* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: OMJ Symbian preinstaller process
#include <e32base.h>
#include <pathinfo.h>
#include <driveinfo.h>
#include <javastorageentry.h>
#include <javastorage.h>
#include <javastoragenames.h>
#include <utf.h>
#include "silentmidletinstall.h"
#include "javacommonutils.h"
#include "javauid.h"
#include "javauids.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "javaprocessconstants.h"
#include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
using namespace java::storage;
using namespace java::util;
// MIDlet name and vendor max size is 255,
// +1 added for terminating zero needed for logging
const TInt KMaxBufferSize = 256;
// character constants needed when parsing java attributes
const TUint32 HT = 9; // horizontal tab
const TUint32 LF = 10; // line feed
const TUint32 CR = 13; // carriage return
const TUint32 SP = 32; // space
const TUint32 COLON = 58; // ':'
const int INSTALLED = 0;
const int NO_PREINSTALL = 2;
_LIT(KMidletName, "MIDlet-Name");
_LIT(KMidletVendor, "MIDlet-Vendor");
_LIT(KMidletVersion, "MIDlet-Version");
_LIT(KMidletUid, "Nokia-MIDlet-UID-1");
_LIT(KJadExtension, "*.jad");
// Java Installer Integrity Service journal file name
_LIT(KISJournalFile, "\\private\\102033E6\\installer\\is\\isjournal.dat");
// The directory where the java applications to be preinstalled are searched
// from
_LIT(KPreinstallDir, ":\\resource\\java\\preinstall\\");
* To create new instance of this class.
* @param aFs - A reference to the file server.
* @return Reference to the object of this class.
* @exception If construction fails.
CSilentMIDletInstall* CSilentMIDletInstall::NewLC(RFs& aFs)
CSilentMIDletInstall* self = new(ELeave) CSilentMIDletInstall(aFs);
return self;
* To do 1st phase construction for this object.
* Adds this active object to the scheduler.
* @param aFs - A reference to the file server.
CSilentMIDletInstall::CSilentMIDletInstall(RFs& aFs) :
CActive(EPriorityStandard), iFs(aFs)
* To do 2nd phase construction for this object.
* @exception If the method is not able to allocate necessary buffers.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::ConstructL()
iMIDletName = HBufC::NewL(KMaxBufferSize);
iMIDletVendor = HBufC::NewL(KMaxBufferSize);
iMIDletUid = HBufC::NewL(KMaxBufferSize);
iPreinstallServer = new(ELeave) PreinstallCommsServer();
iNumberOfAppsToInstall = 0;
iISRollbackNeeded = EFalse;
* Deletes this object.
* All allocated resources are released.
delete iMIDletName;
iMIDletName = NULL;
delete iMIDletVendor;
iMIDletVendor = NULL;
delete iMIDletUid;
iMIDletUid = NULL;
delete iPreinstallServer;
iPreinstallServer = NULL;
* To start silent preinstallations.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::Start()
iState = EFindOutDeviceDrives;
// Check if an explicit roll-back of a previous installation is needed
// in the case there is nothing to pre-install (if there is something
// to pre-install, the potential roll-back is done automatically)
TUint attrs;
TInt err = iFs.Att(KISJournalFile, attrs);
LOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"Checking IS journal file \\private\\102033E6\\installer\\is\\isjournal.dat, status %d", err);
if ((KErrNotFound == err) || (KErrPathNotFound == err))
iISRollbackNeeded = EFalse;
iISRollbackNeeded = ETrue;
// If JavaInstaller is running, then existence of the Java Installer
// integrity service directory is ok and rollback is not needed
TFullName processName;
_LIT(KJavaInstallerProcess, "*Installer*");
TFindProcess finder(KJavaInstallerProcess);
err = finder.Next(processName);
if (err == KErrNone)
iISRollbackNeeded = EFalse;
"Java Installer is running while checking need to rollback");
* To stop whole preinstaller.
* Stops the active scheduler.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::Exit()
* Completes the current request for this object and
* sets this active object to active state.
* @Postconditions The following conditions are true immediately after
* returning from this method.
* - iStatus == KErrNone
* - IsActive() == ETrue
void CSilentMIDletInstall::CompleteRequest()
TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
if (!IsActive())
* To run this active object.
* This object goes through the following states in the order the states
* are listed below:
* EFindOutDeviceDrives: find out all non-remote drives in the device
* - mark externally mountable drives (removable drives)
* - mark read only drives (ROM)
* EFindOutDrivesToBeScannedNow: make list of drives to be scanned
* - start with all mounted drives
* EAppsInPreinstallDirectories: go through all drives in the list and
* find all java applications in the preinstall directory
* - only the .jad file is checked but remember that downloading .jar is not
* allowed when preinstalling so the .jar file referred to in the .jad
* file must be in the device
* ECheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalled: for each java application check from
* Java Storage whether it should be installed
* - if same or newer version already installed, do not install
* - if the user has uninstalled same or newer version, do not install
* - unsigned java applications can be installed only in debug builds
* EExecutePreinstallServer:
* - store list of .jad files to preinstall server object,
* - start Java Installer in poll mode,
* - start preinstall server in another thread and wait until Java Installer exits
* - preinstall server will give the names of the .jad files to
* Java Installer when it polls them,
* - preinstall server will log whether each installation succeeded.
* - After all .jad files have been polled, preinstall server will ask
* Java Installer to exit.
* - when Java Installer exits, this active object moves to next state.
* EExit:
* - stop preinstall server thread
* - notify possibly waiting processes that preinstallation has been done
* - exit
void CSilentMIDletInstall::RunL()
switch (iState)
case EFindOutDeviceDrives:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL EFindOutDeviceDrives");
iState = EFindOutDirectoriesToBeScannedNow;
case EFindOutDirectoriesToBeScannedNow:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL EFindOutDirectoriesToBeScannedNow");
iState = EAppsInPreinstallDirectories;
case EAppsInPreinstallDirectories:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL EAppsInPreinstallDirectories");
iState = ECheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalled;
case ECheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalled:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL ECheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalled");
iState = EExecutePreinstallServer;
case EExecutePreinstallServer:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL EExecutePreinstallServer");
// This method advances the state machine to EExit state
case EExit:
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall:RunL EExit");
// Stop the server if it is running
// Java Captain starts preinstaller each time a mountable drive
// is added to the device. There is no need to wait for mount
// events in this process.
// Stop the whole preinstaller process.
} // switch
* To handle leave from RunL.
* This method re-activates this active object.
* After calling this method this active object is in stable state and
* ready to continue its execution
* @param aError - A reason of error.
* @return KErrNone.
TInt CSilentMIDletInstall::RunError(TInt aError)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::RunError(%d) from state %d", aError, iState);
// Make preinstaller to exit nicely.
iState = EExit;
return KErrNone;
* Cancel this object. Stops preinstall server if needed.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::DoCancel()
"CSilentMIDletInstall::DoCancel from state %d", iState);
// Check whether preinstall server must be stopped
if (iState == EExecutePreinstallServer)
// Stops the server if it is running
* Add .jad files in the directories specified in aDirs to iJadFiles.
* Goes all directories in iDirs one by one and adds the
* valid .jad files in alphabetical order to iJadFiles.
* @param aDirs - An array of directories to be scanned.
* @exception Unable to alloc memory for the internal buffers.
* @exception Unable to get directory's contents.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::GetMIDletFilesL(RPointerArray<HBufC>& aDirs)
const TInt num = aDirs.Count();
// Read JAD files.
for (TInt i = 0; i < num; i++)
const TPtrC& dir = ((HBufC *)(aDirs[i]))->Des();
HBufC* mask= NULL;
TPtr maskPtr(NULL,0,0);
// Create JAD mask, e.g., "z:\resource\java\preinstall\*.jad".
// Reserve space also for terminating zero for logging the info
mask = HBufC::NewLC(dir.Length() + KJadExtension().Length() + 1);
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::GetMIDletFilesL Looking for jad files from directory %s",
(wchar_t *)(maskPtr.PtrZ()));
GetDirEntriesL(dir, *mask, iJadFiles);
if (iJadFiles.Count() == 0)
"CSilentMIDletInstall:GetMIDletFilesL No MIDlets to preinstall");
* Get the entries of the directory in alphabetical order.
* @param aDirectory - A directory to be scanned.
* @param aMask - A filter to be used for scanning.
* @param aVector - An output vector for contents.
* @exception Unable to alloc memory for the internal buffers.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::GetDirEntriesL(const TDesC& aDirectory,
const TDesC& aMask, RPointerArray<HBufC>& aVector)
// Get entries in alphabetical order.
CDir* entries= NULL;
TInt err = iFs.GetDir(aMask, KEntryAttMaskSupported, ESortByName, entries);
if (err != KErrNone)
if (err != KErrPathNotFound)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::GetDirEntriesL Dir error (%d)", err);
delete entries;
// Add full file names to the vector.
TInt num = entries->Count();
for (TInt i = 0; i < num; i++)
const TDesC& name = (*entries)[i].iName;
// Reserve one char for null terminator
HBufC* path = HBufC::NewLC(aDirectory.Length() + name.Length() + 1);
TPtr pathPtr(path->Des());
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::GetDirEntriesL Adding file %s",
(wchar_t *)(pathPtr.PtrZ()));
* Start Java Installer in poll mode and then wait until it exits.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstallerL()
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstaller");
RProcess rJavaInstaller;
TFileName fileName;
// Max one path name, user name and password and some options ->
// 1536 is enough
TBuf<1536> commandLine;
// Build command line used to pass all necessary info to Java Installer
TInt len = strlen(java::runtime::JAVA_INSTALLER_STARTER_DLL);
TPtr8 ptr8InstallerDll((TUint8 *)java::runtime::JAVA_INSTALLER_STARTER_DLL, len, len);
commandLine.Append(_L(" poll -address=preinstall"));
// Upgrading MIDlets is allowed
commandLine.Append(_L(" -upgrade=yes"));
// No OCSP checks for preinstalled MIDlets
commandLine.Append(_L(" -ocsp=no"));
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Allow installing unsigned apps in debug builds
commandLine.Append(_L(" -untrusted=yes"));
// Deny preinstalling untrusted midlets in release builds
commandLine.Append(_L(" -untrusted=no"));
// Do upgrade if version number has not increased
commandLine.Append(_L(" -overwrite=no"));
// Both the JAD and JAR file must be present when preinstalling MIDlets,
// downloading is not allowed.
commandLine.Append(_L(" -download=no"));
// If upgrade install, retain the data (RMS and private files) of the previous version
commandLine.Append(_L(" -upgrade_data=yes"));
// start JavaInstaller
TBuf<64> installerProcess; // Actual len of the process name is 9
len = strlen(java::runtime::JAVA_PROCESS);
TPtr8 ptr8Process((TUint8 *)java::runtime::JAVA_PROCESS, len, len);
TInt err = rJavaInstaller.Create(installerProcess, commandLine);
if (KErrNone == err)
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstaller calling Logon");
// This call will wait until Java Installer exits (or panics)
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstaller calling Resume");
"CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstaller Cannot start Installer, error %d", err);
// CActive will trap the following leave, execution will go to RunError
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "CSilentMIDletInstall::RunJavaInstaller calling RProcess::Close");
// free resources before returning
// now wait until Java Installer exits
* Start Java Installer just to do IntegrityService rollback.
* Do not wait for the process exit.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::RollbackJavaInstaller()
RProcess rJavaInstaller;
TFileName fileName;
// Pass just 'rollback' command
TBuf<128> commandLine;
// Build command line used to pass all necessary info to Java Installer
TInt len = strlen(java::runtime::JAVA_INSTALLER_STARTER_DLL);
TPtr8 ptr8InstallerDll((TUint8 *)java::runtime::JAVA_INSTALLER_STARTER_DLL, len, len);
commandLine.Append(_L(" rollback"));
"CSilentMIDletInstall::RollbackJavaInstaller starting Java Installer for rollback");
// start JavaInstaller
TBuf<64> installerProcess; // Actual len of the process name is 9
len = strlen(java::runtime::JAVA_PROCESS);
TPtr8 ptr8Process((TUint8 *)java::runtime::JAVA_PROCESS, len, len);
TInt err = rJavaInstaller.Create(installerProcess, commandLine);
if (KErrNone == err)
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::RollbackJavaInstaller calling Resume");
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::RollbackJavaInstaller calling RProcess::Close");
// free resources before returning
* Parse MIDlet-Name, MIDlet-Vendor and MIDlet-Version parameters from JAD file.
* Parameters are used to determine whether to pre-install MIDlet or not.
* Parse also optional Nokia-MIDlet-UID-1 in case it is needed.
* @param ETrue if parsing succeeds otherwise EFalse.
TBool CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL(const TDesC& aJadFileName)
HBufC *jadContent = NULL;
// Trap leave thrown if reading jad content fails
TRAPD(err, jadContent = GetJadContentL(aJadFileName));
if (KErrNone != err)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL Reading Jad content failed, error %d",
return EFalse;
HBufC *midletName = ParseAttribute(jadContent, KMidletName);
if (NULL == midletName)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL Parsing midlet name failed.");
return EFalse;
// store midlet name to member variable and log it
TPtr namePtr(iMIDletName->Des());
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL MIDlet-Name %s",
(wchar_t *)(namePtr.PtrZ()));
delete midletName;
HBufC *midletVendor = ParseAttribute(jadContent, KMidletVendor);
if (NULL == midletVendor)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL Parsing midlet vendor failed.");
return EFalse;
// store midlet vendor to member variable and log it
TPtr vendorPtr(iMIDletVendor->Des());
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL MIDlet-Vendor %s",
(wchar_t *)(vendorPtr.PtrZ()));
delete midletVendor;
HBufC *midletVersion = ParseAttribute(jadContent, KMidletVersion);
if (NULL == midletVersion)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL Parsing midlet version failed.");
return EFalse;
// Convert version to TAppVersion, store it and log it
iMIDletVersion = DesToAppVersion(midletVersion);
delete midletVersion;
LOG3(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL MIDlet-Version is %d.%d.%d",
iMIDletVersion.iMajor, iMIDletVersion.iMinor, iMIDletVersion.iBuild);
HBufC *midletUid = ParseAttribute(jadContent, KMidletUid);
if (NULL == midletUid)
// Ok, all MIDlets do not predefine Symbian Uid
// store midlet Uid to member variable and log it
TPtr uidPtr(iMIDletUid->Des());
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseJadL Nokia-MIDlet-UID-1 %s",
(wchar_t *)(uidPtr.PtrZ()));
delete midletUid;
return ETrue;
* If there is something to preinstall start preinstall comms server and
* installer in poll mode.
* Otherwise start installer with rollback option if installer
* integrity service rollback is needed.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::ExecutePreinstallServerL()
if (iNumberOfAppsToInstall > 0)
// Install all MIDlet Suites still in iJadFiles.
// Pass iJadFiles to PreinstallServer
// Start the comms server
int err = iPreinstallServer->start();
if (0 != err)
// server cannot be started
"Cannot start preinstall server, err %d", err);
// Starts Java Installer and waits until it exits
iState = EExit;
// Rollback must be done by launching Java Installer
// separately with rollback option.
// (Normally rollback is done during normal installation.)
if (iISRollbackNeeded)
iISRollbackNeeded = EFalse;
iState = EExit;
* Check all Jad files in iJadFiles and remove those
* that need not be preinstalled (already installed[1] or preinstalled[2]
* or preinstalled and then uninstalled by user[3]).
void CSilentMIDletInstall::CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL()
TBool skipInstall(ETrue);
iNumberOfAppsToInstall = 0;
// throws STL C++ exception if fails, catched by CActive and
// execution goes to RunError
std::auto_ptr<JavaStorage> js(JavaStorage::createInstance());
// throws STL C++ exception if fails, catched by CActive and
// execution goes to RunError
// In Java Storage there is 'preinstall' table that contains
// the name, vendor and version of every java application that is currently
// installed to the device or that has been preinstalled to the device
// but removed by the user.
// The table contains also the installation state of each application.
// If the application has been removed the user, the application is in state
// Do not preinstall application if it is found from this table with state
// Do not preinstall application if it is found from this table
// and the version number of the application is the same or less
// than the version number in the table.
// If the application has been removed by javaupgradeupp or it has
// not yet been installed, the application is not in the table at all.
// Do not preinstall the application if there is a native application
// with the same Uid as the predefined Uid of the first Java
// application in the application suite.
TBool apaSessionConnected(EFalse);
RApaLsSession apaSession;
JavaStorageEntry attribute;
JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t findPattern;
JavaStorageApplicationList_t foundEntries;
for (TInt i = 0; i < iJadFiles.Count(); i++)
if (ParseJadL(*iJadFiles[i]))
skipInstall = ETrue;
TPtr namePtr(iMIDletName->Des());
TPtr vendorPtr(iMIDletVendor->Des());
int installState = INSTALLED;
// Search by NAME and VENDOR
attribute.setEntry(NAME, desToWstring(namePtr));
attribute.setEntry(VENDOR, desToWstring(vendorPtr));
// All information in table is returned (whole row)
js->search(PREINSTALL_TABLE, findPattern, foundEntries);
// Anything found?
if (foundEntries.size() > 0)
// We like to know if the application INSTALL_STATE is NO_PREINSTALL
attribute.setEntry(INSTALL_STATE, L"");
// Check the INSTALL_STATE of the first (there should be only one)
// found application
JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::const_iterator findIterator =
if (findIterator != (foundEntries.front()).end())
installState = JavaCommonUtils::wstringToInt(findIterator->entryValue());
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: No INSTALL_STATE info "
"in Storage for application %s", desToWstring(namePtr));
if (installState == NO_PREINSTALL)
// This application must not be preinstalled
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: User has removed application %s "
"It must not be preinstalled again.", desToWstring(namePtr));
// We like to know application VERSION
attribute.setEntry(VERSION, L"");
// Check the version of the first (there should be only one)
// found application
findIterator = foundEntries.front().find(attribute);
if (findIterator != (foundEntries.front()).end())
// Application has been installed at sometime
// but if we have a newer version of the application
// we will install this newer version.
if (iMIDletVersion > wstringToAppVersion(findIterator->entryValue()))
skipInstall = EFalse;
LOG1WSTR(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: Application %s "
"has already been installed", desToWstring(namePtr));
skipInstall = EFalse;
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: No version info "
"in Storage for application %s", desToWstring(namePtr));
skipInstall = EFalse;
LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: Application has not "
"been installed previously");
// Check whether there is a native application installed
// with the same Uid as the predefined Uid of the first
// Java application in the suite.
// The string value of attribute Nokia-MIDlet-UID-1 from
// Jad file is in iMIDletUid if it was defined.
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (iMIDletUid->Length() > 0)
if (!apaSessionConnected)
err = apaSession.Connect();
apaSessionConnected = ETrue;
// If the presence of a possible native app cannot be
// determined, let Java Installer try to install
// the Java application
if (KErrNone == err)
skipInstall = IsNativeAppPresent(apaSession);
// If Jad parsing fails don't preinstall this
skipInstall = ETrue;
TPtr16 ptrJadName = iJadFiles[i]->Des();
"CheckWhichAppsShouldBeInstalledL: Parsing JAD %s failed",
if (skipInstall)
delete iJadFiles[i];
iJadFiles[i] = NULL;
if (apaSessionConnected)
* Adds the preinstall directory of every local, non-substed drive to iDirs
void CSilentMIDletInstall::GetDirsToBeScannedL()
TChar driveChar;
for (TInt drive = 0; drive < KMaxDrives; drive++)
// All present local drives are scanned for
// java applications to be preinstalled
if (iDriveStatuses[drive] & DriveInfo::EDrivePresent)
// The preinstall directory in this drive must be scanned.
// Reserve memory also for drive letter and terminating zero
// for logging.
HBufC *preinstallDir = HBufC::NewLC(KPreinstallDir().Length() + 2);
TPtr dirPtr(preinstallDir->Des());
(void)iFs.DriveToChar(drive, driveChar);
// Add new search directory
* Checks all local drives in the device and stores the DriveInfo API drive
* status information for each drive to iDriveStatuses
* @exception Cannot get drive list.
void CSilentMIDletInstall::GetAllDeviceDrivesL()
TDriveList driveList;
// get all drives
TInt err = iFs.DriveList(driveList);
if (KErrNone != err)
"GetAllDeviceDrives cannot get drive list, err %d", err);
// store status of the non-remote, non-substed drives
TUint status = 0;
for (TInt drive = 0; drive < KMaxDrives; drive++)
iDriveStatuses[drive] = 0;
if (driveList[drive] == 0)
// no such drive in this device
err = DriveInfo::GetDriveStatus(iFs, drive, status);
if (KErrNone != err)
"GetAllDeviceDrivesL cannot get drive %d status, err %d",
drive, err);
// D drive is temporary RAM drive, skip it
// Drives J to Y are substed or remote drives, skip them
if ((drive == EDriveD) || ((drive >= EDriveJ) && (drive <= EDriveY)))
iDriveStatuses[drive] = status;
* Reads the whole content of the Jad file and returns it in
* buffer in Symbian Unicode character set.
* @param[in] aJarFile
* @return pointer to HBufC that contains the Jad file,
* ownership is transferred to caller
* @exception If jad file content cannot be read
HBufC *CSilentMIDletInstall::GetJadContentL(const TDesC& aJadFileName)
TInt err;
RFile jadFile;
err = jadFile.Open(iFs, aJadFileName, EFileRead);
// Reserve buffer for Jad in UTF-8 char set
TInt jadSize = 0;
err = jadFile.Size(jadSize);
HBufC8 *bufUtf8Jad = HBufC8::NewL(jadSize);
// Read the content in Utf8 char set
TPtr8 tmpPtr(bufUtf8Jad->Des());
err = jadFile.Read(tmpPtr, jadSize);
// Convert to Unicode
HBufC *bufUnicodeJad =
// Return to caller
return bufUnicodeJad;
} // GetJadContentL
* Finds the java attribute specified by
* aAttributeName from aJad and returns the value of that attribute
* in HBufC.
* @param[in] aJad contents of Jad file
* @param[in] aAttributeName the name of a java attribute
* @return the value of the attribute. Caller gets the ownership of the
* returned HBufC.
* If the attribute is not found, returns NULL
HBufC *CSilentMIDletInstall::ParseAttribute(const HBufC *aJad, const TDesC& aAttributeName)
TInt nInd(0);
TBool fullNameFound(EFalse);
TUint32 ch;
// Start parsing from the beginning of the Jad file
TPtrC parsePtr = aJad->Mid(nInd);
// Find attribute name
nInd = parsePtr.Find(aAttributeName);
if (nInd < 0)
// Returns NULL if the attribute cannot be found
return NULL;
// Check that the attribute name was preceded by line break or
// it was at the beginning of the Jad file
if (nInd == 0)
fullNameFound = ETrue;
ch = parsePtr[nInd-1];
if ((ch == CR) || (ch == LF))
fullNameFound = ETrue;
// Name was just a part of longer string (not 'word match')
fullNameFound = EFalse;
// Skip to the last character of the found match.
// We can skip because we are insterested only in 'word' matches
// so the next cannot start inside the area we are skipping now.
parsePtr.Set(parsePtr.Mid(nInd + aAttributeName.Length() - 1));
// Check whether Jad file ends after attribute name
if (nInd + aAttributeName.Length() >= parsePtr.Length())
// Jad file ends immediately after the found
// attribute name instance. No attribute value
return NULL;
// Check that there is a white space character or colon after
// attribute name
ch = parsePtr[nInd + aAttributeName.Length()];
if ((ch == COLON) || (ch == SP) || (ch == HT))
fullNameFound = ETrue;
// Name was just a part of longer string (not 'word match')
fullNameFound = EFalse;
// Skip to the next character after the found match
parsePtr.Set(parsePtr.Mid(nInd + aAttributeName.Length()));
while (!fullNameFound);
// Skip to the end of the attribute name and find ':' after the name.
// The skipped characters must be white space chacraters, otherwise
// the attribute name is illegal and Java Installer will not accept
// the Jad file.
parsePtr.Set(parsePtr.Mid(nInd + aAttributeName.Length() - 1));
nInd = parsePtr.Locate(COLON);
if (nInd < 0)
return NULL;
// Parse attribute value (CR or LF ends)
TInt nEndInd = parsePtr.Locate(CR);
TInt nTmpInd = parsePtr.Locate(LF);
if (KErrNotFound == nEndInd)
nEndInd = parsePtr.Length() - 1;
if (KErrNotFound == nTmpInd)
nTmpInd = parsePtr.Length() - 1;
if (nTmpInd < nEndInd)
nEndInd = nTmpInd;
if (nEndInd < nInd)
return NULL;
TPtrC attributeValue = parsePtr.Mid(nInd, (nEndInd - nInd));
// Remove possible white space from the beginning and end of the value
HBufC *bufValue = attributeValue.Alloc();
if (NULL == bufValue)
return NULL;
TPtr value = bufValue->Des();
return bufValue;
} // parseAttribute
* Parses the application version string given in aAppVersionString
* and returns the corresponding Symbian TAppVersion.
* @param[in] aAppVersionString version string to be parsed
* @return application version object
* If parsing cannot be done, returns application version 0.0.0
TAppVersion CSilentMIDletInstall::DesToAppVersion(const HBufC *aAppVersionString)
TInt err;
TAppVersion midletVersion;
TAppVersion midletVersionZero;
TLex versionParser(*aAppVersionString);
err = versionParser.Val(midletVersion.iMajor);
if (KErrNone != err)
"DesToAppVersion cannot parse midlet major version, error %d", err);
return midletVersionZero;
TChar dot = versionParser.Get();
if (dot != '.')
"DesToAppVersion suspicious midlet version, no dot after major version");
// return at least the major version
return midletVersion;
err = versionParser.Val(midletVersion.iMinor);
if (KErrNone != err)
"DesToAppVersion cannot parse midlet minor version, error %d", err);
// return at least the major version
return midletVersion;
dot = versionParser.Get();
if (dot != '.')
// return the major and minor version
return midletVersion;
err = versionParser.Val(iMIDletVersion.iBuild);
if (KErrNone != err)
"DesToAppVersion cannot parse midlet build version, error %d", err);
// return at least the major and minor version
return midletVersion;
if (!versionParser.Eos())
"DesToAppVersion suspicious midlet version, end has extra non number characters");
return midletVersion;
} // DesToAppVersion
* Parses the Uid in iMIDletUid and returns ETrue if there is a native
* application with the same Uid installed into the device.
* Returns EFalse in case of any error.
* @param[in] aApaSession open AppArc session
* @return EFalse if no native application with Uid in iMIDletUid
TBool CSilentMIDletInstall::IsNativeAppPresent(const RApaLsSession& aApaSession)
std::wstring uidValue((wchar_t *)(iMIDletUid->Ptr()), iMIDletUid->Length());
TUid appUid;
Uid javaUid(uidValue);
TInt err = uidToTUid(javaUid, appUid);
if (KErrNone != err)
"CSilentMIDletInstall::IsNativeAppPresent: Cannot convert %S to TUid",
return EFalse;
TUid appTypeUid;
err = aApaSession.GetAppType(appTypeUid, appUid);
if (KErrNone != err)
if (KErrNotFound == err)
// No such application in device
return EFalse;
// Cannot check presence from AppArc
"CSilentMIDletInstall::IsNativeAppPresent: RApaLsSession GetAppType error %d", err);
return EFalse;
if (appTypeUid.iUid != KMidletApplicationTypeUid)
// The application is present and it is not a MIDlet
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
} // IsNativeAppPresent