author William Roberts <>
Thu, 17 Jun 2010 22:39:53 +0100
changeset 38 854be117f6a5
parent 21 2a9601315dfc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed the C comment copyright notice, as this "hrh" file is being included into a Makefile. Suggest renaming to

These binaries contains eSWT on top of S60 QT and open LCDUI on top of eSWT.
The binaries are exported to correct places if OMJ is used for QT development
(which is not default at the moment). Sources of S60 open LCDUI + eSWT + QT
are not part of the OMJ version control.

Be careful when modifying this folder. The Linux uses eswt.jar in 
bootclasspath during compile time.