* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: VoIP settings handler
#include <crcseaudiocodecregistry.h>
#include <crcseprofileregistry.h>
#include <spsettings.h>
#include <spproperty.h>
#include <spdefinitions.h>
#include <sipmanagedprofile.h>
#include <sipmanagedprofileregistry.h>
#include <cipappphoneutils.h> // SIP User-Agent header info.
#include <cipapputilsaddressresolver.h> // SIP User-Agent header info.
#include <pathinfo.h> // For getting phone rom root path.
#include <cvimpstsettingsstore.h> // For IM tone path
#include "voipxmlvoiphandler.h"
#include "voipxmlprocessorlogger.h"
#include "voipxmlprocessordefaults.h"
#include "voipxmlutils.h"
const TInt32 KCCHPresenceSubServicePlugId = 0x1027545A;
// IM related constants.
const TUint32 KIMSubServicePluginId = 0x1027545A;
const TUint32 KIMLaunchUid = 0x200255D0;
const TInt KIMSettingsId = 1;
// Default IM message tone
_LIT( KDefaultTone, "Message 2.aac" );
// Brand related constants.
const TInt KBrandVersion = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default constructor.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ConstructL()
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ConstructL begin" );
iRegistry = CRCSEProfileRegistry::NewL();
iCodecRegistry = CRCSEAudioCodecRegistry::NewL();
iEntry = CRCSEProfileEntry::NewL();
iSettingsSet = EFalse;
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ConstructL end" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
CVoipXmlVoipHandler* CVoipXmlVoipHandler::NewL()
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::NewL begin" );
CVoipXmlVoipHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CVoipXmlVoipHandler;
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::NewL end" );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::~CVoipXmlVoipHandler begin" );
delete iRegistry;
delete iCodecRegistry;
delete iEntry;
ResetTempCodec( ETrue );
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::~CVoipXmlVoipHandler end" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets VoIP setting.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetSetting( TInt aType, TInt aParam,
const TDesC& aValue )
// Ignore too long descriptors.
if ( KMaxNodeValueLength < aValue.Length() )
switch ( aType )
case EVoip:
TRAP_IGNORE( SetCoreSettingL( aParam, aValue ) );
case ECodec:
TRAP_IGNORE( SetCodecSettingL( aParam, aValue ) );
case EVmbx:
TRAP_IGNORE( SetVmbxSettingL( aParam, aValue ) );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Stores settings to RCSE.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVoipXmlVoipHandler::StoreSettings()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TBool ok( ETrue );
if ( !iSettingsSet )
// No settings to be stored => method not supported.
err = KErrNotSupported;
ok = EFalse;
TUint32 profileId( KErrNone );
// Add default codec set if no codecs defined.
if ( 0 == iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.Count() )
TRAP_IGNORE( AddDefaultCodecsL() );
TRAP( err, profileId = iRegistry->AddL( *iEntry ) );
if ( KErrNone == err )
// Adding profile entry to registry OK. Let's load the profile
// from registry so that we'll get all the values registry has
// added to the entry (AddL takes entry as const reference).
TRAP_IGNORE( iRegistry->FindL( profileId, *iEntry ) );
err = KErrCompletion;
ok = EFalse;
if ( !ok )
const TInt count = iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.Count();
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
TRAP_IGNORE( iCodecRegistry->DeleteL(
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs[counter] ) );
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the service ID.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SettingsId()
return iServiceId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets a codec to RCSE and resets the temp codec.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SettingsEnd( TInt aType )
if ( ECodec == aType )
TRAP_IGNORE( SetCodecToRcseL() );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Saves linkage information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::LinkSettings( TInt aType, TUint32 aSettingsId )
switch ( aType )
case ESip:
TRAP_IGNORE( SetSipInfoL( aSettingsId ) );
case EPresence:
iPresenceId = aSettingsId;
case EDestination:
iDestinationId = aSettingsId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finalizes settings saving.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CVoipXmlVoipHandler::FinalizeSettings()
TInt err( KErrNone );
TRAP( err, SetSpSettingsL() );
if ( KErrNone != err )
// ParamHandler is only intrested in KErrNone and KErrCompletion.
err = KErrCompletion;
return err;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns the service tab ID of this VoIP service.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
TUint32 CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ServiceTabIdL()
DBG_PRINT( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ServiceTabIdL begin" );
TInt tabId( KErrNone );
CSPSettings* spSettings = CSPSettings::NewLC(); // CS:1
CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC(); // CS:2
TInt err = spSettings->FindPropertyL(
iServiceId, EPropertyContactViewId, *property );
User::LeaveIfError( property->GetValue( tabId ) );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, spSettings ); // CS:0
DBG_PRINT2( "CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ServiceTabIdL end (return %d)", tabId );
return (TUint32)tabId;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ProfileRegistryEventOccurred(
TUint32 /*aSIPProfileId*/, TEvent /*aEvent*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// From class MSIPProfileRegistryObserver.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ProfileRegistryErrorOccurred(
TUint32 /*aSIPProfileId*/, TInt /*aError*/ )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets VoIP core setting to temporary storage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetCoreSettingL( TInt aParam, const TDesC& aValue )
TInt intValue( KErrNotFound );
switch ( aParam )
case EName:
TBuf<KMaxSettingsNameLength> name( KNullDesC );
name.Copy( aValue );
TRAP_IGNORE( ValidateProfileNameL( name ) );
iEntry->iProviderName.Copy( name );
iEntry->iSettingsName.Copy( name );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EStartPort:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iStartMediaPort = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EEndPort:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iEndMediaPort = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EMediaQos:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iMediaQOS = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EDtmfInband:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
TEntryOnOff value;
if ( !intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOff;
else if ( KNotSet == intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOONotSet;
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOn;
iEntry->iInbandDTMF = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EDtmfOutband:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
TEntryOnOff value;
if ( !intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOONotSet;
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOn;
iEntry->iOutbandDTMF = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ESecureCallPreference:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iSecureCallPreference = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EAllowVoipOverWcdma:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
TEntryOnOff value;
if ( !intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOONotSet;
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOn;
iEntry->iAllowVoIPoverWCDMA = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ERtcp:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iRTCP = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EUserAgentHeaderTerminalType:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EUserAgentHeaderWlanMac:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EUserAgentHeaderFreeString:
if ( KMaxSettingsLength32 >= aValue.Length() )
iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderString.Copy( aValue );
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ECallerIdDigits:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iMeanCountOfVoIPDigits = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EIgnoreDomainPart:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iIgnoreAddrDomainPart = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EAutoAcceptBuddyRequests:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iSpSettings.iAutoAcceptBuddies = (TBool)intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EAddUserPhone:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
TEntryOnOff value;
if ( !intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOONotSet;
value = CRCSEProfileEntry::EOn;
iEntry->iUserPhoneUriParameter = value;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EProviderUrl:
if ( !iSpSettings.iProviderUrl )
iSpSettings.iProviderUrl = aValue.AllocL();
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EMinSessionInterval:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iSIPMinSE = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case ESessionInterval:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iEntry->iSIPSessionExpires = intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EBrandingUri:
if ( !iSpSettings.iBrandingUri )
iSpSettings.iBrandingUri = aValue.AllocL();
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EAutoEnable:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iSpSettings.iAutoEnable = (TBool)intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EEnableSipIm:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iSpSettings.iEnableSipIm = (TBool)intValue;
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
case EBrandId:
if ( !iSpSettings.iBrandId )
iSpSettings.iBrandId = aValue.AllocL();
iSettingsSet = ETrue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets codec setting to temporary storage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetCodecSettingL( TInt aParam, const TDesC& aValue )
TInt intValue;
switch ( aParam )
// Codec parameters
case EName:
if ( iCurrentCodec.iName )
TBuf<KMaxNodeValueLength> value;
value.Copy( aValue );
if ( 0 == value.Compare( KILbc ) )
value.Copy( KAudioCodeciLBC );
iCurrentCodec.iName = value.AllocL();
case EJitterBuffer:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iJitterBuffer = intValue;
case EOctetAlign:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
if ( !intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign =
iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOn;
case EPTime:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iPtime = intValue;
case EMaxPTime:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iMaxPtime = intValue;
case EModeSet:
TBuf<KMaxNodeNameLength> string;
string.Copy( aValue );
while ( string.Length() )
TInt offset = string.Locate( KComma );
TBuf<KMaxNodeNameLength> helpString( KNullDesC );
if ( KErrNotFound == offset )
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt(
string, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iModeSet.AppendL( intValue );
else if ( !offset )
string.Delete( 0, 1 );
helpString.Copy( string.Left( offset ) );
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( helpString,
intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iModeSet.AppendL( intValue );
string.Delete( 0, offset );
case EModeChangePeriod:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangePeriod = intValue;
case EModeChangeNeighbor:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
if ( !intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor =
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor =
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor =
case EMaxRed:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iCurrentCodec.iMaxRed = intValue;
case EVad:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
if ( !intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iVad = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iVad = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
iCurrentCodec.iVad = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOn;
case EAnnexb:
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
if ( !intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOff;
else if ( KErrNotFound == intValue )
iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOn;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets voice mailbox setting to temporary storage.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetVmbxSettingL( TInt aParam, const TDesC& aValue )
switch ( aParam )
case EMwiUri:
if ( !iSpSettings.iMwiUri )
iSpSettings.iMwiUri = aValue.AllocL();
case EListeningUri:
if ( !iSpSettings.iListeningUri )
iSpSettings.iListeningUri = aValue.AllocL();
case EReSubscribeInterval:
TInt intValue;
if ( KErrNone == VoipXmlUtils::DesToInt( aValue, intValue ) )
iSpSettings.iResubrcribe = intValue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Checks if name is unique and modifies if needed.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ValidateProfileNameL( TDes& aName )
const TInt maxModifyLength =
KMaxSettingsNameLength - KMaxProfileNameAppendLength;
RArray<TUint32> voipIds;
CleanupClosePushL( voipIds ); // CS:1
iRegistry->GetAllIdsL( voipIds );
const TInt count( voipIds.Count() );
HBufC* newName = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxSettingsNameLength ); // CS:2
newName->Des().Copy( aName.Left( maxModifyLength ) );
TUint i( 1 ); // Add number to the name if name already in use.
TBool changed( EFalse );
// Go through each profile and see if the name of the new profile
// matches one of the existing names. If it does change it and
// check the new name again.
for ( TInt index = 0; index < count; index++ )
CRCSEProfileEntry* profile = CRCSEProfileEntry::NewLC(); // CS:3
TBuf<KMaxSettingsNameLength> loadedName;
iRegistry->FindL( voipIds[index], *profile );
loadedName.Copy( profile->iSettingsName );
if ( 0 == newName->Des().Compare( loadedName ) )
// If the name is changed we need to begin the comparison
// again from the first profile.
newName->Des().Copy( aName.Left( maxModifyLength ) );
newName->Des().Append( KOpenParenthesis() );
newName->Des().AppendNum( i );
newName->Des().Append( KClosedParenthesis() );
index = 0;
if ( KMaxProfileNames < i )
User::Leave( KErrBadName );
changed = ETrue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( profile ); // CS:2
// Change setting only if it was changed.
if ( changed )
aName.Copy( newName->Des() );
// newName, &voipIds
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, &voipIds ); // CS:0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets temporary codec to RCSE.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetCodecToRcseL()
// Nameless codecs are not supported.
if ( !iCurrentCodec.iName )
CRCSEAudioCodecEntry* entry = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::NewLC();
// First set default values...
entry->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( iCurrentCodec.iName->Des() );
// ...and then replace them with the ones defined in settings XML.
if ( KErrNotFound != iCurrentCodec.iJitterBuffer )
entry->iJitterBufferSize = iCurrentCodec.iJitterBuffer;
if ( KErrNotFound != iCurrentCodec.iPtime )
entry->iPtime = iCurrentCodec.iPtime;
if ( KErrNotFound != iCurrentCodec.iMaxPtime )
entry->iMaxptime = iCurrentCodec.iMaxPtime;
if ( CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet != iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign )
entry->iOctetAlign = iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign;
if ( CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet !=
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor )
entry->iModeChangeNeighbor = iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor;
if ( KErrNotFound != iCurrentCodec.iModeChangePeriod )
entry->iModeChangePeriod = iCurrentCodec.iModeChangePeriod;
if ( KErrNotFound != iCurrentCodec.iMaxRed )
entry->iMaxRed = iCurrentCodec.iMaxRed;
if ( CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet != iCurrentCodec.iVad )
entry->iVAD = iCurrentCodec.iVad;
if ( CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet != iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb )
entry->iAnnexb = iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb;
if ( iCurrentCodec.iModeSet.Count() )
const TInt count = iCurrentCodec.iModeSet.Count();
for ( TInt counter = 0; counter < count; counter++ )
entry->iModeSet.AppendL( iCurrentCodec.iModeSet[counter] );
TUint32 codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *entry );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets temporary codec settings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ResetTempCodec( TBool aCloseArray )
if ( iCurrentCodec.iName )
delete iCurrentCodec.iName;
iCurrentCodec.iName = NULL;
iCurrentCodec.iJitterBuffer = KErrNotFound;
iCurrentCodec.iOctetAlign = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
iCurrentCodec.iPtime = KErrNotFound;
iCurrentCodec.iMaxPtime = KErrNotFound;
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangePeriod = KErrNotFound;
iCurrentCodec.iModeChangeNeighbor = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
iCurrentCodec.iMaxRed = KErrNotFound;
iCurrentCodec.iVad = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
iCurrentCodec.iAnnexb = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::EOONotSet;
if ( aCloseArray )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Resets temporary service provider settings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::ResetTempSpSettings()
iSpSettings.iAutoAcceptBuddies = EFalse;
iSpSettings.iAutoEnable = EFalse;
iSpSettings.iResubrcribe = KErrNotFound;
if ( iSpSettings.iBrandingUri )
delete iSpSettings.iBrandingUri;
iSpSettings.iBrandingUri = NULL;
if ( iSpSettings.iListeningUri )
delete iSpSettings.iListeningUri;
iSpSettings.iListeningUri = NULL;
if ( iSpSettings.iMwiUri )
delete iSpSettings.iMwiUri;
iSpSettings.iMwiUri = NULL;
if ( iSpSettings.iProviderUrl )
delete iSpSettings.iProviderUrl;
iSpSettings.iProviderUrl = NULL;
if ( iSpSettings.iBrandId )
delete iSpSettings.iBrandId;
iSpSettings.iBrandId = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets SIP related VoIP settings.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetSipInfoL( TUint32 aSipId )
// First set SIP information to RCSE so that
// an entry in service table will be created.
TSettingIds settingIds;
settingIds.iProfileType = CRCSEProfileEntry::EProtocolSIP; // SIP.
settingIds.iProfileId = aSipId;
// Never reference to profile specific settings.
settingIds.iProfileSpecificSettingId = KNotSet;
iEntry->iIds.AppendL( settingIds );
iRegistry->UpdateL( iEntry->iId, *iEntry );
// After update, we'll need to load the profile again from registry
// so that we'll get all the values registry has added to the entry
// (UpdateL takes entry as const reference).
TUint32 profileId = iEntry->iId;
iRegistry->FindL( profileId, *iEntry );
iServiceId = iEntry->iServiceProviderId;
// Compile and set User-Agent header.
CSIPManagedProfileRegistry* sipReg = CSIPManagedProfileRegistry::NewLC(
*this ); // CS:1
CSIPManagedProfile* sipProf = static_cast<CSIPManagedProfile*>(
sipReg->ProfileL( aSipId ) );
if ( sipProf )
CleanupStack::PushL( sipProf ); // CS:2
TBuf8<KMaxUserAgentHeaderLength> userAgentString( KNullDesC8 );
if ( iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType ||
iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC ||
iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderString.Length() != 0 )
// Set this to be an user-agent param.
userAgentString.Append( KUserAgent );
userAgentString.Append( KColon );
userAgentString.Append( KSpace );
// Set terminal type if eanbled.
if ( iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHTerminalType )
CIpAppPhoneUtils* util = CIpAppPhoneUtils::NewLC(); // CS:3
TBuf<KMaxTerminalTypeLength> terminalType( KNullDesC );
util->GetTerminalTypeL( terminalType );
userAgentString.Append( terminalType );
userAgentString.Append( KSpace );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( util ); // CS:2
// Set WLAN MAC address if enabled.
if ( iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderWLANMAC )
CIPAppUtilsAddressResolver* resolver =
CIPAppUtilsAddressResolver::NewLC(); // CS:3
_LIT8( KFormatType, "-" );
TBuf8<KMaxWlanMacAddressLength> wlanMACAddress( KNullDesC8 );
resolver->GetWlanMACAddress( wlanMACAddress, KFormatType );
userAgentString.Append( wlanMACAddress );
userAgentString.Append( KSpace );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( resolver ); // CS:2
// Set free string if enabled.
if ( iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderString.Length() )
userAgentString.Append( iEntry->iSIPVoIPUAHeaderString );
// Set new user agent header data to profile.
CDesC8ArrayFlat* array = new ( ELeave )
CDesC8ArrayFlat( KUserAgentHeaderDataArrayInitSize );
CleanupStack::PushL( array ); // CS:3
array->AppendL( userAgentString );
sipProf->SetParameter( KSIPHeaders, *array );
sipReg->SaveL( *sipProf );
// array, profile
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, sipProf ); // CS:1
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sipReg ); // CS:0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sets SPSettings to service table.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::SetSpSettingsL()
TInt serviceId = iEntry->iServiceProviderId;
if ( 0 == serviceId || !iEntry->iIds.Count() )
CSPSettings* spSettings = CSPSettings::NewLC(); // CS:1
CSPProperty* property = CSPProperty::NewLC(); // CS:2
// ==============================
// Voice mailbox settings.
// ==============================
TBool vmbx( EFalse );
// Set MWI URI if present.
if ( iSpSettings.iMwiUri )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXMWIAddress );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iMwiUri->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Set the same value to Listening URI if it has no value.
if ( !iSpSettings.iListeningUri )
iSpSettings.iListeningUri = iSpSettings.iMwiUri->Des().AllocL();
vmbx = ETrue;
// If there is no MWI URI but listening URI is present, set it as MWI URI.
else if ( iSpSettings.iListeningUri )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXMWIAddress );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iListeningUri->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
vmbx = ETrue;
// Set Listening URI if present. This is a separate statement since
// the Listening URI may have been configured when setting MWI URI.
if ( iSpSettings.iListeningUri )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXListenAddress );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iListeningUri->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
vmbx = ETrue;
if ( KErrNotFound != iSpSettings.iResubrcribe )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXMWISubscribeInterval );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iResubrcribe );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( vmbx )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXSettingsId );
property->SetValue( iEntry->iIds[0].iProfileId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// ==============================
// "Core" Service Provider Settings.
// ==============================
if ( iSpSettings.iProviderUrl )
property->SetName( EPropertyServiceBookmarkUri );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iProviderUrl->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iSpSettings.iBrandingUri )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVoIPBrandDataUri );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iBrandingUri->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iPresenceId )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyPresenceSettingsId );
property->SetValue( iPresenceId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Converged Connection Handler (CCH) Presence Subservice plug-in UID
property->SetName( EPropertyPresenceSubServicePluginId );
property->SetValue( KCCHPresenceSubServicePlugId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// SIP IM enabled
if ( iSpSettings.iEnableSipIm )
// Set IM as enabled.
property->SetName( ESubPropertyIMEnabled );
property->SetValue( EOn );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Set IM launch UID.
property->SetName( ESubPropertyIMLaunchUid );
property->SetValue( KIMLaunchUid );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// The value only needs to be different from 0,
// no-one actually uses it.
property->SetName( ESubPropertyIMSettingsId );
property->SetValue( KIMSettingsId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Set IM plugin UID.
property->SetName( EPropertyIMSubServicePluginId );
property->SetValue( KIMSubServicePluginId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Set default IM tone.
TFileName toneFile;
toneFile.Copy( PathInfo::RomRootPath() );
toneFile.Append( PathInfo::DigitalSoundsPath() );
toneFile.Append( KDefaultTone );
MVIMPSTSettingsStore* vimpStSettings =
CVIMPSTSettingsStore::NewLC(); // CS:3
vimpStSettings->SetL( serviceId,
EServiceToneFileName, toneFile );
// Pop vimpStSettings (can't use M object as argument).
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // CS:2
if ( iSpSettings.iAutoAcceptBuddies )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyPresenceRequestPreference );
property->SetValue( EOn );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iDestinationId )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVoIPPreferredSNAPId );
property->SetValue( iDestinationId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iSpSettings.iEnableSipIm )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyIMPreferredSNAPId );
property->SetValue( iDestinationId );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iSpSettings.iBrandId )
// Brand version.
property->SetName( EPropertyBrandVersion );
property->SetValue( KBrandVersion );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Brand language.
property->SetName( EPropertyBrandLanguage );
property->SetValue( ELangInternationalEnglish );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Brand ID.
property->SetName( EPropertyBrandId );
property->SetValue( iSpSettings.iBrandId->Des() );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
if ( iSpSettings.iAutoEnable )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVoIPEnabled );
property->SetValue( EOn );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Also set voicemailbox on if it's defined.
if ( vmbx )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyVMBXEnabled );
property->SetValue( EOn );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// Also set presence on if there is a presence link.
if ( iPresenceId )
property->SetName( ESubPropertyPresenceEnabled );
property->SetValue( EOn );
spSettings->AddOrUpdatePropertyL( serviceId, *property );
// property, spSettings
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, spSettings ); // CS:0
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates default codecs.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CVoipXmlVoipHandler::AddDefaultCodecsL()
CRCSEAudioCodecEntry* codec = CRCSEAudioCodecEntry::NewLC();
TUint32 codecId( KErrNone );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecAMRWB() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecAMR() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecPCMU() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecPCMA() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodeciLBC() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecG729() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
codec->SetDefaultCodecValueSet( KAudioCodecCN() );
codecId = iCodecRegistry->AddL( *codec );
iEntry->iPreferredCodecs.AppendL( codecId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( codec );
// End of File