changeset 83 26b2b12093af
parent 77 7cee158cb8cd
child 84 0553e2305d00
--- a/javamanager/javabackup/midp2backup_usif/src.s60/javascrbackuputil.cpp	Wed Sep 15 12:05:25 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1014 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of CScrBackupUtil
-#include "javascrbackuputil.h"
-#include "midp2backupdataids.h"
-#include "logger.h"
-#include "javasymbianoslayer.h" // for CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL
-#include <scs/nullstream.h>
-#include <e32cmn.h> 
-#include <apaid.h> //for TApaAppCapability::ENonNative
-#include <e32def.h>
-using namespace java::backup;
-using namespace Usif;
-// Properties registered to SCR.
-_LIT(KMIDletName, "MIDlet-Name");
-_LIT(KUid, "Uid");
-_LIT(KMediaId, "Media-Id");
-_LIT(KMIDletInfoURL, "MIDlet-Info-URL");
-_LIT(KMIDletDescription, "MIDlet-Description");
-_LIT(KDownloadURL, "Download-URL");
-_LIT(KSettingsPlugin, "SettingsName");
-_LIT(KMIDletDeletionConformation, "MIDlet-Delete-Confirm");
-CScrBackupUtil* CScrBackupUtil::NewL()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," --->  CScrBackupUtil:  NewL()");
-    CScrBackupUtil *self = CScrBackupUtil::NewLC();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CScrBackupUtil: NewL()");
-    return self;
-    }
-CScrBackupUtil* CScrBackupUtil::NewLC()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," --->  CScrBackupUtil: NewLC");
-    CScrBackupUtil *self = new(ELeave) CScrBackupUtil();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self); 
-    self->ConstructL();
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CScrBackupUtil: NewLC");
-    return self;
-    }
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," --->  CScrBackupUtil: CScrBackupUtil");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <---  CScrBackupUtil: CScrBackupUtil");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::ConstructL()
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CScrBackupUtil: ConstructL ");
-        //will be incremented as and when needed
-        iRemainingInfo = HBufC8::NewL(4096);//TODO :need to change it to the total size of the the attribute
-        //iPtrToWriteBuffer = ((const_cast<TUint8*>(iRemainingInfo->Ptr())));// need to do this coz when fun end and goes to fetch next 4096 bytes i lose it
-        iPtrToWriteBuffer.Set(iRemainingInfo->Des());
-        iIsFristCall = ETrue;
-        iState = EIsFetchCompleteInfo;
-        iIsToWriteInStream = ETrue;
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CScrBackupUtil: ConstructL()");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::ConnectScrL()
-    {
-            LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CScrBackupUtil: ConnectScrL()");
-            iScr = new RSoftwareComponentRegistry();
-            if (NULL == iScr)
-            {
-                ELOG(EBackup,"Creating RSoftwareComponentRegistry failed");
-                User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
-            }
-            TInt err = iScr->Connect();
-            if (KErrNone != err)
-            {
-                ELOG1(EBackup,"Connecting to RSoftwareComponentRegistry failed, error %d",err);
-                //TODO need to see can we afford leaving here ;)
-                User::Leave(err);
-            }
-            LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CScrBackupUtil: ConnectScrL()");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::ExtractUidAndComponentIdL(RArray<Usif::TComponentId>& componentIds,RArray<TInt>& uids,TInt& ComponentsCount)
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CScrBackupUtil: ExtractUidAndComponentId()");
-        CComponentFilter* filter;
-        CPropertyEntry* property;
-        filter = CComponentFilter::NewLC();
-        //Set the filter for software type Usif::KSoftwareTypeJava and ftech the Ids
-        filter->SetSoftwareTypeL(Usif::KSoftwareTypeJava);
-        TRAPD(error,iScr->GetComponentIdsL(componentIds,filter));
-        if(error)
-            {
-            ELOG(EBackup,"Failed to get the components ID");
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(filter);
-        // fetch the no. of component from the given RArray
-        ComponentsCount = componentIds.Count();
-        // No use of Component Ids as such as they are used by SCR internally 
-        //so exctracted the UID of of each component
-        for(TInt i = 0 ;i < ComponentsCount ; i++)
-            {
-                property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(componentIds.operator [](i),KUid());
-                if (property->PropertyType() == CPropertyEntry::EIntProperty)
-                        {
-                           TInt uid = ((CIntPropertyEntry*)property)->IntValue();
-                           uids.AppendL(uid);
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                                 //Error
-                        }  
-                        delete property;
-                        property = NULL;
-            }
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CScrBackupUtil: ExtractUidAndComponentId()");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::BackupScrDataL(RDesWriteStream& aStream, TBool& aBackupNotFinished, TInt& aBufferSpaceLeft)
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CScrBackupUtil: BackupScrDataL()");
-        iBufferSpaceLeft = aBufferSpaceLeft ;
-        if(iIsFristCall)
-            {
-                // to get no. of components need to keep a flag that its called only once
-                ConnectScrL();
-                ExtractUidAndComponentIdL(iComponentIds,iUids,iNumberOfComponents);
-                //write the no. of components so that it will help us in restoration time
-                aStream.WriteInt32L(iNumberOfComponents);
-                iBufferSpaceLeft -= sizeof(TInt32);
-                //all the ids of the midlets that are to be backedup and the size of the rarray with holds the Ids 
-                TPckgBuf<RArray<TInt> > ids(iUids);
-                TInt size = ComputeSizeL(ids);
-                aStream.WriteInt32L(size);
-                iBufferSpaceLeft -= sizeof(TInt32);
-                aStream.WriteL(ids);
-                iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - size;
-                iIsFristCall = EFalse;
-            }    
-            for( i ; i < iComponentIds.Count() ;)
-                {
-                    if(iState == EIsFetchCompleteInfo)
-                        {
-                            TInt at = iComponentIds.operator[](i);
-                            //Temp stream in which all attributes are backed up 
-                            RDesWriteStream writeStream;
-                            writeStream.Open(iPtrToWriteBuffer);
-                            GetComponentInfoL(at,writeStream);
-                            writeStream.CommitL();
-                            iLengthOfString = iPtrToWriteBuffer.Length();
-                            iWriteToStream = ETrue;
-                            // write the size, Used while restoring
-                            aStream.WriteInt32L(iLengthOfString);
-                            iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - sizeof(TInt);
-                        }
-                    if(iState == EIsWriteCompleteInfo)
-                        {                           
-                            //writing the remaining information into the new buffer
-                            if(iBufferToWriteNextTime)
-                            {
-                                aStream.WriteL(iPtrToWriteBuffer,iRemainingBuffer);
-                                aStream.CommitL();
-                                LOG(EBackup, EInfo, "attributes written fully in the stream fetching for next component");
-                                iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - iRemainingBuffer;
-                                iBufferToWriteNextTime = EFalse;
-                                iState = EIsFetchCompleteInfo;
-                                iLengthOfString = 0; // to maintain the loop
-                                iWriteToStream = EFalse;
-                                i++;
-                            }
-                            // if the whole string cannot be writen, write part of it
-                            if (iLengthOfString > iBufferSpaceLeft && !iBufferToWriteNextTime)
-                            {
-                                iRemainingBuffer = iLengthOfString - iBufferSpaceLeft;
-                                aStream.WriteL(iPtrToWriteBuffer,iBufferSpaceLeft);
-                                aStream.CommitL();
-                                iBufferToWriteNextTime = ETrue;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            // else write the complete string
-                            else if(iWriteToStream)
-                            {       aStream.WriteL(iPtrToWriteBuffer,iLengthOfString);
-                                    aStream.CommitL();
-                                    iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - iLengthOfString;
-                                    iState = EIsFetchCompleteInfo;
-                                    iLengthOfString = 0; // to maintain the loop 
-                                    i++;
-                            }
-                        }
-                }
-            // making it false to backup next component next time
-            if(i >= iComponentIds.Count())
-                aBackupNotFinished = EFalse; 
-    }
-template <typename T>
-TInt CScrBackupUtil::ComputeSizeL(const T &aObject)
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> computeSize() ");
-        TInt size(0);
-        RNullWriteStream nullstream;
-        CleanupClosePushL(nullstream);
-        nullstream << aObject;
-        nullstream.CommitL();
-        size = nullstream.BytesWritten();
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&nullstream);
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- computeSize() ");
-        return size;
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::GetComponentInfoL(TComponentId aComponentId ,RDesWriteStream& aStream )
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> GetComponentInfo() ");
-        TInt j = 0 ;
-        CPropertyEntry* property;
-        CComponentEntry* entries = CComponentEntry::NewL();
-        CleanupStack::PushL(entries);
-        TLanguage language =KNonLocalized;
-        TBool result = iScr->GetComponentL(aComponentId,*entries,language);
-        entries->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entries);
-        TBool isComponentPresent = iScr->IsComponentPresentL(aComponentId);
-        aStream.WriteInt8L(isComponentPresent);
-        // Localizable Component info 
-        RPointerArray<CLocalizableComponentInfo> localizableComponentInfo;
-        iScr->GetComponentLocalizedInfoL(aComponentId,localizableComponentInfo);
-        aStream.WriteInt32L(localizableComponentInfo.Count());
-        for(j ; j < localizableComponentInfo.Count(); j++)
-            {
-                    (localizableComponentInfo.operator [](j))->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-            }
-        // Properties
-        // extracted the UID
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KUid());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {  
-                 property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        else 
-            {
-                // need to return or have to proceed
-            }
-        // Exctracted Domain - Category
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KDomainCategory());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        // Exctracted Media ID
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KMediaId());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        // Exctracted Setings plugin name
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KSettingsPlugin());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        // Optional Properties
-        // extracted info URL
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KMIDletInfoURL());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        else // as its optional property so could be NULL 
-            {
-                aStream.WriteInt8L(NULL);
-            }
-        // extracted midlet description
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KMIDletDescription());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        else // as its optional property so could be NULL 
-           {
-               aStream.WriteInt8L(NULL);
-           }
-        // extracted midlet DeletionConformation
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KMIDletDeletionConformation());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {
-                property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-                delete property;
-                property = NULL;
-            }
-        else // as its optional property so could be NULL 
-           {
-               aStream.WriteInt8L(NULL);
-           }
-        //extracted midlet DN URL
-        property = iScr->GetComponentPropertyL(aComponentId,KDownloadURL());
-        if (NULL != property)
-            {  
-              property->ExternalizeL(aStream);
-              delete property;
-              property = NULL;
-            }
-        else // as its optional property so could be NULL 
-           {
-               aStream.WriteInt8L(NULL);
-           }
-        // backing up files corresponds to component
-        RSoftwareComponentRegistryFilesList fileList;
-        CleanupClosePushL(fileList);
-        TInt count = iScr->GetComponentFilesCountL(aComponentId); 
-        TInt k = 0;
-        RPointerArray<HBufC> files;
-        fileList.OpenListL(*iScr,aComponentId);
-        fileList.NextFileSetL(count,files);        
-        aStream.WriteInt32L(files.Count());
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fileList);//filelist
-        for( k ; k < files.Count(); k++)
-            {
-               HBufC* temp =  files.operator [](k);
-               aStream.WriteInt32L(temp->Length());
-               aStream.WriteL(temp->Des());                                    
-            }
-        RArray<TUid> noOfApps; 
-        HBufC* appIcon;
-        TAppRegInfo appInfo;
-        iScr->GetAppUidsForComponentL(aComponentId,noOfApps); 
-        RRegistrationInfoForApplication regInfoIcon;
-        CleanupClosePushL(regInfoIcon);
-        RApplicationRegistrationInfo regInfoCaption;
-        CleanupClosePushL(regInfoCaption);
-       //backing up the no. of apps
-       aStream.WriteInt32L(noOfApps.Count()); 
-        for(j = 0 ; j < noOfApps.Count(); j++ )
-            {
-                regInfoIcon.OpenL(*iScr,noOfApps.operator [](j));
-                regInfoCaption.OpenL(*iScr);
-               //check if language is imp to give as an argument\
-               // Language extracted
-               TLanguage language = regInfoIcon.ApplicationLanguageL();
-               // Language backed up
-               aStream.WriteInt32L(language);
-               // AppUID extracted
-               TUid appUid = noOfApps[j];               
-               // AppUID backed up
-               aStream.WriteInt32L(appUid.iUid);
-               //App caption extracted 
-               regInfoCaption.GetAppInfoL(appUid,appInfo,language);
-               TAppCaption caption = appInfo.Caption();
-               caption.Trim();// would give the acctual size of content
-               //App caption backed up
-               aStream.WriteL(caption);
-               //AppIcon path extracted
-               regInfoIcon.GetAppIconL(appIcon);
-               //AppIcon path backed up
-               aStream.WriteL(appIcon->Des());
-               //need to backup no. of icons to needed for registrating application
-               TInt noOfIcons = regInfoIcon.NumberOfOwnDefinedIconsL();
-               aStream.WriteInt32L(noOfIcons);
-            }
-               CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//regInfoIcon
-               CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//regInfoCaption
-               //regInfoIcon.Close();
-               //regInfoCaption.Close();
-        iState = EIsWriteCompleteInfo;
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- GetComponentInfo() ");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::RestoreScrDataL(RDesReadStream& aStream, TInt& aRestoreState, TInt& aBufferSpaceLeft)
-    {
-		LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> RestoreScrDataL() ");
-        if(iIsFristCall)
-            {
-                ConnectScrL();
-                TInt j = 0;
-                TInt presentComponentsCount;
-                RArray<Usif::TComponentId> presentComponentsIds;
-                iBufferSpaceLeft = aBufferSpaceLeft;
-                //aStream.r
-                //reading components count
-                iNumberOfComponents = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-                iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - sizeof(TInt32);
-                //reading the size of the TPckgBuf<RArray<TComponentId>>
-                TInt size = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-                iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - sizeof(TInt32);
-                //reading TPckgBuf<RArray<TComponentId>> 
-                HBufC* temp = HBufC::NewLC(aStream , size);
-                TPckgBuf<RArray<TInt> > ids;
-                //extracting RArray from TPckgBuf<RArray<TUids>>
-                ids.Append(temp->Des());
-                CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(temp);
-                iUids = ids.operator ()();// populated iUids
-                iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - size;
-                iNumberOfComponents = iUids.Count();
-                ExtractUidAndComponentIdL(presentComponentsIds,iPresentUids,presentComponentsCount);
-                // calculating the midlets to be deleted from SCR
-                for(j ; j <= iNumberOfComponents ; j++ )
-                    {
-                          TInt id = NULL;
-                          TInt index = 0;
-                          id = iUids.operator [](j);
-                          index = iPresentUids.Find(iUids.operator [](j));
-                          if(index != NULL)
-                              {
-                                  presentComponentsIds.Remove(index);// removeing the app that is present in SCr and backed up too
-                                  iPresentUids.Remove(index);// TODO : check if right component Id is removed
-                              }       
-                    }
-                   iPresentUids.Compress();  // need to see if this works
-                   presentComponentsIds.Compress();// contains the uids that has to be deleted
-                   //Updated the count
-                   presentComponentsCount = iPresentUids.Count();
-                   for(j = 0 ; j <= presentComponentsCount ; j++ )
-                       {       
-                           TRAPD(err ,iScr->DeleteApplicationEntriesL(presentComponentsIds.operator [](j)));
-                           if (KErrNone == err)
-                               {
-                                   iScr->DeleteComponentL(presentComponentsIds.operator [](j));
-                               }
-                       }
-            }
-        RDesReadStream readStream;
-        readStream.Open(iPtrToWriteBuffer);
-        for( i ; i < iComponentIds.Count() ;)
-            {
-                if(iState == EIsFetchCompleteInfo)
-                    {   
-                        TUid uid ;
-                        uid.iUid = iUids.operator [](i);
-                        SetDataInScrL(uid,readStream);
-                        i++;
-                    }
-                if(iState == EIsWriteCompleteInfo)
-                    {                           
-                        RDesReadStream readStream;
-                        readStream.Open(iPtrToWriteBuffer);
-                        iLengthOfString = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-                        //Reading the remaining information into the new buffer
-                        if(iBufferToWriteNextTime)
-                            {
-                            //appened it in the remaing
-                             HBufC* remainingBuff = HBufC::NewL(iRemainingBuffer);
-                             TPtr ptr(remainingBuff->Des());            
-                             aStream.ReadL(ptr,iRemainingBuffer);
-                             iPtrToWriteBuffer.Append(ptr);
-                             iState = EIsFetchCompleteInfo;                     
-                             iLengthOfString = 0; // to maintain the loop
-                             iWriteToStream = EFalse;
-                            }
-                        if (iLengthOfString > iBufferSpaceLeft && !iBufferToWriteNextTime)
-                        {  
-                        iRemainingBuffer = iLengthOfString - iBufferSpaceLeft;
-                        aStream.ReadL(iPtrToWriteBuffer,iBufferSpaceLeft);
-                        iBufferToWriteNextTime = ETrue;
-                        break ;
-                        }
-                        // Read the complete string
-                        else if(iWriteToStream)
-                        {       
-                            aStream.ReadL(iPtrToWriteBuffer,iLengthOfString);
-                            iBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft - iLengthOfString;
-                            iState = EIsFetchCompleteInfo;
-                            iLengthOfString = 0; // to maintain the loop 
-                        }
-                    }
-            }
-        //take care of restorestate
-        // SCR restore is over; Set state to EAppArc
-        if(i >= iComponentIds.Count())
-            {
-                aRestoreState = EAppArc;
-                aBufferSpaceLeft = iBufferSpaceLeft;// need to to this coz of last iteration
-            }
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- RestoreScrDataL() ");
-    }
-void CScrBackupUtil::SetDataInScrL(TUid aUid , RDesReadStream& aStream)
-    {
-		LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> SetDataInScrL() ");
-        TInt tempSize = NULL;
-        TInt j = 0;
-        tempSize = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-        CComponentEntry* entries;
-        entries = CComponentEntry::NewL();
-        CleanupStack::PushL( entries);
-        entries->InternalizeL(aStream);
-        TBool isComponentPresent = aStream.ReadInt8L();
-        // Localizable Component info 
-        RPointerArray<CLocalizableComponentInfo> localizableComponentInfoArray; // Not owned by me nee to delete in last 
-        TInt temp = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-        for(j ; j <= temp; j++)
-            {
-                CLocalizableComponentInfo* componentinfo = CLocalizableComponentInfo::NewL(aStream);
-                localizableComponentInfoArray.Append(componentinfo);
-            }
-        // now need to set all the properties
-        // extracted the UID
-        CIntPropertyEntry* property;
-        property = (CIntPropertyEntry*)CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        TInt64 id = property->Int64Value();
-        delete property;
-        //extracted midlet Domain-Catogary
-        CLocalizablePropertyEntry* propertyString;
-        propertyString =(CLocalizablePropertyEntry*) CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        HBufC* domainCategory  = (propertyString->StrValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyString;
-        // Exctracted Media ID
-        property = (CIntPropertyEntry*)CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        TInt64 mediaID = property->Int64Value();
-        delete property;
-        //extracted midlet SettingsValue
-        propertyString =(CLocalizablePropertyEntry*) CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        HBufC* SettingsValue  = (propertyString->StrValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyString;
-        // Optional Properties
-        // extracted info URL
-        propertyString = propertyString = (CLocalizablePropertyEntry*)CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);  
-        HBufC* url = (propertyString->StrValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyString;
-        // extracted midlet description
-        propertyString = (CLocalizablePropertyEntry*)CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        HBufC* midletDescription  = (propertyString->StrValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyString;
-        // midlet deletion conformation has to be here
-        CBinaryPropertyEntry* propertyBinary = (CBinaryPropertyEntry*)CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        HBufC8* midletDeletionConformation  = (propertyBinary->BinaryValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyBinary;
-        //extracted midlet DN URL
-        propertyString =(CLocalizablePropertyEntry*) CPropertyEntry::NewL(aStream);
-        HBufC* dnUrl  = (propertyString->StrValue()).Alloc();
-        delete propertyString;
-        //Extracting no. of files registered with a component
-        //1st the no. of files
-        RPointerArray<HBufC> componentFilesArray;
-        TInt fileCount = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-       //now the files 
-        for(TInt k = 0 ; k < fileCount ; k++)
-            {   
-                TInt size = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-                HBufC* componentFile = HBufC::NewL(aStream,size);
-                CleanupStack::PushL( componentFile);
-                componentFilesArray.AppendL(componentFile);
-                CleanupStack::Pop( componentFile);
-            }
-        //Extracting no. of apps with a component
-        TInt noOfApps = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-        RPointerArray<CAppInfo> appinfoArray;
-        for(j = 0 ; j < noOfApps ; j++ )
-            {
-                   CAppInfo* appinfo = CAppInfo::NewL();
-                   CleanupStack::PushL( appinfo);// i will not own it after using has to be destroyed  
-                   TLanguage language;
-                   language = (TLanguage)(aStream.ReadInt32L());
-                   TUid uid;
-                   uid.Uid(aStream.ReadInt32L());
-                   TAppCaption caption ;
-                   aStream.ReadL(caption);
-                   HBufC* appIcon ;
-                   TPtr temp(appIcon->Des());
-                   aStream.ReadL(temp);
-                   TInt noOfIcons = aStream.ReadInt32L();
-                   appinfo->Set(language,uid,caption,temp,noOfIcons);// TODO: check if it works
-                   appinfoArray.Append(appinfo);
-            }
-        TInt index =  iPresentUids.Find(aUid.iUid);
-        if(index != NULL)
-            {           CComponentEntry* entry = CComponentEntry::NewLC();
-                        TUid uid ;
-                        uid.Uid(iPresentUids.operator [](index));
-                        TComponentId componentId = iScr->GetComponentIdForAppL(uid);
-                        iScr->GetComponentL(componentId,*entry);
-                        HBufC* versionPresent = entry->Version().AllocLC();
-                        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
-                        HBufC* versionBackUpComponent = entries->Version().AllocLC();
-                       if((versionPresent->CompareC(versionBackUpComponent->Des())))//check version
-                           {
-                                   //ignore  Write a log statement as the midlet is same no need to do any thing :)
-                           }    
-                       else 
-                           {
-                             //  delete it and thn register it 
-                             TRAPD(err ,iScr->DeleteApplicationEntriesL(componentId));
-                             if (KErrNone == err)
-                                  {
-                                      iScr->DeleteComponentL(componentId);
-                                  }
-                            // call register
-                            TComponentId newComponentId = RegisterComponentL(*entries,uid,url->Des(),midletDescription->Des(),midletDeletionConformation->Des(),dnUrl->Des(),mediaID,domainCategory->Des(),SettingsValue->Des(),componentFilesArray,isComponentPresent,localizableComponentInfoArray);
-                             for(j=0; j < appinfoArray.Count() ; j++)
-                                 {
-                                     CAppInfo* appInfo = appinfoArray.operator [](j);
-                                     RegisterApplicationL(newComponentId,appInfo->GetAppUid(),appInfo->GetCaption(),appInfo->GetAppIcon()->Des(),appInfo->NoOfIcons(),appInfo->GetLanguage());
-                                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appInfo);
-                                 }
-                           }
-                       CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(versionPresent);
-                       CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(versionBackUpComponent);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-                //just go register it as its not there in the phone 
-                TComponentId newComponentId = RegisterComponentL(*entries,aUid,url->Des(),midletDescription->Des(),midletDeletionConformation->Des(),dnUrl->Des(),mediaID,domainCategory->Des(),SettingsValue->Des(),componentFilesArray,isComponentPresent,localizableComponentInfoArray);
-                 for(j=0; j < appinfoArray.Count() ; j++)
-                     {
-                         CAppInfo* appInfo = appinfoArray.operator [](j);
-                         RegisterApplicationL(newComponentId,appInfo->GetAppUid(),appInfo->GetCaption(),appInfo->GetAppIcon()->Des(),appInfo->NoOfIcons(),appInfo->GetLanguage());
-                         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appInfo);
-                     }
-            }
-        //CleanupStack::Pop();//componentFilesArray
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entries);
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- SetDataInScrL() ");
-    }
-TComponentId CScrBackupUtil::RegisterComponentL(CComponentEntry& aEntry ,TUid aUid,TPtr aMidletInfoUrl,
-        TPtr aMidletDescription,TPtr8 aMidletDeletionConformation, TPtr aDownloadUrl,TInt64 aMediaId,TPtr aDomainCatogary , TPtr aSettingValue,
-        RPointerArray<HBufC>& aComponentFilesArray, TBool aIsComponentPresent,RPointerArray<CLocalizableComponentInfo>& aLocalizableComponentInfoArray)
-	LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> RegisterComponentL() ");
-    HBufC* globalId =( aEntry.GlobalId()).AllocLC();
-    TComponentId componentId = iScr->AddComponentL(aLocalizableComponentInfoArray,Usif::KSoftwareTypeJava,globalId);
-    iScr->SetComponentVersionL(componentId, aEntry.Version());
-    //LOG1(EJavaInstaller, EInfo, "RegisterComponentL: version set %s",*version);
-    iScr->SetIsComponentRemovableL(componentId, aEntry.IsRemovable());
-    iScr->SetIsComponentDrmProtectedL(componentId, aEntry.IsDrmProtected());
-    iScr->SetIsComponentKnownRevokedL(componentId,aEntry.IsKnownRevoked());
-    iScr->SetIsComponentOriginVerifiedL(componentId, aEntry.IsOriginVerified());
-    iScr->SetComponentSizeL(componentId, aEntry.ComponentSize());
-    iScr->SetScomoStateL(componentId,aEntry.ScomoState());
-    iScr->SetIsComponentPresentL(componentId,aIsComponentPresent);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId,KUid(), aUid.iUid);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId,KMIDletInfoURL(),aMidletInfoUrl);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId, KMIDletDescription(), aMidletDescription);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId,KMIDletDeletionConformation(),aMidletDeletionConformation);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId, KDownloadURL(), aDownloadUrl);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId,KDomainCategory(),aDomainCatogary);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId, KMediaId(), aMediaId);
-    iScr->SetComponentPropertyL(componentId, KSettingsPlugin(), aSettingValue);
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(globalId);
-    TInt fileCount = aComponentFilesArray.Count();
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
-    {
-        HBufC *componentFile = aComponentFilesArray.operator [](i);
-        iScr->RegisterComponentFileL(componentId, *componentFile);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(componentFile);
-    }
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- RegisterComponentL() ");
-    return componentId;
-void CScrBackupUtil::RegisterApplicationL(TInt aComponentId, TUid aAppUid,
-        TAppCaption aAppName, TDesC aIconFilename, TInt aNumberOfIcons,
-        TLanguage aLanguages)
-    {
-		LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> RegisterApplicationL() ");
-        TFileName appName;
-        RPointerArray<HBufC> ownedFileArray; // codescanner::resourcenotoncleanupstack
-        RPointerArray<Usif::CServiceInfo> serviceArray; // codescanner::resourcenotoncleanupstack
-        RPointerArray<Usif::CPropertyEntry> appPropertiesArray; // codescanner::resourcenotoncleanupstack
-        RPointerArray<Usif::CAppViewData> viewDataList; // codescanner::resourcenotoncleanupstack
-        RPointerArray<Usif::COpaqueData> opaqueDataArray;
-        CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(opaqueDataArray);
-        // Write application Uid to opaque data (needed by MIDlet launcher).
-        TBuf8<4> opaqueDataBuf; // Opaque data will contain one signed 32-bit int.
-        RDesWriteStream writeStream(opaqueDataBuf);
-        writeStream.WriteInt32L(aAppUid.iUid);
-        writeStream.CommitL();
-        COpaqueData *opaqueData = COpaqueData::NewLC(opaqueDataBuf, KUnspecifiedLocale);
-        opaqueDataArray.AppendL(opaqueData);
-        CleanupStack::Pop(opaqueData);
-        RPointerArray<Usif::CLocalizableAppInfo> localizableAppInfoList;
-        CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(localizableAppInfoList);
-        // Add non-localized application name (caption) and icon.
-        CCaptionAndIconInfo *captionAndIconInfo = CCaptionAndIconInfo::NewLC(aAppName,aIconFilename,aNumberOfIcons);
-        CLocalizableAppInfo *locAppInfo = CLocalizableAppInfo::NewLC(/*aShortCaption=*/ KNullDesC,KNonLocalized,
-            /*aGroupName=*/ KNullDesC,captionAndIconInfo,viewDataList);
-        localizableAppInfoList.AppendL(locAppInfo);
-        CleanupStack::Pop(locAppInfo);
-        CleanupStack::Pop(captionAndIconInfo);
-    CCaptionAndIconInfo *tmpCaptionAndIconInfo =CCaptionAndIconInfo::NewLC(aAppName,/*aIconFileName=*/ KNullDesC,/*aNumOfAppIcons=*/ 0);
-    CLocalizableAppInfo *tmpLocAppInfo = CLocalizableAppInfo::NewLC(/*aShortCaption=*/ KNullDesC,aLanguages,/*aGroupName=*/ KNullDesC,
-                                                                        tmpCaptionAndIconInfo,/*aViewDataList=*/ viewDataList);
-                localizableAppInfoList.AppendL(tmpLocAppInfo);
-                CleanupStack::Pop(tmpLocAppInfo);
-                CleanupStack::Pop(tmpCaptionAndIconInfo);
-        // Create application registration data objects.
-        TApplicationCharacteristics appCharacteristics;
-        appCharacteristics.iAttributes = TApaAppCapability::ENonNative;
-        appCharacteristics.iEmbeddability = TApplicationCharacteristics::ENotEmbeddable;
-        appCharacteristics.iSupportsNewFile = EFalse;
-        appCharacteristics.iAppIsHidden = EFalse;
-        appCharacteristics.iLaunchInBackground = EFalse;
-        CApplicationRegistrationData *appRegData =
-        CApplicationRegistrationData::NewLC(ownedFileArray, serviceArray,localizableAppInfoList,appPropertiesArray,opaqueDataArray,
-                /*aAppUid=*/ aAppUid, /*aAppFile=*/ appName,/*aCharacteristics=*/ appCharacteristics,/*aDefaultScreenNumber=*/ 0);
-        LOG(EJavaInstaller, EInfo,"RegisterApplicationL : Called AddApplicationEntryL  >>>>>>>>>>>> ");
-        iScr->AddApplicationEntryL(aComponentId, *appRegData);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appRegData);
-        CleanupStack::Pop(&localizableAppInfoList); // deleted in appRegData destructor
-        CleanupStack::Pop(&opaqueDataArray); // deleted in appRegData destructor
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- RegisterApplicationL() ");
-    }
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> ~CScrBackupUtil() ");
-    if(iScr)
-        {
-            iScr->Close();
-            delete iScr;
-            iScr = NULL;
-        }
-    if(iRemainingInfo)
-        {
-            delete iRemainingInfo;
-            iRemainingInfo = NULL;
-        }
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- ~CScrBackupUtil() ");
-    }
-CAppInfo* CAppInfo::NewL()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:NewL()");
-    CAppInfo *self = CAppInfo::NewLC();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:NewL()");
-    return self;
-    }
-CAppInfo* CAppInfo::NewLC()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:NewLC");
-    CAppInfo *self = new(ELeave) CAppInfo();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self); 
-    self->ConstructL();
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <---CAppInfo:NewLC");
-    return self;
-    }
-    {
-    }
-void CAppInfo::ConstructL()
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:ConstructL ");
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:ConstructL()");
-    }
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:~CAppInfo() ");
-    if(iAppIcon)
-        {
-            delete iAppIcon;
-        }
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:~CAppInfo() ");
-    }
-void CAppInfo::Set(TLanguage language,TUid appUid,Usif::TAppCaption caption,TDesC& appIcon,TInt aNoOfIcons)
-    {
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:Set() ");
-        iLanguage = language;
-        iAppUid = appUid;
-        iCaption = caption;
-        iAppIcon->Des().Copy(appIcon);
-        iNoOfIcons = aNoOfIcons;
-        LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:Set() ");
-    }
-TLanguage CAppInfo::GetLanguage()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:GetLanguage() ");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:GetLanguage() ");
-    return iLanguage;
-    }
-TUid CAppInfo::GetAppUid()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:GetAppUid() ");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:GetAppUid() ");
-    return iAppUid;
-    }
-Usif::TAppCaption CAppInfo::GetCaption()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:GetCaption() ");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:GetCaption() ");
-    return iCaption;
-    }
-HBufC* CAppInfo::GetAppIcon()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:GetAppIcon() ");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:GetAppIcon() ");
-    return iAppIcon;
-    }
-TInt CAppInfo::NoOfIcons()
-    {
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," ---> CAppInfo:NoOfIcons() ");
-    LOG(EBackup,EInfo," <--- CAppInfo:NoOfIcons() ");
-    return iNoOfIcons;
-    }