--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build/utilities.s60.xml Mon May 03 12:27:20 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+<project name="utilities.s60">
+ <target name="do.export">
+ <exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="${java.src.root}/build/buildutils/createstubfiles.py"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}"/>
+ <arg value="${javah.classnames}"/>
+ <arg value="${javah.dir}"/>
+ </exec>
+ </target>
+ <!--Initialize japt specific properties -->
+ <target name="init.j9.japt.properties">
+ <!--Set the target Jar file depending whether the build is first phase
+ build or second phase build -->
+ <condition property="target.japt.debug"
+ value="${component.root.dir}/debug_japted2.jar"
+ else="${component.root.dir}/debug_japted.jar">
+ <isset property="second.phase.compilation" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="target.japt.release"
+ value="${component.root.dir}/release_japted2.jar"
+ else="${component.root.dir}/release_japted.jar">
+ <isset property="second.phase.compilation" />
+ </condition>
+ <!--Is the japted jar uptodate? -->
+ <uptodate property="japt.not.uptodate" targetfile="${target.japt.debug}">
+ <srcfiles dir= "${dst.dir}" includes="**/*.class"/>
+ </uptodate>
+ <!--Adding the Jar file containig all the cdc classes into the
+ bootclasspath of the japt tool if the source files contains cdc
+ Java code.-->
+ <condition property="impl.cdc.jar.classpath"
+ value="${impl.cdc.jar}"
+ else="">
+ <equals arg1="${bcp}" arg2="${bootclasspath.cdc}"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!--Property for setting the debug info for japt-->
+ <condition property="no.strip.debug.info"
+ value="-noStripDebugInfo"
+ else="">
+ <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!-- Path for JAPT classpath. Nonexistent files are skipped -->
+ <path id="japt.classpath">
+ <fileset file="${bcp}"/>
+ <fileset file="${int.bcp}"/>
+ <fileset file="${impl.cldc.jar}"/>
+ <fileset file="${impl.cdc.jar.classpath}"/>
+ </path>
+ </target>
+ <!--Do the finetune.classes (japt in J9) if needed -->
+ <target name="finetune.classes" depends="init.j9.japt.properties"
+ unless="japt.not.uptodate">
+ <!-- The wildcard parameter to japt is different in Linux and Windows. -->
+ <condition property="japt.wildcard.parameter"
+ value=""*""
+ else="*">
+ <os family="windows"/>
+ </condition>
+ <exec executable="${j9.java.home}/bin/japt" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${j9.java.home}"/>
+ <arg value="-includeClass"/>
+ <arg value="${japt.wildcard.parameter}"/>
+ <arg value="-extension"/>
+ <arg value="-inline"/>
+ <arg value="-inlineAllJSRs"/>
+ <arg value="-icp"/>
+ <arg value="${dst.dir}"/>
+ <arg value="-cp"/>
+ <arg value="${toString:japt.classpath}"/>
+ <arg value="-extension"/>
+ <arg value="-jarOutput"/>
+ <arg value="-output"/>
+ <arg value="${target.japt.debug}"/>
+ <arg value="-noStripDebugInfo"/>
+ </exec>
+ <exec executable="${j9.java.home}/bin/japt" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${j9.java.home}"/>
+ <arg value="-includeClass"/>
+ <arg value="${japt.wildcard.parameter}"/>
+ <arg value="-extension"/>
+ <arg value="-inline"/>
+ <arg value="-inlineAllJSRs"/>
+ <arg value="-icp"/>
+ <arg value="${dst.dir}"/>
+ <arg value="-cp"/>
+ <arg value="${toString:japt.classpath}"/>
+ <arg value="-extension"/>
+ <arg value="-jarOutput"/>
+ <arg value="-output"/>
+ <arg value="${target.japt.release}"/>
+ </exec>
+ </target>
+<!--JAPT END-->
+ <!--Initialize jar2jxe specific properties -->
+ <target name="init.j9.jxe.properties">
+ <!--In dual phase compilation there exists also
+ japted2.jar which needs to be added. -->
+ <condition property="secondary.jar.to.japt.debug"
+ value="${component.root.dir}/debug_japted2.jar"
+ else="">
+ <isset property="second.phase.compilation" />
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="secondary.jar.to.japt.release"
+ value="${component.root.dir}/release_japted2.jar"
+ else="">
+ <isset property="second.phase.compilation" />
+ </condition>
+ <!--Property for setting the debug info for japt-->
+ <condition property="jxe.debug.info"
+ value="-g:lines,source,vars"
+ else="">
+ <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!--Is the jxe_debug.c uptodate? -->
+ <uptodate property="jxe.not.uptodate"
+ targetfile="${component.root.dir}/jxe_debug.c">
+ <srcfiles dir= "${component.root.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
+ </uptodate>
+ </target>
+ <!--Do the rommize.classes (jar2jxe in J9)">-->
+ <target name="rommize.classes" depends="init.j9.jxe.properties"
+ unless="jxe.not.uptodate">
+ <exec executable="${j9.java.home}/bin/jar2jxe" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${j9.java.home}"/>
+ <arg value="-nog"/>
+ <arg value="-o"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}/jxe_debug"/>
+ <arg value="-outputFormat"/>
+ <arg value="c"/>
+ <arg value="-g:lines,source,vars"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}/debug_japted.jar"/>
+ <arg value="${secondary.jar.to.japt.debug}"/>
+ </exec>
+ <exec executable="${j9.java.home}/bin/jar2jxe" failonerror="true">
+ <env key="JAVA_HOME" value="${j9.java.home}"/>
+ <arg value="-nog"/>
+ <arg value="-o"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}/jxe_release"/>
+ <arg value="-outputFormat"/>
+ <arg value="c"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}/release_japted.jar"/>
+ <arg value="${secondary.jar.to.japt.release}"/>
+ </exec>
+ </target>
+<!--JAR2JXE END-->
+ <!--This target just checks whether there is need to create/update the
+ jxe.c file -->
+ <target name="init.lookup.properties" if="javah.classnames">
+ <uptodate property="lookup.uptodate"
+ targetfile="${component.root.dir}/lookup.cpp">
+ <srcfiles dir="${javah.dir}" includes="*.h">
+ <present present="both" targetdir="${temp.javah.dir}"/>
+ </srcfiles>
+ </uptodate>
+ </target>
+ <!--Generate the lookup file in S60 -->
+ <target name="jni.utils" depends="init.lookup.properties"
+ unless="lookup.uptodate">
+ <exec executable="python" failonerror="true">
+ <arg value="${java.src.root}/build/buildutils/generates60lookup.py"/>
+ <arg value="${temp.javah.dir}"/>
+ <arg value="${component.root.dir}/lookup.cpp"/>
+ </exec>
+ </target>