author Fionntina Carville <>
Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:29:52 +0000
changeset 35 48c42ee2156e
parent 0 a4daefaec16c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3539. Update localisation mappings for iptelephony.

* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Base class for hold contexts. Contains methods 
*                for creating the state array and controlling current state.


#include    <e32base.h>
#include    <mccpcallobserver.h>
#include    "svputdefs.h"

// Constants
const TInt KSVPHoldDirectionAttributeCount  = 4;    // "sendonly" etc.
const TInt KSVPMaxDirectionAttributeLength  = 10;   // "a=sendonly"
const TInt KSVPHoldStateArraySize           = 5;
const TInt KSVPHoldMaxLengthOfSDPMessage    = 1000;
const TInt KSVPHoldMaxLengthOfInetAddr      = 32;

// SDP Connection field content for oldway hold
_LIT8( KSVPHoldZeroAddr, "" );

// SDP Direction attributes
_LIT8( KSVPHoldAttributeSendrecv, "a=sendrecv" );
_LIT8( KSVPHoldAttributeSendonly, "a=sendonly" );
_LIT8( KSVPHoldAttributeRecvonly, "a=recvonly" );
_LIT8( KSVPHoldAttributeInactive, "a=inactive" );

// Indexes for direction attributes
typedef TInt KSVPHoldAttributeIndex;
const KSVPHoldAttributeIndex KSVPHoldSendrecvIndex      = 0;
const KSVPHoldAttributeIndex KSVPHoldSendonlyIndex      = 1;
const KSVPHoldAttributeIndex KSVPHoldRecvonlyIndex      = 2;
const KSVPHoldAttributeIndex KSVPHoldInactiveIndex      = 3;

// State indices
typedef TInt TSVPHoldStateIndex;
const TSVPHoldStateIndex KSVPHoldConnectedStateIndex    = 0;
const TSVPHoldStateIndex KSVPHoldEstablishingStateIndex = 1;
const TSVPHoldStateIndex KSVPHoldOutStateIndex          = 2;
const TSVPHoldStateIndex KSVPHoldInStateIndex           = 3;
const TSVPHoldStateIndex KSVPHoldDHStateIndex           = 4;

* Hold transition
// session hold state, needed for dtmf for determining active session
enum TSVPSessionHoldState
    ESVPConnected   = 0,

* Hold desired state change
enum TSVPHoldDesiredTransition
    ESVPHoldNoRequest           = 0,
    ESVPHoldToHold              = 1,
    ESVPHoldToResume            = 2,
    ESVPHoldIncoming            = 3

* Hold request type
enum TSVPHoldRequestType
    ESVPNoType                  = 0,
    ESVPLocalHold               = 1,
    ESVPLocalResume             = 2,
    ESVPLocalDoubleHold         = 3,
    ESVPLocalDoubleHoldResume   = 4,
    ESVPRemoteHold              = 5,
    ESVPRemoteResume            = 6,
    ESVPRemoteDoubleHold        = 7,
    ESVPRemoteDoubleHoldResume  = 8,
    ESVPRequestError            = 9 // causes state to resume previous

* Hold state
enum TSVPHoldState
    ESVPHoldConnected           = 0,
    ESVPHoldLocallyHolded       = 1,
    ESVPHoldRemoteHolded        = 2,
    ESVPHoldLocallyDoubleHolded = 3,
    ESVPHoldRemoteDoubleHolded  = 4

class CSdpConnectionField;
class TInetAddr;
class CDesC8Array;
class MDesC8Array;
class CMceSession;
class TMceTransactionDataContainer;
class CSVPHoldStateBase;
class MSVPHoldObserver;
class CSVPHoldAttributeHandler;
class CSVPHoldMediaHandler;

*  Base class for session contexts.
*  @lib svp.dll
*  @since Series 60 3.2
class CSVPHoldContext : public CBase
public:  // Constructors and destructor
    * Two-phased constructor.
    static CSVPHoldContext* NewL(
                        CMceSession& aSession,
                        TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer,
                        MSVPHoldObserver* iObserver,
                        TBool aIsMobileOriginated );
    * Destructor.
    virtual ~CSVPHoldContext();

public: // New functions
    * Sets the current state for the context.
    * Leaves with Error code if state transition is not acceptable.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aContext Hold context
    * @param aNewState New current state
    void SetCurrentStateL( CSVPHoldContext& aContext,
                           TSVPHoldStateIndex aNewState );

    * Returns the current state of the context
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return TSVPHoldStateIndex the current state, index to it.
    TSVPHoldStateIndex CurrentState() const;
    * Applies the current state of the contex. This causes a
    * state transition to next state of the state machine. The 
    * current state sets the next state. Leaves on error
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aSession Session to be modified
    * @param aTransition Desired operation
    void ApplyCurrentStateL( CMceSession* aSession,
                             TSVPHoldDesiredTransition aTransition );

    * Applies the current state of the contex. This causes a
    * state transition to next state of the state machine. The 
    * current state sets the next state. Leaves on error
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    void ApplyCurrentStateL();

    * Sets the reference to session object
    * state leaves.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aSession The session object
    void SetSessionObject( CMceSession* aSession );
    * Returns reference to session object
    * state leaves.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Pointer to session object
    CMceSession* SessionObject();
    * Returns type of hold request. This is valid during the complete
    * state transition process, until next stable state is reached.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Hold request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType HoldRequest();
    * Returns ETrue if hold/resume remote request.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value
    TBool IsRemoteRequest();
    * After completed & succesful IN / OUT Request, returns occurred event.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Occurred event to be informed to client application
    MCCPCallObserver::TCCPCallEvent HoldEvent();
    * Sets first attempt flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aValue Boolean value for -flag
    void SetFirstAttempt( TBool aValue );
    * Returns value of first attempt -flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value of first attempt -flag
    TBool FirstAttempt();
    * Sets remote request not processed -flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aValue Boolean value for flag
    void SetRemoteRequestNotProcessed( TBool aValue );
    * Returns value of the remote request not processed -flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value of the remote request not processed -flag
    TBool RemoteRequestNotProcessed();
    * Sets audio handling allowed -flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aValue Boolean value for flag
    void SetAudioHandlingAllowed( TBool aValue );

    * Returns value of the audio handling allowed -flag
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value of the audio handling allowed -flag
    TBool AudioHandlingAllowed();
    * Returns reference to hold observer.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Reference to hold observer.
    MSVPHoldObserver& HoldObserver();
    * Returns reference to attribute handler.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Reference to attribute handler.
    CSVPHoldAttributeHandler& AttributeHandler();
    * Returns reference to media handler.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Reference to media handler.
    CSVPHoldMediaHandler& MediaHandler();
    * Solves type of incoming request and returns next state of state machine.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aSession Incoming updated MCE session
    * @param aAttributeLines Attribute lines from incoming request.
    * @param aCheckOldwayHold ETrue if oldwayhold need to be taken into account
    * @return TSVPHoldRequestType Request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType SolveRequestL( CMceSession& aSession,
                                       MDesC8Array* aAttributeLines,
                                       TBool aCheckOldwayHold = EFalse );
    * Sets response status code
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aStatusCode Status code of response received
    void SetResponseStatusCode( TInt aStatusCode );
    * Gets response status code
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Status code
    TInt ResponseStatusCode();
    * Sets force hold flag value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aForceHold Boolean value
    void SetForceHold( TBool aForceHold );
    * Gets force hold flag value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value
    TBool ForceHoldOccured();
    * Handles and controls hold operation based on response status
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aNextState Valid hold state machine state after function call
    * @return Boolean value ETrue if response needed special handling
    TBool SpecialResponseHandling( TSVPHoldStateIndex& aNextState );
    * Sets hold/resume request timed out -flag,
    * called when hold/resume request has expired.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    void TimedOut();
    * Returns RollBack -boolean value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value
    TBool HoldRolledBack();
    * Sets crossover situation on/off
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param ETrue if CrossOver situation, EFalse otherways
    * @return
    void CrossOver( TBool aActive );

    * Returns Hold failed -boolean value. After this function call
    * flag is cleared.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return ETrue if hold failed, EFalse otherways
    TBool HoldFailed();

    * Returns Resume failed -boolean value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return ETrue if resume failed, EFalse otherways
    TBool ResumeFailed();
    * Returns IsMobileOriginated -boolean value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return ETrue if MobileOriginated, EFalse otherways
    TBool IsMobileOriginated();

    * Sets mute state to Hold Controller
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aMuted Boolean value for mute value
    void Muted( TBool aMuted );

    * Returns mute state
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return Boolean value for mute value
    TBool Muted();
    * Sets CallRequestFailed status ETrue/EFalse
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aCallRequest Boolean value for call on hold request failed
    void SetCallRequestFailed( TBool aCallRequest );

    * Returns CallRequestFailed -boolean value
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @return ETrue if call on hold request failed, EFalse otherways
    TBool CallRequestFailed();
protected:  // New functions

    * Creates the states belonging to this context
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    void InitializeStateArrayL();

    * Checkes if a state transition to a given state is accepted.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param TSVPHoldStateIndex aStateIndex
    * @return TBool, boolean value, is the transition valid.
    TBool IsStateTransitionAccepted( 
                        const TSVPHoldStateIndex aStateIndex );

    * C++ default constructor.
    CSVPHoldContext( TMceTransactionDataContainer& aContainer,
                     TBool aIsMobileOriginated );

    * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private. 
    * Now it is protected.
    void ConstructL( CMceSession& aSession,
                     MSVPHoldObserver* iObserver );

private:     // New functions
    * Returns ETrue if establishing state is next, EFalse otherways
    TBool ToEstablishing();
    * Returns hold request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType RequestType( 
            TSVPHoldDesiredTransition aTransition );
    * Returns hold request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType RequestToHold();
    * Returns hold request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType RequestToResume();
    * Returns hold request type
    TSVPHoldRequestType RequestIncoming();
    * Updates right establishing state based on the direction of the request
    void UpdateEstablishingStateL();
    TSVPHoldRequestType SolveRequestType( 
            TInt aAttributeIndex,
            TSVPHoldRequestType aPresumedRequest );
    * This method is used in mobile terminating(MT) calls, to check SDP
    * body for Connection field, and to check the content of that field.
    * @since    Series60 3.2
    * @param    aSession Incoming updated MCE session
    * @param    aPresumedRequest Enumeration for hold request type,
    *                            assumed hold type passed as parameter.
    * @return                    Enumerated value of hold request, after
    *                            oldway hold is checked from the content.
    CheckOldwayHoldL( CMceSession& session,
                      TSVPHoldRequestType aPresumedRequest );
    * Rolls hold session state back to previous state
    void RollBack( TSVPHoldStateIndex& aNextState );

protected:  // Data

    // State array
    RPointerArray< CSVPHoldStateBase >* iStates;

    // Observer
    MSVPHoldObserver* iObserver;

private:    // Data

    // Current state
    CSVPHoldStateBase* iCurrentState;
    // Current hold request type. Changed by SolveRequestType() and
    // in special cases, e.g. when 2-phased hold needed (MO oldway)
    TSVPHoldRequestType iHoldRequest;
    // Pointer to session object (not owned)
    CMceSession* iSession;
    // Boolean value of request direction
    TBool iOutgoing;
    // Instance of attribute handler
    CSVPHoldAttributeHandler* iAttributeHandler;
    // Instance of media handler
    CSVPHoldMediaHandler* iMediaHandler;
    // First attempt (not MO oldway hold)
    TBool iFirstAttempt;
    // Flag for remote request in process
    TBool iRemoteRequestNotProcessed;
    // Data container for mce session
    TMceTransactionDataContainer& iContainer;
    // Hold event
    MCCPCallObserver::TCCPCallEvent iHoldEvent;
    // Indicates that audio handling is allowed
    TBool iAllowAudioHandling;
    // Status code of the response
    TInt iResponseStatusCode;
    // Force hold occured flag;
    TBool iForceHoldOccured;
    // Flag for timed out hold/resume request
    TBool iTimedOut;
    // Flag for preventing audio enable/disable
    TBool iRollBack;
    // Flag for failed hold
    TBool iHoldFail;
    // Flag for failed resume (causes session to be terminated)
    TBool iResumeFail;
    // Flag for SVP session direction
    TBool iIsMobileOriginated;
    // Flag for mute
    TBool iMuted;
    // Flag for cross over (simultaneous requests)
    TBool iCrossOver;
    // Flag for callbackrequest
    TBool iCallRequest;

    // For testing

#endif      // SVPHOLDCONTEXT_H