changeset 21 2a9601315dfc
child 80 d6dafc5d983f
equal deleted inserted replaced
18:e8e63152f320 21:2a9601315dfc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "ocspclient.h"
    21 using namespace java::security;
    22 using namespace std;
    23 using namespace java::util;
    25 const TInt KCertStoreUIDForSWInstallOCSPSigning = 268478646;
    27 OcspClient* OcspClient::createInstance(long iap, const char* defaultUrl)
    28 {
    29     OcspClient* self = new OcspClient(iap);
    30     TRAPD(err, self->ConstructL(defaultUrl));
    31     if (err != KErrNone)
    32     {
    33         delete self;
    34         self = NULL;
    35     }
    36     return self;
    37 }
    39 OcspClient::OcspClient(long iap)
    40         : CActive(EPriorityNormal), iIap(TUint32(iap)), iDefaultUrl(NULL), iOcspClient(NULL), iCertStore(NULL), iInitialized(false), iOcspResponse(NULL), iCertArray(NULL), iMonitor(NULL)
    41 {
    42     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    43 }
    45 void OcspClient::ConstructL(const char* defaultUrl)
    46 {
    47     User::LeaveIfError(iRfs.Connect());
    48     iCertStore = CUnifiedCertStore::NewL(iRfs, false /*aOpenForWrite*/);
    49     iOcspResponse = OcspResponse::NewL();
    50     // create the monitor
    51     iMonitor = Monitor::createMonitor();
    52     if (defaultUrl)
    53     {
    54         int len = strlen(defaultUrl);
    55         iDefaultUrl = HBufC8::NewL(len);
    56         TPtr8 defaultUrlPtr = iDefaultUrl->Des();
    57         TPtr8 ptr((TUint8 *)defaultUrl, len);
    58         ptr.SetLength(len);
    59         defaultUrlPtr.Copy(ptr);
    60     }
    61 }
    63 void OcspClient::RunL()
    64 {
    65     switch (iState)
    66     {
    67     case ESendOcspRequest:
    68         SendOcspRequestL();
    69         iState = EProcessOcspResponse;
    70         break;
    71     case EProcessOcspResponse:
    72         ProcessOcspResponse();
    73         iMonitor->notify();
    74         return;
    75     }
    76     // re-issue a new request
    77     SetActive();
    78 }
    80 void OcspClient::DoCancel()
    81 {
    82     if (iCertStore)
    83     {
    84         iCertStore->CancelInitialize();
    85     }
    86     if (iOcspClient)
    87     {
    88         iOcspClient->CancelCheck();
    89     }
    90 }
    92 TInt OcspClient::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
    93 {
    94     return KErrNone;
    95 }
    97 OcspClient::~OcspClient()
    98 {
    99     if (IsActive())
   100     {
   101         Cancel();
   102     }
   103     if (iCertStore)
   104     {
   105         delete iCertStore;
   106         iCertStore = NULL;
   107     }
   108     if (iOcspClient)
   109     {
   110         delete iOcspClient;
   111         iOcspClient = NULL;
   112     }
   113     if (iOcspResponse)
   114     {
   115         delete iOcspResponse;
   116         iOcspResponse = NULL;
   117     }
   118     if (iCertArray)
   119     {
   120         iCertArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   121         delete iCertArray;
   122     }
   123     if (iDefaultUrl)
   124     {
   125         delete iDefaultUrl;
   126         iDefaultUrl = NULL;
   127     }
   128     if (iMonitor)
   129     {
   130         delete iMonitor;
   131         iMonitor = NULL;
   132     }
   133     iRfs.Close();
   134 }
   136 void OcspClient::startOcspCheck(const char ** aCertChain, int aCertChainLen)
   137 {
   139     // clear the response
   140     iOcspResponse->Clear();
   141     // build up the chain
   142     iCertChain = aCertChain;
   143     iCertChainLen = aCertChainLen;
   144     // kick off the state machine
   145     Start();
   146 }
   148 OcspResponse OcspClient::getOcspCheckResponse()
   149 {
   150     // wait for completion
   151     iMonitor->wait();
   152     // return the result
   153     return *iOcspResponse;
   154 }
   156 void OcspClient::cancelOcspCheck(bool doCleanup)
   157 {
   158     // cancel the outstanding request (if any)
   159     if (doCleanup)
   160     {
   161         if (IsActive())
   162         {
   163             Cancel();
   164         }
   165     }
   166     iMonitor->notify();
   167 }
   169 void OcspClient::Start()
   170 {
   171     // cancel the outstanding request (if any)
   172     if (IsActive())
   173     {
   174         Cancel();
   175     }
   177     iState = ESendOcspRequest;
   178     SetActive();
   179     if (iInitialized)
   180     {
   181         // already initialized
   182         CompleteRequest();
   183         return;
   184     }
   186     // do the initialization
   187     iCertStore->Initialize(iStatus);
   188     iInitialized = true;
   189 }
   191 void OcspClient::SendOcspRequestL()
   192 {
   193     InitOcspClientL();
   194     iOcspClient->Check(iStatus);
   195 }
   197 void OcspClient::ProcessOcspResponse()
   198 {
   199     int summary = RESPONSE_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CERT_STATUS;
   200     if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
   201     {
   202         // set the summary
   203         switch (iOcspClient->SummaryResult())
   204         {
   205         case OCSP::EGood:
   206             summary = RESPONSE_GOOD;
   207             break;
   208         case OCSP::EUnknown:
   209             summary = RESPONSE_UNKNOWN;
   210             break;
   211         case OCSP::ERevoked:
   212             summary = RESPONSE_REVOKED;
   213             break;
   214         }
   215         // set the individual responses
   216         for (TInt index = 0 ; index < iOcspClient->TransactionCount() ; ++index)
   217         {
   218             const TOCSPOutcome& outcome = iOcspClient->Outcome(index);
   219             switch (outcome.iStatus)
   220             {
   221             case OCSP::ETransportError:
   222             case OCSP::EClientInternalError:
   223             case OCSP::EMalformedRequest:
   224             case OCSP::EServerInternalError:
   225             case OCSP::ETryLater:
   226             case OCSP::ESignatureRequired:
   227             case OCSP::EClientUnauthorised:
   228             case OCSP::EUnknownResponseType:
   229                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_CANNOT_OBTAIN_CERT_STATUS);
   230                 break;
   231             case OCSP::ENoServerSpecified:
   232             case OCSP::EInvalidURI:
   233                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_INVALID_REVOCATION_SERVER_URI);
   234                 break;
   235             case OCSP::EResponseSignatureValidationFailure:
   236                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_FAILURE);
   237                 break;
   238             case OCSP::EThisUpdateTooLate:
   239             case OCSP::EThisUpdateTooEarly:
   240             case OCSP::ENextUpdateTooEarly:
   241             case OCSP::ENonceMismatch:
   242             case OCSP::EMalformedResponse:
   243             case OCSP::EUnknownCriticalExtension:
   244             case OCSP::EMissingCertificates:
   245                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_INVALID_REVOCATION_SERVER_RESPONSE);
   246                 break;
   247             case OCSP::EMissingNonce:
   248                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_MISSING_NONCE);
   249                 break;
   250             case OCSP::ECertificateNotValidAtValidationTime:
   251                 iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_INVALID_CERT_STATUS_INFO);
   252                 break;
   253             case OCSP::EValid:
   254                 switch (outcome.iResult)
   255                 {
   256                 case OCSP::EGood:
   257                     iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_GOOD);
   258                     break;
   259                 case OCSP::EUnknown:
   260                     iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_UNKNOWN);
   261                     break;
   262                 case OCSP::ERevoked:
   263                     iOcspResponse->iIndividualResponses.push_back(RESPONSE_REVOKED);
   264                     break;
   265                 default:
   266                     ASSERT(EFalse);
   267                 }
   268                 break;
   269             default:
   270                 ASSERT(EFalse);
   271                 break;
   272             }
   273         }
   274     }
   275     iOcspResponse->iSummary = summary;
   276 }
   278 void OcspClient::CompleteRequest()
   279 {
   280     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   281     User::RequestComplete(status,KErrNone);
   282 }
   284 void OcspClient::InitOcspClientL()
   285 {
   286     if (iOcspClient)
   287     {
   288         delete iOcspClient;
   289         iOcspClient = NULL;
   290     }
   291     if (iCertArray)
   292     {
   293         iCertArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   294         delete iCertArray;
   295     }
   296     COCSPParameters* ocspParams = COCSPParameters::NewL();
   297     if (iDefaultUrl)
   298     {
   299         ocspParams->SetURIL(*iDefaultUrl, ETrue);
   300     }
   301     ocspParams->SetTransport(COCSPTransportDefault::NewL(iIap));
   302     ocspParams->AddAllAuthorisationSchemesL(
   303         TUid::Uid(KCertStoreUIDForSWInstallOCSPSigning), *iCertStore);
   304     // add the certs
   305     if (iCertChainLen >= 2)
   306     {
   307         iCertArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CX509Certificate>(1);
   308         std::string cert = JavaCommonUtils::base64decode(std::string(iCertChain[0], strlen(iCertChain[0])));
   309         TPtr8 ptr8((TUint8 *)(cert.c_str()), cert.size());
   310         ptr8.SetLength(cert.size());
   311         CX509Certificate* issuerCert = CX509Certificate::NewL(ptr8);
   312         iCertArray->AppendL(issuerCert);
   313         CX509Certificate* subjectCert = NULL;
   314         for (int i = 1; i < iCertChainLen; i++)
   315         {
   316             subjectCert = issuerCert;
   317             cert = JavaCommonUtils::base64decode(std::string(iCertChain[i], strlen(iCertChain[i])));
   318             TPtr8 ptr((TUint8 *)(cert.c_str()), cert.size());
   319             ptr.SetLength(cert.size());
   320             issuerCert = CX509Certificate::NewL(ptr);
   321             iCertArray->AppendL(issuerCert);
   322             ocspParams->AddCertificateL(*subjectCert, *issuerCert);
   323         }
   324     }
   325     iOcspClient = COCSPClient::NewL(ocspParams);
   326 }
   328 OcspResponse* OcspResponse::NewL()
   329 {
   330     OcspResponse* self = new(ELeave) OcspResponse();
   331     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   332     self->ConstructL();
   333     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   334     return self;
   335 }
   337 OcspResponse::OcspResponse()
   338 {
   339     iIndividualResponses.clear();
   341 }
   343 void OcspResponse::ConstructL()
   344 {
   345 }
   347 OcspResponse::~OcspResponse()
   348 {
   349 }
   351 void OcspResponse::Clear()
   352 {
   353     iIndividualResponses.clear();
   355 }
   357 OcspResponse& OcspResponse::operator=(const OcspResponse& x)
   358 {
   359     iSummary = x.iSummary;
   360     iIndividualResponses = x.iIndividualResponses;
   361     return *this;
   362 }
   364 OcspResponse::OcspResponse(const OcspResponse& x)
   365 {
   366     *this = x;
   367 }