* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: SIP handler for VoIP XML processor
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <coecntrl.h>
#include <sipmanagedprofile.h>
#include <sipmanagedprofileregistry.h>
#include <sysutil.h>
#include <wlaninternalpskeys.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <Authority16.h>
#include <stringloader.h>
#include <escapeutils.h>
#include "voipxmlutils.h"
#include "voipxmlsiphandler.h"
#include "voipxmlprocessorlogger.h"
#include "voipxmlprocessordefaults.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlSipHandler::CVoipXmlSipHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlSipHandler::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVoipXmlSipHandler* CVoipXmlSipHandler::NewL()
CVoipXmlSipHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CVoipXmlSipHandler;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlSipHandler::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::ConstructL()
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlSipHandler::ConstructL begin" );
// SIP Managed Profile Registry.
iRegistry = CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewL( *this );
// Create an empty SIP profile in which all settings will be set.
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass = TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EInternet;
iProfileType.iSIPProfileName.Copy( KIetf() );
iProfile = iRegistry->CreateL( iProfileType );
iProxyUri = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxNodeValueLength );
iProxyTransport = EAutomatic;
iProxyPort = KErrNotFound;
iLr = EFalse;
iRegistrarUri = HBufC8::NewL( KMaxNodeValueLength );
iRegistrarTransport = EAutomatic;
iRegistrarPort = KErrNotFound;
const TInt ipTosShift( 2 );
const TUint32 tosBits( KDefaultSigQos << ipTosShift );
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSoIpTOS, tosBits );
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlSipHandler::ConstructL end" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlSipHandler::~CVoipXmlSipHandler
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iProfile;
delete iRegistry;
delete iProxyUri;
delete iRegistrarUri;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets SIP setting.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::SetSetting( TInt aType, TInt aParam,
const TDesC8& aValue )
// Ignore too long descriptors.
if ( KMaxNodeValueLength < aValue.Length() )
switch ( aParam )
case EName:
TRAPD( err, CreateProviderNameL( aValue ) );
if ( KErrNone == err )
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ESignalingQos:
// We need to do bitshifting on the IP TOS, because it's the
// upper 6 bits that are set and settings provide us the IP TOS
// as the lower 6 bits.
// The lower 2 bits are reserver for explicit congestion
// notification.
// See also more from:
// Symbian Developer Library
// => in_sock.h Global variables
// => KSoIpTOS
const TInt ipTosShift( 2 );
TInt value( KErrNotFound );
VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value );
if ( 0 <= value )
const TUint32 tosBits( value << ipTosShift );
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSoIpTOS, tosBits );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EType:
TBuf8<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
value.Copy( aValue );
if ( 0 == value.Compare( KIms() ) )
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass = TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EIms;
iProfileType.iSIPProfileName.Copy( value );
iProfile->SetType( iProfileType );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KIetf() ) )
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass =
iProfileType.iSIPProfileName.Copy( value );
iProfile->SetType( iProfileType );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass = TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EOther;
iProfileType.iSIPProfileName.Copy( aValue );
iProfile->SetType( iProfileType );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EPublicUserId:
TBuf8<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
value.Copy( aValue );
TRAPD( err, ModifyPuidL( value ) );
if ( KErrNone == err )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPUserAor, value );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ESignalCompression:
TInt value;
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value ) )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSigComp, (TBool)value );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ESecurityNegotiation:
TInt value;
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value ) )
KSIPSecurityNegotiation, (TBool)value );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EProfileLock:
TInt value;
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value ) )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPProfileLocked, (TBool)value );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EAutoRegistration:
TInt value;
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value ) )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPAutoRegistration, (TBool)value );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EUri:
TBuf8<KMaxNodeValueLength> tempBuf( KNullDesC8 );
if ( 0 != aValue.Find( KSip() ) &&
0 != aValue.Find( KSips() ) )
tempBuf.Copy( KSip() );
tempBuf.Append( aValue );
if ( EProxy == aType )
iProxyUri->Des().Copy( tempBuf );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( ERegistrar == aType )
iRegistrarUri->Des().Copy( tempBuf );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ETransport:
if ( EProxy == aType )
iProxyTransport = ValidateTransport( aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( ERegistrar == aType )
iRegistrarTransport = ValidateTransport( aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EPort:
TInt value;
TInt err = VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value );
if ( EProxy == aType && KErrNone == err )
iProxyPort = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( ERegistrar == aType && KErrNone == err )
iRegistrarPort = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ELooseRouting:
TInt value;
if ( EProxy == aType &&
KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::Des8ToInt( aValue, value ) )
iLr = (TBool)value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EUsername:
if ( EProxy == aType )
if ( TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EInternet ==
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy,
KSIPDigestUserName, aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPPrivateIdentity, aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( ERegistrar == aType )
if ( TSIPProfileTypeInfo::EInternet ==
iProfileType.iSIPProfileClass )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestUserName,
aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPPrivateIdentity, aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EPassword:
if ( EProxy == aType )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPDigestPassword,
aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
else if ( ERegistrar == aType )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPDigestPassword,
aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores settings to SIP managed profile registry.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVoipXmlSipHandler::StoreSettings()
if ( !iSettingsSet )
// No settings to be stored => method not supported.
return KErrNotSupported;
TBuf8<KMaxNodeValueLength> tempBuf( KNullDesC8 );
// ==============================
// Set components to proxy URI.
// ==============================
if ( KErrNotFound != iProxyPort )
tempBuf.Copy( KColon() );
tempBuf.AppendNum( iProxyPort );
if ( EUdp == iProxyTransport )
tempBuf.Append( KTransport() );
tempBuf.Append( KUdp() );
else if ( ETcp == iProxyTransport )
tempBuf.Append( KTransport() );
tempBuf.Append( KTcp() );
if ( iLr )
tempBuf.Append( KLr() );
if ( iProxyUri->Des().MaxLength() >=
( iProxyUri->Des().Length() + tempBuf.Length() ) )
iProxyUri->Des().Append( tempBuf );
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPOutboundProxy, KSIPServerAddress,
iProxyUri->Des() );
// ==============================
// Set components to registrar URI.
// ==============================
if ( KErrNotFound != iRegistrarPort )
tempBuf.Copy( KColon() );
tempBuf.AppendNum( iRegistrarPort );
if ( EUdp == iRegistrarTransport )
tempBuf.Append( KTransport() );
tempBuf.Append( KUdp() );
else if ( ETcp == iRegistrarTransport )
tempBuf.Append( KTransport() );
tempBuf.Append( KTcp() );
if ( iRegistrarUri->Des().MaxLength() >=
( iRegistrarUri->Des().Length() + tempBuf.Length() ) )
iRegistrarUri->Des().Append( tempBuf );
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPRegistrar, KSIPServerAddress,
iRegistrarUri->Des() );
TRAPD( err, iRegistry->SaveL( *iProfile ) );
if ( KErrNone != err )
// No need for specifying what went wrong because paramhandler
// is only intrested in KErrNotSupported, KErrCompletion and KErrNone.
err = KErrCompletion;
// Store SIP settings ID for later use.
iProfile->GetParameter( KSIPProfileId, iProfileId );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the profile ID if the profile saved in StoreSettings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVoipXmlSipHandler::SettingsId()
return iProfileId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves linkage information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::LinkSettings( TInt aType, TUint32 aSettingsId )
if ( EDestination == aType && aSettingsId )
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPSnapId, aSettingsId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finalizes settings saving.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVoipXmlSipHandler::FinalizeSettings()
TRAPD( err, iRegistry->SaveL( *iProfile ) );
if ( KErrNone != err )
// ParamHandler is only intrested in KErrNone and KErrCompletion.
err = KErrCompletion;
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred(
TUint32 /*aSIPProfileId*/, TEvent /*aEvent*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred(
TUint32 /*aSIPProfileId*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CVoipXmlSipHandler::CreateProviderNameL
// Checks if duplicate named SIP profiles. Renames if same.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::CreateProviderNameL( const TDesC8& aName )
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlSipHandler::CreateProviderNameL begin" );
RPointerArray<CSIPProfile> profiles;
CleanupResetAndDestroyL( profiles ); // CS:1
// Get all profiles based on profile types.
iRegistry->ProfilesL( profiles );
const TInt profileCount = profiles.Count();
// Go through loaded profiles and check for name duplicates.
HBufC8* name = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxNodeNameLength ); // CS:2
name->Des().Copy( aName );
TUint i( 1 ); // Add number to the name if name already in use.
const TInt count( profiles.Count() );
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
CSIPManagedProfile* profile =
static_cast<CSIPManagedProfile*>( profiles[counter] );
const TDesC8* existingName;
profile->GetParameter( KSIPProviderName, existingName );
if ( 0 == existingName->Compare( *name ) )
name->Des().Copy( aName );
name->Des().Append( KOpenParenthesis8() );
name->Des().AppendNum( i );
name->Des().Append( KClosedParenthesis8() );
counter = 0;
if ( KMaxProfileNames < i )
User::Leave( KErrBadName );
iProfile->SetParameter( KSIPProviderName, name->Des() );
// name, &profiles
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &profiles ); // CS:0
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlSipHandler::CreateProviderNameL end" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Modifies public user ID, i.e. escapes and adds sip: prefix if necessary.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlSipHandler::ModifyPuidL( TDes8& aValue )
if ( KErrNotFound == aValue.Find( KEscaped() ) )
HBufC8* tempPuid = EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL( aValue,
EscapeUtils::EEscapeNormal );
aValue.Copy( tempPuid->Des() );
delete tempPuid;
tempPuid = NULL;
if ( 0 != aValue.Find( KSip() ) && 0 != aValue.Find( KSips() ) )
if ( aValue.MaxLength() >= ( aValue.Length() + KSip().Length() ) )
aValue.Insert( 0, KSip() );
User::Leave( KErrTooBig );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Validates transport type.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVoipXmlSipHandler::TTransportType CVoipXmlSipHandler::ValidateTransport(
const TDesC8& aValue )
TBuf8<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
value.Copy( aValue );
if ( 0 == value.Compare( KUdp() ) )
return EUdp;
else if ( 0 == value.Compare( KTcp() ) )
return ETcp;
return EAutomatic;
// End of file.