* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Handles Vcc settings in provisioning.
#include <e32base.h>
#include <commdb.h>
#include <CWPAdapter.h>
#include <CWPCharacteristic.h>
#include <CWPParameter.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include <wpvccadapterrsc.rsg>
#include <crcseprofileentry.h>
#include <crcseprofileregistry.h>
#include <WPAdapterUtil.h>
#include "wpvccadapter.h"
#include "rubydebug.h"
#include "vccspsettings.h"
#include "wpvccadapteruids.h"
#include <cch.h>
#include "vccsettingsreader.h"
#include <sipmanagedprofileregistry.h>
#include <sipprofile.h>
#include <spsettings.h>
#include <spproperty.h>
#include <cmmanagerext.h>
#include <cmdestinationext.h>
/** Name of *this adapter */
_LIT( KVccResourceFileNameWithoutSuffix, "wpvccadapterrsc" );
/** Provisioning file format specific settings */
// OMA Experimental values, registered by OMNA only for advisory purposes
// range 0x4000 to 0x1FFFFF
_LIT( KVccAppID, "w9054" );
_LIT8( KVoIPAppID8, "w9013" ); // OMA CP registration document for VoIP
_LIT( KVdi, "VDI" ); //
_LIT( KVdn, "VDN" ); //
_LIT( KPreferredDomain, "PREF-DOMAIN" ); //
_LIT( KDtCsToPsAllowed, "DT-CS-TO-PS-ALLOWED" ); //
_LIT( KDtPsToCsAllowed, "DT-PS-TO-CS-ALLOWED" ); //
_LIT( KDtHeldwaitingCallsAllowed, "DT-HELD-WAITING-CALLS-ALLOWED" ); //
_LIT( KWlanHysteresisTimerLow, "WLAN-HYSTERESIS-TIMER-LOW" );
_LIT( KWlanHysteresisTimerHigh, "WLAN-HYSTERESIS-TIMER-HIGH" );
_LIT( KDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated, "DT-ALLOWED-WHEN-CS-ORIGINATED" );
_LIT16( KDefaultName, "VCC application settings" );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResetAndDestroyEntries
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ResetAndDestroyProfileEntries( TAny* anArray )
RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry>* array =
reinterpret_cast<RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry>*>( anArray );
if (array)
// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C++ constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWPVccAdapter::CWPVccAdapter() : CWPAdapter()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::ConstructL()
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCKL( "CWPVccAdapter::ConstructL" );
TFileName fileName;
// ReadHBufCL needs the path where the resource file is.
// Actually, the WPAdapterUtil only uses the drive part of the string
// (which is normally "z:")
// The resource file name must not contain the suffix since it is
// added.
Dll::FileName( fileName );
iTitle = WPAdapterUtil::ReadHBufCL(
fileName, KVccResourceFileNameWithoutSuffix, R_QTN_SM_HEAD_VCC );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CWPVccAdapter* CWPVccAdapter::NewL()
CWPVccAdapter* self = new( ELeave ) CWPVccAdapter;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CWPVccAdapter::~CWPVccAdapter() - ENTER" );
delete iTitle;
delete iAppID;
delete iVccItem;
delete iNewVccItem;
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CWPVccAdapter::~CWPVccAdapter() - EXIT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not currently supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWPVccAdapter::ContextExtension( MWPContextExtension*& /*aExtension*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::ContextExtension" );
return KErrNotSupported;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not currently supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC8& CWPVccAdapter::SaveDataL( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SaveDataL" );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// Nothing returned cause we leave.
return KNullDesC8;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not currently supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::DeleteL( const TDesC8& /*aSaveData*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::DeleteL" );
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns UID of the adapter (*this).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CWPVccAdapter::Uid() const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::Uid" );
return KProvisioningVccAdapterImplementationUid; //iDtor_ID_Key.iUid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Used to query for the detail information about the Vcc profile.
// Not currently supported.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWPVccAdapter::DetailsL( TInt, MWPPairVisitor& )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::DetailsL" );
return KErrNotSupported;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the amount of Vcc data items (always 1 if data got, otherwise 0).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWPVccAdapter::ItemCount() const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::ItemCount" );
return iVccItem ? 1 : 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns summary title of the Vcc profile received in configuration
// message.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC16& CWPVccAdapter::SummaryTitle( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SummaryTitle" );
return *iTitle;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns summary text of the Vcc profile received in configuration
// message. Returns NULL descriptor if no settings received.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC16& CWPVccAdapter::SummaryText( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SummaryText" );
if ( iVccItem )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "-vccitem Name" );
return iVccItem->ServiceName();
RUBY_DEBUG0( " - default text NO ITEM!" );
return KDefaultName;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves Vcc item (whole profile). If no settings are received, leaves with
// errorcode KErrGeneral.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::SaveL( TInt /*aIndex*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SaveL" );
TRAP_IGNORE( RemoveVCCSettingsL() );
// Lets do the saving when framework calls savingFinalisedL method
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tells if current profile can be set as a default profile. Since Vcc
// currently supports only single profile, return value is always false.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWPVccAdapter::CanSetAsDefault( TInt /*aIndex*/ ) const
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::CanSetAsDefault" );
return EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets the Vcc item on place pointed by index given in parameter as default.
// Since Vcc currently supports only single profile and CanSetAsDefault method
// always returns false, this method should never be called. It is unsupported
// and does nothing. Derivation of this method is done only to fulfill the
// demands of s60 Coding conventions, Symbian OS, C++ and other entities
// setting boundaries for specific software as *this.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::SetAsDefaultL( TInt /*aIndex*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SetAsDefaultL" );
// This shouldn't be called because CanSetAsDefault
// always returns EFalse
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is called by the provisioning framework to "visit" an adapter
// plugin (*this). Plugin then checks if the visiting aCharacteristic are
// of the particular type that this plugin wants to handle, and if so, it
// invites the visitor deeper in to more intimate series of visits through
// overloaded VisitL method with CWPParameter& visitor aboard.
// Generally this plugin is interested in two type of visitors, one called
// KWPApplication (carrying application level data), and other called
// KWPNapDef (carrying data needed to establish new IAPs).
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::VisitL( CWPCharacteristic& aCharacteristic )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::VisitL char" );
switch ( aCharacteristic.Type() )
case KWPApplication:
RUBY_DEBUG0( " - KWPApplication create new item" );
iNewVccItem = CVccSPSettings::NewL();
iCurrentCharacteristicType = aCharacteristic.Type() ;
aCharacteristic.AcceptL( *this );
if( iAppID && *iAppID == KVccAppID )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- VCC AppId used" );
delete iVccItem;
iVccItem = iNewVccItem;
delete iNewVccItem;
iNewVccItem = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This "visit" method should be called by all params in CWPCharacteristic&
// visitors invited welcome in VisitL( CWPCharacteristic& ) overload. The
// information in visiting params are then stored to VccItem datastructure for
// future use.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::VisitL( CWPParameter& aParameter )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "VisitL param" );
switch( aParameter.ID() )
case EWPParameterAppID:
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- got EWPParameterAppID");
delete iAppID;
iAppID = NULL;
iAppID = aParameter.Value().AllocL();
case EWPNamedParameter:
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- got EWPNamedParameter populate VCC item" );
if( !iNewVccItem )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- NO VCC item " );
TPtrC value( aParameter.Value() );
if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KVdi ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got VDI:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetVdiL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KVdn ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got VDN:%S" ,
&value );
#if defined( _DEBUG )
TInt val = aParameter.Name().Compare( KVdn );
TBool valb (!val);
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got val:%d", val );
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got valb:%d", valb );
iNewVccItem->SetVdnL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KPreferredDomain ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got Preferred Domain:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetPreferredDomainL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KImmediateDT ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got Immediate DT:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetImmediateDtL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KDtCsToPsAllowed ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS to PS allowed:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtCsToPsAllowedL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare( KDtPsToCsAllowed ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS to PS allowed:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtPsToCsAllowedL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KDtHeldwaitingCallsAllowed ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS to PS allowed:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtHeldWaitingCallsAllowedL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KWlanHOTreshold ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from WLAN HO Treshold value:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtWlanHoTresholdL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KWlanHOHysteresis ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from WLAN HO hysteresis value:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KWlanHysteresisTimerLow ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from WLAN Hysteresis timer low:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerLowL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KWlanHysteresisTimerHigh ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from WLAN Hysteresis timer high:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtWlanHoHysteresisTimerHighL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KCSHOTreshold ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS HO Treshold value:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtCsHoTresholdL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KCSHOHysteresis ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS HO hysteresis value:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtCsHoHysteresisL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KCSHysteresisTimerLow ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS Hysteresis timer low:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerLowL( value );
else if ( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KCSHysteresisTimerHigh ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT from CS Hysteresis timer high:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtCsHoHysteresisTimerHighL( value );
else if( aParameter.Name().Compare(
KDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated ) == KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG1( "- got DT allowed when CS originated:%S" ,
&value );
iNewVccItem->SetDtAllowedWhenCsOriginated( value );
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- no such VCC param" );
if( iNewVccItem != NULL )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- got EWPParameterProviderID" );
iNewVccItem->SetProviderIdL( aParameter.Value() );
} break;
case EWPParameterName: // APPLICATION/NAME
if( iNewVccItem != NULL )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- got EWPParameterName" );
iNewVccItem->SetServiceNameL( aParameter.Value() );
} break;
case EWPParameterToAppRef:
RUBY_DEBUG1("-got EWPParameterToAppRef: %S", &aParameter.Value());
RUBY_DEBUG0( "- got unknown" );
} break;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This method is called when the provisioning framework finds a link to
// special characteristic belonging to characteristics accepted by *this
// plugin. The linked characteristics are stored to VccItem data structure
// for future use in a need-to-store basis.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::VisitLinkL( CWPCharacteristic& /*aLink*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::VisitLinkL" );
RUBY_DEBUG0("Do nothing");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWPVccAdapter::::SettingsSavedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::SettingsSavedL(const TDesC8& aAppIdOfSavingItem,
const TDesC8& aAppRef,
const TDesC8& aStorageIdValue)
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::SettingsSavedL" );
#ifdef _DEBUG
HBufC* tmp = HBufC::NewLC( aAppIdOfSavingItem.Length() );
tmp->Des().Copy( aAppIdOfSavingItem );
RUBY_DEBUG1( "aAppIdOfSavingItem = %S", &(*tmp) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmp );
tmp = HBufC::NewLC( aAppRef.Length() );
tmp->Des().Copy( aAppRef );
RUBY_DEBUG1( "aAppRef = %S", &(*tmp) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmp );
tmp = HBufC::NewLC( aStorageIdValue.Length() );
tmp->Des().Copy( aStorageIdValue );
RUBY_DEBUG1( "aStorageIdValue = %S", &(*tmp) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmp );
// Check which application reference is being offered
for(TInt j=0; j<iToAppReferences.Count(); j++)
const TDesC& toAppRef = iToAppReferences[j];
HBufC* appRef16 = HBufC::NewLC(aAppRef.Length());
RUBY_DEBUG1( "Checking toAppRef: %S", &toAppRef );
if( toAppRef.Compare(*appRef16) == 0 )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "APPREF matched with TO-APPREF" );
if( (aAppIdOfSavingItem.Compare( KVoIPAppID8 ) == 0) && iVccItem != NULL )
TLex8 temp( aStorageIdValue );
User::LeaveIfError( temp.Val( iVoipProfileId ) );
RUBY_DEBUG0( "APPREF did not match with TO-APPREF" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWPVoIPAdapter::SavingFinalizedL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::SavingFinalizedL()
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CWPVccAdapter::SavingFinalizedL IN" );
if ( iVccItem )
CRCSEProfileRegistry* cRCSEProfileRegistry = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC(); // CS:1
CRCSEProfileEntry* foundEntry = CRCSEProfileEntry::NewLC(); // CS:2
cRCSEProfileRegistry->FindL( iVoipProfileId, *foundEntry );
RUBY_DEBUG1( "SavingFinalizedL::ServiceId=%d", foundEntry->iServiceProviderId );
iVccItem->SetVoipServiceIdL( foundEntry->iServiceProviderId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( foundEntry ); // CS:1
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cRCSEProfileRegistry ); // CS:0
//Remove SNAP
TRAP_IGNORE(RemoveNetworkDestinationL() );
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CWPVccAdapter::SavingFinalizedL OUT" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWPVccAdapter::RemoveVCCSettingsL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::RemoveVCCSettingsL()
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::RemoveVCCSettingsL" );
// Get the Voip service id. Get it always to if the SP
// settings are changed, we get updated values.
TInt VoIPServiceId(KErrNotFound);
TRAPD(error, VoIPServiceId = VccSettingsReader::VoIPServiceIdL() );
RUBY_DEBUG1( " -VoIP service id: %d", VoIPServiceId );
if ( error != KErrNone )
RUBY_DEBUG0( " -VoIP service not found - LEAVE" );
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
//Get current VCC enabled VoIP service name before saving new one
//it will be used to delete the network destination
CSPSettings* settings = CSPSettings::NewLC();
CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC();
//Get VoIP service name store it
error = settings->FindPropertyL( VoIPServiceId, EServiceName, *property );
error = property->GetValue( iOldVoipServiceName );
User::LeaveIfError( error );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( property );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );
CCchService* cchService;
// Get the service
CCch* cch = CCch::NewL();
//ownership not transfered so no need to delete
cchService = cch->GetService( VoIPServiceId );
if( cchService )
RUBY_DEBUG0( " -Disable service" );
(void) cchService->Disable( ECCHVoIPSub );
delete cch;
// Get VoIP profile ID from VCC settings (use Service ID)
// Convert Service Id to VoipProfileID
CRCSEProfileRegistry* cRCSEProfileRegistry = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewLC();
RPointerArray<CRCSEProfileEntry> foundEntries;
CleanupStack::PushL( TCleanupItem( ResetAndDestroyProfileEntries, &foundEntries ) );
cRCSEProfileRegistry->FindByServiceIdL( VoIPServiceId, foundEntries );
const TInt count( foundEntries.Count() );
TSettingIds value;
CSIPManagedProfileRegistry* SIPRegistry;
SIPRegistry = CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewLC(*this);
TInt err(0);
//remove SIP settings
if ( count > 0 )
// Check the existence of linked SIP profiles
for ( TInt i( count-1 ); 0 <= i ; i-- )
value = foundEntries[0]->iIds[i];
if ( CRCSEProfileEntry::EProtocolSIP == value.iProfileType )
CSIPProfile* profile = NULL;
TRAP( err, profile = SIPRegistry->ProfileL( value.iProfileId ) );
if ( KErrNotFound == err )
delete profile;
profile = NULL;
RUBY_DEBUG0 ("SIP profile not found");
RUBY_DEBUG0 ("Sip profile destroyed");
delete profile;
profile = NULL;
TInt voipId = foundEntries[0]->iId;
// Remove VoIP settings
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( SIPRegistry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // foundEntries
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cRCSEProfileRegistry );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
// CWPVccAdapter::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred
// SIP profile event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred(
TUint32 /*aSIPProfileId*/,
TEvent /*aEvent*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CWPVccAdapter::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred" );
// Have to be implemented because MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
// is passed to CSIPManagedProfileRegistry.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
// CWPVccAdapter::ProfileRegistryErrorOccured
// An asynchronous error has occurred related to SIP profile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred(
TUint32 /*aProfileId*/,
TInt /*aError*/ )
RUBY_DEBUG0( "CRCSEProfileRegistry::ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred" );
// Have to be implemented because MSIPProfileRegistryObserver
// is passed to CSIPManagedProfileRegistry.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CWPVccAdapter::RemoveNetworkDestinationL()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CWPVccAdapter::RemoveNetworkDestinationL()
RUBY_DEBUG_BLOCK( "CWPVccAdapter::RemoveNetworkDestination" );
//remove destination
RCmManagerExt cmManager;
RArray<TUint32> destinations;
RCmDestinationExt destination;
HBufC *destinationName;
for( TInt i = 0; i < destinations.Count(); i++)
destination = cmManager.DestinationL(destinations[i]);
destinationName = destination.NameLC();
if (destinationName->Compare( iOldVoipServiceName ) == 0 )
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( destinationName ); // Ownership is transferred to item
destinationName = NULL;
CleanupStack::Pop(); // destination
RUBY_DEBUG0( "deleted network destination");
RUBY_DEBUG0("destination NOT found");
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( destinationName ); // Ownership is transferred to item
destinationName = NULL;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // destination
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // destinations
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //cmManager