Add ${epocroot}/epoc32/jrt/classes.*.zip to the classpaths, as alternatives to /sf/app/jrt/inc
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# script to process one or more changes implemented via a single Synergy task importing code from an external system (e.g., Subversion or a zip file):
# - checks that the task is in completed state
# - associates the task to the change object
# - (optionally) sets "external task id(s)" -attribute to a value supplied
# - (optionally) moves the change to the next state (provided on the command line), including setting modifiable_in to integration_db
# Usage 1: If a change id is provided as argument, the script process a single change object as above
# perl -user username -change "xx1xx1#23456" -task 213
# Usage 2: If an input file is provided as arguments, the script will read change ids (and optional external task ids) from the filw and
# process all the changes listed in the file
# with those tasks and transition the change to the target state
my $program_name;
# Get the name of the program executable:
($program_name) = $0 =~ m{([^/]+)$};
my $VERSION = do { (my $v = q%version: 1 %) =~ s/.*://; sprintf("%d.%02d", 0, split(/\./, $v)) };
use FindBin qw($Bin $Script);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use ChangeSynergy::csapi;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my $username = "";
my $password = "";
my $crId = "";
my $taskId = "";
my $newState = "";
my $protocol = "https";
#my $host = "";
my $host = "";
#my $port = "58613";
my $port = "58602";
#my $db = "/nokia/sa_nmp/groups/gscm/dbs/sa1trqa2";
my $db = "/nokia/tr_nmp/groups/gscm/dbs/tr1jrt";
my $inFile = "";
# read options
my $result = GetOptions ("user=s" => \$username,
"password=s" => \$password,
"debug" => \$debug,
"preview" => \$preview,
"version" => \$show_version,
"protocol=s" => \$protocol,
"host=s" => \$host,
"port=s" => \$port,
"db=s" => \$db,
"in=s" => \$inFile,
"state=s" => \$newState,
"task=s" => \$taskId,
"change=s" => \$crId);
print "$program_name ver. $VERSION\n";
# Handle standard command line parameters
if ($show_version) {
# Exit immediately after having printed version information
exit 0;
if (!$taskId)
die "Error: No Task Id provided\n";
# Get the password from the terminal unless already provided on the command line
unless ($password) {
eval {
require Term::ReadKey;
print STDERR "CIM Password for user '$username' (input will be hidden): ";
$password = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
print STDERR "\n";
if ($@) {
print STDERR "Warning: Perl module Term::ReadKey not available." .
" Password echo cannot be switched off!\n";
print STDERR "CIM Password for user '$username': ";
$password = <STDIN>;
chomp $password;
print "Using $protocol://$host:$port, database $db\n";
my $externalTaskAttribute = "external_task_ids";
my $aUser;
my $csapi = new ChangeSynergy::csapi();
my $globals = new ChangeSynergy::Globals();
sub displayCRData
my $cr = shift;
my $j = $cr->getDataSize();
print "\t" . $cr->getDataObject($i)->getName() . ": " . $cr->getDataObject($i)->getValue() . "\n";
sub associateTaskToChange
my $crId = shift;
my $taskId = shift;
# check if the task exists
my $tmp = $csapi->QueryStringData($aUser, "Basic Summary", "cvtype='task' and task('$taskId\')", "task_synopsis|status|release");
my $j = $tmp->getDataSize();
if ($j)
my $taskData = $tmp->getDataObject(0);
my $taskStatus = $taskData->getDataObjectByName("status")->getValue();
my $taskRelease = $taskData->getDataObjectByName("release")->getValue();
if ($debug)
print "\tinstance:\t" . $taskData->getDataObjectByName("instance")->getValue() . "\n";
print "\tstatus: \t" . "$taskStatus\n";
print "\trelease: \t" . "$taskRelease\n";
print "\tsynopsis:\t" . $taskData->getDataObjectByName("task_synopsis")->getValue() . "\n";
#my $j2 = $taskData->getDataSize();
# print "\t" . $taskData->getDataObject($i2)->getName() . ": " . $taskData->getDataObject($i2)->getValue() . "\n";
if ($taskStatus ne 'completed')
die "Error: task is not completed\n";
if (!$preview)
print "Associating Task \'$taskId\' to Change \'$crId\'\n";
my $result = $csapi->CreateRelation($aUser, "TRUE", $crId, $taskId, "associated_task", $globals->{CCM_PROBLEM_TASK});
print $result->getResponseData() . "\n";
print "Would associate Task \'$taskId\' to Change \'$crId\'\n";
die "Error: task \'$taskId\' does not exist\n";
# main program
$csapi->setUpConnection("$protocol", "$host", "$port");
$aUser = $csapi->Login("$username", "$password", "User", "$db");
print "eval11\n";
# 1. find all the change objects to process
my @crTable = ();
my %extTaskIdTable = ();
my $query = "";
if ($crId)
if ($debug)
print "Using Change id: \"$crId\"\n";
push(@crTable, $crId);
elsif ($inFile)
my $fh;
my $extTaskId = "";
open($fh, $inFile) or die "Failed to read input file $inFile: $!\n";
if ($debug)
print "Using input file: \"$inFile\"\n";
while (<$fh>) {
# Skip comments and blanks
next if (substr($_, 0, 1) eq '#' || /^\s*$/);
($crId, $extTaskId) = split(/[\s]+/, $_);
if ($debug)
print "Read Change id \"$crId\"\n";
if ($extTaskId)
print "- external task id \"$extTaskId\"\n";
push(@crTable, $crId);
if ($extTaskId)
$extTaskIdTable{$crId} = $extTaskId;
die "No change id or input file provided\n";
# 2. Loop over the change objects and process them
foreach $crId (@crTable)
my @taskList = ();
print "Processing change: \'$crId\'\n";
# 3. find the tasks to associate with this change object
if ($taskId)
# use the one from the command line
print "Using task: \'$taskId\'\n";
push(@taskList, $taskId);
# 4: associate all tasks and change the state
# bail out on failure and move to the next CR
foreach $t (@taskList)
print "Processing task \'$t\'\n";
&associateTaskToChange($crId, $t);
my $externalTaskId = $extTaskIdTable{$crId};
my $crData = $csapi->GetCRData($aUser, $crId, "crstatus|integration_db|modifiable_in|$externalTaskAttribute");
if ($newState)
my $crStatus = "change_" . $newState;
if (!$preview)
print "Transitioning Change \'$crId\' to $crStatus\n";
print "Would transition Change \'$crId\' to $crStatus\n";
# get the transition form
# my $crData = $csapi->GetCRData($aUser, $crId, "crstatus|integration_db|modifiable_in|$externalTaskAttribute");
my $tmp = $csapi->TransitionCRData($aUser, $crId, $crData->getTransitionLink(1)->getTransition());
if ($debug)
# set the status on the form
# $tmp->getDataObjectByName("crstatus")->setValue($cr->getTransitionLink(1)->getToState());
if (!$preview)
# transition the CR
$result = $csapi->TransitionCR($aUser, $tmp);
print $result->getResponseData() . "\n";
# and finally, set the modifiable in
my $integration_db = $crData->getDataObjectByName("integration_db")->getValue();
if (!$preview)
print "Setting modifiable_in to " . $integration_db . "\n";
print "Would set modifiable_in to " . $integration_db . "\n";
if (!$preview)
if ($externalTaskId)
print "Setting $externalTaskAttribute to " . $externalTaskId . "\n";
$result = $csapi->ModifyCR($aUser, $crData);
print $result->getResponseData() . "\n";
if ($externalTaskId)
print "Would set $externalTaskAttribute to " . $externalTaskId . "\n";
if ($@)
print $@;
if ($@)
print $@;