changeset 19 04becd199f91
child 23 98ccebc37403
equal deleted inserted replaced
16:f5050f1da672 19:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Main program for the JavaInstaller process
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <unistd.h>
    20 #include <string.h>
    21 // next three includes are for semaphores
    22 #include <sys/sem.h>
    23 #include <sys/stat.h>
    24 #include <errno.h>
    26 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
    27 #include "javauids.h"
    28 #endif
    29 #include "comms.h"
    30 #include "commsclientendpoint.h"
    31 #include "exceptionbase.h"
    32 #include "javacommonutils.h"
    33 #include "javaoslayer.h"
    34 #include "jvmstarter.h"
    35 #include "logger.h"
    36 #include "runtimeexception.h"
    37 #include "runtimestarterutils.h"
    39 using namespace java::comms;
    40 using namespace java::runtime;
    41 using namespace java::util;
    43 const wchar_t* const INSTALLER_MAIN_CLASS =
    44     L"";
    46 int startJvm(int argc, char *argv[]);
    48 #ifdef __WINS__
    49 #include <e32ldr.h>
    50 #endif //__WINS__
    52 // random small int value
    53 #define SEM_KEY 1823 // codescanner::magicnumbers
    54 // same as Symbian KErrAlreadyExists
    55 #define INSTALLER_ALREADY_RUNNING -11 // codescanner::magicnumbers
    56 // semaphore operation error, same as Symbian KErrLocked
    57 #define SEMAPHORE_ERROR -22 // codescanner::magicnumbers
    58 // Ubuntu semaphore headers do not define these contants
    59 #ifndef SEM_R
    60 #define SEM_R S_IRUSR
    61 #endif
    62 #ifndef SEM_A
    63 #define SEM_A S_IWUSR
    64 #endif
    66 #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__
    67 extern "C"
    68 #endif //__SYMBIAN32__
    70 int dllMain(int argc, char *argv[])
    71 {
    72     JELOG(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main()");
    73     JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("INSTALLER main() start", -1, -1);
    75 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
    77     // Only processes with TrustedUI capability are allowed to start
    78     // Java Installer in S60 device (e.g. TCK runner, preinstaller,
    79     // appconverter, javacleaner, AppInstUI,javainstaller,
    80     // javapostupdater and SDK Debug Agent)
    82     TSecureId creatorSecId(User::CreatorSecureId());
    83     if (!User::CreatorHasCapability(ECapabilityTrustedUI))
    84     {
    85         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
    86               "INSTALLER main: Process %x is not allowed to launch Java Installer, since it is missing TrustedUI capability.",
    87               creatorSecId.iId);
    88         return KErrPermissionDenied;
    89     }
    91 #endif
    93 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
    94     _LIT(KJavaInstallerProcessName, "JavaInstaller");
    95     _LIT(KJavaInstallerThreadName, "JavaInstallerMainThread");
    96     // Rename installer process and main thread.
    97     TInt err = User::RenameProcess(KJavaInstallerProcessName);
    98     if (KErrNone != err)
    99     {
   100         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
   101               "INSTALLER main: cannot change process name to JavaInstaller, err %d", err);
   102     }
   103     err = User::RenameThread(KJavaInstallerThreadName);
   104     if (KErrNone != err)
   105     {
   106         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
   107               "INSTALLER main: cannot change main thread name to "
   108               "JavaInstallerMainThread, err %d", err);
   109     }
   110 #endif //__SYMBIAN32__
   112     // Allow running only one instance of this process at same time.
   114     // Because of S60 semop implementation (semop waits even if
   115     // IPC_NOWAIT has been specified) -> use semaphore access control
   116     // to limit number of instances to one.
   118 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
   119     int perm = 0x1FF; // all permissions to every process
   120 #else
   121     // Create one System V / XSI semaphore accessible only by this process
   122     int perm = (SEM_R | SEM_A);
   123 #endif //__SYMBIAN32__
   124     int semid = semget(SEM_KEY, 1, IPC_CREAT | perm);
   126     // Increase process instance count by one.
   127     // This increase is automatically undone when this process exits.
   128     sembuf st = {0, 1, SEM_UNDO | IPC_NOWAIT};
   129     int ret = semop(semid, &st, 1);
   130     if (-1 == ret)
   131     {
   132         ELOG(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main: semop failed");
   133         JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("INSTALLER main() end", -1, -1);
   134         return SEMAPHORE_ERROR;
   135     }
   137     // Get the current instance count
   138     ret = semctl(semid, 0, GETVAL);
   139     if (-1 == ret)
   140     {
   141         ELOG(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main: semctl failed");
   142         JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("INSTALLER main() end", -1, -1);
   143         return SEMAPHORE_ERROR;
   144     }
   145     else if (ret > 1)
   146     {
   147         WLOG(EJavaRuntime, "Installer already running. Exiting.");
   148         JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("INSTALLER main() end", -1, -1);
   149         return INSTALLER_ALREADY_RUNNING;
   150     }
   152     int result = -1;
   153     try
   154     {
   155         // Start the VM.
   156         result = startJvm(argc, argv);
   157     }
   158     catch (RuntimeException& e)
   159     {
   160         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main() RuntimeException caught: %s ",
   161               e.toString().c_str());
   162     }
   163     catch (ExceptionBase& e)
   164     {
   165         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main() ExceptionBase caught: %s ",
   166               e.toString().c_str());
   167     }
   168     catch (std::exception& e)
   169     {
   170         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main() Exception %s caught", e.what());
   171     }
   173     // Try to remove the semaphore, ignore possible error
   174     ret = semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
   175     if (-1 == ret)
   176     {
   177         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "INSTALLER main() Remove semaphore failed, err %d",
   178               errno);
   179     }
   181     LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "INSTALLER main() exit = %d", result);
   182     JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("INSTALLER main() end", -1, -1);
   183     return result;
   184 }
   186 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
   187 /**
   188  *  Start Java Captain process
   189  */
   190 TInt startJavaCaptain()
   191 {
   192     // Start 'systemams.exe' in S60 5.0 (it will start javacaptain) and
   193     // 'javacaptain.exe' in 9.2 and later
   195 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   196     _LIT(KJavaCaptainExe, "systemams.exe");
   197 #else
   198     _LIT(KJavaCaptainExe, "javacaptain.exe");
   199 #endif
   200     _LIT(KJavaCaptainArg, "");
   201     RProcess proc;
   202     int err = proc.Create(KJavaCaptainExe, KJavaCaptainArg);
   203     if (err == KErrNone)
   204     {
   205         proc.Resume();
   206 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   207         LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,
   208             "InstallerStarter: startJavaCaptain systemams.exe was started ok");
   209 #else
   210         LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,
   211             "InstallerStarter: startJavaCaptain javacaptain.exe was started ok");
   212 #endif
   214         // Wait 3 seconds so that Java Captain has time to start
   215         User::After(3000000);
   216     }
   217     else
   218     {
   219 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   220         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
   221               "InstallerStarter: startJavaCaptain start systemams.exe failed: %d", err);
   222 #else
   223         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
   224               "InstallerStarter: startJavaCaptain start javacaptain.exe failed: %d", err);
   225 #endif
   226     }
   228     proc.Close();
   229     return err;
   230 }
   231 #endif
   233 int startJvm(int argc, char *argv[])
   234 {
   235     // Create instance of RuntimeStarterUtils for thread supervisioning.
   236     std::auto_ptr<RuntimeStarterUtils> starterUtils(new RuntimeStarterUtils()); // codescanner::nonleavenew
   237     starterUtils->startThreadSupervisor();
   239     // Create Comms endpoint for JavaCaptain.
   240     std::auto_ptr<CommsClientEndpoint> comms(
   241         new CommsClientEndpoint(L"InstallerJavaCaptain"));
   242     int result = comms->connect(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   244 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
   245     if (KErrNotFound == result)
   246     {
   247         ELOG(EJavaRuntime,
   248              "InstallerStarter: Java Captain was not running. Trying to restart it.");
   250         // Java Captain is not running, try to start it
   251         result = startJavaCaptain();
   252         if (KErrNone == result)
   253         {
   254             result = comms->connect(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   255         }
   256     }
   257 #endif
   259     if (result != 0)
   260     {
   261         ELOG1(EJavaRuntime,
   262               "InstallerStarter: Connection to JavaCaptain failed: Reason = %d",
   263               result);
   264     }
   266     // Another Comms Endpoint for TCK Runner or preinstaller
   267     std::auto_ptr<CommsClientEndpoint> commsPoll;
   269     // If installer is started in 'poll' mode, connect also to TCK Runner,
   270     // preinstaller or javaappconverter. Command line is
   271     // 'javainstaller poll -address=(tck|preinstall|convert) [options]'
   272     const int minArgCount = 3;
   273     if (argc >= minArgCount)
   274     {
   275         if (!strcmp(argv[1], "poll")) // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2
   276         {
   277             int connected = 0;
   278             // next argument must be -address=(tck|preinstaller|convert)
   279             char* val = strpbrk(argv[2], "="); // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2
   280             if (val != 0)
   281             {
   282                 val++;
   283                 int commsAddress = 0;
   284                 if (!strcmp(val, "tck"))
   285                 {
   286                     commsAddress = IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_TCK_RUNNER_C;
   287                 }
   288                 else if (!strcmp(val, "preinstall"))
   289                 {
   290                     commsAddress = IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_PREINSTALLER_C;
   291                 }
   292                 else if (!strcmp(val, "convert"))
   293                 {
   294                     commsAddress = IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_APPCONVERTER_C;
   295                 }
   296                 else if (!strcmp(val, "debugapi"))
   297                 {
   298                     commsAddress = IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_DEBUGAPI_C;
   299                 }
   300                 else
   301                 {
   302                     ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "InstallerStarter: unknown comms "
   303                           "poll address %s", val);
   304                 }
   306                 if (0 != commsAddress)
   307                 {
   308                     commsPoll.reset(new CommsClientEndpoint(L"InstallerCommsPoll")); // codescanner::nonleavenew
   309                     result = commsPoll->connect(commsAddress);
   310                     if (0 != result)
   311                     {
   312                         ELOG3(EJavaRuntime,
   313                               "InstallerStarter: Connection to %s (address %d) failed: Reason = %d",
   314                               val, commsAddress, result);
   315                     }
   316                     else
   317                     {
   318                         connected = 1;
   319                     }
   320                 }
   321             }
   322             else
   323             {
   324                 ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "InstallerStarter: No valid -address argument. Arg is %s",
   325                       argv[2]); // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2
   326             }
   328             // Installer cannot be started in 'poll' mode unless connection is ok
   329             if (!connected)
   330             {
   331                 ELOG(EJavaRuntime,
   332                      "InstallerStarter: Installer cannot be started in poll mode because connection to initiator fails.");
   333                 std::string errorStr("Installer cannot start in poll mode");
   334                 throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
   335             }
   336         }
   337     }
   339     // Create starter for starting the JVM
   340     std::auto_ptr<JvmStarter>
   341     jvm(JvmStarter::getJvmStarterInstance(JvmStarter::CDC,
   342                                           L"Installer"));
   344     // Set the debugging features available provided by the captain.
   345     starterUtils->enableDevelopmentFeatures(*jvm.get());
   347     // Set the old heap size to 512K
   348     const int oldHeapSize = 512;
   349     jvm->overrideOldHeapSize(oldHeapSize);
   351     jvm->enableThreadDumping();
   353     jvm->setMainClass(INSTALLER_MAIN_CLASS);
   355     jvm->appendSystemProperty(L"");
   357     for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
   358     {
   359         jvm->appendApplicationArgument(
   360             JavaCommonUtils::utf8ToWstring(argv[i])); // codescanner::accessArrayElementWithoutCheck2
   361     }
   364     jvm->appendSystemProperty(
   365         L""
   366         L"");
   367 #endif
   369     std::wstring extendedBootClassPath;
   370     // This call is platform dependent.
   371     starterUtils->getExtBootClassPath(extendedBootClassPath);
   372     if (extendedBootClassPath.length() > 0)
   373     {
   374         // Provide the bootclasspath also as a system propery
   375         // to be used for security extensions.
   376         std::wstring addOnList(L"");
   377         addOnList += extendedBootClassPath;
   378         jvm->appendSystemProperty(addOnList);
   379     }
   381     // Start the JVM.
   382     return jvm->startJvm();
   383 }
   385 #ifdef __SYMBIAN32__
   386 #include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
   388 EXPORT_C FuncPtr findDllMethod(const char* funcName)
   389 {
   390     FuncPtr ptr = 0;
   391     if (strcmp(funcName, "dllMain") == 0)
   392     {
   393         ptr = (FuncPtr)dllMain;
   394     }
   395     return ptr;
   396 }
   397 #endif //__SYMBIAN32__