--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaruntimes/midp/runtimestarter/src/midpruntimestarter.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This class provides container for message.
+#include <string>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "midpruntimestarter.h"
+#include "applicationinfosetter.h"
+#include "runtimeexception.h"
+#include "runtimestarterutils.h"
+#include "midpruntimearguments.h"
+#include "dynamiclibloader.h"
+#include "javainifileutils.h"
+#include "javacommonutils.h"
+#include "javaoslayer.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "commsmessage.h"
+#include "rtcmessages.h"
+#include "pushcontrollerstarter.h"
+#include "javastoragenames.h"
+#include "javacoreui.h"
+#include "javacoreuiparams.h"
+#include "com_nokia_mj_impl_rt_midp_MemoryLogger.h"
+using namespace java::runtime;
+using namespace java::util;
+using namespace java::push;
+using namespace java::storage;
+using namespace java::captain;
+using namespace java::ui;
+const wchar_t* const RUNTIME_MAIN_CLASS = L"com.nokia.mj.impl.rt.midp.Main";
+const wchar_t* const TRUE_WSTR = L"true";
+MidpRuntimeStarter::MidpRuntimeStarter(): mMidletInfo(new MidletInfo()), // codescanner::nonleavenew
+ mRuntimeState(Constructed)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ if (mPushLib.get())
+ {
+ mPushLib->closeLib();
+ }
+int MidpRuntimeStarter::start(int argc, char *argv[])
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // Create instance of RuntimeStarterUtils for thread supervisioning.
+ std::auto_ptr<RuntimeStarterUtils> starterUtils(new RuntimeStarterUtils()); // codescanner::nonleavenew
+ starterUtils->startThreadSupervisor();
+ // Parse the args received from Captain.
+ parseArgs(argc, argv);
+ initComms();
+ // Some push plugins needs to get the UID of the MIDlet and the root
+ // path. Setting MidpRuntimeStarter as a service provider.
+ setApplicationInfoProvider(*this);
+ // Check if push command was receieved.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mPushStart)
+ {
+ // In order ot serve ApplicationInfo we need to solve the
+ // MIDlet suite UID.
+ std::auto_ptr<JavaStorage> storage(JavaStorage::createInstance());
+ storage->open();
+ getMIDletSuiteUidFromStorage(*storage.get());
+ storage->close();
+ storage.reset(0);
+ handlePushStart();
+ // Handle case where during the push listening we receive a close cmd.
+ if (mRuntimeState == Closing)
+ {
+ closePush();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Load the core UI
+ std::auto_ptr<java::util::DynamicLibLoader> coreUiLoader;
+ startCoreUi(coreUiLoader);
+ // Create starter for starting the JVM
+ std::auto_ptr<JvmStarter>
+ jvm(JvmStarter::getJvmStarterInstance(JvmStarter::CLDC,
+ L"Midp"));
+ // Don't know the class path in pre-warm state.
+ if (!mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart)
+ {
+ jvm->appendClassPath(mMidletInfo->mClassPath);
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-uid");
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid.toString());
+ // Get the heap size recorded from the previous runs.
+ int heapSize = getHeapSize();
+ if (heapSize > com_nokia_mj_impl_rt_midp_MemoryLogger_MAX_OLD_SPACE)
+ {
+ heapSize = com_nokia_mj_impl_rt_midp_MemoryLogger_MAX_OLD_SPACE;
+ }
+ if (heapSize > com_nokia_mj_impl_rt_midp_MemoryLogger_DEFAULT_OLD_SPACE)
+ {
+ jvm->overrideOldHeapSize(heapSize / 1024);
+ }
+ }
+ jvm->setMainClass(RUNTIME_MAIN_CLASS);
+ jvm->enableThreadDumping();
+ jvm->appendSystemProperty(L"-Dcom.nokia.rt.port=midp");
+#ifndef RD_JAVA_UI_QT
+ jvm->appendSystemProperty(L"-Dcom.nokia.legacy.support=LegacySymbian");
+#endif // RD_JAVA_UI_QT
+ // Provide access to this object by Java peer via delivering a pointer
+ // to this object.
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-handle");
+ MidpStarterInternalSupport* internalSupport = this;
+ int handle = reinterpret_cast<int>(internalSupport);
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(handle));
+ // If the intention is to go to prewarmed state pass the info to Java peer.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart)
+ {
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-prewarm");
+ // Captain needs a pid in order to identify the prewarmed runtime.
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(getpid()));
+ // Starting with lower old space in pre warm case.
+ jvm->overrideOldHeapSize(36);
+ }
+ // If the requested to go to back ground, pass the info to Java peer.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mBackGroundRequested)
+ {
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-background");
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(TRUE_WSTR);
+ }
+ // If the autoinvocation happened pass the info to Java peer.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested)
+ {
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-autoinvocation");
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(TRUE_WSTR);
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(L"-autoInvocationAdditional");
+ jvm->appendApplicationArgument(mPushAdditionalInfo);
+ }
+ // Enable thread dumping. If the captain informed about debug mode
+ // or arguments for MIDlet set the arguments provided by the captain.
+ std::wstring midletArgs;
+ starterUtils->enableDevelopmentFeatures(*jvm.get(),
+ mMidletInfo->mDebugRequested || mMidletInfo->mMIDletHasArgs,
+ &midletArgs);
+ if (midletArgs.length() == 0)
+ {
+ // If MIDlet was waiting for push or was pre-warmed,
+ // the arguments can be already in midlet info
+ midletArgs = mMidletInfo->mMIDletArgs;
+ }
+ if (midletArgs.length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Pass the arguments to 'Java side' in encoded form.
+ // Encoding is done to prevent security risks.
+ std::wstring encodedArgs = L"-Dcom.nokia.mid.cmdline=";
+ encodedArgs.append(encodeArgs(midletArgs));
+ jvm->appendSystemProperty(encodedArgs);
+ // remember the args
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletArgs = encodedArgs;
+ }
+ // When starting this property has always value "1"
+ jvm->appendSystemProperty(L"-Dcom.nokia.mid.cmdline.instance=1");
+ // There might be extensions available. Solving if those exist.
+ std::wstring extendedBootClassPath;
+ // This call is platform dependent.
+ starterUtils->getExtBootClassPath(extendedBootClassPath);
+ if (extendedBootClassPath.length() > 0)
+ {
+ // Append the extensions to bootclasspath.
+ jvm->appendBootClassPath(extendedBootClassPath);
+ // Provide the bootclasspath also as a system propery
+ // for solving the protected and restricted packages.
+ std::wstring addOnList(L"-Dcom.nokia.mj.addon.list=");
+ addOnList += extendedBootClassPath;
+ jvm->appendSystemProperty(addOnList);
+ }
+ mRuntimeState = Active;
+ // Start the JVM.
+ int status = jvm->startJvm();
+ if (mComms.get())
+ {
+ mComms->disconnect();
+ }
+ CoreUi::releaseUi(coreUiLoader);
+ return status;
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::parseArgs(int argc, char* argv[])
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ bool appUidFound = false;
+ // Loop through the arguments. First one can be skipped, because it
+ // contains the name of the executable.
+ for (int index = 1 ; index < argc; index++)
+ {
+ const char* key = argv[index];
+ const char* value = 0;
+ // Checking if there is value available.
+ if (index+1 < argc)
+ {
+ value = argv[index+1];
+ }
+ LOG2(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"MidpRuntimeStarter::parseArgs(). "
+ "Handling key %s with value %s",
+ key,
+ value==0?"<No Value>":value);
+ if (strcmp(key, APP_UID_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ if (value)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid =
+ Uid(java::util::JavaCommonUtils::utf8ToWstring(value));
+ appUidFound = true;
+ index++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, PREWARM_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"PREWARM_ARGUMENT = %d ", mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, PUSH_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mPushStart = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"PUSH_ARGUMENT = %d ", mMidletInfo->mPushStart);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, AUTO_INVOCATION_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"AUTO_INVOCATION_ARGUMENT = %d ", mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, DEBUG_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mDebugRequested = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"DEBUG_ARGUMENT = %d ", mMidletInfo->mDebugRequested);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, EXTRA_ARGUMENTS) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletHasArgs = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"EXTRA_ARGUMENTS = %d ", mMidletInfo->mMIDletHasArgs);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(key, BG_START_ARGUMENT) == 0)
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mBackGroundRequested = true;
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo,"BG_START_ARGUMENT = %d ", mMidletInfo->mBackGroundRequested);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string errorStr("Unknown argument received: ");
+ errorStr.append(key);
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ if (appUidFound == false && mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart == false)
+ {
+ std::string errorStr("Argument ");
+ errorStr.append(APP_UID_ARGUMENT);
+ errorStr.append(" not defined!");
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::startCoreUi(std::auto_ptr<java::util::DynamicLibLoader>& coreUiLoader)
+ CoreUi& coreUi = CoreUi::getUiInstance(coreUiLoader);
+ // Create the default UI only if not going into pre-warmed state.
+ if (!mMidletInfo->mPreWarmStart)
+ {
+ // Open a session to JavaStorage.
+ std::auto_ptr<JavaStorage> javaStorage(JavaStorage::createInstance());
+ javaStorage->open();
+ CoreUiParams uiParams;
+ // Get the MIDlet suite UID from storage.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid.toString() == L"")
+ {
+ getMIDletSuiteUidFromStorage(*javaStorage.get());
+ }
+ // Check if the MIDlet has defined the Nokia-MIDlet-App-Orientation
+ // JAD attribute.
+ std::auto_ptr<std::wstring> appOrientation
+ (getMidletAttributeFromStorage(*javaStorage.get(),
+ L"Nokia-MIDlet-App-Orientation"));
+ if (appOrientation.get() != 0)
+ {
+ std::transform(appOrientation->begin(), appOrientation->end(),
+ appOrientation->begin(), tolower);
+ if (*appOrientation == L"portrait")
+ {
+ uiParams.setOrientation(PORTRAIT);
+ }
+ else if (*appOrientation == L"landscape")
+ {
+ uiParams.setOrientation(LANDSCAPE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WLOG1(EJavaRuntime, "appOrientation contained unknown value: %S",
+ appOrientation->c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Nokia-MIDlet-App-Orientation not defined");
+ }
+ // Check if the MIDlet has defined the MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image
+ // JAD attribute.
+ std::auto_ptr<std::wstring> splashScreen
+ (getMidletAttributeFromStorage(*javaStorage.get(),
+ L"MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image"));
+ if (splashScreen.get() != 0)
+ {
+ std::transform(splashScreen->begin(), splashScreen->end(),
+ splashScreen->begin(), tolower);
+ if (*splashScreen == L"suppress")
+ {
+ // If MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image JAD attribute is suppress then
+ // we start the UI into background.
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image is suppress");
+ uiParams.setScreenMode(NO_START_SCREEN);
+ uiParams.setBackgroundStart(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image JAD attribute is not suppress then
+ // we need to solve the root path of the MIDlet and provide that
+ // to the coreUI.
+ uiParams.setScreenMode(MIDLET_DEFINED_SCREEN);
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image, setPath to %S",
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletRootPath.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "MIDlet-Splash-Screen-Image not defined");
+ uiParams.setScreenMode(DEFAULT_START_SCREEN);
+ }
+ getRootPath();
+ uiParams.setImagePath(mMidletInfo->mMIDletRootPath);
+ // If there was a background start requst pass the info to coreUi.
+ // Also the autoinvocation start puts the screen into BG.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mBackGroundRequested || mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested)
+ {
+ uiParams.setBackgroundStart(true);
+ }
+ // Start the coreUI.
+ JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("Starting CoreUI", -1, -1);
+ coreUi.start(mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid, &uiParams);
+ JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("CoreUI started", -1, -1);
+ getMIDletSuiteInfoFromStorage(javaStorage.get(), JAR_PATH,
+ mMidletInfo->mClassPath);
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::
+ApplicationStateChangeRequest(ApplicationState state)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "ApplicationStateChangeRequest: %d", state);
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ doStateChange(Start);
+ break;
+ doStateChange(Stop);
+ break;
+ default:
+ std::string errorStr("Illegal state ");
+ errorStr.append(JavaCommonUtils::intToString(state));
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::doStateChange(StateChangeRequest request)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ LOG2(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "MidpRuntimeStarter::doStateChange. Request: %d,"
+ " current state: %d", request, mRuntimeState);
+ ScopedLock lock(mProcessesMutex); // Making the method thread safe
+ switch (request)
+ {
+ case Start:
+ // Check if we are still waiting start command.
+ if (mRuntimeState == PushListen)
+ {
+ mRuntimeState = Active;
+ //Allow application startUp.
+ mMonitor->notify();
+ }
+ break;
+ case Stop:
+ // Check if we are still waiting start command.
+ if (mRuntimeState == PushListen)
+ {
+ //Allow application to close.
+ mRuntimeState = Closing;
+ mMonitor->notify();
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ std::string errorStr("Illegal request ");
+ errorStr.append(JavaCommonUtils::intToString(request));
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::closeRuntimeInd()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Starter got close indication from JVM");
+ if (mMidletInfo->mPushStart)
+ {
+ closePush();
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::setUids(const Uid& midletUid, const Uid& midletSuiteUid)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid = midletUid;
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid = midletSuiteUid;
+ LOG2(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Setting UID set during pre-warm start: m=%S, s=%S",
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid.toString().c_str(),
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid.toString().c_str());
+int MidpRuntimeStarter::getHeapSize() const
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // No need to do charcter conversion in here.
+ std::string root(mMidletInfo->mClassPath.begin(),
+ mMidletInfo->mClassPath.end());
+ int heapSize = -1;
+ // The file is stored into same location where the jar file is put.
+ // replace the 'xxx.jar' with 'heap' and open the file.
+ size_t pos = root.find_last_of("/\\");
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ root.erase(pos+1);
+ root += "heap";
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Heap size from file %s.", root.c_str());
+ try
+ {
+ std::ifstream heapFile;
+ heapFile.open(root.c_str(), std::ifstream::in);
+ heapFile >> heapSize;
+ heapFile.close();
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, " heap: %d.", heapSize);
+ }
+ catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ LOG2(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Not able to read from file %s. Error %s",
+ root.c_str(), e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ return heapSize;
+std::wstring MidpRuntimeStarter::encodeArgs(const std::wstring& str)
+ // Modify the places where the following characters are used to prevent
+ // possible security problems when this string is passed as an command line
+ // system property parameter to JVM
+ const std::wstring specials(L"= -%");
+ std::string::size_type idx = str.find_first_of(specials);
+ std::string::size_type cur = 0;
+ std::wstring res;
+ std::string convBuf;
+ while (idx != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ // Add all characters up to and including the current special char to
+ // final result string
+ if (idx >= cur)
+ {
+ res.append(str.substr(cur, (idx - cur) + 1));
+ }
+ // Encode all special characters 'X' in same way.
+ // "X" -> "X%"
+ res.append(L"%");
+ cur = idx + 1;
+ idx = str.find_first_of(specials, cur);
+ }
+ // Add characters after last special character if any
+ res.append(str.substr(cur, str.length() - cur));
+ return res;
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::getMIDletSuiteUidFromStorage(java::storage::JavaStorage& storage)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // Get the MIDlet suite UID.
+ JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midletEntries;
+ // Reading the MIDlet specific attributes from APPLICATION_TABLE.
+ // MIDlet UID is a key.
+ storage.read(APPLICATION_TABLE, mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid,
+ midletEntries);
+ // Storing UID of the MIDlet suite.
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid = Uid(getDbValue(midletEntries, PACKAGE_ID));
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::getMIDletSuiteInfoFromStorage(JavaStorage* storageConnection,
+ const std::wstring& key,
+ std::wstring& value) const
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // If the JavaStorage connection is created temporarily in this method, auto_ptr is used to
+ // ensure closing and destroyng the JavaStorage connection. Don't use javaStorage ptr to any
+ // other purposes - instead use storageConnection.
+ std::auto_ptr<JavaStorage> javaStorage;
+ if (storageConnection == 0)
+ {
+ javaStorage.reset(JavaStorage::createInstance());
+ storageConnection = javaStorage.get();
+ javaStorage->open();
+ }
+ JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midletSuiteEntries;
+ // Reading the MIDlet suite specific attributes from
+ // APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE. MIDlet suite UID is a key.
+ storageConnection->read(APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE,
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid,
+ midletSuiteEntries);
+ value = getDbValue(midletSuiteEntries, key);
+MidpRuntimeStarter::getMidletAttributeFromStorage(JavaStorage& storage,
+ const std::wstring& searchKey)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ JavaStorageEntry findPattern;
+ JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t findPatterns;
+ JavaStorageApplicationList_t foundEntries;
+ findPattern.setEntry(ID, mMidletInfo->mMIDletSuiteUid.toString(),
+ JavaStorageEntry::STRING);
+ findPatterns.insert(findPattern);
+ findPattern.setEntry(NAME, searchKey, JavaStorageEntry::STRING);
+ findPatterns.insert(findPattern);
+ findPattern.setEntry(VALUE,L"");
+ findPatterns.insert(findPattern);
+ storage.search(APPLICATION_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, findPatterns, foundEntries);
+ JavaStorageApplicationList_t::iterator iter = foundEntries.begin();
+ if (iter != foundEntries.end())
+ {
+ JavaStorageEntry findPatternForValue;
+ findPatternForValue.setEntry(VALUE, L"");
+ JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::iterator valueIter = iter->find(findPatternForValue);
+ if (valueIter != iter->end())
+ {
+ return new std::wstring(valueIter->entryValue()); // codescanner::nonleavenew
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string errorStr("MIDLET with UID: ");
+ std::wstring uid = mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid.toString();
+ errorStr += std::string(uid.begin(), uid.end());
+ errorStr += ". Error reading from storage: ";
+ errorStr += std::string(searchKey.begin(), searchKey.end());
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+std::wstring MidpRuntimeStarter::getDbValue(
+ const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& entry,
+ const std::wstring& key) const
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ JavaStorageEntry findPattern;
+ std::wstring empty;
+ findPattern.setEntry(key, empty);
+ // Get attribute from read attributes.
+ JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::const_iterator findIterator =
+ entry.find(findPattern);
+ if (findIterator != entry.end())
+ {
+ return findIterator->entryValue();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::string errorStr("MIDLET with UID: ");
+ std::wstring uid = mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid.toString();
+ errorStr += std::string(uid.begin(), uid.end());
+ errorStr += ". Not able to find attribute ";
+ errorStr += std::string(key.begin(), key.end());
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::handlePushStart()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ mMonitor.reset(Monitor::createMonitor());
+ mRuntimeState = PushListen;
+ PushControllerStarter::getPushControllerStarter(mPushLib).
+ startListen(mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid, this);
+ mMonitor->wait();
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::closePush()
+ // Received a close message from Java peer.
+ PushControllerStarter::getPushControllerStarter(mPushLib).close();
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::
+startMidletRequestFromPush(const std::wstring& pushAdditionalInfo)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ mPushAdditionalInfo = pushAdditionalInfo;
+ // This can be considered to be auto invocation. Setting flag on
+ // to be delivered to Java runtime.
+ mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested = true;
+ doStateChange(Start);
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::closeRuntimeRequestFromPush()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ doStateChange(Stop);
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::initComms()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ mComms.reset(new CommsClientEndpoint(L"javacaptain")); // codescanner::nonleavenew
+ mComms->registerDefaultListener(this);
+ int result = mComms->connect(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
+ if (result != 0)
+ {
+ std::string errorStr("Connection to JavaCaptain failed: Reason = ");
+ errorStr.append(JavaCommonUtils::intToString(result));
+ throw RuntimeException(errorStr, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ }
+ CommsMessage msg;
+ msg.setModuleId(PLUGIN_ID_RTC_C);
+ setApplicationRunningIndParams(msg, mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid, 0);
+ mComms->send(msg);
+void MidpRuntimeStarter::processMessage(java::comms::CommsMessage& message)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ int messageId = message.getMessageId();
+ // RTC_MSG_ID_TERMINATE_APPLICATION_REQ are received from the Java Captain
+ // when we are listening push connection and the VM is not started.
+ // When the MIDlet is running normally, these two messages are handled
+ // by Java peer.
+ // RTC_MSG_ID_ADD_PUSH_CONNECTION_IND is always handled here.
+ switch (messageId)
+ {
+ {
+ // Start the push MIDlet that is pre started to listen mode.
+ Uid uid;
+ int type;
+ int options;
+ std::string rtc;
+ std::wstring midletArgs;
+ std::wstring runtimeArguments;
+ getLaunchApplicationReqParams(message, uid, type, options, rtc,
+ midletArgs,
+ runtimeArguments);
+ {
+ mMidletInfo->mAutoInvocationRequested = true;
+ }
+ // The arguments will be passed to midlet when JVM is started
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletArgs = midletArgs;
+ ApplicationStateChangeRequest(START_APPLICATION);
+ }
+ break;
+ // Stop the push MIDlet that is pre started to listen mode.
+ ApplicationStateChangeRequest(CLOSE_APPLICATION);
+ break;
+ {
+ Uid uidFromMessage;
+ getUpdatePushReqParams(message, uidFromMessage);
+ if (uidFromMessage == mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid)
+ {
+ PushControllerStarter::getPushControllerStarter(mPushLib).
+ updatePushRegs(mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid, this);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ELOG2(EJavaRuntime, "getUpdatePushReqParams: wrong UID!: "
+ "%S should be %S",
+ uidFromMessage.toString().c_str(),
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid.toString().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ ELOG1(EJavaRuntime, "Unknown message sent to Runtime %d",
+ messageId);
+ break;
+ }
+const std::wstring& MidpRuntimeStarter::getRootPath() const
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // If the root path is not yet cached, read it from storage.
+ if (mMidletInfo->mMIDletRootPath.length() == 0)
+ {
+ getMIDletSuiteInfoFromStorage(0, ROOT_PATH,
+ mMidletInfo->mMIDletRootPath);
+ }
+ return mMidletInfo->mMIDletRootPath;
+const java::util::Uid& MidpRuntimeStarter::getUid() const
+ return mMidletInfo->mMIDletUid;