* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: RCSE Settings Import from DBMS
#include "rcsedbimporter.h"
#include "rcseconstants.h"
#include "crcseprofileregistry.h"
#include "crcseaudiocodecregistry.h"
#include "rcsedefaultdbnames.h"
#include "rcselogger.h"
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::ConstructL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ConstructL() - IN" );
User::LeaveIfError( iDbSession.Connect() );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ConstructL() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRCSEDbImporter* CRCSEDbImporter::NewL()
CRCSEDbImporter* self = CRCSEDbImporter::NewLC();
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewLC
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRCSEDbImporter* CRCSEDbImporter::NewLC()
CRCSEDbImporter* self = new( ELeave ) CRCSEDbImporter;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if imported (restored) database file exists.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRCSEDbImporter::ImportExists()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportExists() - IN" );
TBool profileImport( EFalse );
TBool codecImport( EFalse );
RDbs dbSession;
RDbNamedDatabase db;
TInt err( dbSession.Connect() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
return EFalse;
// Check voip profiles
err = db.Open( dbSession, KDbName, KDatabaseUID );
if ( KErrNone == err )
profileImport = ETrue;
// Check audio codecs
err = db.Open( dbSession, KDbCodecName, KDatabaseUID );
if ( KErrNone == err )
codecImport = ETrue;
RCSELOGSTRING2( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportExists(%d) - OUT",
profileImport && codecImport );
// Return ETrue only when both of imports exist
return profileImport && codecImport;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check if import is already running.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CRCSEDbImporter::IsImportRunning()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::IsImportRunning() - IN" );
TBool ret( EFalse );
RDbs dbSession;
RDbNamedDatabase db;
TInt err( dbSession.Connect() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
ret = EFalse;
// Check if temporary table exists
err = db.Open( dbSession, KDbTempName, KDatabaseUID );
if ( KErrNone == err )
ret = ETrue;
RCSELOGSTRING2( "CRCSEDbImporter::IsImportRunning(%d) - OUT", ret );
return ret;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Imports RCSE entries from db file and stores them to repository.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::ImportAndStoreL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportL() - IN" );
// Import settings data
// Store audio codecs
// Update and store VoIP profiles
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportL() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Set locking data base file to prevent disturb during the import operation.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::SetImportLock()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::SetImportLock() - IN" );
// Create temporary db that indicates ongoing operation
iDb.Create( iDbSession, KDbTempName, KDatabaseUID );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::SetImportLock() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Release locking data base file.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::ReleaseImportLock()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ReleaseImportLock() - IN" );
// Delete temporary locking db
TInt err( iDb.Open( iDbSession, KDbTempName, KDatabaseUID ) );
if ( KErrNone == err )
RCSELOGSTRING( "Temporary db deleted" );
RCSELOGSTRING2( "Temporary db not deleted, err=%d", err );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ReleaseImportLock() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Import VoIP profiles from database to array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::ImportVoIPProfilesL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportVoIPProfilesL() - IN" );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Open( iDbSession, KDbName, KDatabaseUID ) );
// Create sql statement
HBufC* statement = HBufC::NewLC(
KSQLSelectAllStatement().Length() +
KProfileTableName().Length() );
KSQLSelectAllStatement, &KProfileTableName );
// Launch query
RDbView view;
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, *statement ) );
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
// Browse all result rows trough
while ( view.AtRow() )
view.GetL(); // Get the data row
const TInt cols( view.ColCount() + 1 );
CRCSEProfileEntry* entry = CRCSEProfileEntry::NewLC();
// Map the data from current row to profile entry.
for( TInt i = 1; i < cols; i++ )
MapColumnToEntryL( i, view, *entry );
iProfiles.AppendL( entry );
CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( statement );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportVoIPProfilesL() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Import audio codecs from database to array.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::ImportAudioCodecsL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportAudioCodecsL() - IN" );
User::LeaveIfError( iDb.Open( iDbSession, KDbCodecName, KDatabaseUID ) );
// Create sql statement
HBufC* statement = HBufC::NewLC(
KSQLSelectAllStatement().Length() +
KAudioCodecTableName().Length() );
KSQLSelectAllStatement, &KAudioCodecTableName );
// Launch query
RDbView view;
User::LeaveIfError( view.Prepare( iDb, *statement ) );
CleanupClosePushL( view );
User::LeaveIfError( view.EvaluateAll() );
// Browse all result rows trough
while ( view.AtRow() )
view.GetL(); // Get the data row
const TInt cols( view.ColCount() + 1 );
CRCSEAudioCodecEntry* entry = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::NewLC();
// Map the data from current row to audio codec entry.
for( TInt i = 1; i < cols; i++ )
MapColumnToEntryL( i, view, *entry );
// Append entry and its ID
iCodecs.AppendL( entry );
TRCSEIdPair idPair;
idPair.iOldId = entry->iCodecId;
iCodecIds.Append( idPair );
CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &view );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( statement );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::ImportAudioCodecsL() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete imported (restored) rcse database files.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::DeleteImports()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::DeleteImports() - IN" );
TInt err( 0 );
// Delete VoIP profile import
err = iDb.Open( iDbSession, KDbName, KDatabaseUID );
if ( KErrNone == err )
RCSELOGSTRING( "Profile import deleted" );
RCSELOGSTRING2( "Profile import not deleted, err=%d", err );
// Delete audio codec import
err = iDb.Open( iDbSession, KDbCodecName, KDatabaseUID );
if ( KErrNone == err )
RCSELOGSTRING( "Codec import deleted" );
RCSELOGSTRING2( "Codec import not deleted, err=%d", err );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::DeleteImports() - OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Map query result from a given column to profile entry.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::MapColumnToEntryL(
TInt aColumnIndex,
const RDbView& aView,
CRCSEProfileEntry& aEntry )
// Get the column definition
const TDbCol col( aView.ColDef( aColumnIndex ) );
// Maps the values using the names of columns
if ( col.iName == KProfileId )
aEntry.iId = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KProtocolIds )
const TDesC& ids = aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex );
// Extracts the numbers from ids to iIds.
GetProfileIdsFromDescriptorL( ids, aEntry.iIds );
else if ( col.iName == KProviderName )
aEntry.iProviderName.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSettingsName )
aEntry.iSettingsName.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KAutoComplete )
aEntry.iAutoComplete = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KEndMediaPort )
aEntry.iEndMediaPort = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHoldRingBack )
aEntry.iHoldRingBack = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KInbandDtmf)
aEntry.iInbandDTMF = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KMediaQOS )
aEntry.iMediaQOS = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KOutbandDtmf )
aEntry.iOutbandDTMF = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>
( aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KPreferredCodecs )
const TDesC& codecs = aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex );
// Extracts the numbers from codecs to iPreferredCodecs.
GetNumbersFromDescriptorL( codecs, aEntry.iPreferredCodecs );
else if ( col.iName == KSiqnalingQOS )
aEntry.iSiqnalingQOS = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KStartMediaPort )
aEntry.iStartMediaPort = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KCFNoAnswer )
aEntry.iCFNoAnswer = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>
( aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KCFBusy )
aEntry.iCFBusy = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>
( aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KCFUnconditional )
aEntry.iCFUnconditional = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KRedundancy )
aEntry.iRedundancy = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSecureCallPreference )
aEntry.iSecureCallPreference = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KVoIPProfileLock )
aEntry.iVoIPProfileLock = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KAdhocAllowed )
aEntry.iAdhocAllowed = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPServerType )
aEntry.iSIPServerType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSBCType )
aEntry.iSBCType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSTUNServerType )
aEntry.iSTUNServerType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KWLANAPType )
aEntry.iWLANAPType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KPSTNGatewayType )
aEntry.iPSTNGatewayType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSecurityGatewayType )
aEntry.iSecurityGatewayType.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KRTCP )
aEntry.iRTCP = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType )
aEntry.iSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC )
aEntry.iSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPVoIPUAHeaderString )
aEntry.iSIPVoIPUAHeaderString.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KProfileLockedToIAP )
aEntry.iProfileLockedToIAP = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KVoIPPluginUID )
aEntry.iVoIPPluginUID = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KAllowVoIPoverWCDMA )
aEntry.iAllowVoIPoverWCDMA = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KAllowVoIPoverBT )
aEntry.iAllowVoIPoverBT = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KMeanCountOfVoIPDigits )
aEntry.iMeanCountOfVoIPDigits = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KIgnoreAddrDomainPart )
aEntry.iIgnoreAddrDomainPart = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHandoverDialect )
aEntry.iHandoverDialect = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KPSTelephonyHOPreference )
aEntry.iPSTelephonyHOPreference = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHOThresholdValueLL )
aEntry.iHOThresholdValueLL = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHOThresholdValueHL )
aEntry.iHOThresholdValueHL = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KNumberOfMeasurementsAbove )
aEntry.iNumberOfMeasurementsAbove = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KNumberOfMeasurementsBelow )
aEntry.iNumberOfMeasurementsBelow = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannInterParaHigh )
aEntry.iSmartScannInterParaHigh = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannInterParaMedium )
aEntry.iSmartScannInterParaMedium = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannInterParaLow )
aEntry.iSmartScannInterParaLow = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannInterParaStatic )
aEntry.iSmartScannInterParaStatic = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannDurationHighMode )
aEntry.iSmartScannDurationHighMode = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannDurationMediumMode )
aEntry.iSmartScannDurationMediumMode = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSmartScannDurationLowMode )
aEntry.iSmartScannDurationLowMode = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHandoffNumber )
aEntry.iHandoffNumber = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHandbackNumber )
aEntry.iHandbackNumber = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHysterisisTimer )
aEntry.iHysterisisTimer = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHandOffProcessTimer )
aEntry.iHandOffProcessTimer = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KDisconnectProcessTimer )
aEntry.iDisconnectProcessTimer = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KHandoffPrefix )
aEntry.iHandoffPrefix.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KHandbackPrefix )
aEntry.iHandbackPrefix.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KHandoverTones )
aEntry.iHandoverTones = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSupportSMSoverWLAN )
aEntry.iSupportSMSoverWLAN = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KServiceProviderId )
aEntry.iServiceProviderId = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KUserPhoneUriParam )
aEntry.iUserPhoneUriParameter = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPConnTestAddress )
aEntry.iSIPConnTestAddress.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KNATSettingsStorageId )
aEntry.iNATSettingsStorageId = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPMinSE )
aEntry.iSIPMinSE = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KSIPSessionExpires )
aEntry.iSIPSessionExpires = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KNATProtocol )
aEntry.iNATProtocol = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KNewServiceTable )
aEntry.iNewServiceTableEntry = static_cast<CRCSEProfileEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSNAPId )
aEntry.iSNAPId = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
// Skip unknown column.
"CRCSEProfileRegistry::MapColumnToEntryL() - unknown %d",
aColumnIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Map query result from a given column to audio codec entry.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::MapColumnToEntryL(
TInt aColumnIndex,
const RDbView& aView,
CRCSEAudioCodecEntry& aCodecEntry )
// Get the column definition
const TDbCol col( aView.ColDef( aColumnIndex ) );
// Maps the values using the names of columns
if ( col.iName == KAudioCodecId )
aCodecEntry.iCodecId = aView.ColUint32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KMediaTypeName )
aCodecEntry.iMediaTypeName.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KMediaSubTypeName )
aCodecEntry.iMediaSubTypeName.Copy( aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KJitterBufferSize )
aCodecEntry.iJitterBufferSize = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KOctetAlign )
aCodecEntry.iOctetAlign = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KModeSet )
const TDesC& modeset = aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex );
GetNumbersFromDescriptorL( modeset, aCodecEntry.iModeSet );
else if ( col.iName == KModeChangePeriod )
aCodecEntry.iModeChangePeriod = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KModeChangeNeighbor )
aCodecEntry.iModeChangeNeighbor = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KPtime )
aCodecEntry.iPtime = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KMaxptime )
aCodecEntry.iMaxptime = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KCrc )
aCodecEntry.iCrc = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KRobustSorting )
aCodecEntry.iRobustSorting = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KInterLeaving )
aCodecEntry.iInterLeaving = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KChannels )
const TDesC& channels = aView.ColDes( aColumnIndex );
GetNumbersFromDescriptorL( channels, aCodecEntry.iChannels );
else if ( col.iName == KVAD )
aCodecEntry.iVAD = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KDTX )
aCodecEntry.iDTX = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex ) );
else if ( col.iName == KSamplingRate )
aCodecEntry.iSamplingRate = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KAnnexb )
aCodecEntry.iAnnexb = static_cast<CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::TOnOff>(
aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex) );
else if ( col.iName == KModeChangeCapability )
aCodecEntry.iModeChangeCapability = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
else if ( col.iName == KMaxRed )
aCodecEntry.iMaxRed = aView.ColInt32( aColumnIndex );
// Skip unknown column.
"CRCSEAudioCodecRegistry::MapColumnToEntryL() - unknown %d",
aColumnIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read TSettingIds structs from given descriptor to array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::GetProfileIdsFromDescriptorL(
const TDesC& aNumbers,
RArray<TSettingIds>& aArray )
TLex lex( aNumbers );
TSettingIds value;
// Reset original array
while( !lex.Eos() )
lex.Val( value.iProfileType );
// Skip characters to space char.
lex.Inc( 1 );
lex.Val( value.iProfileId );
lex.Inc( 1 );
lex.Val( value.iProfileSpecificSettingId );
aArray.AppendL( value );
if ( !lex.Eos() ) // Check that End of string is not next char.
// Go over the space character.
lex.Inc( 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read IDs from given descriptor to array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class T>
void CRCSEDbImporter::GetNumbersFromDescriptorL(
const TDesC& aNumbers,
RArray<T>& aArray )
TLex lex( aNumbers );
// Reset original array
while( !lex.Eos() )
// Extract the number as unsigned int 32, which can be
// converted to value wanted (template)
TUint32 value;
lex.Val( value, EDecimal );
aArray.AppendL( static_cast<T>( value ) );
// Skip characters to space char.
if ( !lex.Eos() ) // Check that End of string is not next char.
// Go over the space character.
lex.Inc( 1 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Update new preferred audio codec IDs to imported VoIP profiles.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::UpdatePreferredCodecs()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::UpdatePreferredCodecs() - IN" );
// Update preferred codec IDs for each profile
const TInt count( iProfiles.Count() );
for( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
// Browse preferred codecs array
const TInt codecCount( iProfiles[i]->iPreferredCodecs.Count() );
for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < codecCount; ++j )
// Search new codec ID from array
TUint32 oldId = iProfiles[i]->iPreferredCodecs[j];
TBool found( EFalse );
const TInt idCount( iCodecIds.Count() );
for ( TInt k( 0 ); k < idCount && !found; ++k )
found = ( oldId == iCodecIds[k].iOldId );
// Set new ID if it was found
if ( found )
iProfiles[i]->iPreferredCodecs[j] = iCodecIds[k].iNewId;
"Match %d. Codec index %d updated for %d. profile",
k, j, i + 1 );
RCSELOGSTRING2( "Skip %d", k );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::UpdatePreferredCodecs() - OUT" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store imported voip profiles.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::StoreVoIPProfilesL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::StoreVoIPProfilesL() - IN" );
CRCSEProfileRegistry* reg = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC();
reg->AddL( iProfiles );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( reg );
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::StoreVoIPProfilesL() - OUT" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Store imported audio codecs.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRCSEDbImporter::StoreAudioCodecsL()
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::StoreAudioCodecsL() - IN" );
CRCSEAudioCodecRegistry* reg = CRCSEAudioCodecRegistry::NewLC();
reg->AddL( iCodecs );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( reg );
// Update codec ID pairs
const TInt codecCount( iCodecs.Count() );
const TInt codecIdCount( iCodecIds.Count() );
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( codecCount == codecIdCount, User::Leave( KErrCorrupt ) );
for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < codecCount; ++i )
iCodecIds[ i ].iNewId = iCodecs[i]->iCodecId;
RCSELOGSTRING( "CRCSEDbImporter::StoreAudioCodecsL() - OUT" );