changeset 80 d6dafc5d983f
parent 67 63b81d807542
--- a/javacommons/utils/tsrc/localisation/javasrc/com/nokia/mj/impl/utils/	Mon Oct 04 11:29:25 2010 +0300
+++ b/javacommons/utils/tsrc/localisation/javasrc/com/nokia/mj/impl/utils/	Fri Oct 15 12:29:39 2010 +0300
@@ -50,276 +50,655 @@;
     public Test suite()
         // TestSuite aSuite = new TestSuite();
         TestSuite aSuite = new TestSuite(this.getClass().getName());
-        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("formatterTest", new TestMethod()
+        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testFormatDigits", new TestMethod()
+        {
+            public void run(TestCase tc)
+            {
+                ((LocalisationTest) tc).testFormatDigits();
+            }
+        }));
+        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testFormatterAvkon", new TestMethod()
+        {
+            public void run(TestCase tc)
+            {
+                ((LocalisationTest) tc).testFormatterAvkon();
+            }
+        }));
+        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testResourceLoaderAvkon", new TestMethod()
             public void run(TestCase tc)
-                ((LocalisationTest) tc).formatterTest();
+                ((LocalisationTest) tc).testResourceLoaderAvkon();
-        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("resourceLoaderTest", new TestMethod()
+        if (ResourceLoader.getLocaleIdQt() != null)
+        {
+            aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testFormatterQt", new TestMethod()
+            {
+                public void run(TestCase tc)
+                {
+                    ((LocalisationTest) tc).testFormatterQt();
+                }
+            }));
+            aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testResourceLoaderQt", new TestMethod()
+            {
+                public void run(TestCase tc)
+                {
+                    ((LocalisationTest) tc).testResourceLoaderQt();
+                }
+            }));
+            aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testNumerusQt", new TestMethod()
+            {
+                public void run(TestCase tc)
+                {
+                    ((LocalisationTest) tc).testNumerusQt();
+                }
+            }));
+        }
+        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testResourceLoaderCreate", new TestMethod()
             public void run(TestCase tc)
-                ((LocalisationTest) tc).resourceLoaderTest();
+                ((LocalisationTest) tc).testResourceLoaderCreate();
+            }
+        }));
+        aSuite.addTest(new LocalisationTest("testResourceLoaderDestroy", new TestMethod()
+        {
+            public void run(TestCase tc)
+            {
+                ((LocalisationTest) tc).testResourceLoaderDestroy();
         return aSuite;
-    void formatterTest()
+    void testFormatDigits()
+    {
+        String str = "Message from number +358101234567 received.";
+        // Test are executed with english locale,
+        // numbers should not be changed.
+        assertEquals(str, FormatterAvkon.formatDigits(str));
+        assertEquals(str, FormatterQt.formatDigits(str));
+    }
+    void testFormatterAvkon()
         // Zero argument
-            new Formatter("Test").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test").toString());
         // One argument tests
             "Test 100",
-            new Formatter("Test %0N").arg(100).toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %0N").arg(100).toString());
             "Test 1",
-            new Formatter("Test %C").arg('1').toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %C").arg('1').toString());
             "Test A",
-            new Formatter("Test %0C").arg('A').toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %0C").arg('A').toString());
         // Two argument tests
             "Test test 100",
-            new Formatter("Test %1U %0N").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %1U %0N").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
             "100 test test",
-            new Formatter("%0 test %1").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("%0 test %1").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
             "Test A B C",
-            new Formatter("Test %0C %1 %2C").arg('A').arg('B').arg('C').toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %0C %1 %2C").arg('A').arg('B').arg('C').toString());
         // Two argument tests with array
             "Test test 100",
-            new Formatter("Test %1U %0N").format(new Object[]
-                                                 {
-                                                     new Integer(100), "test"
-                                                 }));
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %1U %0N").format(
+                new Object[]
+                {
+                    new Integer(100), "test"
+                }));
             "100 test test",
-            new Formatter("%0 test %1").format(new Object[]
-                                               {
-                                                   new Integer(100), "test"
-                                               }));
+            new FormatterAvkon("%0 test %1").format(
+                new Object[]
+                {
+                    new Integer(100), "test"
+                }));
         // Missing argument, no failure, just unreplaced parameter
             "100 test %1",
-            new Formatter("%0 test %1").arg(100).toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("%0 test %1").arg(100).toString());
         // Extra argument, no failure
             "100 test",
-            new Formatter("%0 test").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("%0 test").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
         Date testDate = new Date(1234567890); // 15/01/1970
         // Test case assumes emulator locale is default as EDateEuropean.
-        assertEquals("15/01/1970", new Formatter("%0").arg(testDate).toString());
+        assertEquals("15/01/1970", new FormatterAvkon("%0").arg(testDate).toString());
         Object obj = testDate;
-        assertEquals("15/01/1970", new Formatter("%0").arg(obj).toString());
+        assertEquals("15/01/1970", new FormatterAvkon("%0").arg(obj).toString());
         obj = new Integer(1);
-        assertEquals("1", new Formatter("%0").arg(obj).toString());
+        assertEquals("1", new FormatterAvkon("%0").arg(obj).toString());
         obj = new String("me");
-        assertEquals("Test me", new Formatter("Test %0").arg(obj).toString());
+        assertEquals("Test me", new FormatterAvkon("Test %0").arg(obj).toString());
         // Test skip not supported type
         obj = new Boolean(false);
-        assertEquals("Test %0", new Formatter("Test %0").arg(obj).toString());
+        assertEquals("Test %0", new FormatterAvkon("Test %0").arg(obj).toString());
         // Test MAX %1U[08]
             "Test testMyTe 100",
-            new Formatter("Test %1U[08] %0N").arg(100).arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %1U[08] %0N").arg(100).arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %U[]
             "Test testMyTest",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %U[08]
             "Test testMyTe",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[08]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[08]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %0[]
             "Test testMyTest",
-            new Formatter("Test %0[]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %0[]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %0[08]
             "Test testMyTe",
-            new Formatter("Test %0[08]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %0[08]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %U[20  Skip
             "Test %U[20",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[20").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[20").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %U[300]
             "Test testMyTest",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[300]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[300]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test %U[8]
             "Test testMyTe",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[8]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[8]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test Max is higher than actual string. Expected output: whole string no padding.
             "Test testMyTest",
-            new Formatter("Test %U[80]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("Test %U[80]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
         // Test Max is higher than pattern and string is shorter than pattern.
             "t to",
-            new Formatter("t %U[09]").arg("to").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("t %U[09]").arg("to").toString());
         // Test 0 len Max
             "t ",
-            new Formatter("t %U[00]").arg("to").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("t %U[00]").arg("to").toString());
         // Test 1 len Max
             "t 1",
-            new Formatter("t %U[01]").arg("12").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("t %U[01]").arg("12").toString());
         // Test 0 len Max with 0 len replacement
             "t ",
-            new Formatter("t %U[00]").arg("").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("t %U[00]").arg("").toString());
         // Test 1 len Max with 1 len replacement
             "t 1",
-            new Formatter("t %U[01]").arg("1").toString());
+            new FormatterAvkon("t %U[01]").arg("1").toString());
+    }
+    void testFormatterQt()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            ResourceLoaderQt res =
+                (ResourceLoaderQt)ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance(
+                    "common", "txt_common_");
+            // Zero argument
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test").toString());
+            // One argument tests
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test 100",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1").arg(100).toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test 100",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %L1").arg(100).toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test AAA",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1").arg("AAA").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test A",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1").arg('A').toString());
+            // Two argument tests
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test test 100",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %2 %L1").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "100 test test",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "%1 test %2").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test A B C",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1 %2 %3").arg('A').arg('B').arg('C').toString());
+            // Two argument tests with array
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test test 100",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %2 %L1").format(new Object[]
+                {
+                    new Integer(100), "test"
+                }));
+            assertEquals(
+                "100 test test",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "%1 test %2").format(new Object[]
+                {
+                    new Integer(100), "test"
+                }));
+            // Missing argument, no failure, just unreplaced parameter
+            assertEquals(
+                "100 test %2",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "%1 test %2").arg(100).toString());
+            // Extra argument, no failure
+            assertEquals(
+                "100 test",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "%1 test").arg(100).arg("test").toString());
+            Date testDate = new Date(1234567890); // 15/01/1970
+            assertEquals("date1 15/01/1970",
+                         new FormatterQt(res, "date1 %1").arg(testDate).toString());
+            Object obj = testDate;
+            assertEquals("date2 15/01/1970",
+                         new FormatterQt(res, "date2 %1").arg(obj).toString());
+            assertEquals("date3 15/01/1970",
+                         new FormatterQt(res, "date3 %1").format(
+                             new Object[] { obj }));
+            obj = new Integer(1);
+            assertEquals("1", new FormatterQt(res, "%1").arg(obj).toString());
+            obj = new String("me");
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test me",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1").arg(obj).toString());
+            // Test skip not supported type
+            obj = new Boolean(false);
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test %1",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %1").arg(obj).toString());
+            // Test MAX %[8]2
+            //assertEquals(
+            //    "Test testMyTe 100",
+            //    new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[8]2 %1").arg(100).arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test %[] Skip
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test %[]",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[]").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test %[]1 Skip
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test %[]1",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[]1").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test %[20  Skip
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test %[20",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[20").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test %[08]1
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test testMyTe\u2026",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[08]1").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test %[300]1
+            assertEquals(
+                "Test testMyTest",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "Test %[300]1").arg("testMyTest").toString());
+            // Test Max is higher than pattern and result is shorter than pattern.
+            assertEquals(
+                "t to",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "t %[09]1").arg("to").toString());
+            // Test 0 len Max
+            assertEquals(
+                "t \u2026",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "t %[00]1").arg("to").toString());
+            // Test 1 len Max
+            assertEquals(
+                "t 1\u2026",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "t %[01]1").arg("12").toString());
+            // Test 0 len Max with 0 len replacement
+            assertEquals(
+                "t ",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "t %[00]1").arg("").toString());
+            // Test 1 len Max with 1 len replacement
+            assertEquals(
+                "t 1",
+                new FormatterQt(res, "t %[01]1").arg("1").toString());
+            // Plurality form tests
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(t.toString(), false);
+        }
+    }
+    void testResourceLoaderAvkon()
+    {
+        doResourceLoaderAvkonTest("testresource", "test_", "", "");
+        doResourceLoaderAvkonTest("testresource,testresource2", "test_,test2_", "", "");
+        doResourceLoaderAvkonTest("testresource2,testresource", "unknown_prefix_,test_", "", "");
+        doResourceLoaderAvkonTest("testresource2,testresource", "unknown_prefix_,test_", "dummy,", "dummy,");
+        doResourceLoaderAvkonTest("testresource", "test_,unknown_prefix_", "", "");
-    void resourceLoaderTest()
+    private void doResourceLoaderAvkonTest(
+        String resourceFilename, String resourcePrefix,
+        String inPrefix, String outPrefix)
-        ResourceLoader res = new ResourceLoader("testresource", "test_");
+        try
+        {
+            ResourceLoader res =
+                ResourceLoaderAvkon.getInstance(resourceFilename, resourcePrefix);
-        // Test existing
-        assertEquals(
-            "id1 test",
-            res.format("id_1").arg("test").toString());
-        assertEquals(
-            "id2 test2",
-            res.format("id_2").arg("test2").toString());
-        assertEquals(
-            "id3 test3",
-            res.format("id_3").arg("test3").toString());
+            // Test existing
+            assertEquals(
+                "id1 test",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_1").arg("test").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "id2 test2",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_2").arg("test2").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "id3 test3",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_3").arg("test3").toString());
-// Test full name
-        assertEquals(
-            "id1 test",
-            res.format("test_id_1").arg("test").toString());
-// Test non-existing, with prefix
-        assertEquals(
-            "test_id_notfound",
-            res.format("test_id_notfound").arg("test3").toString());
+            // Test fetching the same text again
+            assertEquals(
+                "id1 test",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_1").arg("test").toString());
+            // Test full name
+            assertEquals(
+                "id1 test",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_1").arg("test").toString());
-        // Test non-existing, without prefix
-        assertEquals(
-            "test_id_notfound",
-            res.format("id_notfound").arg("test3").toString());
+            // Test non-existing, with prefix
+            assertTrue(
+                inPrefix + "id_notfound does not result " + outPrefix + "id_notfound",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_notfound").arg("test3").toString().endsWith(outPrefix + "id_notfound"));
-        // Test array
-        assertEquals(
-            "id3 test3",
-            res.format("id_3", new Object[] {"test3"}));
+            // Test non-existing, without prefix
+            assertTrue(
+                inPrefix + "id_notfound does not result " + outPrefix + "id_notfound",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_notfound").arg("test3").toString().endsWith(outPrefix + "id_notfound"));
-        // Test enter decoding.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id4 \n test4 \n",
-            res.format("id_4").arg("test4").toString());
+            // Test array
+            assertEquals(
+                "id3 test3",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_3", new Object[] {"test3"}));
-        // Test backlash decoding.
-        assertEquals(
-            "\\id5 \\ test5",
-            res.format("id_5").arg("test5").toString());
+            // Test enter decoding.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id4 \n test4 \n",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_4").arg("test4").toString());
-        // Test double-quote decoding.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id6 \"\" test6",
-            res.format("id_6").arg("test6").toString());
+            // Test backlash decoding.
+            assertEquals(
+                "\\id5 \\ test5",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_5").arg("test5").toString());
-        // Test single-quote decoding.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id7 \' test7",
-            res.format("id_7").arg("test7").toString());
+            // Test double-quote decoding.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id6 \"\" test6",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_6").arg("test6").toString());
-        // Test tabulator decoding.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id8\ttest8",
-            res.format("id_8").arg("test8").toString());
+            // Test single-quote decoding.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id7 \' test7",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_7").arg("test7").toString());
+            // Test tabulator decoding.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id8\ttest8",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_8").arg("test8").toString());
-        // Test character code <0x20AC>
-        assertEquals(
-            "id9 It takes 800 \u20ac to win!",
-            res.format("id_9").arg(800).toString());
+            // Test character code <0x20AC>
+            assertEquals(
+                "id9 It takes 800 \u20ac to win!",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_9").arg(800).toString());
-        // Test two character codes.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id10 It takes \u20ac 800 \u20ac to win!",
-            res.format("id_10").arg(800).toString());
+            // Test two character codes.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id10 It takes \u20ac 800 \u20ac to win!",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_10").arg(800).toString());
-        // Test two character codes in a row. Test <0x20ac><0x20ac>
-        assertEquals(
-            "id11 It takes \u20ac\u20ac to win!",
-            res.format("id_11").toString());
+            // Test two character codes in a row. Test <0x20ac><0x20ac>
+            assertEquals(
+                "id11 It takes \u20ac\u20ac to win!",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_11").toString());
-        // Test only character code.
-        assertEquals(
-            "\u20ac",
-            res.format("id_12").toString());
+            // Test only character code.
+            assertEquals(
+                "\u20ac",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_12").toString());
-        // Test invalid character code.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id13 It <0x20A>to win!",
-            res.format("id_13").toString());
+            // Test invalid character code.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id13 It <0x20A>to win!",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_13").toString());
-        // Test character code as first character.
-        assertEquals(
-            "\u20ac id14",
-            res.format("id_14").toString());
+            // Test character code as first character.
+            assertEquals(
+                "\u20ac id14",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_14").toString());
+            // Test character code as last character.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id15 \u20ac",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_15").toString());
+            // Test invalid character.
+            assertEquals(
+                "id16 <0xG0AC>",
+                res.format(inPrefix + "id_16").toString());
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue("'" + resourceFilename + "', '" + resourcePrefix + "', '" +
+                       inPrefix + "', '" + outPrefix + "': " + t, false);
+        }
+    }
+    void testResourceLoaderQt()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            ResourceLoader res =
+                ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance("common", "txt_common_");
+            assertEquals("OK", res.format("button_ok").toString());
+            // Test fetching the same text again
+            assertEquals("OK", res.format("button_ok").toString());
+            res = ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance("common_errors", "txt_");
+            assertEquals("Invalid installation package", res.format("error_info_installation_package_is_invalid").toString());
+            assertEquals("Unable to access server", res.format("error_info_no_server_access").toString());
+            res = ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance("common,javaapplicationinstaller", "txt_common_,txt_java_inst_");
+            assertEquals("Manufacturer", res.format("setlabel_cert_domain_val_manufacturer").toString());
+            // Test fetching the same text again
+            assertEquals("Manufacturer", res.format("setlabel_cert_domain_val_manufacturer").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "foo (bar)",
+                res.format("info_app_suite_name_version").arg("foo").arg("bar").toString());
+            // Test fetching the same text again
+            assertEquals(
+                "foo (bar)",
+                res.format("info_app_suite_name_version").arg("foo").arg("bar").toString());
+            assertEquals(
+                "text_not_found",
+                res.format("text_not_found").arg("foo").toString());
+            // Test fetching the same text again
+            assertEquals(
+                "text_not_found",
+                res.format("text_not_found").arg("foo").toString());
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(t.toString(), false);
+        }
+    }
-        // Test character code as last character.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id15 \u20ac",
-            res.format("id_15").toString());
+    void testNumerusQt()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            ResourceLoader res =
+                ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance("clock", "txt_clock_");
+            assertEquals("1 hr", res.format("dblist_daily_val_ln_hr").argn(1).toString());
+            assertEquals("5 hrs", res.format("dblist_daily_val_ln_hr").argn(5).toString());
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(t.toString(), false);
+        }
+    }
+    void testResourceLoaderCreate()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            // Create Avkon ResourceLoader with unknown resource.
+            ResourceLoader rl = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                "unknown_resource_1", "unknown_prefix", null, null);
+            ResourceLoader rl2 = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                "unknown_resource_1", "unknown_prefix", null, null);
+            assertTrue("1: null ResourceLoader", rl != null);
+            assertTrue("1: not Avkon ResourceLoader", rl instanceof ResourceLoaderAvkon);
+            assertTrue("1: not same ResourceLoader instance", rl == rl2);
+            // Create Qt ResourceLoader with known resource.
+            rl = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                null, null, "common", "txt_");
+            rl2 = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                null, null, "common", "txt_");
+            assertTrue("2: null ResourceLoader", rl != null);
+            if (ResourceLoader.getLocaleIdQt() == null)
+            {
+                assertTrue("2: not Avkon ResourceLoader", rl instanceof ResourceLoaderAvkon);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                assertTrue("2: not Qt ResourceLoader", rl instanceof ResourceLoaderQt);
+            }
+            assertTrue("2: not same ResourceLoader instance", rl == rl2);
-        // Test invalid character.
-        assertEquals(
-            "id16 <0xG0AC>",
-            res.format("id_16").toString());
+            // When Qt resource is not found, Avkon ResourceLoader should
+            // be returned.
+            rl = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                null, null, "unknown_resource_2", "unknown_prefix");
+            rl2 = ResourceLoader.getInstance(
+                null, null, "unknown_resource_2", "unknown_prefix");
+            assertTrue("3: null ResourceLoader", rl != null);
+            assertTrue("3: not Avkon ResourceLoader", rl instanceof ResourceLoaderAvkon);
+            assertTrue("3: not same ResourceLoader instance", rl == rl2);
+            if (ResourceLoader.getLocaleIdQt() != null)
+            {
+                try
+                {
+                    // Check that correct exception is thrown for
+                    // unknown Qt resource.
+                    rl = ResourceLoaderQt.getInstance(
+                        "unknown_resource_3", "unknown_prefix");
+                    assertTrue("no exception for unknown Qt resource", false);
+                }
+                catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
+                {
+                    // Expected exception
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(t.toString(), false);
+        }
+    }
+    void testResourceLoaderDestroy()
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            ResourceLoader.destroyAll();
+        }
+        catch (Throwable t)
+        {
+            t.printStackTrace();
+            assertTrue(t.toString(), false);
+        }