* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Static utility functions for SVP.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <mceaudiostream.h>
#include <mcedtmfobserver.h> // dtmf
#include <mccpcallobserver.h>
#include <mceinsession.h>
#include <ccpdefs.h> // error definitions
#include <mccpdtmfobserver.h> // dtmf
#include "cipappphoneutils.h" // CIpAppPhoneUtils, KSVPMaxTerminalTypeLength
#include "svpconsts.h"
#include "svputdefs.h"
class CRCSEProfileEntry;
class CRCSEAudioCodecEntry;
class CMceRtpSource;
class CSIPProfile;
class CVoipEventLog;
class CVoipErrorEntry;
* Static utility function for SVP usage.
* @lib
* @since S60 3.2
class CSVPUtility : public CBase
* Two-phased constructor.
static CSVPUtility* NewL();
* Destructor.
virtual ~CSVPUtility();
public: // new methods
* Sets keep alive payload and timer when CN is provisioned
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive timer value
* @return None
void SetCNKeepAliveL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream,
TInt aKeepAliveValue );
* Sets keep alive payload and timer when CN is not provisioned
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive timer value
* @return None
void SetKeepAliveL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream,
TInt aKeepAliveValue );
* Sets keep alive payload and timer when CN is not provisioned
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aStream Checks if CN codec is present in stream
* @return None
TBool IsComfortNoise( CMceAudioStream& aStream );
* Set codecs for given stream in Mo call case
* Set codecs settings from database
* Compares database codecs to those supported by Mce
* Leave with value KErrNotFound if codecs not found.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aVoIPProfileId VoIP profile ID number
* @param audioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive timer value
* @return None
void SetAudioCodecsMOL( TUint32 aVoIPProfileId,
CMceAudioStream& audioInStream,
TInt aKeepAliveValue );
* Set codecs for given stream in Mt call case
* Compares database codecs to those supported by Mce.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aVoIPProfile VoIP profile entry
* @param audioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keepalive timer value
* @return None
void SetAudioCodecsMTL( CRCSEProfileEntry& aVoIPProfile,
CMceMediaStream& aAudioStream,
TInt aKeepAliveValue,
TBool aSessionUpdateOngoing = EFalse );
* Sets G711 codecs (PCMA & PCMU) for emergency call when there is no VoIP
* profile, i.e. calling emergency by IAP ID only. RCSE default profile
* values are used when needed.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param audioInStream Audio stream
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive value
* @param aVoipProfileId VoIP profile ID, KErrNotFound, if no VoIP profile
void SetAudioCodecsForEmergencyL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream,
TInt aKeepAliveValue,
TInt32 aVoipProfileId = KErrNotFound );
* Matches Mce and Ccp errors
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aErrorCode Error code - may be modified
* @param aTone Contains tone associated to possible error condition.
* @return TCCPError CCP error
TCCPError GetCCPError( TInt& aErrorCode, TCCPTone& aTone ) const;
* Write mce/sip errors to the voip event logger
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aErrorCode Error code
* @param aSipProfileId Id of the SIP profile
* @param aRemoteURI Address of the remote party
* @param aMethod Failed method e.g. INVITE
void LogVoipEventL( TInt aErrorCode,
TUint32 aSipProfileId,
const TDesC& aRemoteURI,
const TDesC& aMethod ) const;
* Matches Mce and CCP DTMF events
* @since S60 3.2
* @param aEvent Event received from Mce DTMF observer
* @param aDtmfStringSengin Flag needed to determine which events are
* sent to client application
* @return TCCPDtmfEvent Matched CCP DTMF event
MCCPDTMFObserver::TCCPDtmfEvent GetDtmfEvent( MMceDtmfObserver::TMceDtmfEvent aEvent,
TBool aDtmfStringSending );
* Set provisioning data for VoIP profile.
* @param aVoIPProfile VoIP profile entry.
* @param aUserAgentHeaders On completion, contains collected user-agent header.
void SetProvisioningDataL( CRCSEProfileEntry& aVoipProfile,
CDesC8Array& aUserAgentHeaders,
TUint32& aSecurityStatus,
TBuf<KSVPMaxTerminalTypeLength>& aTerminalType,
TBuf<KSVPWlanMacAddressLength>& aWlanMACAddress ) const;
* Get the terminal type at startup.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aTerminalType
void GetTerminalTypeL( TBuf< KSVPMaxTerminalTypeLength >& aTerminalType );
* Get the Wlan MAC address at startup.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aWlanMACAddress.
static void GetWlanMACAddressL( TBuf< KSVPWlanMacAddressLength >& aWlanMACAddress );
* Resolves the security mechanism, checks if TLS or SIPS is used in profile
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aProfile SIP profile which is used to call
* @param aSecureCallPreference Secure call preference of the call ( 0, 1 or 2 )
void ResolveSecurityMechanismL( const CSIPProfile& aProfile,
TUint32& aSecureCallPreference );
* Check Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) value.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return ETRue if CLIR is ON, otherwise EFalse.
TBool IsCLIROnL() const;
* Set fromheader.
* If CLIR is on add anonymous info according sec status, otherwise nothing
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return HBufC8* constructed fromheader.
HBufC8* SetMoFromHeaderLC( TUint aSecurityStatus );
* Updates the jitterbuffer size to given RTP source. Function resets
* the iJitterBufferSize member, which is got when finding MO/MT codecs
* in AppendCapabilitiesDataL. If iJitterBufferSize = 0, then default
* 10 frame jitterbuffer is used.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aRtpSource RTP source which to update.
* @return void
void UpdateJitterBufferSizeL( CMceRtpSource& aRtpSource );
* Gets DTMF mode, Inband mode returns EFalse and Outband mode ETrue
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool EFalse for Inband, ETrue for Outband
TBool GetDTMFMode();
* Sets DTMF mode. This function is used when audiostreams have been
* studied about the inband/outband DTMF status.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aOutbandEnabled. ETrue if outband DTMF is enabled.
* @return void
void SetDtmfMode( TBool aOutbandEnabled );
* Gets keep-alive timer value by IAP id
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aIapId IAP id
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive timer value
* @return ETrue if value found, else EFalse
TBool GetKeepAliveByIapIdL( TUint32 aIapId, TInt& aKeepAliveValue ) const;
* Gets keep-alive timer value by AOR
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aAor AOR
* @param aKeepAliveValue Keep-alive timer value
* @return ETrue if value found, else EFalse
TBool GetKeepAliveByAORL( const TDesC8& aAor,
TInt& aKeepAliveValue ) const;
private: // new methods
* Checks if outband DMTF is offerd
* @Since S60 3.2
* @param aAudioStream Mce audiostream
* @return TBool, ETrue -> OB offered
TBool DtmfOBInOffer( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream );
* Sets DTMF specific settings for audiostream
* @Since S60 v3.2
* @param aVoIPProfile Used VoIP profile
* @param aAudioStream Audiostream, used here to set codec order num to tel-ev.
* @return void
* @leave system error if setting fails
void SetDtmfL( const CRCSEProfileEntry& aVoIPProfile,
CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream);
* Method for matching ISO-639-1 language tags to Symbian language codes
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aLanguageCode Symbian language code
* @param aLangMatch Language tag corresponding given Symbian language code
static void MatchLanguageTags( TInt aLanguageCode,
TDes& aLangMatch );
* Get audio codecs from database for certain VoIP profile.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aProfile RCSE profile where to search the codecs ID's.
* @param aCodecIds
void GetCodecIdsByVoIPProfileIdL(
const CRCSEProfileEntry& aProfile,
RArray< TUint32 >& aCodecIds ) const;
* Set audio codec values and append new codec in array.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aAudioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aVoIPProfile VoIP profile entry
* @param aCodecProfile Audio codec entry
* @return void
void MoCallCapabilitiesL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream,
const CRCSEProfileEntry& aVoIPProfile,
const CRCSEAudioCodecEntry& aCodecProfile );
* Set AMR related provisioned parameters.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aAudioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aCodecProfile Audio codec entry
* @param aCodecNumber AMR codec number in codec array
* @return void
void SetAMRParameters( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream,
const CRCSEAudioCodecEntry& aCodecProfile,
TInt aCodecNumber );
* Set audio codec values and append new codec in array.
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aAudioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aVoIPProfile VoIP profile entry
* @param aCodecProfile Audio codec entry
* @return void
void MtCallCapabilitiesL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream,
const CRCSEProfileEntry& aVoIPProfile,
const CRCSEAudioCodecEntry& aCodecProfile );
* Removes unnecessary codecs from Mce
* Codecs that are supported by Mce, but are found from database
* @since Series60 3.2
* @param aAudioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @return None
void RemoveUnnecessaryCodecsL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream );
* Method for setting codec order priority in offer.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream.
* @return void
void SetDtmfCodecOrderL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream ) const;
* Method for setting CN on for PCMA, PCMU and ILBC if
* codecs provisioned and offered in incoming call
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream.
* @return void
void SetComfortNoiseL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream );
* Method for checking and setting red media attribute
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream.
* @return void
void SetRedundancyL( CMceAudioStream& aAudioStream );
* Sets Media level Quality Of Service. This is IP level type of service or
* DSCP value.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aQosValue Media QoS value in settings.
* @param aSession MCE session into which set the media QoS.
* @return void
void SetMediaQoSL( TUint32 aQosValue, CMceSession* aSession ) const;
* Enables or disables RTCP sending from RTP sinks in given media stream.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aRtcp RTCP setting value read from RCSE
* @param aStream Stream whose RTP sinks to update
* @return void
void CheckRtcpSettingL( TUint32 aRtcp, CMceMediaStream& aStream,
TBool aSessionUpdateOngoing = EFalse ) const;
* Method for setting VAD (Voice Activity Detection) for provisioned and
* bound codecs.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aInAudioStream Representation of Mce audio stream
* @param aVADSetting value of VAD setting
* @param aCodecName codec name
void SetVADL( CMceAudioStream& aInAudioStream,
TBool aVADSetting,
const TDesC8& aCodecName );
* Set AMR-WB (Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband) related provisioned parameters.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aAudioInStream Representation of Mce audio stream.
* @param aCodecProfile Stored audio codec entry in RCSE.
* @param aCodecNumber Codec number in codec array.
void SetAmrWbParameters( CMceAudioStream& aAudioInStream,
const CRCSEAudioCodecEntry& aCodecProfile,
TInt aCodecNumber );
private: // data
* second-phase constructor
void ConstructL();
* C++ default constructor.
* Flags to determine which codecs are matched
TBool iAMR;
TBool iILBC;
TBool iPCMU;
TBool iPCMA;
TBool iG729;
TBool iCN;
TBool iRed;
* Flag which determines which DMTF mode is used
* ETrue => Outbound, EFalse => Inbound
TBool iTelEv;
* codec preference order
TInt iPreferredCodec;
* Codec match flag, determines if codec matched in Mt call case
TBool iCodecMatched;
* Flag to determine whether DTMF settin is read already
TBool iDTMFChecked;
* Jitterbuffer length found from codec settings.
TInt32 iJitterBufferSize;
* Keeps track in Mt call case when matching codecs
TInt iRoundIndex;
* instance of the VoIP event logger class.
* own.
CVoipEventLog* iVoipEventLogger;
// For testing
#endif // SVPUTILITY_H