author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:48:13 +0300
changeset 60 6c158198356e
parent 19 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.2.9 Kit: 201033

 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Nokia Corporation - S60 implementation

#include <eikhkeyt.h>
#include <eikon.hrh>
#include <eswtcore.rsg>
#include <aknstyluspopupmenu.h>
#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
#include "swtcommandmenu.h"

const TUint KCknEnvClipEndChar=0x2026;

// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========

inline CSwtCommandMenu::CSwtCommandMenu(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay)
        : iDisplay(aDisplay)

    ASSERT(iItems.Count() == 0);
    ASSERT(iCascadeMenus.Count() == 0);
    ASSERT(iSeparators.Count() == 0);

void CSwtCommandMenu::ConstructL()
} //lint !e1762

CSwtCommandMenu* CSwtCommandMenu::NewL(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay)
    CSwtCommandMenu* self = new(ELeave) CSwtCommandMenu(aDisplay);
    return self;

void CSwtCommandMenu::Reset()

void CSwtCommandMenu::AppendCommand(const MSwtCommand& aCommand,
                                    const MSwtMenu* aCascadeMenu)
    // If append fails then item won't appear in menu (and separators might
    // appear at wrong places if later appends succeed). It's a shame but
    // it's like that (nothing specific to do if this happens).
    if (iItems.Append(&aCommand) == KErrNone)
        if (iCascadeMenus.Append(aCascadeMenu) != KErrNone)
            // If append in cascademenus array fails then remove item to avoid
            // arrays not being synchronized
            iItems.Remove(iItems.Count() - 1);

void CSwtCommandMenu::InsertCommand(const MSwtCommand& aCommand,
                                    const MSwtMenu* aCascadeMenu, TInt aPos)
    // If insert fails then item won't appear in menu (and separators might
    // appear at wrong places if later appends succeed). It's a shame but
    // it's like that (nothing specific to do if this happens).
    if (iItems.Insert(&aCommand, aPos) == KErrNone)
        if (iCascadeMenus.Insert(aCascadeMenu, aPos) != KErrNone)
            // If insert in cascademenus array fails then remove item to avoid
            // arrays not being synchronized

void CSwtCommandMenu::AppendSeparatorL()
    // If append fails then separator won't appear in menu. It's a shame but
    // it's like that (nothing specific to do if this happens).
    iSeparators.AppendL(iItems.Count() - 1);

const RPointerArray<MSwtCommand>& CSwtCommandMenu::Commands() const
    return iItems;

TSwtPeer CSwtCommandMenu::Dispose()
    // Actual dispose
    delete this;
    return NULL;

TSwtPeer CSwtCommandMenu::JavaPeer() const
    return NULL;

void CSwtCommandMenu::RegisterChildL(MSwtMenuItem& /*aChild*/, TInt /*aIndex*/)
    // CommandMenu contains commands instead of menuitems, so this method is not used

void CSwtCommandMenu::UnregisterChild(MSwtMenuItem& /*aChild*/)
    // CommandMenu contains commands instead of menuitems, so this method is not used

void CSwtCommandMenu::SetEnabled(TBool)

void CSwtCommandMenu::SetVisible(TBool)

TBool CSwtCommandMenu::IsEnabled() const
    return ETrue;

TBool CSwtCommandMenu::IsVisible() const
    return ETrue;

void CSwtCommandMenu::SetDefaultItem(MSwtMenuItem*)

MSwtMenuItem* CSwtCommandMenu::DefaultItem() const
    return NULL;

void CSwtCommandMenu::FillPaneL(CEikMenuPane& aMenuPaneControl) const
    TInt separatorIndex = 0;
    TInt count = iItems.Count();
    for (TInt itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < count; ++itemIndex)
        CEikMenuPaneItem::SData itemData;
        TInt maxLength = itemData.iText.MaxLength();
        if (iItems[itemIndex]->LongLabel().Length() > 0
                && iItems[itemIndex]->LongLabel().Length() <= maxLength)
            itemData.iText = iItems[itemIndex]->LongLabel();
        else if (iItems[itemIndex]->Text().Length() <= maxLength)
            itemData.iText = iItems[itemIndex]->Text();
            itemData.iText = iItems[itemIndex]->Text().Left(maxLength - 1);
        itemData.iExtraText = KNullDesC;
        itemData.iFlags = iItems[itemIndex]->IsEnabled() ? 0 : EEikMenuItemDimmed;
        if ((separatorIndex < iSeparators.Count()) && (iSeparators[separatorIndex] == itemIndex))
            itemData.iFlags |= EEikMenuItemSeparatorAfter;
        itemData.iCommandId = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(iItems[itemIndex]);
        itemData.iCascadeId = (iCascadeMenus[itemIndex] != NULL) ? R_SWT_SUBMENUPANE : 0;


    // Register the pane host. See Host().
    iHost = &aMenuPaneControl;

void CSwtCommandMenu::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId, TInt aItemIndex,
                                      TBool /*aOfferToSubMenus = EFalse*/) const
//  if (reinterpret_cast<TInt>(iItems[aItemIndex]) == aCommandId)
    const MSwtCommand* command = reinterpret_cast<MSwtCommand*>(aCommandId);
    aItemIndex = iItems.Count();
    for (TInt itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < iItems.Count(); ++itemIndex)
        if (command == iItems[itemIndex])
            aItemIndex = itemIndex;
    if (aItemIndex < iItems.Count())

TInt CSwtCommandMenu::CountDisplayableItems(TBool /*aStylusPopupMenu = EFalse*/) const
    // The displayable items are the enabled items
    // since, in S60, the disabled items are not added in the menu panes
    TInt nbDisplayableItems(0);
    for (TInt itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < iItems.Count(); ++itemIndex)
        if (iItems[itemIndex]->IsEnabled())

    return nbDisplayableItems;

const MSwtMenu* CSwtCommandMenu::GetCascadeMenu(const CEikMenuPaneItem::SData& aItemData) const
    for (TInt itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < iItems.Count(); ++itemIndex)
        if (iItems[itemIndex]->IsEnabled())
            TInt commandId(REINTERPRET_CAST(TInt, iItems[itemIndex]));
            if (commandId == aItemData.iCommandId)
                return iCascadeMenus[itemIndex];

    return NULL;

TBool CSwtCommandMenu::HasRadioGroup() const
    return EFalse;

CEikMenuPane* CSwtCommandMenu::Host() const
    return iHost;

void CSwtCommandMenu::SetHost(CEikMenuPane* aPane)
    iHost = aPane;

void CSwtCommandMenu::SetLocation(TInt /*aX*/, TInt /*aY*/)
    // Command menu is not able to change its location
    // This part of code should never be used!

TPoint CSwtCommandMenu::GetLocation() const
    // Command menu is not able to change its location
    // This part of code should never be used!
    return TPoint();

TBool CSwtCommandMenu::LocationEnabled() const
    return EFalse;

const RPointerArray<MSwtMenuItem>* CSwtCommandMenu::Items() const
    return NULL;

void CSwtCommandMenu::FillPopupL(CAknStylusPopUpMenu& aPopupMenu) const
    for (TInt i = 0; i < iItems.Count(); ++i)
        if (iItems[i]->IsEnabled())
            if (iItems[i]->LongLabel().Length() > 0)
                aPopupMenu.AddMenuItemL(iItems[i]->Text(), reinterpret_cast<TInt>(iItems[i]));
#endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2