author William Roberts <>
Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:25:31 +0100
changeset 40 c6043ea9b06a
parent 21 2a9601315dfc
parent 35 85266cc22c7f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge in v2.2.1

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

package javax.microedition.m3g;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
//#ifdef RD_JAVA_OMJ
//#endif // RD_JAVA_OMJ

 * M3G interface object. An interface is automatically created for
 * each MIDlet using the 3D API to keep track of Java-side object
 * lifetimes etc.
class Interface
    // Static data

    // Common class enumeration for Java and native code

    private static final int ANIMATION_CONTROLLER = 0x01;
    private static final int ANIMATION_TRACK      = 0x02;
    private static final int APPEARANCE           = 0x03;
    private static final int BACKGROUND           = 0x04;
    private static final int CAMERA               = 0x05;
    private static final int COMPOSITING_MODE     = 0x06;
    private static final int FOG                  = 0x07;
    private static final int GROUP                = 0x08;
    private static final int IMAGE_2D             = 0x09;
    private static final int INDEX_BUFFER         = 0x0A;
    private static final int KEYFRAME_SEQUENCE    = 0x0B;
    private static final int LIGHT                = 0x0C;
    private static final int LOADER               = 0x0D;
    private static final int MATERIAL             = 0x0E;
    private static final int MESH                 = 0x0F;
    private static final int MORPHING_MESH        = 0x10;
    private static final int POLYGON_MODE         = 0x11;
    private static final int RENDER_CONTEXT       = 0x12;
    private static final int SKINNED_MESH         = 0x13;
    private static final int SPRITE_3D            = 0x14;
    private static final int TEXTURE_2D           = 0x15;
    private static final int VERTEX_ARRAY         = 0x16;
    private static final int VERTEX_BUFFER        = 0x17;
    private static final int WORLD                = 0x18;

    // Once created, the interface singleton currently remains in
    // memory until VM exit.  By using a WeakReference here, with hard
    // references stored in each object, it could be GC'd when no more
    // objects exist, but that probably isn't worth the extra memory
    // overhead.

    //private static Hashtable s_instances = new Hashtable();
    private static Interface instance = null;

    // Instance data

     * Handle of the native interface object.
    private int handle;

     * Global handle-to-Object3D map used to both find the Java
     * counterparts of objects returned from the native methods, and
     * keep certain objects from being garbage collected.
    private final Hashtable liveObjects = new Hashtable();

     * Flag for shutdown signal
    private boolean iShutdown = false;

     * Flag for native peer init state
    private boolean iNativeInitialized = false;

//#ifdef RD_JAVA_OMJ
    private Finalizer mFinalizer;
//#endif // RD_JAVA_OMJ

    // Constructors

    private Interface()

        // Contruct native peer

//#ifdef RD_JAVA_OMJ
        mFinalizer = new Finalizer()
            public void finalizeImpl()
//#else // RD_JAVA_OMJ
//        Platform.registerFinalizer(this);
//#endif // RD_JAVA_OMJ

    // Package methods

     * Returns the M3G interface instance for the current MIDlet.
    static final Interface getInstance()
        if (instance == null)
            instance = new Interface();
        return instance;

     * Returns the native handle of the current Interface instance.
    static final int getHandle()
        return getInstance().handle;

     * Registers an Object3D with this interface. The object is added
     * to the global handle-to-object map, and the native finalization
     * callback is set up. The handle of the object must already be
     * set at this point!
    static final void register(Object3D obj)
        getInstance().liveObjects.put(new Integer(obj.handle),
                                      new WeakReference(obj));

    static final void register(Loader obj)
        getInstance().liveObjects.put(new Integer(obj.handle),
                                      new WeakReference(obj));

     * Finds an Object3D in the global handle-to-object map. Also
     * removes dead objects (that is, null references) from the map
     * upon encountering them.
    static final Object3D findObject(int handle)
        Interface self = getInstance();
        Integer iHandle = new Integer(handle);
        Object ref = self.liveObjects.get(iHandle);

        if (ref != null)
            Object3D obj = (Object3D)((WeakReference)ref).get();
            if (obj == null)
            return obj;
            return null;

     * Returns the Java object representing a native object, or
     * creates a new proxy/peer if one doesn't exist yet.
    static final Object3D getObjectInstance(int handle)

        // A zero handle equals null

        if (handle == 0)
            return null;

        // Then try to find an existing Java representative for the
        // object

        Object3D obj = findObject(handle);
        if (obj != null)
            return obj;

        // Not found, create a new Java object. Note that only
        // non-abstract classes can possibly be returned.

        switch (_getClassID(handle))
            return new AnimationController(handle);
        case ANIMATION_TRACK:
            return new AnimationTrack(handle);
        case APPEARANCE:
            return new Appearance(handle);
        case BACKGROUND:
            return new Background(handle);
        case CAMERA:
            return new Camera(handle);
        case COMPOSITING_MODE:
            return new CompositingMode(handle);
        case FOG:
            return new Fog(handle);
        case GROUP:
            return new Group(handle);
        case IMAGE_2D:
            return new Image2D(handle);
        case INDEX_BUFFER:
            return new TriangleStripArray(handle);
            return new KeyframeSequence(handle);
        case LIGHT:
            return new Light(handle);
            //case LOADER:
        case MATERIAL:
            return new Material(handle);
        case MESH:
            return new Mesh(handle);
        case MORPHING_MESH:
            return new MorphingMesh(handle);
        case POLYGON_MODE:
            return new PolygonMode(handle);
            //case RENDER_CONTEXT:
        case SKINNED_MESH:
            return new SkinnedMesh(handle);
        case SPRITE_3D:
            return new Sprite3D(handle);
        case TEXTURE_2D:
            return new Texture2D(handle);
        case VERTEX_ARRAY:
            return new VertexArray(handle);
        case VERTEX_BUFFER:
            return new VertexBuffer(handle);
        case WORLD:
            return new World(handle);
            throw new Error();

     * Forces removal of an object from the handle-to-object map.
    static final void deregister(Object3D obj, Interface self)
        self.liveObjects.remove(new Integer(obj.handle));
        if (self.liveObjects.isEmpty() && self.iShutdown)

     * Forces removal of an object from the handle-to-object map.
    static final void deregister(Loader obj, Interface self)
        self.liveObjects.remove(new Integer(obj.handle));
        if (self.liveObjects.isEmpty() && self.iShutdown)

     *  Sets shutdown indication flag. Actual native
     *  cleanup occurs when liveObjects count is zero
    void signalShutdown()
        iShutdown = true;

     * Gets the state of this interface
     * @return true if interface is fully constructed, otherwise false
    boolean isFullyInitialized()
        return iNativeInitialized;

    // Private methods

     * Checks the status of the native interface
    private void integrityCheck()
        if (!iNativeInitialized)
            // If native interface cannot be initialized we cannot recover from it
            if (!initNativePeer())
                throw new Error("UI thread not available");

     * Initializes native peer
     * @return true if native interface was succesfully inialized otherwise false
    private boolean initNativePeer()
        if (iNativeInitialized)
            return true;
        if (Platform.uiThreadAvailable())
                new M3gRunnable()
                public void doRun()
                    handle = _ctor();
            iNativeInitialized = true;
            return true;
            return false;

//#ifdef RD_JAVA_OMJ
    private void doFinalize()
        if (mFinalizer != null)
            mFinalizer = null;
//#endif // RD_JAVA_OMJ

    // Native finalization hook, for Symbian only
    final private void registeredFinalize()
        if (Interface.instance != null)
            // Finalize M3G interface
                new M3gRunnable()
                public void doRun()
            Interface.instance = null;

    // Native constructor
    private static native int _ctor();

    // Native class ID resolver
    private static native int _getClassID(int hObject);