changeset 21 2a9601315dfc
child 48 e0d6e9bd3ca7
equal deleted inserted replaced
18:e8e63152f320 21:2a9601315dfc
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    19 #include <stdio.h>
    20 #include <errno.h>
    21 #include <sys/stat.h>
    22 #include <sys/types.h>
    23 #include <sys/socket.h>
    24 #include <netinet/in.h>
    25 #include <netdb.h>
    26 #include <fcntl.h>
    27 #include <unistd.h>
    28 #include <string.h>
    29 #include <time.h>
    30 #include <stdlib.h>
    31 #include <arpa/inet.h>
    33 #include "logger.h"
    34 #include "nativedatagramconnection.h"
    35 #include "javacommonutils.h"
    36 #include "apnsettings.h"
    37 #include "pushexception.h"
    38 #include "pusherrorcodes.h"
    41 using namespace java;
    42 using namespace java::util;
    44 NativeDatagramConnection::NativeDatagramConnection(const char *aName,
    45         int aMode, const char* aHost, int aPort)
    46 {
    47     ILOG1(ESOCKET,
    48           "NativeDatagramConnection::NativeDatagramConnection() , host = %s",
    49           aHost);
    50     mName = NULL;
    51     mHost = NULL;
    52     mDatagramServerFactory = NULL;
    53     mDatagramServerPtr = NULL;
    54     mName = new char[strlen(aName) + 1];
    55     strcpy(mName, aName);
    56     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo," name = %s",aName);
    57     mMode = aMode;
    58     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo, "before   , aHost + %s", aHost);
    59     mHost = new char[strlen(aHost) + 1];
    60     strcpy(mHost, aHost);
    61     LOG2(ESOCKET, EInfo, "after  mHost = %s , aHost + %s", mHost, aHost);
    62     mPort = aPort;
    63 }
    65 int NativeDatagramConnection::openConnection(int aType, int aApn, int * err)
    66 {
    67     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
    68     int ret  =0;
    69     if (strcmp(mHost, "") == 0)
    70     {
    71         LOG(ESOCKET, EInfo, "Datagram server connection");
    72         mDatagramServerFactory =
    73             &DatagramServerConnectionFactory::getFactory();
    75         mUrl = JavaCommonUtils::utf8ToWstring((const char *) mName);
    76         try
    77         {
    78             mDatagramServerPtr = reinterpret_cast<DatagramServerConnection*>(mDatagramServerFactory->create(
    79                                      mUrl));
    80         }
    81         catch (PushException& ex)
    82         {
    83             LOG(ESOCKET, EInfo, "ERROR!!! CreateConnection() PushException was caught");
    84             return -1;
    85         }
    86         if (mDatagramServerPtr != NULL)
    87         {
    88             mSockDesc = mDatagramServerPtr->open();
    89         }
    90         else
    91         {
    92             LOG(ESOCKET, EInfo, "mDatagramServerPtr is null ");
    93             return -1;
    94         }
    95     }
    96     else
    97     {
    99         LOG(ESOCKET, EInfo, "Datagram client connection");
   100         mSockDesc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
   102         if (aApn != -1)
   103         {
   104             // remove comments if open c patch available
   105             ret = ApnSettings::setDefaultApn(aType,aApn);
   106         }
   107     }
   108     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo, " NativeDatagramConnection::openConnection :: mSockDesc = ",mSockDesc);
   109     *err = ret;
   110     return mSockDesc;
   111 }
   113 int NativeDatagramConnection::sendDatagram(JNIEnv &aJni,
   114         jbyteArray aJavaBuffer, int aOffset, int aLength,
   115         const char *aDestAddr, int aDestPort)
   116 {
   117     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   118     char * writeBuffer = NULL;
   119     int retVal;
   120     struct sockaddr_in addr;
   121     addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   122     addr.sin_port = htons(aDestPort);
   124     int requiredNativeBufferLength = aLength - aOffset;
   125     // Allocate native buffer
   126     if (writeBuffer == NULL)
   127     {
   128         writeBuffer = new char[requiredNativeBufferLength + 1];
   129     }
   130     /* Copy the data to be written from java buffer to the native buffer.  */
   131     JNIArrayUtils::CopyToNative(aJni, aJavaBuffer, aOffset,
   132                                 requiredNativeBufferLength, writeBuffer);
   134     if (!inet_aton(aDestAddr, &addr.sin_addr))
   135     {
   136         struct hostent* hp = gethostbyname(aDestAddr);
   137         addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr*)(hp->h_addr))->s_addr;
   138     }
   139     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo, "send buffer is %s", writeBuffer);
   140     retVal = sendto(mSockDesc, writeBuffer, requiredNativeBufferLength, 0,
   141                     (struct sockaddr*) &addr, sizeof(addr));
   142     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo, "number of bytes sent is %d ", retVal);
   143     if (writeBuffer != NULL)
   144     {
   145         delete[] writeBuffer;
   146     }
   148     if (retVal < 0)
   149     {
   150         return -errno;
   151     }
   152     else
   153     {
   154         return retVal;
   155     }
   157 }
   160 int NativeDatagramConnection::receiveDatagram(JNIEnv &aJni,
   161         jbyteArray aJavaBuffer, int aOffset, int aLength, char* aSenderAddr,
   162         int * aSenderPort)
   163 {
   164     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   165     char * readBuffer = NULL;
   166     struct sockaddr_in sender_addr;
   167     sender_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
   168     unsigned int size = sizeof(sender_addr);
   169     int retVal;
   170     int requiredNativeBufferLength = aLength - aOffset;
   171     if (readBuffer == NULL)
   172     {
   173         readBuffer = new char[requiredNativeBufferLength + 2];
   174     }
   175     int bytesReceived = recvfrom(mSockDesc, readBuffer,
   176                                  requiredNativeBufferLength, 0, (struct sockaddr*) &sender_addr,
   177                                  &size);
   179     if (bytesReceived < 0)
   180     {
   181         retVal = -errno;
   182     }
   183     else
   184     {
   185         retVal = bytesReceived;
   186         strcpy(aSenderAddr, inet_ntoa(sender_addr.sin_addr));
   187         *aSenderPort = ntohs(sender_addr.sin_port);
   189         ILOG2(ESOCKET,
   190               "NativeDatagramConnection::receiveDatagram() senderaddress =  %s, port= %d",
   191               aSenderAddr, aSenderPort);
   193         JNIArrayUtils::CopyToJava(aJni, readBuffer, bytesReceived, aJavaBuffer,
   194                                   aOffset, bytesReceived);
   195     }
   196     delete[] readBuffer;
   197     return retVal;
   199 }
   201 int NativeDatagramConnection::getLocalAddress(char * aAddress)
   202 {
   203     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   204     struct sockaddr_in addr;
   205     socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
   206     int retval;
   207     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo,
   208          "NativeDatagramConnection::getLocalAddress() : mSockDesc =  : %d",
   209          mSockDesc);
   210     if (getsockname(mSockDesc, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &len) < 0)
   211     {
   212         LOG1(
   213             ESOCKET,
   214             EInfo,
   215             "NativeDatagramConnection::getLocalAddress() : getlocaladdress failed : %d",
   216             errno);
   217         strcpy(aAddress, "error");
   218         retval = -errno;
   219     }
   220     else
   221     {
   222         strcpy(aAddress, inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr));
   223         retval = 0;
   224     }
   225     return retval;
   226 }
   228 int NativeDatagramConnection::getLocalPort()
   229 {
   230     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   231     struct sockaddr_in addr;
   232     socklen_t len = sizeof(addr);
   233     int retval;
   235     if ((getsockname(mSockDesc, (struct sockaddr*) &addr, &len)) < 0)
   236     {
   237         LOG1(
   238             ESOCKET,
   239             EInfo,
   240             "NativeDatagramConnection::getLocalPort() : getlocalport failed : %d",
   241             errno);
   242         retval = -errno;
   243     }
   244     else
   245     {
   246         retval = ntohs(addr.sin_port);
   247     }
   248     return retval;
   249 }
   251 // called only via midlet, when UDPDatagrmaConnection.close() is called
   252 int NativeDatagramConnection::datagramClose()
   253 {
   254     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   255     int retValue;
   256     if (strcmp(mHost, "") == 0) // server connection
   257     {
   258         //retValue = close(mSockDesc);
   259         if (mUrl.length() != 12)
   260         {
   261             if (mDatagramServerFactory != NULL)
   262             {
   263                 mDatagramServerFactory->releaseConnection(mUrl);
   264                 mDatagramServerFactory = NULL;
   265                 mDatagramServerPtr = NULL;
   266             }
   267         }
   268         else          // is it is normal server connection, then just close the socket
   269         {
   270             if (mDatagramServerPtr->isNormalServerConnection() == true)
   271             {
   272                 retValue = ::close(mSockDesc);
   273                 if (retValue == -1)
   274                 {
   275                     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo,
   276                          "NativeDatagramConnection::datagramClose() : socket close failed : %d",
   277                          errno);
   278                     return -errno;
   279                 }
   280                 else
   281                 {
   282                     LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo,
   283                          "NativeDatagramConnection::setsocketoption  setsockopt errno %d",
   284                          -errno);
   285                     return retValue;
   286                 }
   287             }
   288             else   // it is added to push db so call releaseconnection
   289             {
   290                 mDatagramServerFactory->releaseConnection(mUrl);
   291                 mDatagramServerFactory = NULL;
   292                 mDatagramServerPtr = NULL;
   293             }
   294         }
   295         return 0;
   296     }
   297     else
   298     {
   299         retValue = close(mSockDesc);
   300         if (retValue == -1)
   301         {
   302             LOG1(ESOCKET,
   303                  EInfo,
   304                  "NativeDatagramConnection::socketClose() : socket close failed : %d",
   305                  errno);
   306             return -errno;
   307         }
   308         else
   309         {
   310             LOG1(ESOCKET, EInfo,
   311                  "NativeDatagramConnection::setsocketoption  setsockopt errno %d",
   312                  -errno);
   313             return retValue;
   314         }
   315     }
   316 }
   318 NativeDatagramConnection::~NativeDatagramConnection()
   319 {
   320     JELOG2(ESOCKET);
   321     if (mName != NULL)
   322     {
   323         delete[] mName;
   324     }
   325     if (mHost != NULL)
   326     {
   327         delete[] mHost;
   328     }
   329 }