changeset 80 d6dafc5d983f
equal deleted inserted replaced
78:71ad690e91f5 80:d6dafc5d983f
     1 /*******************************************************************************
     2  * Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3  * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
     4  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
     5  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
     6  *
     7  *
     8  * Contributors:
     9  *     Nokia Corporation - initial API and implementation
    10  *******************************************************************************/
    12 #include "imagebase.h"
    13 #include "gfxlog.h"
    15 namespace Java { namespace GFX {
    17 ImageBase::ImageBase() : mAlpha(-1), mHasMask(false)
    18     {
    19     }
    21 ImageBase::~ImageBase()
    22     {
    23     }
    25 void ImageBase::doGetRgb(QImage& image, int* aRgbdata, int aOffset, int aScanlength, 
    26                          int aX, int aY, int aWidth, int aHeight)
    27     {
    28     GFX_LOG_FUNC_CALL();
    30     if(aX != 0 || aY != 0 || aWidth < image.width() || aHeight < image.height())
    31         {
    32         image = image.copy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight);
    33         if(image.isNull())
    34             {
    35             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "copying from original image failed");
    36             }
    37         }
    39     // If image is not 32bpp we need to convert it
    40     if(image.format() != QImage::Format_RGB32 &&
    41        image.format() != QImage::Format_ARGB32)
    42         {
    43         image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_ARGB32);
    44         if(image.isNull())
    45             {
    46             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "format convertion to 32bpp failed");
    47             }
    48         }
    50     // Temporary storage for pixels
    51     QRgb* pixel = NULL;
    53     // dataArray index, start from offset
    54     int targetIndex = aOffset;
    55     // Iterate through lines
    56     for(int b = 0; b < aHeight; ++b)
    57         {
    58         // Obtain pointer to start of current line (y)
    59         const unsigned char* lineStart = image.scanLine(b);
    60         // Iterate through pixels on each line
    61         for (int a = 0; a < aWidth; ++a)
    62             {
    63             // Set the current pixel, relative to line start
    64             pixel = ((QRgb*)lineStart) + a;
    65             // Move target pointer to the next slot
    66             targetIndex = aOffset + a + (b * aScanlength);
    67             // Shift pixels to correct places, needed for 32-bit format
    68             // as the bits order in memory may vary between systems
    69             aRgbdata[targetIndex] =  ((qAlpha(*pixel) & 0xff) << 24) |
    70                                      ((qRed(*pixel)   & 0xff) << 16) |
    71                                      ((qGreen(*pixel) & 0xff) << 8 ) |
    72                                      ((qBlue(*pixel)  & 0xff));
    73             }
    74         }
    75     }
    77 void ImageBase::doGetRgb(QImage& image, char* aRgbdata, char* aTransparencyMask,int aOffset, 
    78                          int aScanlength, int aX, int aY, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aFormat)
    79     {
    80     GFX_LOG_FUNC_CALL();
    82     if(aX != 0 || aY != 0 || aWidth < image.width() || aHeight < image.height())
    83         {
    84         image = image.copy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight);
    85         if(image.isNull())
    86             {
    87             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "copying from original image failed");
    88             }
    89         }
    91     if(aScanlength < 0)
    92         {
    93          image = image.mirrored(false, true);
    94          if(image.isNull())
    95              {
    96              throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Mirroring failed");
    97              }
    98         }
   100     // If image is not monochrome we need to convert it
   101     if(image.format() != QImage::Format_Mono)
   102     {
   103         image = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_Mono);
   104         if(image.isNull())
   105         {
   106             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Format conversion to 8bpp failed");
   107         }
   108     }
   110     // dataArray index, start from offset
   111     int targetIndex = aOffset;
   113     const unsigned char* imageStart = image.bits();
   114     QImage mask = image.alphaChannel();
   115     const unsigned char* maskStart = mask.bits();
   117     // Find the number of full bytes
   118     int fullBytes = aWidth/8;
   119     int bpl = image.bytesPerLine();
   121     if(bpl == fullBytes)
   122         {
   123         memcpy(aRgbdata+targetIndex, imageStart, bpl*aHeight);
   124         memcpy(aTransparencyMask+targetIndex, maskStart, bpl*aHeight);
   125         }
   126     else
   127         {
   128         memcpy(aRgbdata+targetIndex, imageStart, fullBytes*aHeight + aHeight);
   129         memcpy(aTransparencyMask+targetIndex, maskStart, fullBytes*aHeight + aHeight);
   130         }
   131     }
   133 void ImageBase::doGetRgb(QImage& image, short* aRgbdata, int aOffset, int aScanlength, 
   134                          int aX, int aY, int aWidth, int aHeight, int aFormat)
   135     {
   136     GFX_LOG_FUNC_CALL();
   138     // Match format to QT
   139     int format;
   140     switch (aFormat) {
   141         case EFormatRGB555:
   142             format = QImage::Format_RGB555;
   143             break;
   144         case EFormatRGB16:
   145             format = QImage::Format_RGB16;
   146             break;
   147          case EFormatRGB444:
   148             format = QImage::Format_RGB444;
   149             break;
   150          case EFormatARGB4444Premultiplied:
   151             format = QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied;
   152             break;
   153          default:
   154             format = QImage::Format_RGB16;
   155     }
   157     if(aX != 0 || aY != 0 || aWidth < image.width() || aHeight < image.height())
   158         {
   159         image = image.copy(aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight);
   160         if(image.isNull())
   161             {
   162             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "copying from original image failed");
   163             }
   164         }
   166     // If image is not format we need, convert it
   167     if(image.format() != format)
   168         {
   169         image = image.convertToFormat((QImage::Format)format);
   170         if(image.isNull())
   171             {
   172             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "format convertion to 16bpp failed");
   173             }
   174         }
   176     // Temporary storage for pixels
   177     short* pixel = NULL;
   178     // dataArray index, start from offset
   179     int targetIndex = aOffset;
   181     // Iterate through lines
   182     for(int b=0; b < aHeight; b++)
   183         {
   184         // Obtain pointer to start of current line (y)
   185         const unsigned char* lineStart = image.scanLine(b);
   186         // Iterate through pixels on each line
   187         for(int a=0; a < aWidth; a++)
   188             {
   189             // Set the current pixel, relative to line start
   190             pixel = ((short*)lineStart) + a;
   191             // Move target pointer to the next slot
   192             targetIndex = aOffset + a + (b * aScanlength);
   193             aRgbdata[targetIndex] =  *pixel;
   194             }
   195         }
   196     }
   198 QTransform ImageBase::generateTransformMatrix(TTransform aTransform)
   199     {
   200     GFX_LOG_FUNC_CALL();
   202     // In case there's both mirror and rotate is requested, the angle of rotation
   203     // must be negative since when the transform is applied the z-axis is processed
   204     // before y-axis, while the spec mandates reverse order. So by having negative  
   205     // degrees for rotation along z-axis here, gives correct output.
   206     QTransform transform;
   207     switch(aTransform) 
   208         {
   209         case ETransNone:
   210             // No transform or mirror
   211             break;
   212         case ETransRot90:
   213             transform.rotate(90, Qt::ZAxis);
   214             break;
   215         case ETransRot180:
   216             transform.rotate(180, Qt::ZAxis);
   217             break;
   218         case ETransRot270:
   219             transform.rotate(270, Qt::ZAxis);
   220             break;
   221         case ETransMirror:
   222             transform.rotate(180,Qt::YAxis);
   223             break;
   224         case ETransMirrorRot90:
   225             transform.rotate(180, Qt::YAxis);
   226             transform.rotate(-90, Qt::ZAxis);
   227             break;
   228         case ETransMirrorRot180:
   229             transform.rotate(180, Qt::YAxis);
   230             transform.rotate(-180, Qt::ZAxis);
   231             break;
   232         case ETransMirrorRot270:
   233             transform.rotate(180, Qt::YAxis);
   234             transform.rotate(-270, Qt::ZAxis);
   235             break;
   236         default:
   237             Q_ASSERT_X(false, "Graphics", "Transform type not recognized");
   238         }
   239     return transform;
   240     }
   242 int ImageBase::getAlpha() 
   243     {
   244     return mAlpha;
   245     }
   247 bool ImageBase::hasMask()
   248     {
   249     return mHasMask;
   250     }
   252 QImage ImageBase::imageDataToQImage(ImageDataWrapper* aData)
   253     {
   254     if(aData->getDepth() != 32)
   255         {
   256         // Java side always converts the ImageData to 32 bit before passing it
   257         // to native side, bail out if we get something else
   258         throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Only 32 bit ImageData is supported in Image creation");
   259         }
   261     int bpp = 4; // bit depth = 32, 4 bytes per pixel
   262     int size = aData->getWidth()*aData->getHeight()*bpp;
   263     char* pixelData = aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EPixelData);
   265     for(int index = 0; index < size; index += bpp)
   266         {
   267         int pixel = *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(pixelData+index));
   269         pixelData[index]   = (uchar)(pixel >> 24) & 0xFF;
   270         pixelData[index+1] = (uchar)(pixel >> 16) & 0xFF;
   271         pixelData[index+2] = (uchar)(pixel >> 8) & 0xFF;
   272         pixelData[index+3] = 0xFF; // Set alpha to opaque here, alpha channel data will be handled later
   273         }
   275     QImage image(reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EPixelData)),
   276                                               aData->getWidth(),
   277                                               aData->getHeight(),
   278                                               aData->getBytesPerLine(),
   279                                               QImage::Format_ARGB32);
   280     if(image.isNull())
   281         {
   282         throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Image creation failed");
   283         }
   285     // Set indexed palette (if one is set)
   286     if(!aData->isDirect())
   287         {
   288         image.setColorTable(*aData->getPaletteData()->getIndexedPalette());
   289         }
   291     mHasMask = false;
   292     mAlpha = aData->getAlpha();
   294     if(aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EMaskData))
   295         {
   296         QImage mask(reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EMaskData)),
   297                                              aData->getWidth(),
   298                                              aData->getHeight(),
   299                                              QImage::Format_Mono);
   300         if(mask.isNull())
   301             {
   302             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Image alpha channel creation failed");
   303             }
   304         image.setAlphaChannel(mask);
   305         mHasMask = true;
   306         }
   307     else if(mAlpha != -1)
   308         {
   309         // Global alpha is set, overrides alpha channel data
   310         QImage alpha(aData->getWidth(), aData->getHeight(), QImage::Format_Indexed8);
   311         if(alpha.isNull())
   312             {
   313             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Image alpha channel creation failed");
   314             }
   316         alpha.fill(aData->getAlpha());
   317         image.setAlphaChannel(alpha);
   318         }
   319     else if(aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EAlphaData))
   320         {
   321         // Alpha channel data is set
   322         const int w = aData->getWidth();
   323         QImage alpha(reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(aData->getData(ImageDataWrapper::EAlphaData)),
   324                                               w,
   325                                               aData->getHeight(),
   326                                               w,
   327                                               QImage::Format_Indexed8);
   328         QVector<QRgb> colors(255);
   329         for(int i=0; i<255; i++)
   330             {
   331             colors[i] = qRgb(i, i, i);
   332             }
   333         alpha.setColorTable(colors);
   334         colors.clear();
   336         if(alpha.isNull())
   337             {
   338             throw GfxException(EGfxErrorNoMemory, "Image alpha channel creation failed");
   339             }
   340         image.setAlphaChannel(alpha);
   341         }
   342     return image;
   343     }
   346 QImage::Format ImageBase::mapInternalFormatToQt(TImageFormat internalImageFormat)
   347     {
   348     switch (internalImageFormat) 
   349         {
   350         case EFormatARGB32:
   351             return QImage::Format_ARGB32;
   352         case EFormatRGB32:
   353             return QImage::Format_RGB32;
   354         case EFormatARGB32Premultiplied:
   355             return QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
   356          case EFormatRGB16:
   357             return QImage::Format_RGB16;
   358          case EFormatRGB555:
   359             return QImage::Format_RGB555;
   360          case EFormatRGB444:
   361             return QImage::Format_RGB444;
   362          case EFormatARGB4444Premultiplied:
   363             return QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied;
   364          case EFormatMONO:
   365             return QImage::Format_Mono;
   366          default:
   367             return QImage::Format_Invalid;
   368         }
   369     }
   371 TImageFormat ImageBase::mapQtFormatToInternal(QImage::Format qtImageFormat)
   372     {
   373     switch (qtImageFormat) 
   374         {
   375         case QImage::Format_ARGB32:
   376             return EFormatARGB32;
   377         case QImage::Format_RGB32:
   378             return EFormatRGB32;
   379         case QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied:
   380             return EFormatARGB32Premultiplied;
   381          case QImage::Format_RGB16:
   382             return EFormatRGB16;
   383          case QImage::Format_RGB555:
   384             return EFormatRGB555;
   385          case QImage::Format_RGB444:
   386             return EFormatRGB444;
   387          case QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied:
   388             return EFormatARGB4444Premultiplied;
   389          case QImage::Format_Mono:
   390             return EFormatMONO;
   391          default:
   392             return EFormatNone;
   393         }
   394     }
   396 } // namespace GFX
   397 } // namespace Java