author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 00:05:57 +0200
changeset 2 7b872347d83b
child 10 7117cbf1600a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201005

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  IAP handler for VoIP XML processor

#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <cmmanagerext.h>
#include <cmdestinationext.h>
#include <cmconnectionmethodext.h>
#include <cmconnectionmethoddef.h>
#include <cmpluginwlandef.h>
#include <WPASecuritySettingsUI.h>
#include <WEPSecuritySettingsUI.h>

#include "voipxmlutils.h"
#include "voipxmliaphandler.h"
#include "voipxmlprocessorlogger.h"

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlIapHandler::CVoipXmlIapHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlIapHandler::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVoipXmlIapHandler* CVoipXmlIapHandler::NewL()
    CVoipXmlIapHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CVoipXmlIapHandler;
    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlIapHandler::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::ConstructL()
    iDestinationName          = HBufC::NewL( 0 );
    iDestinationId            = 0;
    iCurrentIap.iSsid         = NULL;
    iCurrentIap.iName         = NULL;
    iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey = NULL;
    iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecModeOpen;
    iCurrentIap.iNetworkMode  = CMManager::EInfra;
    iCurrentIap.iWepAuthMode  = CWEPSecuritySettings::EAuthOpen;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlIapHandler::~CVoipXmlIapHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if ( iDestinationName )
        delete iDestinationName;
    ResetCurrentIap( ETrue );
    ResetTempIapArray( ETrue );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets SIP setting.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::SetSetting( TInt aType, TInt aParam, 
    const TDesC& aValue )
    // Ignore too long descriptors.
    if ( KMaxNodeValueLength < aValue.Length() )
    TInt intValue;

    switch ( aParam )
        case EName:
            TInt err( KErrNotFound );
            if ( EDestination == aType )
                delete iDestinationName;
                iDestinationName = NULL;
                TRAP( err, iDestinationName = aValue.AllocL() );
            else if ( EWlan == aType && !iCurrentIap.iName )
                TRAP( err, iCurrentIap.iName = aValue.AllocL() );
            if ( KErrNone == err )
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case EType:
            if ( EWlan != aType )
            TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
            value.Copy( aValue );
            if ( 0 == value.Compare( KSecurityTypeWep ) )
                iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecModeWep;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
            else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KSecurityTypeWpa ) )
                iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecModeWpa;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
            else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KSecurityTypeWpa2 ) )
                iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecModeWpa2;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
            else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KSecurityType8021x ) )
                iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecMode802_1x;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case ESsid:
            if ( EWlan == aType && !iCurrentIap.iSsid )
                TRAPD( err, iCurrentIap.iSsid = aValue.AllocL() );
                if ( KErrNone == err )
                    iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case EHidden:
            if ( EWlan == aType &&
                KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
                iCurrentIap.iHidden = intValue;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case ENetworkMode:
            if ( EWlan != aType )
            TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
            value.Copy( aValue );
            if ( 0 == value.Compare( KNetworkModeInfra ) )
                iCurrentIap.iNetworkMode = CMManager::EInfra;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
            else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KNetworkModeAdhoc ) )
                iCurrentIap.iNetworkMode = CMManager::EAdhoc;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case EPreSharedKey:
            if ( EWlan == aType && !iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey )
                TRAPD( err, iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey = aValue.AllocL() );
                if ( KErrNone == err )
                    iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case EWepAuthMode:
            if ( EWlan != aType )
            TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
            value.Copy( aValue );
            if ( 0 == value.Compare( KWepAuthModeOpen ) )
                iCurrentIap.iWepAuthMode = CWEPSecuritySettings::EAuthOpen;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
            else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KWepAuthModeShared ) )
                iCurrentIap.iWepAuthMode = CWEPSecuritySettings::EAuthShared;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case ELength:
            if ( EWepKey == aType && 
                KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ))
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iLength = intValue;
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;
        case EData:
            if ( EWepKey == aType && KMaxWepKeyDataLength >= aValue.Length() )
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iData.Copy( aValue );
                iSettingsSet = ETrue;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores settings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVoipXmlIapHandler::StoreSettings()
    if ( !iSettingsSet )
        // No settings to be stored => method not supported.
        return KErrNotSupported;
    TRAPD( err, StoreSettingsL() );
    if ( KErrNone != err )
        err = KErrCompletion;
    return err;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns Destination ID.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVoipXmlIapHandler::SettingsId()
    return iDestinationId;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Informs that currently deployed settings have ended.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::SettingsEnd( TInt aType )
    if ( EWepKey == aType && iCurrentIap.iWepKeys.Count() < KMaxWepKeyCount )
        TInt keyDataLength = iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iData.Length();
        TBool okToAdd( EFalse );
        switch ( keyDataLength )
            case EWepKey64Hex:
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iHex = ETrue;
                okToAdd = ETrue;
            case EWepKey64Ascii:
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iHex = EFalse;
                okToAdd = ETrue;
            case EWepKey128Hex:
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iHex = ETrue;
                okToAdd = ETrue;
            case EWepKey128Ascii:
                iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iHex = EFalse;
                okToAdd = ETrue;
        if ( okToAdd )
            iCurrentIap.iWepKeys.Append( iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey );
        iCurrentIap.iCurrentWepKey.iLength = 0;
    else if ( EWlan == aType )
        TRAP_IGNORE( AddCurrentIapL() );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets iCurrentIap members.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::ResetCurrentIap( TBool aCloseArray )
    if ( iCurrentIap.iName )
        delete iCurrentIap.iName;
        iCurrentIap.iName = NULL;
    if ( iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey )
        delete iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey;
        iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey = NULL;
    if ( iCurrentIap.iSsid )
        delete iCurrentIap.iSsid;
        iCurrentIap.iSsid = NULL;
    if ( aCloseArray )
    iCurrentIap.iHidden = EFalse;
    iCurrentIap.iSecurityType = CMManager::EWlanSecModeOpen;
    iCurrentIap.iNetworkMode = CMManager::EInfra;
    iCurrentIap.iWepAuthMode = CWEPSecuritySettings::EAuthOpen;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets iIaps members.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::ResetTempIapArray( TBool aCloseArray )
    const TInt count = iIaps.Count();
    for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
        if ( iIaps[counter]->iName )
            delete iIaps[counter]->iName;
            iIaps[counter]->iName = NULL;
        if ( iIaps[counter]->iPreSharedKey )
            delete iIaps[counter]->iPreSharedKey;
            iIaps[counter]->iPreSharedKey = NULL;
        if ( iIaps[counter]->iSsid )
            delete iIaps[counter]->iSsid;
            iIaps[counter]->iSsid = NULL;
        if ( aCloseArray )
    if ( aCloseArray )

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds iCurrentIap into iIaps array, i.e. copies its values to a pointer
// and appends that one into the array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::AddCurrentIapL()
    if ( !iCurrentIap.iSsid )
        // If there is no SSID, we won't add the IAP to array.
    TTemporaryIap* iap = new TTemporaryIap;
    iap->iSsid = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxNodeValueLength ); // CS:1
    iap->iName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxNodeValueLength ); // CS:2
    iap->iPreSharedKey = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxNodeValueLength ); // CS:3

    iap->iSsid->Des().Copy( iCurrentIap.iSsid->Des() );
    if ( iCurrentIap.iName )
        iap->iName->Des().Copy( iCurrentIap.iName->Des() );
        iap->iName->Des().Copy( iCurrentIap.iSsid->Des() );
    if ( iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey )
        iap->iPreSharedKey->Des().Copy( iCurrentIap.iPreSharedKey->Des() );
    iap->iHidden = iCurrentIap.iHidden;
    iap->iNetworkMode = iCurrentIap.iNetworkMode;
    iap->iSecurityType = iCurrentIap.iSecurityType;
    iap->iWepAuthMode = iCurrentIap.iWepAuthMode;
    const TInt count = iCurrentIap.iWepKeys.Count();
    for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
        iap->iWepKeys.Append( iCurrentIap.iWepKeys[counter] );
    iIaps.AppendL( iap );
    CleanupStack::Pop( 3, iap->iSsid );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores settings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlIapHandler::StoreSettingsL()
    RCmManagerExt cmm;
    cmm.OpenLC(); // CS:1

    // First create all access points and store their ID's.
    const TInt iapCount = iIaps.Count();
    RArray<TUint32> iapIds;
    CleanupClosePushL( iapIds ); // CS:2
    for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < iapCount; counter++ )
        TUint32 id = CreateIapL( cmm, *iIaps[counter] );
        iapIds.AppendL( id );

    // Create a destination if one was configured.
    if ( iDestinationName->Des().Length() )
        RArray<TUint32> destinationIds;
        // Get destination ID's for checking if name to be set is reserved.
        CleanupClosePushL( destinationIds ); // CS:3
        cmm.AllDestinationsL( destinationIds );
        HBufC* newName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxNodeNameLength ); // CS:4
        newName->Des().Copy( iDestinationName->Des() );

        // Check that name is unique.
        const TInt destinationCount = destinationIds.Count();
        for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < destinationCount; counter++ )
            RCmDestinationExt destination = cmm.DestinationL( 
                destinationIds[counter] );
            CleanupClosePushL( destination ); // CS:5
            HBufC* settingsName = destination.NameLC(); // CS:6
            TUint i( 1 ); // Add number to the name if name already in use.
            if ( 0 == newName->Des().Compare( settingsName->Des() ) )
                // If the name is changed we need to begin the comparison
                // again from the first profile.
                newName->Des().Copy( iDestinationName->Des() );
                newName->Des().Append( KOpenParenthesis() );
                newName->Des().AppendNum( i );
                newName->Des().Append( KClosedParenthesis() );  
                counter = 0;
                if ( KMaxProfileNames < i )
                    User::Leave( KErrBadName );
            // settingsName, &destination
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &destination ); // CS:4
        RCmDestinationExt newDestination = cmm.CreateDestinationL( *newName );
        CleanupClosePushL( newDestination ); // CS:5
        // We need to run UpdateL in order to get destination ID.
        iDestinationId = newDestination.Id();
        const TInt cmCount = iapIds.Count();
        for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < cmCount; counter++ )
            RCmConnectionMethodExt connection = cmm.ConnectionMethodL( 
                iapIds[counter] );
            CleanupClosePushL( connection );
            newDestination.AddConnectionMethodL( connection );
            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &connection );

        // &newDestination, newName, &destinationIds
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &destinationIds ); // CS:2
    // &iapIds, &cmm
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &cmm ); // CS:0

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates an actual IAP.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVoipXmlIapHandler::CreateIapL( RCmManagerExt& aCmManager, 
    TTemporaryIap aTempIap )
    RCmConnectionMethodExt newConnMethod = 
        aCmManager.CreateConnectionMethodL( KUidWlanBearerType );
    CleanupClosePushL( newConnMethod ); // CS:1
    newConnMethod.SetStringAttributeL( CMManager::ECmName, 
        aTempIap.iName->Des() );
    newConnMethod.SetStringAttributeL( CMManager::EWlanSSID, 
        aTempIap.iSsid->Des() );
    newConnMethod.SetIntAttributeL( CMManager::EWlanConnectionMode, 
        aTempIap.iNetworkMode );
    if ( aTempIap.iHidden )
        newConnMethod.SetBoolAttributeL( CMManager::EWlanScanSSID, ETrue );
    newConnMethod.SetIntAttributeL( CMManager::EWlanSecurityMode, 
        aTempIap.iSecurityType );
    TUint32 wlanId = newConnMethod.GetIntAttributeL( 
        CMManager::EWlanServiceId );
    TUint32 iapId = newConnMethod.GetIntAttributeL( CMManager::ECmIapId );

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &newConnMethod ); // CS:0

    if ( aTempIap.iSecurityType == CMManager::EWlanSecModeWep )
        CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( CMDBSession::LatestVersion() );
        // CS:1
        CWEPSecuritySettings* wepSecSettings = 
        CleanupStack::PushL( wepSecSettings ); // CS:2
        const TInt wepKeyCount = aTempIap.iWepKeys.Count();
        for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < wepKeyCount; counter++ )
            User::LeaveIfError( wepSecSettings->SetKeyDataL( 
                counter, aTempIap.iWepKeys[counter].iData, 
                aTempIap.iWepKeys[counter].iHex ) );
        wepSecSettings->SaveL( wlanId, *db );             
        // wepSecSettings, db 
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, db ); // CS:0
    else if ( aTempIap.iSecurityType == CMManager::EWlanSecMode802_1x ||
        aTempIap.iSecurityType == CMManager::EWlanSecModeWpa ||
        aTempIap.iSecurityType == CMManager::EWlanSecModeWpa2 )
        CMDBSession* db = CMDBSession::NewLC( CMDBSession::LatestVersion() );
        // CS:1
        CWPASecuritySettings* wpaSecSettings = 
            CWPASecuritySettings::NewL( ESecurityModeWpa );
        CleanupStack::PushL( wpaSecSettings ); // CS:2
        User::LeaveIfError( wpaSecSettings->SetWPAPreSharedKey( 
            aTempIap.iPreSharedKey->Des() ));
        wpaSecSettings->SaveL( wlanId, *db, ESavingBrandNewAP, 0 );
        // wpaSecSettings, db
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, db ); // CS:0
    return iapId;

// End of file.