkContactEngine::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( contacts );
CPbkContactIter* iter = contacts->CreateContactIteratorLC();
TContactItemId contactId = iter->FirstL();
while ( contactId != KNullContactId && !manyCompleteMatches )
//Get contact item
CPbkContactItem* tempContactItem = iter->CurrentL();
TInt count = tempContactItem->CardFields().Count();
SVPDEBUG2(" CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL count: %d", count );
for ( TInt ind = 0; ind < count ; ind++ )
if ( EPbkFieldIdVOIP ==
tempContactItem->CardFields()[ind].FieldInfo().FieldId() ||
EPbkFieldIdXsp ==
tempContactItem->CardFields()[ind].FieldInfo().FieldId() ||
tempContactItem->CardFields()[ind].FieldInfo().IsVoipField() )
SVPDEBUG1(" CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL: Contact is FOUND" );
//If contact have phone or Internet number fields, get address..
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> tmpPbookNumber(
tempContactItem->CardFields()[ind].Text() );
RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress( tmpPbookNumber );
if ( EPbkFieldIdXsp == tempContactItem->CardFields(
)[ind].FieldInfo().FieldId() )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL, EPbkFieldIdXsp" );
// remove all characters before ":" only leftmost part
TInt pos = tmpPbookNumber.Find( KSVPCln2 );
if ( KErrNotFound != pos )
tmpPbookNumber.Delete( KErrNone, pos + 1 );
SVPDEBUG3(" CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL FoundContactText%d = %S",
ind, &tmpPbookNumber );
// Compare complete addresses and set Id if found.
if ( CompareSipUri( aSipUri, tmpPbookNumber ) )
if ( compId )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL, manyCompleteMatches");
manyCompleteMatches = ETrue;
iLogEvent->SetContact( contactId ); // Set aItem based on complete match.
title = tempContactItem->GetContactTitleL();
compId = contactId;
ind = count;
contactId = iter->NextL();
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( iter );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( contacts );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::FindContactTitleL, Exit");
return title;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL
// Logs Call information
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL( const TDesC8& aFrom )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL, Enter");
// For recognizing VoIP number and getting
// correct "Options" and internet call icon to log.
TBuf8<KLogEventTempBufSize> tempBufOne;
TBuf8<KLogEventTempBufSize> tempBufTwo;
tempBufOne.Append( KLogTagVOIP() );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogFieldDelimiter() );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogTagURL() );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogValueDelimiter() );
TLogString missed;
iLogClient->GetString(missed, R_LOG_DIR_MISSED);
iLogEvent->SetDurationType( KLogDurationNone );
TLogDuration duration = 0;
iLogEvent->SetDuration( duration );
iLogEvent->SetNumber( KNullDesC );
TLogString number;
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( number, aFrom );
RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress( number );
SVPDEBUG2(" CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL, number = %S", &number );
if ( KErrNotFound == aFrom.Find( KSVPAnonymousName8 ) )
SVPDEBUG1(" CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL, URI address is seen" );
HBufC* contactName = FindContactTitleL( number );
if ( contactName )
{ // Phonebook contact id has been found
//tempBufTwo.Copy( contactName->Des() );
tempBufTwo.Copy( number );
iLogEvent->SetRemoteParty( contactName->Des() );
{ // No phonebook contact id has been found
tempBufTwo.Copy( number );
iLogEvent->SetRemoteParty( number );
delete contactName;
tempBufOne.Append( tempBufTwo );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogFieldDelimiter() );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogTagMA() );
tempBufOne.Append( KLogValueDelimiter() );
SVPDEBUG1(" CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL, URI address is Anonymous" );
iLogEvent->SetRemoteParty( KSVPPrivateNumber );
TRAP_IGNORE( iLogEvent->SetDataL( tempBufOne ) );
TTime eventTime;
iLogClient->AddEvent(*iLogEvent, iStatus);
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::HandleCallLoggingL, Exit");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::DoCancel
// Called when an aychronic request is cancelled
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::DoCancel()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::RunL
// Called when an aychronic request is completed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::RunL()
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RunL, Enter");
// If LogClient AddEvent successful, then show missed call soft notifier
if ( KErrNone == iStatus.Int() )
TInt missedCallCount(0);
TInt err = iLogsSession->Get( KLogsNewMissedCalls, missedCallCount );
if( KErrNotFound == err || KErrUnknown == err || missedCallCount < 0 )
missedCallCount = 0;
iLogsSession->Set( KLogsNewMissedCalls, missedCallCount );
iLogsSession->Set( KLogsNewMissedCalls, missedCallCount );
SVPDEBUG2(" CSVPSSLogCall::RunL, missedCallCount: %d", missedCallCount );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RunL, Exit");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress
// Removes unused chars from sip address
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress( TDes& aAddress )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: Enter" );
// Display name, '<' and '>' are not used when comparing addresses.
TInt pos = aAddress.Find( KSVPLeftBracketMark2 );
if ( KErrNotFound != pos )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: '<' from uri" );
aAddress.Delete( 0, pos + 1 );
pos = aAddress.Find( KSVPRightBracketMark2 );
if ( KErrNotFound != pos )
SVPDEBUG3("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: \
'>' in uri pos = %d, length = %d",
pos, aAddress.Length() );
aAddress.Delete( pos, aAddress.Length() - pos );
// "sip:" is not used when comparing addresses.
if ( KSVPSipPrefixLength < aAddress.Length() )
TBuf<KSVPSipPrefixLength> sipPrefix;
sipPrefix.Copy( aAddress.Left( KSVPSipPrefixLength ) );
if ( !sipPrefix.Compare( KSVPSipPrefix2 ) )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: 'sip:' in uri" );
aAddress.Delete( KErrNone, KSVPSipPrefixLength );
// remove all extra parameters from given address
pos = aAddress.Find( KSVPSemiColon );
if ( KErrNotFound != pos )
SVPDEBUG3("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: \
There is ';' in uri pos = %d, length = %d",
pos, aAddress.Length() );
// Delete ";" and text after it
aAddress.Delete( pos, aAddress.Length() - pos );
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::RemoveUnusedCharsFromSipAddress: Exit" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::::CompareSipUri
// Compares whole sip uri
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSVPSSLogCall::CompareSipUri(
const TDesC& aTelNumber, const TDesC& aPbookNumber )
// Complete SIP address must contain host part.
if ( KErrNotFound < aTelNumber.Find( KSVPAt2 ) &&
KErrNotFound < aPbookNumber.Find( KSVPAt2 ) )
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> tmpTelNumber( aTelNumber );
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> tmpPbookNumber( aPbookNumber );
// Compare username parts, which are case sensitive.
if ( CompareUsernamePart( tmpTelNumber, tmpPbookNumber ) )
// Convert descriptors to lowercase.
// Compare host part, which is not case sensitive.
if ( !tmpTelNumber.Compare( tmpPbookNumber ) )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::CompareSipUri: SipUri's EQUAL");
return ETrue;
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::CompareSipUri: SipUri's do NOT EQUAL");
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SVPSSLogCall::::CompareUsernamePart
// Compares username of sip uri
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSVPSSLogCall::CompareUsernamePart(
const TDesC& aTelNumber, const TDesC& aPbookNumber )
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> tmpTelNumber( aTelNumber );
TBuf<KMaxAddressLength> tmpPbookNumber( aPbookNumber );
// Remove uri part from tel. number.
TInt pos = tmpTelNumber.Find( KSVPAt2 );
if ( KErrNotFound < pos )
tmpTelNumber.Delete( pos, tmpTelNumber.Length() - pos );
// Remove uri part from phonebook number.
pos = tmpPbookNumber.Find( KSVPAt2 );
if ( KErrNotFound < pos )
tmpPbookNumber.Delete( pos, tmpPbookNumber.Length() - pos );
// Compare parsed numbers.
if ( !tmpTelNumber.Compare( tmpPbookNumber ) )
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::CompareUsernamePart: Names EQUAL");
return ETrue;
SVPDEBUG1("CSVPSSLogCall::CompareUsernamePart: Names do NOT EQUAL");
return EFalse;
// End of File