changeset 66 2455ef1f5bbc
parent 19 04becd199f91
child 77 7cee158cb8cd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/lcdui_akn/lcdui/inc/CMIDChoiceGroupModel.h	Wed Sep 01 12:33:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  The CMIDChoiceGroup listbox model
+#include <lcdui.h>
+#include <coecntrl.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+// CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel inheritance in declaration
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+// using CMIDChoiceGroupElement for array of elements
+#include "CMIDChoiceGroupElement.h"
+// 3 seems like a reasonable default amount of elements in a choice
+const TInt KCGElementArrayGranularity = 3;
+// Forward declaration for the observer interface
+class CMIDChoiceGroupModel;
+// Choicegroup listbox model observer interface. The observer
+// is notified about element addition, removal and modification
+class MMIDChoiceGroupModelObserver
+    enum TChoiceGroupModelEvent
+    {
+        EElementAdded,
+        EElementDeleted,
+        EElementModified,
+        EElementSelected,
+        EUpdateStarted,
+        EUpdateEnded
+    };
+    virtual void HandleChoiceGroupModelEventL(
+        CMIDChoiceGroupModel* aModel,
+        TChoiceGroupModelEvent aEvent) = 0;
+ * ChoiceGroup listbox model. Contains ChoiceGroup elements.
+ * Figures out and provides strings with correct indices to the
+ * listbox, and creates an image array for the column listbox data
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMIDChoiceGroupModel) : public CAknFilteredTextListBoxModel
+    // Default constructor & destructor
+    CMIDChoiceGroupModel(MMIDChoiceGroup::TChoiceType aType);
+    virtual ~CMIDChoiceGroupModel();
+    // Two-phase constructor, initialises member arrays and stuff
+    virtual void ConstructL(CEikonEnv* aEikonEnv);
+public: // Base class overrides
+    // The model contains more than just the strings - need to override
+    // number of items query
+    virtual TInt NumberOfItems() const;
+    // Provides a string with correct indices to images
+    virtual TPtrC ItemText(TInt aItemIndex) const;
+    // Initialises the element array with given strings
+    void SetItemTextArray(MDesCArray* aItemTextArray);
+    // Returns a pointer to the item text array (needs to create one
+    // first, really. Actually this is not needed, and should be
+    // overridden, if only to return NULL.
+    MDesCArray* ItemTextArray() const;
+public:  // New functions
+    // Add an element to the end of the array
+    void AppendElementL(CMIDChoiceGroupElement* aElement);
+    // Insert an element at <aIndex>. Space must be reserved.
+    void InsertElementL(TInt aIndex, CMIDChoiceGroupElement* aElement);
+    // Delete element at <anIndex>.
+    void DeleteElementL(TInt aIndex);
+    // Delete all elements
+    void DeleteAllL();
+    // Set properties of element at <aIndex>
+    void SetElementL(
+        TInt aIndex,
+        const TDesC& aText,
+        CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
+        CFbsBitmap* aMask);
+    // Get element at position <aIndex>
+    CMIDChoiceGroupElement* ElementAt(TInt aIndex) const;
+    // Reserve space for <aCount> elements
+    void SetReserveL(TInt aCount);
+    // Get icon array, recreate if requested
+    CArrayPtr<CGulIcon>* IconArray(TBool aReCreate = EFalse);
+    // Set model observer associated with this model
+    void SetObserver(MMIDChoiceGroupModelObserver* aObserver)
+    {
+        iObserver = aObserver;
+    }
+    // Get control associated with this model
+    MMIDChoiceGroupModelObserver* Observer()
+    {
+        return iObserver;
+    }
+    // Set selection state of item at <index>.
+    // If an item is set selected in an exclusive type choice, also
+    // deselects other items.
+    // Deselection of an item in an exlusive choice has no effect.
+    // NOTE: Currently does not leave, but the name was 'L' in Choice interface
+    void SelectElementL(TInt aIndex, TBool aSelected);
+    // Begin model update. During the update the icon array will not be
+    // updated nor the observer notified of element actions.
+    // Once EndUpdate() is called, icon array is rebuilt and notification
+    // will occur.
+    void BeginUpdate();
+    // End a model update. At the end the icon array will be
+    // recreated, and the associated observer notified.
+    void EndUpdate();
+    // Returns the index of the selected element in an exclusive
+    // choice, or -1
+    TInt SelectedElement();
+    //Constructs radio or checkbox on and off icons
+    void ReConstructSelectionIconsL();
+    // Create an icon array to be given to the lbox column data
+    // This should be done every time the contents of the model are changed,
+    // or icon array is retrieved with create flag set.
+    // NOTE that the indices in the array and the item strings should
+    // be synchronised. The selection icon is always at index
+    // 0 (selected) and 1 (not selected)
+    void UpdateIconArrayL();
+    // Returns true if there is at least one item that has icon
+    TBool HasIcons() const;
+private:  // Utility functions
+    // Clears all selections
+    void ClearSelection();
+    // Report choicegroup event to observer
+    void ReportEventL(
+        MMIDChoiceGroupModelObserver::TChoiceGroupModelEvent aEvent);
+    // Type of the choicegroup
+    // (model is only really interested in selection type)
+    MMIDChoiceGroup::TChoiceType iType;
+    // Icon to display the selection state. Depending on the
+    // choice type this is either a radiobutton or a checkbox
+    CGulIcon* iIconSelected;
+    CGulIcon* iIconNotSelected;
+    // Dummy icon for elements that have no icon
+    CGulIcon* iIconDummy;
+    // Element array
+    CArrayPtrFlat<CMIDChoiceGroupElement>* iElements;
+    // Indicates that the model is being "bulk-updated", ie
+    // BeginUpdate() has been called. Icon array and control updates
+    // are supressed during an update operation, until EndUpdate().
+    TBool iUpdating;
+    // Icon array, recreated when elements are added or
+    // removed. Owned by the model, not listbox column data.
+    CArrayPtrFlat<CGulIcon>* iIconArray;
+    // Observer associated with this model. Observer is
+    // reported about changes in the model, if set
+    MMIDChoiceGroupModelObserver* iObserver;