changeset 65 ae942d28ec0e
equal deleted inserted replaced
60:6c158198356e 65:ae942d28ec0e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    17 package javax.microedition.lcdui;
    19 import;
    20 import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
    21 import*;
    22 import;
    23 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
    24 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
    25 import org.eclipse.swt.internal.extension.TextExtensionExtension;
    26 /**
    27  * Responsible for correct layout of TextField in a Form.
    28  */
    29 class TextFieldLayouter extends ItemLayouter
    30 {
    32     /**
    33      * Key name for modify listener.
    34      */
    35     private static final String MODIFY_LISTENER = "modify";
    37     /**
    38      * Key name for key listener.
    39      */
    40     private static final String KEY_LISTENER = "key";
    42     /**
    43      * Key name for mouse listener.
    44      */
    45     private static final String MOUSE_LISTENER = "mouse";
    48     /**
    49      * Percentage of the whole screen.
    50      */
    51     private static final int TOTAL_PERCENTAGE = 100;
    54     // private static Control[] staticControls = new Control[6];
    56     private static boolean isCorrectText;
    58     /**
    59      * Constructor.
    60      *
    61      * @param aFormLayouter FormLayouter used for layouting.
    62      */
    63     TextFieldLayouter(FormLayouter aFormLayouter)
    64     {
    65         super(aFormLayouter);
    66     }
    68     /**
    69      * Get static eSWT control (ConstraintText or TextExtension).
    70      *
    71      * @param constraint
    72      */
    73     static Control eswtGetStaticTextControl(int constraint)
    74     {
    75         Control ret = null;
    77         /*
    78         int maskedConstraint = constraint & TextField.CONSTRAINT_MASK;
    80         if (staticControls[maskedConstraint] == null) {
    81             staticControls[maskedConstraint] = TextWrapper.eswtConstructText(
    82                     eswtGetStaticShell(), SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP, constraint);
    83             ret = staticControls[maskedConstraint];
    84         }
    85         */
    87         if (constraint == TextField.NUMERIC) {
    88             constraint = TextExtensionExtension.NUMERIC;
    89         }
    90         else if (constraint == TextField.DECIMAL) {
    91             constraint = TextExtensionExtension.DECIMAL;
    92         }
    93         else if (constraint == TextField.PHONENUMBER) {
    94             constraint = TextExtensionExtension.PHONENUMBER;
    95         }
    96         else
    97         {
    98             // TODO: eSWT support required - text validation on EMAIL and URL constraints
    99             // default
   100             constraint = 0;
   101         }
   103         return new TextExtensionExtension(eswtGetStaticShell(), SWT.MULTI | SWT.WRAP,constraint);
   104     }
   106     /**
   107      * Check that text satisfies specified constraints.
   108      *
   109      * @param constraint TextField.NUMERIC etc.
   110      * @return true if text is correct for specified constraint.
   111      */
   112     static boolean checkText(final int constraint, final String text)
   113     {
   114         isCorrectText = true;
   116         try
   117         {   
   118          	  if(constraint == TextField.NUMERIC && !text.equals(""))
   119             {
   120                 Integer.parseInt(text);
   121             }
   122             else if(constraint == TextField.DECIMAL && !text.equals(""))
   123             {
   124                 Float.parseFloat(text);
   125             }
   126         }
   127         catch( NumberFormatException e )
   128         {   
   129         	  // Illegal text
   130             return false;
   131         }
   133         ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
   134         {
   135             public void run()
   136             {
   137                 try
   138                 {
   139                     TextWrapper.eswtSetContent(
   140                         eswtGetStaticTextControl(constraint), text);
   141                 }
   142                 catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
   143                 {
   144                     isCorrectText = false;
   145                 }
   146             }
   147         });
   148         return isCorrectText;
   149     }
   151     /**
   152      * eSWT specific calls to implement getControl.
   153      *
   154      * @param parent for the control.
   155      * @param item TextField item.
   156      */
   157     Control eswtGetControl(Composite parent, Item item)
   158     {
   159         TextField textfield = (TextField) item;
   161         Control te = TextWrapper.eswtConstructText(parent,
   162                      SWT.WRAP | SWT.MULTI, textfield.getConstraints());
   163         TextWrapper.eswtSetMaxSize(te, textfield.getMaxSize());
   164         TextWrapper.eswtSetContent(te, textfield.getString());
   165         TextWrapper.eswtSetSelection(te,
   166                                      textfield.getCaretPosition(), textfield.getCaretPosition());
   168         if(textfield.getInitialInputMode() != null)
   169         {
   170             eswtUpdateItem(textfield, te, TextField.UPDATE_INITIALINPUTMODE,
   171                            null);
   172         }
   173         return te;
   174     }
   176     /**
   177      * Returns true if this eSWT control is suitable to be used for updating.
   178      *
   179      * @param item Item.
   180      * @param control eSWT control.
   181      *
   182      * @return true if this control is suitable for update
   183      */
   184     boolean eswtIsSpecificControl(Item item, Control control)
   185     {
   186         return (control instanceof TextExtension);
   187     }
   189     /**
   190      * Updates the values of TextField.
   191      *
   192      * @param item Item.
   193      * @param control eSWT control.
   194      * @param reason reason to update.
   195      */
   196     void eswtUpdateItem(Item item, Control control, int reason, Object param)
   197     {
   198         TextField textfield = (TextField) item;
   199         if(reason == TextField.UPDATE_INITIALINPUTMODE)
   200         {
   201             TextWrapper.eswtSetInputMode(control,
   202                                          textfield.getInitialInputMode(),
   203                                          textfield.getConstraints());
   204         }
   205         else
   206         {
   207             TextWrapper.eswtSetContent(control, textfield.getString());
   208         }
   209     }
   211     /**
   212      * Update size of TextField.
   213      *
   214      * @param item TextField.
   215      * @param control Control which represents TextField.
   216      * @param width which control must occupy.
   217      */
   218     void eswtResizeControl(Item item, Control control, int width, int height)
   219     {
   220         super.eswtResizeControl(item, control, width, height);
   221         if(control instanceof TextExtension)
   222         {
   223             TextExtension te = (TextExtension) control;
   224             ((TextField) item).internalSetLinesCount(te.getLineCount());
   225         }
   226     }
   228     /**
   229      * Returns true if that key was consumed by TextField.
   230      *
   231      * @param item TextField.
   232      * @param key keyCode.
   233      */
   234     boolean eswtOfferKeyPressed(Item item, int key)
   235     {
   236         TextField tf = (TextField) item;
   237         if(item.hasLayout(Item.LAYOUT_SHRINK))
   238         {
   239             if((key == SWT.ARROW_LEFT
   240                     && tf.getCaretPosition() == 0)
   241                     || (key == SWT.ARROW_RIGHT
   242                         && tf.getCaretPosition() == tf.size()))
   243             {
   244                 return false;
   245             }
   246         }
   247         if(((key == SWT.ARROW_UP)
   248                 && (tf.getCaretPosition() == 0))
   249                 || ((key == SWT.ARROW_DOWN)
   250                     && (tf.getCaretPosition() == tf.size())))
   251         {
   252             return false;
   253         }
   254         return true;
   255     }
   257     /**
   258      * Responsible for reacting on focusGained event, and according to direction
   259      * from which that event comes sets the caret of the TextField.
   260      *
   261      * @param item TextField.
   262      * @param dir direction from which focus came, in case if it was set with
   263      *            setCurrentItem() default direction is used (-1).
   264      */
   265     void eswtFocusGained(Item item, int dir)
   266     {
   267         super.eswtFocusGained(item, dir);
   268         TextField tf = (TextField) item;
   269         // direction = dir;
   270         resetCaretPosition(tf, dir);
   271         Control control = eswtGetFirstSpecificControl(item);
   272         TextWrapper.eswtSetSelection(control,
   273                                      tf.getCaretPosition(), tf.getCaretPosition());
   274     }
   276     /**
   277      * Returns the minimum area needed to display a TextField.
   278      *
   279      * @param textField TextField object
   280      * @return Minimum area needed to display TextField.
   281      */
   282     static Point calculateMinimumBounds(final TextField textField)
   283     {
   284         final Point minSize = new Point(0, 0);
   285         ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
   286         {
   287             public void run()
   288             {
   289                 TextExtension tempExt = (TextExtension) eswtGetStaticTextControl(TextField.ANY);
   290                 tempExt.setText(ItemLayouter.MIN_TEXT);
   291                 tempExt.pack();
   292                 minSize.x = tempExt.getSize().x;
   293                 minSize.y = tempExt.getSize().y + Config.TEXTFIELD_MARGIN;
   294                 applyMinMargins(textField, minSize);
   295             }
   296         });
   297         return minSize;
   298     }
   300     /**
   301      * Returns the preferred area needed to display an Item.
   302      *
   303      * @param item Item.
   304      * @return Preferred area needed to display Item. x is width and y is
   305      *         height.
   306      */
   307     static Point calculatePreferredBounds(Item item)
   308     {
   309         final TextField textfield = (TextField) item;
   310         final Point prefSize = new Point(0, 0);
   311         ESWTUIThreadRunner.syncExec(new Runnable()
   312         {
   313             public void run()
   314             {
   315                 TextExtension te = (TextExtension) eswtGetStaticTextControl(TextField.ANY);
   316                 te.setText(textfield.getString());
   318                 int maxHeight = (formHeigh
   319                                  * Config.TEXTFIELD_MAX_SCREEN_PERCENTAGE / TOTAL_PERCENTAGE)
   320                                 - Config.TEXTFIELD_MARGIN;
   321                 textfield.internalSetMaxVisibleLines(maxHeight
   322                                                      / te.getLineHeight());
   324                 prefSize.x = getMaximumItemWidth(textfield);
   325                 prefSize.y = Config.TEXTFIELD_MARGIN + Math.min(
   326                                  te.computeSize(prefSize.x, SWT.DEFAULT).y, maxHeight);
   327                 // prefSize.y = Math.min(calc.y, maxHeight) + MARGIN;
   328                 applyPrefMargins(textfield, prefSize);
   329             }
   330         });
   331         return prefSize;
   332     }
   334     /**
   335      * Update caret position based on direction.
   336      *
   337      * @param textfield TextField for which to update caret position.
   338      * @param dir direction of scrolling.
   339      */
   340     private void resetCaretPosition(TextField textfield, int dir)
   341     {
   342         switch(dir)
   343         {
   344         case SWT.ARROW_DOWN:
   345             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(0);
   346             break;
   347         case SWT.ARROW_RIGHT:
   348             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(0);
   349             break;
   350         case SWT.ARROW_UP:
   351             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(textfield.size());
   352             break;
   353         case SWT.ARROW_LEFT:
   354             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(textfield.size());
   355             break;
   356         default:
   357             break;
   358         }
   359     }
   361     /**
   362      * Add TextField listeners when form is activated.
   363      *
   364      * @param item TextField.
   365      * @param control Control which represents TextField.
   366      */
   367     void eswtAddSpecificListeners(Item item, Control control)
   368     {
   369         super.eswtAddSpecificListeners(item, control);
   370         TextField textfield = (TextField) item;
   371         ModifyListener listener = new TextFieldModifyListener(textfield);
   372         TextWrapper.eswtAddModListener(control, listener);
   373         control.setData(MODIFY_LISTENER, listener);
   374         KeyListener listener2 = new TextFieldKeyListener(textfield);
   375         control.addKeyListener(listener2);
   376         control.setData(KEY_LISTENER, listener2);
   377         MouseListener listener4 = new AllMouseListener(textfield);
   378         control.addMouseListener(listener4);
   379         control.setData(MOUSE_LISTENER, listener4);
   380     }
   382     /**
   383      * Remove listeners from a TextField if the form goes to background.
   384      *
   385      * @param item TextField.
   386      * @param control Control which represents TextField.
   387      */
   388     void eswtRemoveSpecificListeners(Item item, Control control)
   389     {
   390         super.eswtRemoveSpecificListeners(item, control);
   391         ModifyListener l1 = (ModifyListener) control.getData(MODIFY_LISTENER);
   392         if(l1 != null)
   393         {
   394             TextWrapper.eswtRemoveModListener(control, l1);
   395             control.setData(MODIFY_LISTENER, null);
   396         }
   397         KeyListener l2 = (KeyListener) control.getData(KEY_LISTENER);
   398         if(l2 != null)
   399         {
   400             control.removeKeyListener(l2);
   401             control.setData(KEY_LISTENER, null);
   402         }
   403         MouseListener l4 = (MouseListener) control.getData(MOUSE_LISTENER);
   404         if(l4 != null)
   405         {
   406             control.removeMouseListener(l4);
   407             control.setData(MOUSE_LISTENER, null);
   408         }
   409     }
   411     /**
   412      * Class that receives ModifyEvents from TextExtension and updates values of
   413      * TextField.
   414      */
   415     class TextFieldModifyListener implements ModifyListener
   416     {
   418         private TextField textfield;
   420         TextFieldModifyListener(TextField textField)
   421         {
   422             this.textfield = textField;
   423         }
   425         private void handleLinesChange(TextExtension te)
   426         {
   427             int lines = te.getLineCount();
   428             int visibleLines = te.getSize().y / te.getLineHeight();
   429             if(lines != textfield.internalGetLinesCount())
   430             {
   431                 textfield.internalSetLinesCount(lines);
   432                 Control control = eswtGetFirstControl(textfield);
   433                 if(control.getSize().y + te.getLineHeight()
   434                         + Config.TEXTFIELD_MARGIN <= formLayouter.getFormHeight())
   435                 {
   436                     textfield.updateParent(Item.UPDATE_HEIGHT_CHANGED);
   437                 }
   438                 if(textfield.internalGetLinesCount() > lines)
   439                 {
   440                     if((te.getTopIndex() + visibleLines) > lines)
   441                     {
   442                         te.setTopIndex(Math.max(0, lines - visibleLines));
   443                     }
   444                     if(visibleLines > lines)
   445                     {
   446                         textfield.updateParent(Item.UPDATE_HEIGHT_CHANGED);
   447                     }
   448                 }
   450                 te.setTopIndex(Math.max(te.getCaretLineNumber() + 1
   451                                         - textfield.internalGetMaxVisibleLines(), 0));
   452             }
   453         }
   455         public void modifyText(ModifyEvent modifyEvent)
   456         {
   457             Control te = (Control) modifyEvent.widget;
   458             if(textfield.internalSetString(TextWrapper.eswtGetContent(te)))
   459             {
   460                 Logger.method(textfield, "modify", modifyEvent);
   461                 textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(
   462                     TextWrapper.eswtGetCaretPosition(te));
   463                 if(te instanceof TextExtension)
   464                 {
   465                     handleLinesChange((TextExtension) te);
   466                 }
   467                 textfield.notifyStateChanged();
   468             }
   469         }
   470     }
   472     /**
   473      * Class that receives KeyEvents from TextExtension and updates
   474      * caret position for TextField.
   475      */
   476     class TextFieldKeyListener implements KeyListener
   477     {
   479         private TextField textfield;
   481         TextFieldKeyListener(TextField textField)
   482         {
   483             this.textfield = textField;
   484         }
   486         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent keyEvent)
   487         {
   488             Control te = (Control) keyEvent.widget;
   489             int caretPos = TextWrapper.eswtGetCaretPosition(te);
   490             int caretLine = TextWrapper.eswtGetCaretLine(te);
   492             if(keyEvent.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_UP && caretLine == 0)
   493             {
   494                 caretPos = 0;
   495                 TextWrapper.eswtSetSelection(te, caretPos, caretPos);
   496             }
   497             else if(keyEvent.keyCode == SWT.ARROW_DOWN
   498                     && (caretLine == (TextWrapper.eswtGetLineCount(te) - 1)))
   499             {
   500                 caretPos = textfield.size();
   501                 TextWrapper.eswtSetSelection(te, caretPos, caretPos);
   502             }
   504             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(caretPos);
   505         }
   507         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent keyEvent)
   508         {
   509             // this is needed if focus was changed with touch.
   510             // so ne scrolling was done in DFI.
   511             if(!formLayouter.isItemFullyVisible(textfield))
   512             {
   513                 formLayouter.eswtScrollToItem(textfield);
   514             }
   515             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(
   516                 TextWrapper.eswtGetCaretPosition((Control) keyEvent.widget));
   517         }
   519     }
   521     class AllMouseListener implements MouseListener, MouseMoveListener
   522     {
   524         private TextField textfield;
   525         private boolean isEnabled;
   527         AllMouseListener(TextField tf)
   528         {
   529             textfield = tf;
   530         }
   532         public void enable(boolean enabled)
   533         {
   534             isEnabled = enabled;
   535         }
   537         public void mouseUp(MouseEvent me)
   538         {
   539             if(isEnabled)
   540             {
   541                 //
   542             }
   543         }
   545         public void mouseDown(MouseEvent me)
   546         {
   547             textfield.internalSetCaretPosition(
   548                 TextWrapper.eswtGetCaretPosition((Control) me.widget));
   549         }
   551         public void mouseMove(MouseEvent me)
   552         {
   553         }
   555         public void mouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent me)
   556         {
   557         }
   559     }
   561 }