changeset 19 04becd199f91
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/lcdui_akn/lcdui/src/CMIDAlert.cpp	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Alert implementation for Series 60
+#include "CMIDAlert.h"
+#include "CMIDAlertDialog.h"
+#include "CMIDDisplayable.h"
+#include "CMIDGaugeItem.h"
+#include "CMIDUtils.h"
+// used for layouting
+// LAF - AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_midp_note_alarm_window_g1
+#include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
+// using MMIDImage and MMIDBitmapImage
+#include <lcdgr.h>
+// macros definitions for resources
+#include <lcdui.rsg>
+// CEikCaptionedControl API used when setting image or animation
+// in SetImageOrAnimToDialogL function
+#include <eikcapc.h>
+// using CEikImage when setting image or animation
+// in SetImageOrAnimToDialogL function
+#include <eikimage.h>
+// macros for resources related to alert
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+// macros definitions for outputing logs
+#include <j2me/jdebug.h>
+// sound files
+#include <aknappui.h>
+#include <aknsoundsystem.h>
+const TInt KMillToMicroSeconds = 1000;
+const TInt KAlertDefaultTimeout = 3000;
+const TInt KConfirmationNoteTimeout = 1500;
+CMIDAlert* CMIDAlert::NewL(
+    MMIDEnv& aEnv,
+    TAlertType aType,
+    MMIDDisplayable& aDisplayable,
+    const TDesC& aString,
+    MMIDImage* aImage,
+    MMIDUtils* aUtils)
+    CMIDAlert* alert = new(ELeave) CMIDAlert(aEnv, aType, aUtils);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(alert);
+    alert->ConstructL(aDisplayable,aString,aImage);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(alert);
+    return alert;
+CMIDAlert::CMIDAlert(MMIDEnv& aEnv, TAlertType aType, MMIDUtils* aUtils)
+        : iEnv(&aEnv), iAlertType(aType), iUtils(aUtils)
+    if (iBitmapImage)
+    {
+        iBitmapImage->RemoveRef();
+        iBitmapImage = NULL;
+    }
+    delete iUserText; //lint !1551
+    delete iDefaultText;
+    delete iDialog;
+    delete iDialogTimer;
+    // Displayable is notified about content control deletion
+    if (iDisplayable)
+    {
+        iDisplayable->NotifyContentDestroyed();
+    }
+void CMIDAlert::ConstructL(MMIDDisplayable& aDisplayable,const TDesC& aString,MMIDImage* aImage)
+    CMIDDisplayable* dsp = (CMIDDisplayable*)(&aDisplayable);
+    aDisplayable.SetComponentL(*this);
+    iDisplayable = dsp;
+    //Hide menu if visible
+    CMIDMenuHandler* menuHandler = iDisplayable->MenuHandler();
+    if (menuHandler)
+    {
+        menuHandler->HideMenuIfVisible();
+    }
+    SetStringL(aString);
+    SetImageL(aImage);
+    CreateDialogL();
+    SetContainerWindowL(*dsp);
+    iAlertTone = ENoTone;
+    ASSERT(iUtils);
+/** Play a sound. Called when the dialog is shown. */
+TInt CMIDAlert::PlaySound()
+    return iUtils->PlaySound(iAlertType);
+/** Sets the dialog text to a user given text
+or to the default text. If the text is so long
+that it requires scrolling then the dialog must
+become modal, hence we call SetModalL() if that's
+the case. This method is also called by ConstructL()
+before creating the dialog so we must check there
+is a dialog before calling SetTextL() on the dialog.*/
+void CMIDAlert::SetStringL(const TDesC& aString)
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::SetStringL <");
+    delete iUserText;
+    iUserText = NULL;
+    if (aString.Length() > 0)
+    {
+        iUserText = aString.AllocL();
+    }
+    if (iDialog)
+    {
+        iDialog->SetTextL(iUserText ? iUserText : iDefaultText);
+        iDialog->DrawDeferred();
+        iDialog->SizeChanged();
+    }
+    if (IsModal())
+    {
+        SetModalL();
+    }
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::SetStringL >");
+/** Sets the dialog title or removes it. This is
+done by inserting or removing the heading and separator
+controls as well as calling CAknPopupForm::SetTitleL().
+See also DisableVisibilityChange(), which we must call
+to avoid the dialog disappearing and re-appearing each
+time we insert or remove a control. */
+void CMIDAlert::SetTitleL(const TDesC* aString)
+    TBitFlags flags = iDialog->Flags();
+    iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(ETrue);
+    if (aString && aString->Length() > 0)
+    { // Title is updated to dialog
+        if (!flags.IsSet(EPopupFormHasHeading))
+        {// Add headerline and extra empty line
+            iDialog->InsertControlL(0, R_MIDP_ALERT_HEADING_LINE, EFalse);
+            iDialog->InsertControlL(0, R_MIDP_ALERT_SPACER_LINE, EFalse);
+        }
+        iDialog->SetTitleL(*aString);
+    }
+    else // Title is removed from dialog
+    {// Remove headerline and extra empty line
+        if (flags.IsSet(EPopupFormHasHeading))
+        {
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EEikCtLabel);
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EEikCtSpacer);
+        }
+    }
+    iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(EFalse);
+    iDialog->DrawDeferred();
+/** Either set or remove an image.  This
+method is also called in ConstructL() before creating the dialog
+and hence we must make sure we do not call SetImageToDialogL
+if there is not dialog. @see SetImageToDialogL(). */
+void CMIDAlert::SetImageL(MMIDImage* aImage)
+    if (iBitmapImage)
+    {
+        iBitmapImage->RemoveRef();
+        iBitmapImage = NULL;
+    }
+    if (aImage)
+    {
+        iBitmapImage = aImage->BitmapImage();
+    }
+    if (iDialog)
+    {
+        SetImageOrAnimToDialogL();
+    }
+/** If we have an image, this image is set into the dialog. If the dialog had an
+animation then the animation is hidden. If we have no image we make sure the dialog
+does not have an image either (by calling SetImage(NULL). If the dialog has an
+animation we then make the animation visible again. */
+void CMIDAlert::SetImageOrAnimToDialogL()
+    ASSERT(iDialog);
+    iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(ETrue);
+    if (iBitmapImage)
+    { //remove animation if any and add image
+        if (iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasAnimation))
+        {
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EPopupFormAnimation);
+        }
+        if (!iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasImage))
+        {
+            iDialog->InsertControlL(0, R_MIDP_ALERT_IMAGE_LINE, EFalse);
+        }
+        CEikImage* newImage = CreateImageLC();
+        CEikImage* dlgImage = (CEikImage*)(iDialog->GetControlByControlType(EEikCtImage)->iControl);
+        newImage->SetPictureOwnedExternally(ETrue);
+        dlgImage->SetBitmap(newImage->Bitmap());
+        dlgImage->SetMask(newImage->Mask());
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newImage);
+    }
+    else if (iAlertAnimation > 0)
+    { //or else remove image if any and add  animation
+        if (iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasImage))
+        {
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EPopupFormImage);
+        }
+        if (iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasAnimation))
+        { //because animation may have changed
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EPopupFormAnimation);
+        }
+        iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(EFalse);
+        iDialog->InsertControlL(0, iAlertAnimation, EFalse);
+        iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(ETrue);
+    }
+    else
+    { //remove any animation or image that should not be there anymore
+        if (iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasAnimation))
+        {
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EPopupFormAnimation);
+        }
+        if (iDialog->Flags().IsSet(EPopupFormHasImage))
+        {
+            iDialog->DeleteControl(EPopupFormImage);
+        }
+    }
+    iDialog->DisableVisibilityChange(EFalse);
+    iDialog->DrawDeferred();
+/** Creates a CEikImage starting from iBitmapImage. The CEikImage
+can then be inserted into the dialog. @see ResizeImage(), SetImageToDialogL() */
+CEikImage* CMIDAlert::CreateImageLC() const
+    ASSERT(iBitmapImage);
+    CFbsBitmap* bmp = CMIDUtils::CopyBitmapL(iBitmapImage->ColorBitmap());
+    CleanupStack::PushL(bmp);
+    CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
+    if (iBitmapImage->AlphaBitmap())
+    {
+        //alert fails to display transparent images of type EGray2 so we
+        //force a EGray256, which we have verified to be working.
+        mask = iBitmapImage->CreateAlphaBitmapL(EGray256, EFalse);
+    }
+    CleanupStack::PushL(mask);
+    CEikImage* eikImage = new(ELeave) CEikImage;
+    CleanupStack::Pop(mask);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(bmp);
+    ResizeImage(bmp,mask);
+    eikImage->SetPicture(bmp, mask);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(eikImage);
+    return eikImage;
+/** Resize the image (bitmap and mask if applicable). In theory the
+AVKON dialog should take care of this but there is panic in CEikCaptionedControl
+if we don't do this. If the image is smaller it ends up at the top left. If it is
+bigger it is clipped starting at top left. */
+void CMIDAlert::ResizeImage(CFbsBitmap* aImage, CFbsBitmap* aMask) const
+    CMIDMenuHandler* menuHandler = iDisplayable->MenuHandler();
+    TAknWindowLineLayout lineLayout;
+    lineLayout = AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::popup_midp_note_alarm_window_g1(0).LayoutLine();
+    TSize goodSize = TSize(lineLayout.iW, lineLayout.iH);
+    TSize imageSize = aImage->SizeInPixels();
+    if (imageSize.iWidth > goodSize.iWidth ||
+            imageSize.iHeight > goodSize.iHeight)
+    {
+        TSize newSize(Min(goodSize.iWidth, imageSize.iWidth),Min(goodSize.iHeight, imageSize.iHeight));
+        aImage->Resize(newSize);
+        if (aMask)
+        {
+            aMask->Resize(newSize);
+        }
+    }
+/** Set a progress bar indicator. */
+void CMIDAlert::SetIndicatorL(MMIDGauge* aGauge)
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::SetIndicatorL <");
+    iDialog->SetGaugeL(static_cast< CMIDGaugeItem* >(aGauge));
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::SetIndicatorL >");
+/** Deletes an existing dialog and creates a new one.
+    Note: this should be called in ConstructL()
+    or when the alert type changes. For everything else
+    an existing dialog is updated.
+ */
+void CMIDAlert::CreateDialogL()
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::CreateDialogL <");
+    ASSERT(!iDialog);
+    iDialog = CMIDAlertDialog::NewL(this, iDisplayable);
+    TInt resource = SetAlertResourceIdsL();
+    iDialog->SetTone(iAlertTone);
+    iDialog->SetPopupFormType(EAknNote);
+    iDialog->PrepareLC(resource);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(iDialog);
+    iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iDialog);
+    iDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().MakeVisible(EFalse);
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::CreateDialogL - SetImageOrAnimToDialogL <");
+    SetImageOrAnimToDialogL();
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::CreateDialogL - SetImageOrAnimToDialogL <");
+    iDialog->SetTextL(iUserText ? iUserText : iDefaultText);
+    iDialog->DrawDeferred();
+    iDialog->SizeChanged();
+    if (IsModal())
+    {
+        SetModalL();
+    }
+    if (iDisplayable->HasTitle())
+    {
+        SetTitleL(iDisplayable->Title());
+    }
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::CreateDialogL >");
+/** This is called when the owning displayable is asked to
+come to the foreground or to go to the background. If coming
+to the foreground, we set the timeout, play a sound and display
+the dialog. If going to the background we hide the dialog. */
+void CMIDAlert::HandleCurrentL(TBool aCurrent)
+    DEBUG_INT("CMIDAlert::HandleCurrentL < (%d)", aCurrent);
+    if (aCurrent)
+    {
+        if (IsModal())
+        {
+            iTimeout = MMIDAlert::EForever;
+        }
+        SetTimeoutL(iTimeout);
+        PlaySound();
+        iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->AddToStackL(iDialog,ECoeStackPriorityDialog);
+        // The flag  flags |= CEikButtonGroupContainer::EDelayActivation
+        // is set in CEikDialog::CreateButtonGroupContainerL , It means that button
+        // will not be activeated automaticaly after it is create, it need to be activated
+        iDialog->ButtonGroupContainer().ActivateL();
+        iDialog->ShowL(ETrue);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        iDialog->ShowL(EFalse);
+        iEikonEnv->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iDialog);
+    }
+    DEBUG("CMIDAlert::HandleCurrentL >");
+/** The alert type is used to present a
+visually different kind of alert to the user.
+If a diferent type is set we must reset the animation
+(unless an image has already been set and this is taken
+care of by SetImageOrAnimtoDialogL()),
+the tone and the text (unless a user text was given).
+Finally we draw the dialog.
+void CMIDAlert::SetTypeL(TAlertType aType)
+    if (iAlertType != aType)
+    {
+        iAlertType = aType;
+        SetAlertResourceIdsL();
+        iDialog->SetTone(iAlertTone);
+        SetImageOrAnimToDialogL();
+        iDialog->SetTextL(iUserText ? iUserText : iDefaultText);
+        iDialog->DrawDeferred();
+    }
+/** Return the alert default timeout. */
+TInt CMIDAlert::DefaultTimeout()
+    if (iAlertType == EConfirmation)
+    {
+        return KConfirmationNoteTimeout;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return KAlertDefaultTimeout;
+    }
+/** Sets the timeout for a timed alert. */
+void CMIDAlert::SetTimeoutL(TInt aTime)
+    iTimeout = aTime;
+    if (!iDialog)
+    {//no need to start the t.o. if dialog is not there yet
+        return;
+    }
+    delete iDialogTimer;
+    iDialogTimer = NULL;
+    TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 interval = aTime * KMillToMicroSeconds;
+    if (interval.Int() >= 0)
+    {
+        iDialogTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
+        iDialogTimer->Start(interval, interval, TCallBack(TimerCallBack,this));
+    }
+TInt CMIDAlert::TimerCallBack(TAny* aThis)
+    CMIDAlert* self = STATIC_CAST(CMIDAlert*, aThis);
+    if (self)
+    {
+        self->DoTimerCallBack();
+    }
+    return KErrNone;
+/** When the timeout expires, try to dismiss the dialog.
+We cannot delete the dialog here because we need java
+side to set another Displayable first. If java side does
+not do this - because of a badly behaved midlet - we keep
+the dialog showing. */
+void CMIDAlert::DoTimerCallBack()
+    if (!IsModal())
+    {// The dialog may have become modal whilst
+        // the timer was running
+        TryToDismissDialog();
+    }
+    if (iDialogTimer)
+    {
+        iDialogTimer->Cancel();
+    }
+* Handles a change to the control's resources.
+void CMIDAlert::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+    if (aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange)
+    {
+        TRAP_IGNORE(SetImageOrAnimToDialogL(); iDialog->InsertGaugeIntoDialogL(););
+    }
+/** Post a request java side to try and dismiss the dialog */
+void CMIDAlert::TryToDismissDialog()
+    if (iDialog)
+    {
+        iEnv->PostJavaEvent(*this,EDisplayable);
+    }
+TBool CMIDAlert::TryDetectLongTapL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
+    return iDisplayable->TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
+/** Return true if the alert is scrollable. */
+TBool CMIDAlert::IsScrollable()
+    if (iDialog)
+    {
+        return iDialog->TextIsScrollable();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+/** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMIDAlert::SetModalL
+// A modal Alert has the timeout set to FOREVER and must be dismissed using a Command.
+// All Alerts have either the DISMISS_COMMAND or a command added by the application.
+// An Alert becomes modal when:
+// - The timeout is set to FOREVER
+// - There are two or more commands
+// - The content becomes so large that it must scroll
+// The java framework will call SetModal() when two or more commands are added.
+// The other two conditions are tested in CMIDAlert.
+// When the reverse of all the above is true, the Alert reverts to being non modal.
+// In this case, the timer will only be re started when the Alert is made current
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDAlert::SetModalL()
+    iTimeout = MMIDAlert::EForever;
+    SetTimeoutL(iTimeout);
+    iDialog->UpdateCbasL();
+/** Returns true if the alert is modal (not timed, scrollable or with more than one
+command). Otherwise it returns false.*/
+TBool CMIDAlert::IsModal()
+    return (IsScrollable()
+            || (iTimeout == MMIDAlert::EForever)
+            || (iDisplayable->CommandCount() >= KAlertModalCommandCount));
+/** Return the resource ID depending on the dialog type. Also
+set the alert animation, tone, and default text according to
+the alert type. */
+TInt CMIDAlert::SetAlertResourceIdsL()
+    // More resource types might be needed if an alert wants to show a
+    // gauge with correct layout....
+    delete iDefaultText;
+    iDefaultText = NULL;
+    switch (iAlertType)
+    {
+    case EAlarm:
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_ALARM_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertAnimation = R_MIDP_ALARM_NOTE_ANIMATION;
+        iAlertTone =  EInformationTone;
+        return R_MIDP_ALARM_NOTE_DIALOG;
+    case EConfirmation:
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_CONF_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertTone =  EConfirmationTone;
+    case EError:
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_ERROR_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertAnimation = R_MIDP_ERROR_NOTE_ANIMATION;
+        iAlertTone =  EErrorTone;
+        return R_MIDP_ERROR_NOTE_DIALOG;
+    case EWarning:
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_WARNING_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertAnimation = R_MIDP_WARNING_NOTE_ANIMATION;
+        iAlertTone =  EWarningTone;
+    case EInfo:
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_INFO_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertTone =  EInformationTone;
+    case ENone: // No Alerttype set, use information note
+        iDefaultText = iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_MIDP_ALERT_NULL_DEFAULT_TEXT);
+        iAlertAnimation = 0;
+        iAlertTone = ENoTone;
+    default:
+        ASSERT(EFalse);
+    }
+/** Called java side to release the native implementation of the dialog, i.e. us */
+void CMIDAlert::Dispose()
+    delete this;
+// End of File