--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaruntimes/starterutils/src.s60/j9starters60.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This class is meant for starting the J9 JVM.
+#include <string>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "j9starters60.h"
+#include "jvmargsmodifier.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "javaoslayer.h"
+#include "dynamiclibloader.h"
+#include "javacommonutils.h"
+using namespace java::runtime;
+using namespace java::util;
+extern const wchar_t CLASS_PATH_SEPARATOR = L';';
+extern const char PATH_SEPARATOR_FROM = '/';
+extern const char PATH_SEPARATOR_TO = '\\';
+const wchar_t* const ODC_PROPERTY = L"-Dcom.ibm.j9.ext.odcs=";
+EXPORT_C JvmStarter*
+JvmStarter::getJvmStarterInstance(const Configuration configuration,
+ const std::wstring& indetifier)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ return new J9StarterS60(configuration, indetifier);
+EXPORT_C JvmStarter*
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ return new J9StarterS60();
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ :
+ mVariant(0)
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+J9StarterS60::J9StarterS60(const Configuration configuration,
+ const std::wstring& indetifier)
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ :
+ mVariant(0)
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ mConfiguration = configuration;
+ mIdentifier = indetifier;
+ setDefaultArguments();
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ delete mVariant;
+ mVariant = 0;
+ mLibLoader.Close();
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+void J9StarterS60::setDefaultArguments()
+ if (mConfiguration == CLDC)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-jcl:cldc11:nokiaextcldc");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xfuture:cldc");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dcom.nokia.jvm.port=j9.JvmPortCldc");
+ }
+ else if (mConfiguration == CDC)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-jcl:cdc11:nokiaextcdc");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dcom.nokia.jvm.port=j9.JvmPortCdc");
+ }
+ else if (mConfiguration == FOUNDATION)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(L"-jcl:foun11:nokiaextcdc");
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(L"-Dcom.nokia.jvm.port=j9.JvmPortFoun");
+ }
+#ifdef RD_JAVA_UI_QT
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmso80K"); // Native thread stack size.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dcom.nokia.mj.impl.rt.ui="
+ L"com.nokia.mj.impl.rt.ui.qt.RuntimeUiQt");
+#else // RD_JAVA_UI_QT
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmso16k"); // Native thread stack size.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dcom.nokia.mj.impl.rt.ui="
+ L"com.nokia.mj.impl.rt.ui.avkon.RuntimeUiAvkon");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dcom.nokia.coreui=coreuiavkon");
+#endif // RD_JAVA_UI_QT
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dfile.encoding=ISO-8859-1");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dmicroedition.connection.pkgs="
+ L"com.nokia.mj.impl.gcf.protocol");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Dmicroedition.encoding=ISO-8859-1");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xgc:finInc=32,compactMaxRelocationEntries=4096,"
+ L"finalizeMasterPriority=10,finalizeSlavePriority=10");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xiss1K"); // Initial java thread stack size.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xits8K"); // Buffer for class/method/field names
+ // & signatures.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xminf0.1"); // Min percentage of heap free after GC.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmaxf0.3"); // Max percentage of heap free after GC.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmine16K"); // Minimum size for heap expansion.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmns64K"); // Initial new space size. Keep this in sync with MemoryLogger.java
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmos64K"); // Initial old space size. Keep this in sync with MemoryLogger.java
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmox16M"); // Maximum old space size.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmx16M"); // Memory maximum.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmco16k"); // ROM class segment increment.
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xmr1k"); // Remembered set size.
+ // Set the java home to point either to c:\\resource\\java\\jvm or
+ // z:\\resource\\java\\jvm. Default is z drive if the dir doesn't
+ // exist on the c drive
+ std::wstring javaHome = L"-Djava.home=";
+ struct stat fileStat;
+ int err = lstat("c:\\resource\\java\\jvm\\bin", &fileStat);
+ if (err == 0)
+ {
+ javaHome += L"c";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ javaHome += L"z";
+ }
+ javaHome += L":\\resource\\java\\jvm";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(javaHome.c_str());
+ // Not using extension dir to list platform odc files.
+ setInternalOdcFiles();
+void J9StarterS60::overrideOldHeapSize(int heapSize)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ std::wstring oldSpace = L"-Xmos";
+ oldSpace += JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(heapSize);
+ oldSpace += L"K";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(oldSpace);
+void J9StarterS60::overrideNewHeapSize(int heapSize)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ std::wstring newSpace = L"-Xmns";
+ newSpace += JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(heapSize);
+ newSpace += L"K";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(newSpace);
+void J9StarterS60::overrideNativeStackSize(int stackSize)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ std::wstring stackSizeStr = L"-Xmso";
+ stackSizeStr += JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(stackSize);
+ stackSizeStr += L"K";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(stackSizeStr);
+void J9StarterS60::overrideJavaStackSize(int stackSize)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ std::wstring stackSizeStr = L"-Xiss";
+ stackSizeStr += JavaCommonUtils::intToWstring(stackSize);
+ stackSizeStr += L"K";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(stackSizeStr);
+void J9StarterS60::setInternalOdcFiles()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ int pathType = BOOT_CLASSPATH_MIDP;
+ if (mIdentifier == L"Installer")
+ {
+ }
+ else if (mIdentifier == L"TCK_runner")
+ {
+ }
+ std::list<std::wstring> odcFiles;
+ std::list<std::wstring> bcpEntities;
+ JavaOsLayer::bootClassPath(odcFiles, bcpEntities, pathType);
+ // Collect all the odc files into a comma separated list.
+ for (std::list<std::wstring>::const_iterator iter = odcFiles.begin();
+ iter != odcFiles.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ appendOdcFile(*iter);
+ }
+ // Add the rest of the files into bootclasspath.
+ for (std::list<std::wstring>::const_iterator iter = bcpEntities.begin();
+ iter != bcpEntities.end();
+ ++iter)
+ {
+ appendBootClassPath(*iter);
+ }
+void J9StarterS60::appendOdcFile(const std::wstring& odcFile)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ if (mOdcExtDirProperty.length() == 0)
+ {
+ mOdcExtDirProperty = ODC_PROPERTY;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ mOdcExtDirProperty.append(L",");
+ }
+ mOdcExtDirProperty.append(odcFile);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+void J9StarterS60::getJ9VariantL()
+ // In emulator solve which variant should be loaded:
+ // J9.dll, j9_2.dll or j9_3.dll.
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ _LIT(KJ9_1, "j9");
+ _LIT(KJ9_2, "j9_1");
+ // Do this only once.
+ if (mVariant == 0)
+ {
+ mVariant = new std::string(); // codescanner::nonleavenew
+ int st = mLibLoader.Load(KJ9_1);
+ if (st != KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Could not load j9.dll (err=%d)."
+ " Trying j9_1.dll", st);
+ //
+ *mVariant = "_1";
+ st = mLibLoader.Load(KJ9_2);
+ if (st != KErrNone)
+ {
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "Could not load j9_1.dll (err=%d)."
+ " Trying j9_2.dll", st);
+ // Variant 3 is the last one we got
+ *mVariant = "_2";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+typedef int (*J9mainFunc)(int argc, const char *argv[], char *envp[],
+ TThreadId uiThreadId, TInt windowGroupId);
+int J9StarterS60::startJvm()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // The VM has WSD. In order to be able to run more than one VM instances
+ // in the emulator we might need to load j9_2 or j9_3 dll.
+ TRAP_IGNORE(getJ9VariantL());
+ // Set the JNI checks for WINSCW DEBUG.
+ std::wstring jnicheck(L"-Xrunjnichk");
+ if (*mVariant == "_1")
+ {
+ jnicheck += L"_1";
+ }
+ else if (*mVariant == "_2")
+ {
+ jnicheck += L"_2";
+ }
+ jnicheck += L":all,nonfatal,noadvice,nowarn";
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(jnicheck);
+#endif // _DEBUG
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+ // Set mJvmArgs container to contain all the JVM args and set mAppAndArgs
+ // to contain the main class and the arguments.
+ completeArgumentContainers();
+ // Give arguments to modifyJvmArguments for modification. Args
+ // are modified if the default empty implementation has been overridden
+ // by eclipsing the modifyJvmArguments dll.
+ modifyJvmArguments(mIdentifier, mJvmArgs, mAppAndArgs);
+ // Allocate space for the raw JVM args.
+ int rawJvmArgumentCount = mJvmArgs.size() + mAppAndArgs.size() + 1;
+ ScopedCharPointerArray rawJvmArgs(rawJvmArgumentCount);
+ int ind = 0;
+ // Just putting something to the first argument. Needs to dublicate so that
+ // the deletion succeeds.
+ rawJvmArgs.get()[ind++] = strdup("c:\\"); // codescanner::driveletters
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "VM args:");
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, " %s",rawJvmArgs.get()[ind-1]);
+ // Adding the JVM args.
+ for (JvmArgs_t::iterator jvmArgsIter = mJvmArgs.begin();
+ jvmArgsIter!= mJvmArgs.end();
+ ++jvmArgsIter)
+ {
+ rawJvmArgs.get()[ind++] = JavaCommonUtils::wstringToUtf8(*jvmArgsIter);
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, " %s",rawJvmArgs.get()[ind-1]);
+ }
+ // Adding the Application main class and its args.
+ for (JvmArgs_t::iterator appAndArgsIter = mAppAndArgs.begin();
+ appAndArgsIter!= mAppAndArgs.end();
+ ++appAndArgsIter)
+ {
+ rawJvmArgs.get()[ind++] = JavaCommonUtils::wstringToUtf8(*appAndArgsIter);
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, " %s",rawJvmArgs.get()[ind-1]);
+ }
+ // Clear all the strings & lists.
+ clear();
+ return startJvm(rawJvmArgumentCount, rawJvmArgs.get());
+int J9StarterS60::startJvm(int argc, char** argv)
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ std::string j9DllName = "j9";
+ // The VM has WSD. In order to be able to run more than one VM instances
+ // in the emulator we might need to load j9_2 or j9_3 dll.
+#ifdef __WINSCW__
+ TRAP_IGNORE(getJ9VariantL());
+ j9DllName += *mVariant;
+#endif // __WINSCW__
+ // Loading the main dll of the J9 VM.
+ DynamicLibLoader jvmLibLoader(j9DllName.c_str(), false);
+ // Looking for the method j9main.
+ J9mainFunc j9main = (J9mainFunc)(jvmLibLoader.getFunction("j9main"));
+ JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("Starting VM()", -1, -1);
+ LOG(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "j9main()");
+ // Call j9main.
+ int status = j9main(argc, (const char**)argv, 0, 0, 0);
+ LOG1(EJavaRuntime, EInfo, "j9main() returned. st = %d", status);
+ return status;
+void J9StarterS60::enableThreadDumpL()
+ RLibrary debugLib;
+ CleanupClosePushL(debugLib);
+ // If the javathreaddumper.dll exists in the system, then a
+ // thread dumper will be started.
+ _LIT(KThreadDumpper, "javathreaddumper");
+ if (debugLib.Load(KThreadDumpper) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xdump");
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xrunjavathreaddumper");
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&debugLib);
+void J9StarterS60::completeArgumentContainers()
+ JELOG2(EJavaRuntime);
+ // Define Dump arguments.
+ if (mTheadDumpEnabled)
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(enableThreadDumpL());
+ }
+ // Disable JIT, if requested.
+ if (mJitDisabled)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_back(L"-Xint");
+ }
+ // Add the classpath.
+ if (mClassPath.length() > 0)
+ {
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(mClassPath);
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(L"-classpath");
+ }
+ // Add the extension classpath.
+ std::wstring ecp(L"-Dcom.ibm.j9.ext.dirs=");
+ if (mExtensionPath.length() > 0)
+ {
+ ecp += mExtensionPath;
+ }
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(ecp);
+ // Add the prepending boot classpath if set.
+ if (mBootClassPathPrepend.length() > 0)
+ {
+ std::wstring bcpp(L"-Xbootclasspath/p:");
+ bcpp += mBootClassPathPrepend;
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(bcpp);
+ }
+ // Add the appending boot classpath if set.
+ if (mBootClassPathAppend.length() > 0)
+ {
+ std::wstring bcpa(L"-Xbootclasspath/a:");
+ bcpa += mBootClassPathAppend;
+ mJvmArgs.push_front(bcpa);
+ }
+ // Add the defined odc files.
+ if (mOdcExtDirProperty.length() > 0)
+ {
+ appendSystemProperty(mOdcExtDirProperty);
+ }
+ // Add the main class.
+ mAppAndArgs.push_front(mMainClass);