* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <jni.h>
#include <e32cmn.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <mrefhttpclientobserver.h>
#include "functionserver.h"
//#include <mevents.h> // CJavaEventSource
class CX509Certificate;
class NativeHttpSession;
class CHttpsCertInfo;
class CHttpTransactionClient;
class HttpSessionClient;
//class CJavaEventSource;
using namespace java::util;
class NativeHttpTransaction : public MRefHttpClientObserver //, public FunctionServer
static TInt NewL(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer, HttpSessionClient& aSessionClient, const TDesC* aUri, const TDesC* aRequestMethod,FunctionServer* aFuncServer);
* After the headers and other details have been set up,
* call this function to make the request.
void SubmitL(JNIEnv* aJni, jobject * aPeer,const jobjectArray aHeaders, const jbyteArray aPostData, const jint aPostDataLength, int aResponseTimeout);
* Get the response headers back from the transaction
jobjectArray GetResponseL(JNIEnv* aJni);
* Call from Jave to attempt to read aLength of Bytes
* Returns the total number of bytes read into the buffer,
* or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream
* has been reached.
* Returns 0 if native buffer is empty but still more data to read;
TInt ReadBytes(TUint8* aBytes, TInt aLength);
* Close the transaction and dispose
void Dispose();
* CloseTransaction
void CloseTransaction();
* Get the secutiry information
OS_IMPORT TInt GetSecurityInfo();
* Returns the amount of bytes avaible for read in our buffer.
TInt Available();
private: //from MRefHttpClientObserver
void SubmitComplete(TInt aStatus);
void DataReadyForRead(TInt aStatus);
NativeHttpTransaction(HttpSessionClient& aSession,FunctionServer* aFuncServer);
void ConstructL(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer,/* TJavaEventServer aServer,*/ const TDesC* aUri, const TDesC* aRequestMethod);
//static void ExecuteCreateTransactionL(NativeHttpTransaction* aSelf, const TDesC* aUri, const TDesC* aRequestMethod);
void ExecuteCreateTransactionL(int,int,int);
void ExecuteSubmitL(int aSelfhandle , int aRawHeadershandle , int aPostBufhandle, int aResponseTimeout);
//void ExecuteSubmitL(NativeHttpTransaction* aSelf , RPointerArray<HBufC8>* aRawHeaders, HBufC8* aPostBuf );
//static void ExecuteGetResponseL(NativeHttpTransaction* aSelf, RPointerArray<HBufC8>* aRawHeaders);
void ExecuteGetResponseL(int aSelf,int aRawHeaders);
TInt ExecuteReadBytes(int aSelf, int aBytes, int aLength);
//TInt ExecuteReadBytes(NativeHttpTransaction* aSelf, TUint8* aBytes, TInt aLength);
//static void ExecuteCloseTransaction(NativeHttpTransaction* aSelf);
void ExecuteCloseTransaction(int aSelfhandle);
HttpSessionClient& iSessionClient;
CHttpTransactionClient* iTransactionClient;
jmethodID iTransactionCallbackMethod;
jmethodID iNotifyDataReadyForReadMethod;
FunctionServer* iFuncServer;
JNIEnv * iJniObject;
jobject iJniPeer;