* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
QScrollArea#dialogArea {
/* General size parameters for all installer dialogs */
/* this depends on display; NHD portrait width:360px and height:640px used */
/* Note that popup width and height is according to portrait dimensions, and is the same in portrait and landscape */
width: 346.6px; /*expr(var(hb-param-screen-short-edge)- 2*var(hb-param-margin-gene-screen)); /* 2un*/
/*height: /*the size of MessageBox with 3-5 rows of text? */
max-height: 626.6px; /*expr(var(hb-param-long-edge)-2*var(hb-param-margin-gene-screen));
/*position: vertically and horizontally centre of screen - is this needed?*/
QScrollArea#appInfoArea {
/* This is valid for all installation query application details,
* and also for application details in short error message */
/* (ViewBase) */
/* Note: this text area becomes scrollable if there are more text
* that can be displayed at one time (this could be also QAbstractScrollArea?)*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
QLabel#heading {
/* Any installation query heading text: its text size, and top/left margins */
font-size: 26.8px; /*hb-param-text-height-primary;/*4un*/
font-weight: bold;
max-height: 53.6px; /*expr(var(hb-param-text-height-primary)+2*var(hb-param-margin-gene-popup)) - same as hb-param-widget-popup-heading-height;*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-top; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-left; /*2un*/
QLabel#contentIcon {
/* This is valid for all icons displayed in the installation query content area */
/* Application icon, question icon, error icon in installation error dialog etc */
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* size of icon - fixed size */
min-width: 53.6px; /*hb-param-graphic-size-primary-large;/*8un*/
max-width: 53.6px; /*hb-param-graphic-size-primary-large;/*8un*/
min-height: 53.6px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-large;/*8un*/
max-height: 53.6px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-large;/*8un*/
/* Combo box in installationquery. Need to define the top margin at least (InstallConfirmationView). */
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
/* Progress bar in installationquery. Need to define the top margin at least (ProgressView). */
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
/* String that requests access for protected functionality in permission query */
/* (PermissionInfo) */
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* short error message from USIF (note: this is not Java specific error message but
* common to all installers), (ErrorView) */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
/* Application is certified / is not certified views and permission details
* view texts (CertificateDetailsView, PermissionDetailsView) */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
/* Text in authentication dialog (UsernamePasswordView) */
/* Note that this dialog is always in portrait */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* Text in authentication dialog (UsernamePasswordView) */
/* Note that this dialog is always in portrait */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* Label of username and password input fields in authentication dialog (UsernamePasswordView) */
/* Note that this dialog is always in portrait */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* Input fields of username and password in authentication dialog (UsernamePasswordView) */
/* Note that this dialog is always in portrait */
font-size: 23.45px; /*hb-param-text-height-secondary; /*3.5un*/
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-bottom: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* --- Buttons --- */
QPushButton {
font-size: 20.1px;/* hb-param-text-height-tiny; /*3un*/
/* Installation query OK button (ConfirmationViewBase) */
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
height: 50.25px; /*hb-param-widget-popup-softkey-height;/*7.5un*/
/* this depends on display; NHD portrait width:360px and height:640px used */
width: 173.3px; /*expr((var(hb-param-screen-short-edge)-2*var(hb-param-margin-gene-screen))/2); /* width of one button is half of popup width*/
/* Ok button to go back from a details view (application is certified / not certified views
* and permission details view) (CertificateDetailsView, PermissionDetailsView)*/
/* this ok button has different top margin otherwise the same as OkCommand button with max-width */
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
height: 50.25px; /*hb-param-widget-popup-softkey-height;/*7.5un*/
/* Security lock icon button in installation query heading (ViewBase.createSecurityButton) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* size of icon */
min-width: 26.8px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-small; /*4un*/
max-width: 26.8px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-small; /*4un*/
min-height: 26.8px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-small; /*4un*/
max-height: 26.8px; /* hb-param-graphic-size-primary-small; /*4un*/
/* Button in permission query to view details (PermissionConfirmationView) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-left; /*2un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* Allow always function button in permission query */
/* (PermissionConfirmationView) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
/* Ask me later function buttons in permission query */
/* (PermissionConfirmationView) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
/* Cancel installing function button in permission query */
/* (PermissionConfirmationView) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 5.025px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical; /*0.75un*/
margin-bottom: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
QCheckBox#retainDataButton {
/* Retain user data check box button in update query */
/* Note that there is 2*hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical margin at the top as this check box is placed
* after drive selector combo */
/* (InstallConfirmationView) */
margin-right: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-left: 13.4px; /*hb-param-margin-gene-popup; /*2un*/
margin-top: 10.05px; /*expr(2*var(hb-param-margin-gene-middle-vertical));
/* --- End Buttons --- */