changeset 19 04becd199f91
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/lcdui_akn/lcdgr/src/fbslcdgraphics.cpp	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <fbs.h>
+#include "fbslcdgraphics.h"
+#include <lcdgdrv.h>
+#include "DebugArg.h"
+ * Copy a region of a bitmap - used when creating immutable images from mutable ones, or when creating
+ * transformed immutable images from other immutable images.
+ */
+TInt TFbsLcdGraphics::CopyRegion
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
+    CFbsBitmap* aDstColorBitmap,
+    CFbsBitmap* aDstAlphaBitmap,
+    TTransparency aDstTransparency,
+    CFbsBitmap* aSrcColorBitmap,
+    CFbsBitmap* aSrcAlphaBitmap,
+    TTransparency aSrcTransparency,
+    const TDrawRegion& aRegion,
+    const TRect& aClipRect
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec dstColorSpec(aDstColorBitmap);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec dstAlphaSpec;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec srcColorSpec(aSrcColorBitmap);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec srcAlphaSpec;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo dstColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo dstAlpha;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo srcColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo srcAlpha;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* dstAlphaPtr = NULL;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* srcAlphaPtr = NULL;
+    TBitmapLockCount count;
+    TInt err;
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        new(&dstAlphaSpec) TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aDstAlphaBitmap);
+    }
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        new(&srcAlphaSpec) TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aSrcAlphaBitmap);
+    }
+    //
+    // Lock and copy color bitmaps.
+    //
+    dstColorSpec.Lock(count);
+    srcColorSpec.Lock(count);
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        dstAlphaSpec.Lock(count);
+    }
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        srcAlphaSpec.Lock(count);
+    }
+    dstColorSpec.GetInfo(dstColor);
+    srcColorSpec.GetInfo(srcColor);
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        dstAlphaSpec.GetInfo(dstAlpha);
+        dstAlphaPtr = &dstAlpha;
+    }
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        srcAlphaSpec.GetInfo(srcAlpha);
+        srcAlphaPtr = &srcAlpha;
+    }
+    TTransformType transform = (TTransformType)aRegion.iTransform;
+    TAnchor anchor = (TAnchor)aRegion.iAnchor;
+    TRect srcRect(aRegion.iSrcRect);
+    TRect clipRect(dstColor.iSize);
+    clipRect.Intersection(aClipRect);
+    //
+    // Compute destination rectangle with anchor point at aRegion.iDstPoint.
+    //
+    // Destination rectangle need not lie within destination image.
+    //
+    TRect dstRect = CalcDstRect(aRegion.iDstPoint, srcRect.Size(), transform, anchor);
+    err = aDriver.CopyRegion(
+              &dstColor,
+              dstAlphaPtr,
+              aDstTransparency,
+              dstRect,
+              &srcColor,
+              srcAlphaPtr,
+              aSrcTransparency,
+              srcRect,
+              transform,
+              clipRect
+          );
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        srcAlphaSpec.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        dstAlphaSpec.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    srcColorSpec.Unlock(count);
+    dstColorSpec.Unlock(count);
+    return err;
+TInt TFbsLcdGraphics::GetPixels
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
+    CFbsBitmap*     aSrcColorBitmap,
+    CFbsBitmap*     aSrcAlphaBitmap,
+    TTransparency   aSrcTransparency,
+    const TRect&    aSrcRect,
+    TUint32*        aARGB32Pixels,
+    TInt            DEBUG_ARG(aLength),
+    TInt            aOffset,
+    TInt            aLinePitch,
+    const TSize&    aSize
+    ASSERT((aOffset >= 0) && (aOffset < aLength));
+    ASSERT((aOffset + aLinePitch*(aSize.iHeight-1) + aSize.iWidth - 1) >= 0);
+    ASSERT((aOffset + aLinePitch*(aSize.iHeight-1) + aSize.iWidth - 1) < aLength);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec srcColorSpec(aSrcColorBitmap);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec srcAlphaSpec;
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        new(&srcAlphaSpec) TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aSrcAlphaBitmap);
+    }
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo dstColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo srcColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo srcAlpha;
+    TBitmapLockCount       count;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* srcAlphaPtr = NULL;
+    TTransformType transform = ETransNone;
+    TUint8* address = (TUint8*)(aARGB32Pixels) + aOffset*sizeof(TUint32);
+    if (aLinePitch < 0)
+    {
+        //
+        // compute address of first row of image.
+        //
+        address += aLinePitch * (aSize.iHeight - 1) * sizeof(TUint32);
+        //
+        // use vertical reflection blitter.
+        //
+        transform = ETransMirrorRot180;
+        //
+        // correct sign of linePitch
+        //
+        aLinePitch = - aLinePitch;
+    }
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver::TDriverInfo info;
+    aDriver.GetDriverInfo(info);
+    dstColor.iAddress     = address;
+    dstColor.iDisplayMode = info.iARGB8888Mode;
+    dstColor.iPixelShift  = 5;                          // or 32?
+    dstColor.iLinePitch   = aLinePitch*sizeof(TUint32); // bytes
+    dstColor.iSize        = aSize;                      //
+    dstColor.iPhysicalAddress = NULL;                   // software bitmap
+    srcColorSpec.Lock(count);
+    srcColorSpec.GetInfo(srcColor);
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        srcAlphaSpec.Lock(count);
+        srcAlphaSpec.GetInfo(srcAlpha);
+        srcAlphaPtr = &srcAlpha;
+    }
+    TRect dstRect(aSize);
+    TRect clipRect(aSize);
+    TInt err = aDriver.CopyRegion
+               (
+                   &dstColor,
+                   NULL,
+                   ETransparencyAlphaChannel,
+                   dstRect,
+                   &srcColor,
+                   srcAlphaPtr,
+                   aSrcTransparency,
+                   aSrcRect,
+                   transform,
+                   clipRect
+               );
+    if (aSrcAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        srcAlphaSpec.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    srcColorSpec.Unlock(count);
+    return err;
+ *
+ */
+TInt TFbsLcdGraphics::SetPixels
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
+    CFbsBitmap*     aDstColorBitmap,
+    CFbsBitmap*     aDstAlphaBitmap,
+    TTransparency   aDstTransparency,
+    const TRect&    aDstRect,
+    const TUint32*  aARGB32Pixels,
+    TInt            DEBUG_ARG(aLength),
+    TInt            aOffset,
+    TInt            aLinePitch,
+    const TSize&    aSize,
+    TBool           aAlpha
+    ASSERT((aOffset >= 0) && (aOffset < aLength));
+    ASSERT((aOffset + aLinePitch*(aSize.iHeight-1) + aSize.iWidth - 1) >= 0);
+    ASSERT((aOffset + aLinePitch*(aSize.iHeight-1) + aSize.iWidth - 1) < aLength);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec dstColorSpec(aDstColorBitmap);
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec dstAlphaSpec;
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        new(&dstAlphaSpec) TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aDstAlphaBitmap);
+    }
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo srcColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo dstColor;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo dstAlpha;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* dstAlphaPtr = NULL;
+    TBitmapLockCount count;
+    TTransformType transform = ETransNone;
+    TUint8* address = (TUint8*)(aARGB32Pixels) + aOffset*sizeof(TUint32);
+    if (aLinePitch < 0)
+    {
+        //
+        // compute address of first row of image.
+        //
+        address += aLinePitch * (aSize.iHeight - 1) * sizeof(TUint32);
+        //
+        // use vertical reflection blitter.
+        //
+        transform = ETransMirrorRot180;
+        //
+        // correct sign of linePitch
+        //
+        aLinePitch = - aLinePitch;
+    }
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver::TDriverInfo info;
+    aDriver.GetDriverInfo(info);
+    srcColor.iAddress     = address;                    // address of top-left pixel in src
+    srcColor.iDisplayMode = info.iARGB8888Mode;         // how driver recognises ARGB8888 pixels
+    srcColor.iPixelShift  = 5;                          //
+    srcColor.iLinePitch   = aLinePitch*sizeof(TUint32); // bytes
+    srcColor.iSize        = aSize;                      //
+    srcColor.iPhysicalAddress = NULL;                   // software bitmap
+    TTransparency srcTransparency = (aAlpha ? ETransparencyAlphaChannel : ETransparencyIgnoreChannel);
+    dstColorSpec.Lock(count);
+    dstColorSpec.GetInfo(dstColor);
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        dstAlphaSpec.Lock(count);
+        dstAlphaSpec.GetInfo(dstAlpha);
+        dstAlphaPtr = &dstAlpha;
+    }
+    TRect srcRect(aSize);
+    TRect clipRect(dstColor.iSize);
+    TInt err = aDriver.CopyRegion
+               (
+                   &dstColor,
+                   dstAlphaPtr,
+                   aDstTransparency,
+                   aDstRect,
+                   &srcColor,
+                   NULL,
+                   srcTransparency,
+                   srcRect,
+                   transform,
+                   clipRect
+               );
+    if (aDstAlphaBitmap)
+    {
+        dstAlphaSpec.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    dstColorSpec.Unlock(count);
+    return err;
+TBool TFbsLcdGraphics::DetectCollision
+    CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
+    CFbsBitmap*         aMask1,
+    TTransparency       aTransparency1,
+    const TSize&        aSize1,
+    const TRect&        aRect1,
+    TInt                aTransform1,
+    const TPoint&       aPoint1,
+    CFbsBitmap*         aMask2,
+    TTransparency       aTransparency2,
+    const TSize&        aSize2,
+    const TRect&        aRect2,
+    TInt                aTransform2,
+    const TPoint&       aPoint2
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec bitmapSpec1;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo bitmapInfo1;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* bitmapPtr1 = NULL;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec bitmapSpec2;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo bitmapInfo2;
+    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* bitmapPtr2 = NULL;
+    TBitmapLockCount count;
+    if (aMask1)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec1 = TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aMask1);
+    }
+    if (aMask2)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec2 = TAcceleratedBitmapSpec(aMask2);
+    }
+    if (aMask1)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec1.Lock(count);
+        bitmapSpec1.GetInfo(bitmapInfo1);
+        bitmapPtr1 = &bitmapInfo1;
+    }
+    if (aMask2)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec2.Lock(count);
+        bitmapSpec2.GetInfo(bitmapInfo2);
+        bitmapPtr2 = &bitmapInfo2;
+    }
+    TBool collision =  aDriver.DetectCollision(
+                           bitmapPtr1,
+                           aTransparency1,
+                           aSize1,
+                           aRect1,
+                           aTransform1,
+                           aPoint1,
+                           bitmapPtr2,
+                           aTransparency2,
+                           aSize2,
+                           aRect2,
+                           aTransform2,
+                           aPoint2
+                       );
+    if (aMask2)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec2.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    if (aMask1)
+    {
+        bitmapSpec1.Unlock(count);
+    }
+    return collision;
+ * Compute destination rectangle of rectangle of size aSrcSize, transformed by aSrcTransform
+ * and then positioned with a reference point specified by aSrcAnchor at aDstPoint.
+ */
+TRect CalcDstRect(const TPoint& aDstPoint, const TSize& aSrcSize, TTransformType aSrcTransform, TAnchor aSrcAnchor)
+    TPoint point = aDstPoint;
+    TSize  size  = aSrcSize;
+    if (aSrcTransform & EReflectDiag)
+    {
+        TInt tmp = size.iWidth;
+        size.iWidth  = size.iHeight;
+        size.iHeight = tmp;
+    }
+    if (aSrcAnchor & EAnchorHCenter)
+    {
+        point.iX -= size.iWidth/2;
+    }
+    else if (aSrcAnchor & EAnchorRight)
+    {
+        point.iX -= size.iWidth;
+    }
+    if (aSrcAnchor & EAnchorVCenter)
+    {
+        point.iY -= size.iHeight/2;
+    }
+    else if (aSrcAnchor & EAnchorBottom)
+    {
+        point.iY -= size.iHeight;
+    }
+    return TRect(point, size);