* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <charconv.h>
#include <secdlg.h>
#include "cstsapduexchanger.h"
#include "cstsaccesscontrol.h"
#include "cstspinmanager.h"
#include "cstsauthtype.h"
#include "cstspinattributes.h"
#include "stsapduconstants.h"
#include "cstspinapdu.h"
#include "cstspinapduresp.h"
#include "cstsresphandler.h"
#include "cstspinconverter.h"
#include "logger.h"
using namespace java::util;
namespace java
namespace satsa
const TInt KSTSMaxPinAttempts = 3;
const TInt KSTSPinHeaderLength = 4;
CSTSPinManager::CSTSPinManager(CSTSApduExchanger* aApduExchanger,
CSTSAccessControl* aAccessControl, MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler) :
iApduExchanger = aApduExchanger;
iAccessControl = aAccessControl;
iRespHandler = aRespHandler;
void CSTSPinManager::ConstructL()
// create pinUI
iSecurityDialog = SecurityDialogFactory::CreateL();
iAuthTypeFirstPin = CSTSAuthType::NewL();
iAuthTypeSecondPin = CSTSAuthType::NewL();
CSTSPinManager* CSTSPinManager::NewL(JNIEnv* aJni, jobject aPeer,
CSTSApduExchanger* aApduExchanger, CSTSAccessControl* aAccessControl,
MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler)
* self =
new(ELeave) CSTSPinManager(aApduExchanger, aAccessControl, aRespHandler);
self->mJni = aJni;
self->mPeer = aPeer;
return self;
// Destructor
delete iAuthTypeSecondPin;
delete iAuthTypeFirstPin;
if (iSecurityDialog)
iSecurityDialog->Release(); // Release deletes the object
delete iPinApdu;
delete iPinApduResp;
delete iResponseBuf;
delete mJni;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DisablePinL
// Calls proper private methods.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DisablePinL(TInt aPinID)
PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSDisablePin, aPinID);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::ChangePinL
// Calls proper private methods.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::ChangePinL(TInt aPinID)
PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSChangePin, aPinID);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::EnablePinL
// Calls proper private methods.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::EnablePinL(TInt aPinID)
PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSEnablePin, aPinID);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::EnterPinL
// Calls proper private methods.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::EnterPinL(TInt aPinID)
PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSVerifyPin, aPinID);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::UnblockPinL
// Calls proper private methods.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::UnblockPinL(TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockedPinID)
PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSUnblockPin, aBlockedPinID,
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation
// Cancels any pending operation
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation()
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation called!");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::RunL
// If PIN value is got from UI, converts user gived PIN values in proper form
// and sends PIN apdu to card. If user has selected cancel option, informs it
// to java side. When apdu sending has returned, checks was user gived value
// correct one and if was not, shows proper PIN ui again. If no retries is left
// shows blocked PIN UI. Supplies response apdus to java side and in error
// conditions supplies proper error code.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::RunL()
LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL called!:%d", iStatus.Int());
if (iStatus == KErrCancel)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, Cancel selected");
// if the user selected cancel option. we return null
iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, KSTSErrCancel);
else if (iStatus != KErrNone)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, Error Occurred!!");
// in other error conditions supply error code
iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, iStatus.Int());
else // no problems
switch (iState)
case ESendingPINApdu:
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case ESendingPINApdu");
case EShowingPinBlockedUI:
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowingPinBlockedUI");
//return PIN method blocked value to java side
//that value is already got from card
case EShowing1ValuePinUI:
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowing1ValuePinUI");
case EShowing2ValuePinUI:
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowing2ValuePinUI");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DoCancel
// Cancels all possible active actions like PIN UIs or apdu exchange
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DoCancel()
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::DoCancel, called");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::RunError
// If leave occures in RunL,this method is called. Notifies java side with
// leave code.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSTSPinManager::RunError(TInt aError)
LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunError, called: %d", aError);
iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, aError);
// must return KErrNone
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL Converts PIN to correct form for presenting it
// to card. Implementation done according to document "PKCS #15 v1.1:
// Cryptographic Token Information Syntax Standard" chapter "
// Transforming a supplied PIN".
// EXAMPLE (ascii-) Numeric PIN ‘1234’(10), stored length 8 bytes, and padding
// character ‘FF’(16) gives that the value presented to the card will be
// ‘31323334FFFFFFFF’(16)
// Returns: aConvertedPIN: PIN converted to needed format.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL(const CSTSPinAttributes& aPinAttributes,
const TDes& aPinValue, HBufC8*& aConvertedPIN)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL called ");
TPtr8 convertedPtr(aConvertedPIN->Des());
CSTSPinAttributes::TPinType pinType = aPinAttributes.PinType();
LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL, pintype: %d", pinType);
if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EUTF8)
// if case-sensitive bit is off, convert to uppercase
TBool upperCase = !aPinAttributes.IsPinFlagSet(
CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToUTF8L(aPinValue, convertedPtr, upperCase);
else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EBCD)
CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToBCDL(aPinValue, convertedPtr, EFalse); // not half BCD
else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EAsciiNumeric || pinType
== CSTSPinAttributes::EISO9564_1)
CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToASCIIL(aPinValue, convertedPtr);
else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EHalfNibbleBCD)
CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToBCDL(aPinValue, convertedPtr, ETrue); // Half BCD
// If indicated in the pinFlags field, pad to the right with the
// padding character, to stored length
// must be popped from cleanupstack before padding
TInt err = CSTSPinConverter::DoBadding(aPinValue, aConvertedPIN,
aPinAttributes.StoredLength(), aPinAttributes.PadChar()[0]);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL Makes preparation common for all PIN
// methods. Checks, is PIN method allowed to use. Gets PIN headers from the
// card and if there was not any, generates it. Sets needed PIN UI parameters.
// Returns:
// iPinApdu: Saves APDU into this member variable
// iPinApduResp: Saves response APDU into this member variable
// iAuthTypeFirstPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
// iAuthTypeSecondPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
// iPINParamsFirstPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
// iPINParamsSecondPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL(
CSTSPinApdu::TSTSPinApduType aPinApduType, TInt aFirstPinID,
TInt aUnblockedPinID)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL called");
iPinApduType = aPinApduType;
// is pinmethods supported to use with card application
if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedPinMethod())
ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not supported");
User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECNoRightsPin);
// gets the pin apdu header part from the card, if there is any
TPtrC8 headerPtr(iAccessControl->GetPinHeaderL(aFirstPinID,
(TPinApduType) aPinApduType));
// leaves if PIN flags does not allow this PIN apdu
iAccessControl->CheckPinFlagsL((TPinApduType) aPinApduType);
// if pin headers are not found,
if (headerPtr == KNullDesC8())
// Pin reference is used if the APDU headers are not specified in the ACL
CSTSPinApdu* pinApdu = CSTSPinApdu::NewL(aPinApduType,
delete iPinApdu;
iPinApdu = pinApdu;
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, specified header used");
CSTSCmdApdu* tmp = CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(headerPtr, CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
delete iPinApdu;
iPinApdu = tmp;
// check is the J2ME application allowed to use this apdu
if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedApduL(iPinApdu->Header()))
ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not allowed");
// if not allowed
User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalApdu);
SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeFirstPin, iPINParamsFirstPin);
// In unblockPIN case we need to initialize parameters of unblocked PIN
if (aPinApduType == EUnblockPinAPDU)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "unblock parameters");
SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeSecondPin, iPINParamsSecondPin);
iRetries = EFirstTime;
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI Shows PIN UI for getting PIN value or values.
// Shows correct UI depending on which PIN method is used.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::TSTSPinApduType aPinApduType)
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI+");
TBool retrying = iRetries == ERetrying;
TPinManagerState state = EShowing1ValuePinUI;
// get PIN from the user with UI
if (aPinApduType == EVerifyPinAPDU)
iSecurityDialog->EnterPIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
else if (aPinApduType == EEnablePinAPDU)
iSecurityDialog->EnablePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
else if (aPinApduType == EDisablePinAPDU)
iSecurityDialog->DisablePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
else if (aPinApduType == EChangePinAPDU)
state = EShowing2ValuePinUI;
iSecurityDialog->ChangePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
iPinValueForFirstPin, iPinValueForSecondPin, iStatus);
else if (aPinApduType == EUnblockPinAPDU)
state = EShowing2ValuePinUI;
iSecurityDialog->UnblockPIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, iPINParamsSecondPin,
retrying, iPinValueForFirstPin, iPinValueForSecondPin, iStatus);
iState = state;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL
// Saves responsebytes to member variable and delivers them to java side with
// help of response handler.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL()
LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL, called");
HBufC8* tmp = iPinApduResp->ResponseBytes().AllocL();
delete iResponseBuf;
iResponseBuf = tmp;
iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, iResponseBuf, KErrNone);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::SetPINUIParametersL
// Uses authtype parameter to get needed values and sets them to gived PINParams
// variable.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::SetPINUIParametersL(const CSTSAuthType* aAuthType,
TPINParams& aPINParams)
// maximum length is optional in card, so we need to set something for
// PIN UI needs
TInt maxLength = PINMaxLength(aAuthType);
TInt minLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().MinLength();
// create TPINParams
// label that identifies the PIN
aPINParams.iPINLabel = aAuthType->Label();
aPINParams.iTokenLabel = iAccessControl->TokenLabelL();
aPINParams.iMinLength = minLength;
aPINParams.iMaxLength = maxLength;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DoAfterSendApduL
// Checks response adpu and depending on response delivers response bytes
// to response handler, shows PIN Blocked UI or shows previous PIN UI again.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DoAfterSendApduL()
//check response apdu, and show UI again if wrong pin value
CSTSPinApduResp* resp = CSTSPinApduResp::NewL();
delete iPinApduResp;
iPinApduResp = resp;
TInt retriesLeft = iPinApduResp->RetriesLeft();
//if response not indicate retresleft value
if (retriesLeft == KErrNotFound)
// return response bytes to java side
//if pin is blocked, call iSecurityDialog::PINBlocked method
else if (iPinApduResp->IsBlocked())
// save state to member variable that we can return asynchronous
// after SetActive call
iRetries = EPINBlocked;
iSecurityDialog->PINBlocked(iPINParamsFirstPin, iStatus);
iState = EShowingPinBlockedUI;
// if user gived pin value was incorrect
else if (retriesLeft < KSTSMaxPinAttempts && retriesLeft > 0)
iRetries = ERetrying;
// "initialize" header
// show UI again, because PIN value was wrong
// if max pin attemps is left, user gived pin value was correct
// one and we can supply response bytes to java side
else if (retriesLeft == KSTSMaxPinAttempts)
// return response bytes to java side
User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOCommProblems);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DoAfter1ValuePinUIL
// Convers PIN value gor from UI to proper form and sends proper PIN apdu to
// smart card.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DoAfter1ValuePinUIL()
HBufC8* convertedBuf =
HBufC8::NewLC(PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeFirstPin, ETrue));
ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeFirstPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForFirstPin,
TPtr8 convertedPin(convertedBuf->Des());
iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(iStatus, *iPinApdu);
iState = ESendingPINApdu;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::DoAfter2ValuePinUIL
// Convers PIN values gor from UI to proper form and sends proper PIN apdu to
// smart card.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSTSPinManager::DoAfter2ValuePinUIL()
// in changePIN case we use same pin parameters for both pins
if (iPinApduType == EChangePinAPDU)
// finds maximum length to create large enough buffer
TInt pinValue2MaxLength = PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeSecondPin, ETrue);
HBufC8* convertedBuf1 = HBufC8::NewLC((PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeFirstPin,
ETrue)) +pinValue2MaxLength);
ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeFirstPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForFirstPin,
HBufC8* convertedBuf2 = HBufC8::NewLC(pinValue2MaxLength);
ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeSecondPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForSecondPin,
TPtr8 convertedPins(convertedBuf1->Des());
iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(iStatus, *iPinApdu);
iState = ESendingPINApdu;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSTSPinManager::PINMaxLength
// Is used to find PIN value max length for UI and for buffer creation. For UI
// needs aReturnBiggest parameter is not used and method will return proper
// maxLength of PIN. If is used for creating buffer for converted PIN
// aReturnBiggest parameter must be set to ETrue. Then method will return either
// maxlength or stored length value depending on which one is bigger.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CSTSPinManager::PINMaxLength(const CSTSAuthType* aAuthType,
TBool aReturnBiggest) const
TInt returnValue;
TInt maxLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().MaxLength();
TInt storedLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().StoredLength();
// maximum length is optional in card, so we need to set something for
// PIN UI needs
if (maxLength == KErrNotFound)
// if optional maxLength is not found, we use mandatory stored length
maxLength = storedLength;
returnValue = maxLength;
// compares maxlength and stored length
if (aReturnBiggest)
if (storedLength > maxLength)
returnValue = storedLength;
return returnValue;
} // namespace satsa
} // namespace java
// End of File