changeset 83 26b2b12093af
parent 77 7cee158cb8cd
--- a/build/utilities.xml	Wed Sep 15 12:05:25 2010 +0300
+++ b/build/utilities.xml	Wed Oct 13 14:23:59 2010 +0300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # Contributors:
-# Description:
+# Description: 
@@ -24,27 +24,27 @@
   APIs can use default values, but if some property is not suitable, it can
   be overridden.
-    java.src.paths    The source path. If there are more than one source path
+    java.src.paths    The source path. If there are more than one source path 
                       concatenate the paths using ':' as separator. Default is
-    java.src.second.paths    The source path for the second phase compilation.
-                      If there are more than one source path concatenate the
+    java.src.second.paths    The source path for the second phase compilation. 
+                      If there are more than one source path concatenate the 
                       paths using ':' as separator. Default is '../javasrc.cdc
     bootclasspath     The bootclasspath used for compile time. Default is CLDC
-    bootclasspath.second     The bootclasspath used for the second phase
+    bootclasspath.second     The bootclasspath used for the second phase 
                       compilation.. Default is CDC
-   The name of the dll (without extension) which will
-                      contain the rommized byte code. The default value is the
+   The name of the dll (without extension) which will 
+                      contain the rommized byte code. The default value is the 
                       name of the ant project.
   Following properties are optionals:
-    javah.classnames        A list of classes using ',' as separator to be
+    javah.classnames        A list of classes using ',' as separator to be 
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
   <import file="properties.xml"/>
   <!--Importing platform specific utilities. This might seem quite complex,
       since we need to import a default one (utilities.fake.xml), because
       the property ${platform.utilities.xml.file} need to have some meaningful
-      value when the utilities.xml is used for the first time. The default one
-      isn't used at all, instead the platform dependent xml file is defined
+      value when the utilities.xml is used for the first time. The default one 
+      isn't used at all, instead the platform dependent xml file is defined 
       using additional antcall after the dynamic properties have been defined.
       See targets deploy and deploy.dual-->
   <import file="${platform.utilities.xml.file}"/>
@@ -78,30 +78,26 @@
   <!--The start point of the component's build when there are classes that can
-      be compiled against same configuration (cldc, cdc, etc). This is the
+      be compiled against same configuration (cldc, cdc, etc). This is the 
       normal case for the most of the components-->
-  <target name="deploy" depends=",, component.init">
+  <target name="deploy" depends=",">
     <antcall target="deploy.internal">
-      <param name="platform.utilities.xml.file"
+      <param name="platform.utilities.xml.file" 
   <!--The start point of the component's build when there are classes from two
       different configurations (cldc, cdc, etc). The default order is that cldc
-      is compiled in first phase and cdc in the second, but the component is
+      is compiled in first phase and cdc in the second, but the component is 
       able to variate the behavior.
-  <target name="deploy.dual" depends=",, component.init">
+  <target name="deploy.dual" depends=",">
     <antcall target="deploy.dual.internal">
       <param name="platform.utilities.xml.file" value="${dyn.platform.utilities.xml.file}"/>
-  <!--For overriding by the build.xml of the component-->
-  <target name="component.init">
-  </target>
@@ -118,10 +114,10 @@
   <!--An internal target to be called using antcall in order to import correct
-      platform specific helper xml file for the first phase compilation.
-      This targe assumes that the antcall to this target (or target that
+      platform specific helper xml file for the first phase compilation. 
+      This targe assumes that the antcall to this target (or target that 
       depends on this) defines following property:
-         * platform.utilities.xml.file   A file containg platform specific
+         * platform.utilities.xml.file   A file containg platform specific 
                                          implementations of certain common
@@ -130,12 +126,12 @@
   <!--Target that launches the first phase compilation. After this target
-      classes are compiled into classes/first directory, copied to
+      classes are compiled into classes/first directory, copied to 
       classes/collection directory, finetuned (platform specific) and
       copied into jar containig all the classes of the different components.-->
   <target name="deploy.first" depends="do.export">
-    <!--If the platform specific directory exists, it is added to the
+    <!--If the platform specific directory exists, it is added to the 
         source path -->
     <condition property=""
@@ -148,7 +144,7 @@
       <param name="" value="compile"/>
       <param name="int.bcp" value=""/>
       <param name="bcp" value="${bootclasspath}"/>
-      <param name="jsrc"
+      <param name="jsrc" 
       <param name="dst.dir" value="${classes.first.dir}"/>
@@ -172,12 +168,12 @@
   <!--Target that launches the second phase compilation. After this target
-      classes are compiled into classes/second directory, copied to
+      classes are compiled into classes/second directory, copied to 
       classes/collection directory, finetuned (platform specific) and
       copied into jar containig all the classes of the different components.-->
   <target name="deploy.second" depends="deploy.first, init.second.phase">
-    <!--If the platform specific cdc directory exists, it is added to the
+    <!--If the platform specific cdc directory exists, it is added to the 
         source path -->
     <condition property=""
@@ -190,7 +186,7 @@
       <param name="" value="compile.second"/>
       <param name="int.bcp" value="${classes.first.dir}"/>
       <param name="bcp" value="${bootclasspath.second}"/>
-      <param name="jsrc"
+      <param name="jsrc" 
       <param name="dst.dir" value="${classes.second.dir}"/>
@@ -233,7 +229,7 @@
     <ant target="emma.instr"/>
     <ant target=""/>
     <ant target="collect.localisation.files"/>
     <!--Copy only changed classes into collection dir -->
     <copy todir="${classes.collection.dir}">
       <fileset dir="${dst.dir}" includes="**/*.class">
@@ -245,7 +241,7 @@
   <!--Target that does the pre rpocessing of the java code. This is not done
       by default - it is done only if property java.cpp.defines has been
-      defined by the component. Java source files are pre processed into
+      defined by the component. Java source files are pre processed into 
       component's classes/firstjavacpp (or classes/secondjavacpp in case of
        second phase compilation) directory
@@ -257,12 +253,12 @@
       <arg value="${jsrc}"/>
       <arg value="${java.cpp.tmp.dir}"/>
   <!--Groups a set of functionalities that are done after java code has
       been compiled ad finetuned -->
-  <target name="finalize" depends="create.internal.api.jar,
+  <target name="finalize" depends="create.internal.api.jar, 
                                    create.public.api.jar, javah, generate.odc,
                                    rommize.classes, jni.utils">
@@ -296,7 +292,7 @@
   <!--Target for making component specific initalizations depending on
       the values of dynamic properties (e.g. Target platform).
-      The default implementation of this target is empty and the component
+      The default implementation of this target is empty and the component 
       should override this if it provides public APIs -->
   <target name="">
@@ -308,20 +304,20 @@
-  <!--Javac
+  <!--Javac 
        TODO: bootclasspath should look like this:
   <presetdef name="omj.javac">
-    <javac
-      source="${javac.source}"
+    <javac 
+      source="${javac.source}" 
-   <!-- Uncomment the following line if you want to see Javac warnings. -->
+   <!-- Uncomment the following line if you want to see Javac warnings. -->      
    <!--   <compilerarg value="-Xlint"/> -->
       <src path="${jsrc.for.javac}"/>
@@ -374,7 +370,7 @@
   <!--Generate the odc files -->
-  <target name="generate.odc" depends="" unless="no.rommizing">
+  <target name="generate.odc" depends="">
     <exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
       <arg value="${java.src.root}/build/buildutils/"/>
       <arg value="${component.root.dir}/${}.odc"/>
@@ -384,7 +380,7 @@
     <!--Copy the odc file into location where the VM can find it -->
-    <copy file="${component.root.dir}/${}.odc"
+    <copy file="${component.root.dir}/${}.odc" 
@@ -400,9 +396,9 @@
-  <!--Create an internal API jar file into directory containig all the
-      internal API jar files. The default implementation of this target is
-      empty and the component should override this if it provides internal
+  <!--Create an internal API jar file into directory containig all the 
+      internal API jar files. The default implementation of this target is 
+      empty and the component should override this if it provides internal 
       APIs -->
   <target name="create.internal.api.jar">
@@ -415,9 +411,9 @@
-  <!--Create a public API jar file into directory containig all the
-      public API jar files. The default implementation of this target is
-      empty and the component should override this if it provides public
+  <!--Create a public API jar file into directory containig all the 
+      public API jar files. The default implementation of this target is 
+      empty and the component should override this if it provides public 
       APIs -->
   <target name="create.public.api.jar">
@@ -425,7 +421,7 @@
   <!--Updated the classes into the common jar file. If the Java code contains
       cldc compilable code it is put into jar file ${impl.cldc.jar} otherwise
       ${impl.cdc.jar} is updated.-->
-  <target name="" unless="no.collection.update">
+  <target name="">
       <condition property=""
@@ -450,7 +446,7 @@
       if they have changed, then they are copied into a directory that
       is included to the component's makefile -->
   <target name="javah" if="javah.classnames">
-    <javah destdir="${temp.javah.dir}" force="yes"
+    <javah destdir="${temp.javah.dir}" force="yes" 
        class = "${javah.classnames}">
@@ -472,7 +468,7 @@
       in order to include platform specific utility xml file.-->
   <target name="export" depends=",">
     <antcall target="do.export">
-      <param name="platform.utilities.xml.file"
+      <param name="platform.utilities.xml.file" 
@@ -522,17 +518,8 @@
-  <target name="clean" depends="clean.impl, component.clean">
-  </target>
-  <!--For overriding by the build.xml of the component-->
-  <target name="component.clean">
-  </target>
   <!--Do the cleaning-->
-  <target name="clean.impl" depends=", clean.from.collection.jars,
-                                     emma.clean">
+  <target name="clean" depends=", emma.clean">
     <echo message = "target.platform = ${target.platform}"/>
     <echo message = "target.cfg = ${target.cfg}"/>
@@ -552,51 +539,6 @@
     <delete file="${}/${}.odc"/>
-    <!--
-    This target will remove the classes of the component from
-    the collection jar files. It is quite time consuming so at the moment
-    this is not done by default unless the component specifies
-    collection.clean propert.
-    -->
-  <target name="clean.from.collection.jars" if="collection.clean">
-    <antcall target="clean.from.jar">
-      <param name="source.jar.file" value="${platform.api.jar}"/>
-      <param name="source.src.dir" value="${classes.collection.dir}"/>
-    </antcall>
-    <antcall target="clean.from.jar">
-      <param name="source.jar.file" value="${public.api.jar}"/>
-      <param name="source.src.dir" value="${classes.first.dir}"/>
-    </antcall>
-    <antcall target="clean.from.jar">
-      <param name="source.jar.file" value="${impl.cldc.jar}"/>
-      <param name="source.src.dir" value="${classes.first.dir}"/>
-    </antcall>
-    <antcall target="clean.from.jar">
-      <param name="source.jar.file" value="${impl.cdc.jar}"/>
-      <param name="source.src.dir" value="${classes.second.dir}"/>
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
-  <target name="existence.check">
-    <available file="${source.jar.file}" property="cleaning.jar.present"/>
-  </target>
-  <target name="clean.from.jar" depends="existence.check" if="cleaning.jar.present">
-    <property name="clean.tmp" location="${component.root.dir}/cleantmp"/>
-    <mkdir dir="${clean.tmp}"/>
-    <unzip src="${source.jar.file}" dest="${clean.tmp}/"/>
-    <delete file="${source.jar.file}"/>
-    <jar destfile="${source.jar.file}">
-      <fileset dir="${clean.tmp}">
-        <present present="srconly" targetdir="${source.src.dir}"/>
-      </fileset>
-    </jar>
-    <delete dir="${clean.tmp}"/>
-  </target>
   <!--Do the cleaning-->
   <target name="clean.api.jars" depends="">
@@ -613,10 +555,10 @@
   <!--Generate signature jar file-->
   <target name="generate.signature.jars" depends="">
-   <zip destfile="${signature.jar}">
-     <zipfileset src="${bootclasspath.cldc}"/>
-     <zipfileset src="${impl.cldc.jar}"/>
-   </zip>
+   <zip destfile="${signature.jar}">  
+     <zipfileset src="${bootclasspath.cldc}"/>  
+     <zipfileset src="${impl.cldc.jar}"/>  
+   </zip>  
@@ -633,7 +575,6 @@
 	   <fileset dir="${java.src.root}/javacommons/" defaultexcludes="yes">
 		 <include name="utils/javasrc/com/nokia/mj/impl/rt/support/*.java"/>
 		 <include name="utils/javasrc/com/nokia/mj/impl/utils/**/*.java"/>
-		 <include name="utils/javasrc/com/nokia/mj/impl/rt/ui/**/*.java"/>
 		 <include name="fileutils/javasrc/**/*.java"/>
   	     <include name="comms/javasrc/**/*.java"/>
 		 <include name="javastorage/javasrc/**/*.java"/>